September 21, 2012

2012-13 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio
September 21, 2012
Cheryl Willard*
Stephanie Sutton*
Angela Johnson*
Matt Moore
Committee Chairperson
Michele Barry*
Tamika Braswell*
John Brown*
Emmett Cooper*
Bev Dalheim
Becky Davis*
Adam Dilulio*
Debralee Divers*
Todd Everett
Mary Kay Freshour
Valerie Fultz*
Ann Marie Gruber
Emily Mattison
Randy Green*
Bridgett Lallathin*
Jayme Jarrett*
Betsy Johnson
Jeff Johnston*
MorraLee Keller*
Leann Kendzerski*
Kevin Lamb*
Tony Leprotti*
Lawrence Matthews*
Carolyn McCluskey*
Lea Mederer*
Andrea Morrow
Mary Lynn Perri*
Faith Phillips
Regina Harper*
LaSaundra Craig
Valerie Kepner*
Sonia Slomba*
Venus Puliafico
Ed Recker
Amanda Reisinger
Sam Selvage
Carrie Short*
Amy Smucker
Lee Ann Timmerman
Randy Ulses*
Melanie Weaver*
Christy West
*Denotes Attendance
Jessica Hakes, Graduate Intern at Baldwin Wallace Univeristy.
Cheryl Willard
Cheryl welcomed everyone and began the meeting at 10:05 AM
1. Icebreaker
Cheryl Willard
Question: What would you do for a living it you did not work in Financial Aid?
2. Updates
Cheryl Willard
 Sad news: Mary Kay Freshour’s mom passed away Thursday. Keep her family in your
prayers. A notice on OASFAA Listserv will be sent.
 Happy news: Amy Smucker has recently gotten married. Congratulations Mrs. Welty!
 MASFAA Conference: Oct 14 – 17 in Milwaukee. Registration has been extended.
 Credit card update: Randy Green shared going through Chase, who holds our checking
account and it would go directly there. Cost is limited for onsite registration. Equipment
for free. Cost is $8 per month and a fee per transaction. Transaction fees depend on
the card being used plus a flat $0.10 per transaction fee. Higher costs are associated
with corporate cards, rates of 2.5% or less. If you use the rewards card, OASFAA would
be paying for the “rewards”. OASFAA may restrict which cards we accept. Our goal is to
not turn those with unpaid balances away from conference.
Discussion: Since the purpose of this option is to offer a service to our members, should
we pass on the additional fee to user? Or charge a late payment fee?
It was decided that we will try the credit card payment option for Winter/Spring
conferences without charging the extra fee. One concern that was raised: Volunteers
at registration would have to “collect” unpaid registrations. It was agreed that credit
card payment option should not be tied to the issue involving the collection of past due
balances – at least not at this time.
A motion to make the credit card payment option available at conference without
charging an additional fee to those who wish to use it was made by Stephanie Sutton.
Jayme Jarrett provided the second.
The motion passed.
Minutes/Secretary’s Report
Sonia Slomba
September 21, 2012 Minutes. No Changes. Minutes approved and accepted.
List of inventory items was distributed to the Executive Committee. Updates should be
submitted to Sonia as soon as possible.
April meeting minutes have been posted to the website.
Treasurer’s Report
Emily Mattison
Reported by Val Kepner, budget sheets distributed. No questions.
Old Business
Cheryl Willard
1. OASFAA Audit/Review Update – move to a future meeting for discussion.
2. Conference Registration and Membership Fee Policy. Language for P & P will be drafted.
Communication will be sent to membership as well as volunteers at registration tables.
3. TIAA CREF Mutual Funds contact information updated to reflect current leadership.
New Business
Cheryl Willard
1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between OACAC, OCAN, OSCA, OASFAA
Hard copy of the MOU was shared during the meeting with members of Executive Committee.
2. Recognizing Mary Arter Bell’s contributions to OASFAA
Mary was an active member of the Association for many years and her contributions were
valued. It is important that we recognize her contributions. One recommendation: To name
the OASFAA Conference Scholarship after Mary. This recommendation was well received.
A motion was made by Stephanie Sutton to name the scholarship the “Mary Arter Bell OASFAA
Conference Scholarship”.
Jayme Jarrett provided the second.
The motion passed.
1. Regional Representatives
NOTE: Tamika Braswell suggested letting Community Colleges know ETV students CAN
receive OCOG.
a) Northeast
Bridgett Lallathin
First Meeting: Oct. 5, Hosted by: Stark State
Agenda Items: homeless youth, SAP, Shopping sheet and Financial Literacy.
b) Northwest
Jayme Jarrett
1. Summary of activities: Planned first regional meeting (10/5/12 at Bluffton), plan for spring meeting w/
Bridgett and Matt for NASFAA training (either 3/22/13 or 4/5/13, waiting for confirmation of
availability from Ashland but Michiale has both dates penciled in on her calendar) Agenda items
include: SAP, Financial Literacy, R2T4 and Verification
2. Activities planned but not yet completed: Second spring meeting date sometime, work around Needs
Analysis regional
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: Halfway there? 
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: none.
c) Southeast
Regina Harper
1. Summary of activities: The 1st SE Regional meeting will be held Friday, October 5 at
Franklin University. I have contacted several people to see if they can present at the
meeting. Low enrollment at colleges/universities for 2012-2013 has cut into budgets
previously allotted for staff to travel to workshops including regional workshops. This
has caused some people to not be able to present at the meeting. I am waiting on
several answers about availability for presenting.
Agenda Items include: Dealing with difficult People, IRS date Retrieval issues and lines
from transcripts.
2. Activities planned but not yet completed: N/A
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: COTC(Central Ohio technical College)
has volunteered to host the SE Region meeting to be held in 2013. Working on finalizing
a time frame for the regional meetings so I can schedule the meeting.
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: I received a suggestion to
change regional meetings from in-person only meetings to combined electronic meetings
since budget cuts are preventing participants from being able to travel to regional
Discussion – we did try to do this last year and it did not work well due to technical
difficulties. Unfortunately we no longer have Access Grant funding to support online
meetings. The training we offer at Regional Meetings is key and we appreciate keeping
it in person. Thinking outside the box is encouraged when it comes to finding ways to
reach members. We will look into Google Plus and into OOVOO. Both are free.
d) Southwest
La Saundra Craig
First Regional Meeting, Oct 5, At Sinclair and agenda includes Default.
2. President-Elect
Randy Green
3. Associate Member Relations
Mary Lynn Perri, Michele Barry
1. Summary of activities:
Winter conference exhibiting will remain at $1000 and one complimentary
registration. Sponsorship to include a half page ($250) or full page ($500) for
the printed program.
Website updated for sponsorship for Winter 2012 conference. Vendors can
now go directly to conference registration after completing Corporate
Sponsorship form instead of having to go back into the conference website
to register. This should help with the issue of vendors forgetting to register
for conference.
2. Activities planned but not yet completed: Inviting fireproofing or imaging
companies to exhibit at winter conference
3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals: Seeking information on other state
conference fees to see if OASFAA is in-line with other state organizations.
Discussion: can consultants advertize? Yes, as long as they are members.
Email Michele Barry any companies we can seek out for sponsorship – such
as imaging services.
a) Communications/Web
Leann Kendzerski, Betsy Johnson
Carrie Short will make Leann Kendzerski an administrator on our Facebook account.
b) Finance
Randy Green
Please see financial reports
c) Membership
Carolyn McCluskey, Lea Mederer
1. Summary of activities:
Lea has been busy processing payments for membership.
New/Renewal Memberships
2013 New Memberships = 0
2013 Renewal Memberships = 0
Membership by Year
2012 - 624 members
Institutions with Current Memberships
Total = 198 institutions
Membership By State
Ohio = 601
Out of State = 23
Membership By State Region
Not Specified = 48
Not Affiliated = 20
Northeast = 156
Northwest = 99
Southeast = 156
Southwest = 138
Outside of Ohio = 7
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
a. New Member session at Winter Conference
b. Cheryl Willard mentioned she noticed our membership is low but
we expect that to go up as folks register for Winter Conference.
“Retiree” is a new option for membership and soon we will
provide some communication to the membership.
ii. Nominations
4. Past-President
1. Association Governance and Planning
Randy Green
Stephanie Sutton
Ann Marie Gruber, Randy Ulses
1. Summary of activities:
Begun review of P&P
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
Update Policy and Procedure manual with approved 2011-12 changes to quorum and retired
membership; to then post to OASFAA website.
Complete review of P&P to identify updates and make recommendations to exec for approval.
Begin work on the Association’s strategic plan with selected members
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
None at this time
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
None at this time
b. Financial Review
Stephanie Sutton
Comprehensive look that goes along audit – more to come.
c. Regulatory-Federal
Adam Dilulio, Todd Everett
1. Summary of activities:
Adam has secured Angela Smith, Federal Trainer, for the following interest sessions at Winter Conference.
She will present on the following topics:
a. Pell (LEU) Lifetime Eligibility Used issues and concerns
b. Shopping Sheet (also known as the Financial Aid Fact Sheet or Common Award Letter)
c. Attendance requirements for Title IV aid continuance
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
Our first federal issues newsletter is slated to be published by mid October 2012.
The topics:
a. Program Integrity Issues
b. Common Award Letter
c. Top Ten Audit Findings
d. Federal Loan Regulations
e. How to become an Active participant in the Federal process through letter writing campaigns.
Discussion: Angela Smith would like to change one of her 3 sessions on Thursday. Changes to the program
may be accommodated.
Verification: Federal ID information. Adam Dilulio will confirm that Angela Smith will discuss verification
on her Federal Update.
Data Retrieval Tool: Feds feel it went well. MorraLee Keller suggested OASFAA, as an organization, create
a letter addressing issues with Data Retrieval Tool. Exec members expressed much concern.
d. Regulatory-State
Faith Phillips, Tony Leprotti
1. Summary of activities:
Contacted Brady Oxender, Legislative Liason for the Ohio Board of Regents. We will be meeting with Brady
this month or in early October to discuss how we can best interact with state legislators and how we can
best educate our members to do the same.
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
We have general framework in place and will be producing a newsletter to be distributed through the
OASFAA listserv making us available to membership, communicating our focus for the year and adding
other news items. We hope to produce this prior to winter conference.
e. VP-Conferences
1. Conference Planning
Angela Johnson
Angela Johnson
Summary of Activities:
A “Save the Date” announcement had been sent on July 30 to provide the membership with a tease for the
upcoming conference.
The Conference Planning Committee Chairs, met via conference on August 14, 2012 to work through final
concerns as we planned the Registration launch and discuss ideas for entertainment. At this time, we will not
make any changes to sponsorship options but will discuss in the future. Additionally, John Brown, Emmitt
Cooper, Cheryl Willard, and I met on August 30 to discuss plans to the entertainment event, which will be a
“gaming theme” to connect with the conference theme. “Game Night” will be entertainment and there will
be competition to tie in the theme of the conference.
The planning is well underway, with full session descriptions planned to be available on the OASFAA website.
Winter 2012 Conference theme is “The Champion in You.”
Conference dates:
•OASFAA/OCAN Winter 2012 Conference – December 12 – 14, 2012 – Columbus Renaissance
Registration Update
Winter 2012 Conference Registration will be open September 17th (or sooner). Our estimated OASFAA
attendance number is about 300, similar to 2011.
As an update to the outstanding balances issue, below outlines the current collectibles since the August 6
meeting. As stated in the last Executive Committee meeting, the Registration Chair will only focus one year
back to collect outstanding payments.
Outstanding balances:
Spring 2011-3 outstanding invoices totaling $215
2011 membership-$90
One Day registration-$75
Late Fee-$50
Winter 2011- 11 outstanding invoices totaling $1235
2011 membership-$240
2012 membership-$120
Late fee-$50
Full conf registration-$600
One day registration-$75
Late Cancellation fee-$150
Spring 2012- 9 outstanding invoices totaling $900
One member did not pay $25, by accident (check to be coming)
Full conf registration-$625 (one person has contacted me and will be sending check)
2012 membership-$150
Late fees-$100
Additionally, the Conference Registration information more clearly defines the fee payment is due prior to
attending conference.
Program Update
The Program development is well underway with all sessions submitted. We are excited to have a variety of
sessions to offer both OASFAA and OCAN members. The Program (draft) will be on the OASFAA website with
full session descriptions when registration opens next week. Also, the Program graphic has been designed and
approved, as we continue to modify the Program; we will get a Final Program to the website before
conference and will have a printed program in each registration packet. We had this for Winter 2011 and
hope to continue the printed programs for the large Winter Conference.
Activities planned, but not completed:
An announcement will be sent to the listserv by Monday, Sept. 17 to invite members to attend the conference
and general information about deadlines, events, etc.
We are finalizing the location for the Spring Conference Planning Committee, which will be held on Friday,
January 25, 2013 –10am – 2pm.
2. Registration
We currently have 27 registrations.
Andrea Morrow
3. Entertainment
John Brown, Emmett Cooper
Raffle tickets to raise money for the Conference Charity - Ohio Association of Second
Harvest Food Bank.
Committee Chairs will be asked to offer auction items: Entertainment’s budget will
cover the cost of these items: items should be kept in the $25 Range.
Additional information will be forthcoming; Entertainment Co-Chairs expect to
collect a list of items that will be donated by November 5th.
4. Program
Lee Ann Timmerman
 Most session information has been received for the printed program with few
Theme and graphics have been approved and will be forwarded to MorraLee for
use on OCAN materials/site etc.
 Currently working on the final program and daily agendas etc.
Draft of program online now. Reauthorization listening session will be added to
5. Site
Becky Davis, Bev Dalheim
Summary of activities:
Working on collecting equipment for the upcoming Winter Conference
Activities planned but not yet completed:
None at this time.
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
We would like to recommend the purchase
of a new OASFAA booth. The current on is old, Outdated, cumbersome, hard to store. We have done some
research and we can purchase one within the price range of $600-$800. We suggest a tabletop banner than
can be moved easily if necessary.
Discussion: We will explorer this purchase in next year’s budget.
We are still looking for laptops and projectors. Please let us know if your institution is able to loan us one or
the other. You may contact us at:. or
It is very much appreciated that members are willing to bring equipment to use at our conferences. It saves
OASFAA a great deal of money. The need for equipment is higher at winter because of the joint conference
with OCAN and offering up to 8 sessions in each time slot. OCAN is providing three laptops and one projector.
Thank you!
6. Leadership
Mary Kay Freshour, Valerie Fultz, Lawrence Matthews
Leadership Committee Report for 9/21/12 meeting
Summary of Activities:
o We have had 6 OASFAA applications come through via email, there are a few more on Google
Docs that we are working with and I believe another nomination will be coming through.
o OCAN has some nominations. Total of 15 nominations
o We sent an email to Directors that the deadline for applications was extended until September
o We will be meeting in the afternoon following the Executive meeting on 9/21/12 to go over the
applications and begin the selection process.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
o Creating a “Leadership Class” page for the conference program discussing the Leadership class
o Creating our sessions, working with Terry Everson
g) Professional Development
Working on sessions for Winter Conference.
f. VP-Training
Amy Smucker, Melanie Weaver
(Report is under NASFAA Training)
1. College Goal Sunday
Matt Moore
MorraLee Keller, Carrie Short, Amanda Reisinger
Summary of activities:
Finalized and Printed Save the Date Fliers
Fliers distributed at OCAN Advisor Training and at OACAC Articulation Workshops
Final Reports were submitted to Great Lakes and YMCA
Placed CGS in College 101 Magazine
Spoke with Great Lakes about potential grant request process for 2012
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Attend CGS Forum in Indianapolis
Complete grant request to Great Lakes if available
Complete grant request to USAFunds if available
Update CGS Website for 2013
Prepare Materials for November Mailing that includes letter to counselors, posters and black and white
flier if funding is secured
Order New Volunteer T-Shirts if funding is secured
5. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
Increased number of sites/counties served
6. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
What will our budget be once we know the funding potential from USAFunds and/or Great Lakes?
2. NASFAA Training
Matt Moore
Summary of activities:
 Waiting on NASFAA training materials. They’re supposed to be available in September.
Michiale Schneider and I are going to be the NASFAA trainers at Winter Conference.
 Still working with Regional Reps on NASFAA Training as a Regional Meeting.
NASFAA training is on Direct Loans on the last day of conference
Activities planned but not yet completed:
 I am trying to schedule spring regional meetings with the reps to hold NASFAA Training on
Direct Loans. Michiale Schneider has agreed to present at a combined north workshop and I
am going to present at a combined southern workshop. We’d like these scheduled within the
next week or two so that Michiale and I can have them on our calendars. Michiale’s training
calendar is filling up for next year so it’s important we give her a date as soon as possible.
In the next several weeks I want to send out an email to the membership with a chronological
listing of the OASFAA Training Opportunities scheduled for 12-13. Shortly I am going to begin
putting this list of scheduled training events from Need Analysis, Regional Meetings, NASFAA
Training, Support Professionals, and others for the email.
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
 Dates for Spring Regional Meeting on NASFAA Training?
3. Need Analysis
Kevin Lamb, Venus Puliafico
Summary of activities:
 No new activities, but we continue to build a needs analysis committee to assist with activities
listed below.
 Working on date in October for conference planning
 Re-using materials from last year.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
 We will be contacting all of the committee volunteers from the membership database in August to
solidify their interest in serving on the committee
 Our tentative schedule for the year is as follows:
o Organizational meeting via phone in October
o Presentation updated and circulated by the end of October
o Training meeting to run through winter presentations early November
o December 11, 2012 – Possible meeting for making sure all logistics are worked out for
Winter Conference
o December 12, 2012 – Winter Conference 4 Tracks for Needs Analysis
o January 25, 2013 – Regional Needs Analysis Meetings (10am to 2pm)
o February 1, 2013 – Regional Needs Analysis Meetings (10am to 2pm)
4. Outreach
Ed Recker, Jeff Johnston, Christy West
Summary of activities: Our focus has been on Articulations (Sept 11-14), OACAC events held at four locations
around the state that feature a financial aid update presentation by OASFAA.
The OASFAA Outreach Committee is happy to report the continued collaborative effort with OACAC and
OCAN in preparing for these presentations.
This year’s sessions were as follows:
9/11/12 - Southwest at Miami :
Cody McMillen/Greg Carlo
9/12/12 - Southeast/Central at OU :
MorraLee Keller/ Stephanie Hicks
9/13/12 - Northwest – Findlay:
Jeff Johnston/Joe Spencer
9/14/12 - Northeast - Baldwin Wallace: Jeff Johnston/ Terry Finefrock
The Outreach Committee is pleased to recognize the assistance of all our volunteer presenters as well as
our first meeting attendees who helped in prepping the power point and looks forward to the continued
partnership in future sessions.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
We are continuing conversations with LEAF regarding a pilot 101 (1/2 OACAC, ½ OASFAA) training day that
will be held at Mount Union University November 9th. We expect to finalize plans for that in the coming
couple of weeks. We have scaled back our budget to $500 (from an original projection of $1,000) for this
We are finalizing locations for the 15 Counselor Workshops in December. We have 14 sites confirmed, we
have narrowed down the last site to three schools and hope to have an update/final list of locations at the
actual executive board meeting.
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
We had a low turnout at our first meeting and can use some additional volunteers/support. We will be
scheduling another in person meeting shortly after the Executive Board meeting.
a. Website updates (not yet completed)
i. It was agreed that the website pages tasked to the Outreach Committee (Outreach
Committee page; Students & Parents page; Counselors page) need revisited and
updated. The co-chairs will solicit volunteers from the committee to review and submit
changes to ATAC.
b. Binder Updates (Goal is November completion)
c. Power Point Updates (Goal is November completion)
d. High School Night Requests (Just beginning to promote)
i. Ed Recker updated the committee about the process of online HS Night requests.
1. Stephanie Hicks with Franklin University volunteered to help Ed coordinate the
process, and find speakers when needed.
2. The committee also decided to refine the online request and include two
questions: “What college/university is closest to you?” and “What
college/university do most of your students go to?”
Discussion: Outreach Committee volunteers are needed. Jeff suggested that nominees for Leadership Class
could be encouraged to volunteer for the Outreach Committee. Passionate and dedicated individuals are
desired. Much of the required work can be done in the office.
5. Support Professional
Debralee Divers, Sam Salvage
Summary of activities:
Discussions concerning Support Professionals Workshops – locations, topics and presenters.
3 workshops are being planned for the State during the month of November. Nov. 5, 9 and 19.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Final locations for Workshops and finalizing details.
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
Workshops are currently in the planning process. Support Professional of the year planning will start
around the 1st of the year.
g. Liaisons
1. Board of Regents
Tamika Braswell
Audit letters will be sent out October 5. All programs will be audited. Received
funding from casinos and paid proprietary schools for 11-12.
Personnel changes:
Amber Brady – War Orphans
Michelle Marshall – NEALP
MorraLee Keller
The Ohio College Access Network held its annual advisor training in August. Approximately 200 people
were in attendance from around the state. OCAN would like to thank our OASFAA colleagues who
participated in training and the conference: Faith Phillips, Mary Kay Freshour, and Lawrence Matthews.
OCAN could not provide the expert level of training it does without assistance/collaboration with OASFAA.
OCAN distributed College Goal Sunday fliers to everyone in attendance at the conference.
OCAN has once again placed an advertising spot in the fall version of College 101 magazine for College
Goal Sunday. OCAN will place another add in for the winter edition and provide magazines to all of the
OCAN continues to meet and work with OASFAA to finalize details for the combined conference in
December. The conference this year will contain a series of workshops on Wednesday that is focused on
high school counselors. Scholarships for 50 slots are available from OCAN.
OCAN is pleased to let you know that Linda Knicely, will remain on as the training liaison.
All four organizations, OSCA, OACAC, OASFAA and OCAN have signed an MOU that creates a collaborative
atmosphere among the organizations as we continue our training and outreach to counselors, access
personnel, etc.
OCAN is partnering with OASFAA for Winter Conference.
Great Lakes will provide $15,000 for Ohio CGS. MorraLee Keller will attend CGS forum next week and will
learn more about funding for the event now that it is being run through USA Funds. We are short $35,000.
We do have some funding in the CGS budget through OASFAA.
Cheryl Willard mentioned a new scholarship from USA Funds called EduCash – information on this
scholarship was included in a recent CGS mailing from USA Funds.
A suggestion was made to check if TIAA-Cref has funding available.
Carrie Short – Website Update: ATAC has the new graphics and we have been working on updating the
h. Adjournment –
Asking for additional items that needed to be brought before the Board and hearing none,
Cheryl Willard announced the meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.