
THASMS: Hybrid Technology Asymmetric of
Selective Membranes Separation.
The World’s newest most sophisticated Water
Purification and Recycling Technology
Water is one of the most complicated and mysterious
wonders of nature. The quality of human life and
health depends on drinking clean detoxified water.
Petr Carvan, inventor and expert from Prague's
Nanotechnology Research Institute scored
international success with a breakthrough invention,
a technology that cleans "dead" water and turns it
into excellent drinking water. And so today, the
future technology AQ3, is proudly manufactured in
Czech Republic. Advanced Product Labs took it one
step forward and now exclusively markets it
worldwide. Working together to provide solutions and
clean up the world’s toxic waters, Petr continues to
serve customers. There is no water system; municipal,
industrial, manmade or natural on the planet that his
unique recycling and purifying technology can’t help.
AQ3 cutting-edge space technology was designed for areas
with less developed infrastructure and with little
technological potential. It was created to clean up and solve
the world’s existing water problems, not create new ones.
With pride, Petr and his team with Advanced Product Labs
presents three economic systems in one, with a multi
voltage device that can be connected anywhere in the
world, with technology capable of producing pure drinking
water. This water is manufactured strictly by a physical
process not a chemical one. Actively using the cascades
consisting of some positive mix, this optimally designed
technology is specially adapted for extremely low pressure
in the range of micro filtration, ultra filtration, nanofiltration, and optical fibers and even in a series of parallel
combinations, while keeping the carbonate equilibrium in
which natural waters are located. It works reliably with the
spiral pressure from 1.99 bar (29 psi) to 3.79 bar (55 psi)
(offered with the basic equipment). The systems can be
delivered in Basic, Premium or S and Professional versions.
Description of THASMS Asymmetric
hybrid technology of selective membrane
separation AQ3 reduces overall production
costs while increasing product quality
output – permeate. Experience with AQ3
modules in the field of membrane
separation, date back almost to the
beginnings of the commercial birth of this
Physical separation Membrane separation of
AQ3 THASMS is a physical separation process in
which the main reason for function is a difference
in pressure between two sides of the spiral
membranes. This process is characterized by the
ability to separate molecules of different sizes
and characteristics. Almost all industrial
membrane separation processes operate in
“cross-flow” regime when filtered liquid flows
under pressure at high speed parallel to the
membrane. The type of AQ3 THASMS of
membrane exploits the non-absorbability of the
material and vacuum effect for the transport of
the media.
Physical barrier Membrane separation system
divides contaminants into two separate streams,
known as the permeate and the retentate, (which
doesn’t pass through the membrane.) Membrane
that separates the two streams is a physical
barrier with highly specific properties that lets
only certain selected ingredients of processed
substances passing through the membrane.
Membrane permeability
The pores of the material from which the
membrane is made are so small that it is
necessary to indicate their size in Angstrom
(1010 m) and where there is driving force behind
the passage of liquid through the membrane, is a
either vacuum or pressure gradient. In fact, the
pores in membranes for nano-filtration and for
reverse osmosis are so small that they are
practically invisible, even under electron
There are four well known categories of
membranes, defined by size of the substances
which are to be separated from contaminants by
them. These categories are known as reverse
osmosis, nano-filtration, ultra-filtration – in
order of pore sizes from the smallest to the
largest. AQ3 uses a scenario-parallel combination
of all four types according to use, and it is call
“Asymmetric hybrid technology” of selective
membranes separation.
Reverse osmosis (RO) Reverse osmosis uses a
most tightly membrane from all the methods of
liquid separation, using the highest operated
pressure and energy consumption. Basically,
water is the only substance that can pass
through this membrane. All other substances
(salts, sugars, etc.) do not pass through this
Nano-filtration (NF) Nano filtration is not as
delicate as osmosis and uses membranes which
are slightly larger, using lower operation
pressures and is less demanding on power
consumption. Nano-filtration allows the smallest
ions through the membrane while larger ions and
most organic compounds are retained.
Ultra-filtration functions with membranes in
which the pores are larger and pressures and
energy consumption are relatively low. Salts,
sugars, organic acids and small peptides
permeate through membrane but proteins, fats
and carbohydrates do not.
Membrane separation can be either through vertical
barrier so called “dead end” or separation in “crossflow” arrangement. Combined separation in cross-flow
arrangement provides significant benefits versus
vertical separation and therefore is used in
technology AQ3. Since the process fluid flows
continuously over the diaphragm no sedimentation by
stone mineral coating is creating which could lead to
clogging and uneven flows. This process is
significantly helped by the use of pulsed magnetic
resonance which is an unique technology of AQ3. This
allows running an automated and continuously
separation process, resulting in a sustained and
controlled quality of permeates. Membrane separation
provides significant benefits when operate on
industrial scale, when the reliability, reproducibility
and operational cost are important.
Low total cost of production
 High quality of the final permeate
 Flexibility
Membranes separation systems are often less
expensive than many other alternative
technologies. Installation cost is lower and so are
energy costs. Membranes separation technology
offers fewer technological steps. It delivers both a
greater degree of purity and a higher overall
yield. Because there is no formation during the
membranes separation of sedimentary mineral
rock coating, there are no extra costs associated
with the removal and disposal of this waste.
High quality permeate Membranes separation
technology is the purest known. The separation
process takes place only on the basis of the size of
can be used for contaminants with a wide high
range of viscosity, which are usually otherwise
very difficult to treat. A large variety of different
peripherals for membrane separations provides
the optimization to choose a solution for each
individual application. This eliminates a
necessary energy cost.
AQ3 equipment for membrane separation is
designed in a modular concept, which offers a
high degree of operational flexibility since the
membranes are built in modules, which are then
lined up into working loops. These loops are built
into an entire system. The design of the system
can therefore be adapted to any needs of each
owner. In case of an increase of demand, Petre
and his team will easily extend and modify the
system. This means that whenever an increase in
demand arises, the production can be increased
at relatively low additional cost.
- Home unit (stationary) – solar or grid source
- Industrial unit (stationary) - solar or grid source
- Food industry (production of energy-enriched beverages, i.e.
by oxygen) (Stationary)
- Grid source, gas or diesel generator
- Aerospace - recycling waste water (stationary) – on board
grid source
- Mines (mobile or stationary) – solar or grid source
- Permanent outdoor (stationary – solar or grid source
- Forestry (stationary) – solar source, gas or diesel generator
- Military including submarines (mobile or stationary) – solar
or grid source, gas Or diesel generator
- River – sea constructions (stationary) – solar or grid source,
gas or diesel
- Floating pontoons - river or seaside (mobile) – solar source,
gas or diesel generator.
- Firefighters (mobile or stationary) – solar or grid
source, gas or diesel g.
- Leisure activities (mobile) – solar or grid source, gas
or diesel g.
- RV (mobile or stationary) – solar or grid source, gas
or diesel g.
- Survivalist (mobile) – solar power
- Emergency use (mobile or stationary) – solar or grid
source, gas or diesel g.
- Frame , fittings, pressure gauges, check valves,
solenoid valves, springs, cover of the ultraviolet
lamps, UV packing converters and packing spiral
modules are from the food safe stainless steel AISI
303/304 (V2A) and are preferred for the medical,
pharmaceutical and food industries and maritime
applications. (On request)
System are specially designed for filtering unknown or
contaminated fresh water or brackish water sources such
as streams, wells, springs, surfaces or underground
rainwater tanks, slurry, pools, ponds, lakes, backwater
ponds, rivers, bank filtrate, delta rivers, coastal meanders,
mine water , oily water caused by spills, etc.
where is assumed that this water will be intoxicated
otherwise polluted.
It does not matter whether the cause is biological,
biochemical, chemical, mineral or by gas and is not
chlorinated, Petr’s team can add a modification to do so if
desired (optional).
The newly developed technology THSMS is, among others,
intended for filtration units for villages, towns and even
large areas of industrial or private sector, as well as for the
regeneration of commercial waste water from textile
factories, car washes and reduction of microbes in dental
units and equipment of all kinds (absorbs COD, NES, etc.).
Neutralization of waste water from regeneration is not
THSMS units remove from water up to 98 – 99% of
mineral salts and more than 90% of organic matter
during the first stage separation.
Devices of this type produce de-mineralized water
without the use of aggressive chemicals (HAS and
THSMS units are used in cleaning water for steam
boilers, in district heating systems, hospitals, dialyses
centers, laboratories, in the chemical and the
pharmaceutical industry for the production of process
water and often in air-conditional systems.
Further uses are in production of sterilized
apyrogenic, carbonated, distilled water for injection
and water for alcohol. all components are NSF
certified – food/ NSF/ANSI STANDRD 51.58
It completely eliminates secondary contamination:
- It captures bacteriological and biological material by
spiral membranes and molecular level
- It aggressively sterilized by using ultraviolet
radiation during the production and the distribution
of bout – technological as well as drinking water
- It captures and disposes of death bodies of bacteria,
viruses, spores, molds, yeast and cysts
- It creates a more natural and environment for
biocide TMS optimizer The aim is to meet the most
stringent hygienic security environment for primarily
biological and microbiological parameters of drinking
and technological water.
All joint seals are manufactured from Teflon,
PVC primer and glue (for distribution TUV and
all these components carry the appropriate
certification from suppliers NSF/ANSI
STANDARD 51/58).
The device has an internationally recognized
certificate of compliance from the CE Conformity
consulting, Janov nad Nisou, dated 9.10.2009,
number/Nr./No.: 01102009/V
The device has an European and worldwide accepted
certificate from the Institute for Testing and
Certification in Zlin – Czech Republic.
In the proposal we have strictly followed in
accordance with CSN 75 7111 Drinking water Act.
No. 306/2000 Coll.
And the Ministry of Health Decree No. 376/2000 Coll.
Which among other things, requires from 1.1.2001,
that drinking water contains a minimum calcium
content of 30 mg/l, (1.75 grains/gallon), magnesium 10
mg/ l (0.58 grains/gallon) and highlights the
importance of biogenic water values, which should be
approximately between 300 to 600 mg (4.63-9.26
grains) of various minerals, including essential
elements generally considered to be optimal value of
dissolved solids per liter of drinking water.
The permeate output is processed in accordance
with the principle and in compliance with the
organoleptic properties of water that are
detectable by human senses, such as
temperature, color, opacity, transparency, smell,
Requirements for drinking water and hot water
quality are set out in Decree No. 252/2004 Coll.,
laying down the health requirements for drinking
and hot water and the frequency and scope of
drinking water checks.
It includes 10 indicators and their hygienic limits
for 52 indicators and their hygienic limits of their
levels of physical, chemical and organoleptic.
The designing this filter machine took into
account the more stringent requirements placed
on the quality of water for infants.
These requirements are prescribed by the Decree
No. 275/2004 Coll. and the quality, safety and
procedure of the purification are placed on the
bottled water. The production of bottled spring
water and bottled water for infants can only use
a protected ground water source of which the
yield, composition, temperature and other
essential characteristic can not exceed the limits
of natural fluctuation.
Infant bottled water – designed for a permanent
consumption by children up to one year of age
may not be chlorinated, in case it is carbonated
by CO2 it has to be boiled over and pH must not
be lower than 6, the contents of dissolved
minerals must be less than 1 g/l (58.41
– the purification has to be done by physical
means, must not be chlorinated and the content
of dissolved minerals less than or equal to 1g/l
(58.41 grains/gallon).
 - Carbonated water – is a drink prepared from
drinking water by adding at least 4mg/l (0.23
grains per gallon) of CO2
Table mineral water – has no significant healing
effects, is suitable for occasional consumption and
acceptable minimum contents of dissolved
minerals can vary from 1-6 g/l (58.41 –
Natural spring water – has proven healing
quality, the content of dissolved minerals is usual
over 3.5g/l (54.01 grains/gallon) with excess of
nitrogen and magnesium and should not be
consumed for longer than 1 month.
Table water – replaced by the term spring water,
lightly carbonated the content of dissolved
substances in the 500mg/l (29.20 grains/gallon).
Military – in military field hospitals, camps, on the
battle field, peace keeping missions, etc.
Humanitarian operations - can be used to supply the
pure water in the refuge camps, sea rescue, oil rig
accident (tankers)
Civil defense – a wide range of deployment during
natural disasters, in areas affected by earthquakes or
floods, the disruption of traditional infrastructure and
contamination of drinking water, the ecological
disasters, etc..
Public sector – installing the pump, filter and
distribution center in artesian wells in the deserts,
semi-deserts, savannahs and in the Middle East,
Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South America, etc. ….
for individual houses, factories, as well as villages,
towns and technology units…
As mobile industrial equipment for washing
windows, shop windows, cars, boats, motorcycles,
watering gardens with salt water input and
output of fresh water, etc…
As an industrial desalination facility of the saline
desert ground water (wells), sea water, smaller
apartment complexes , processing plants, smaller
water supply network and brown water for
watering gardens, washing, etc….
As mobile industrial equipment for desalination
of sea water on the oil rigs, yachts, ferries and
tankers as commercial fresh water, etc…..
Examples of use Membrane separation can be
exploited in a variety of processes. Our
experience with the system AQ3 goes back to the
mid nineties shortly after the separation
membrane was introduced for commercial use.
 Using
technology AQ3 THASMS we can
successfully separate for instance:
Antibiotics -Isolation and purification of
antibiotics of various types – lactam, amino
glucosidic, polypeptide, tetracycline and
 The reason for this application is increased
separation efficiency and higher quality
products. Enzymes -Concentration,
purification and desalination after
fermentation of enzymes.
 Another use is for the isolation of enzymes
of animals or plant tissues. Higher
concentration and purity is reached with
minimum loss of activity. Dextrans
Concentration and purification in a single process at
low cost, plus the removal of pyrogens for higher
product quality and reduced contamination problems.
Yeast extract -Concentration and purification with
recycling of the permeate. High purity while
minimizing the operating costs.
Beer -Reduction of alcohol content by 8 to 10 times
with assuring the quality comparable to regular beer
with low operating cost. Filtration of beer with our
system is an alternative to traditional silicon filters
and we offer high quality beer without the need for
disposal of waste filter material.
Sterile filtration before bottle filling ensures a longer
shelf live without the disadvantages of thermal
Food polysaccharides - Concentration and purification
of substances such as carrageenan, agar, agarose,
xanthan gum and pectin with reusing the permeate.
Inexpensive, reliable way to remove water and low
molecular impurities.
Juices - Clarification and concentration of apple,
strawberry, orange, currant pear, hawthorn,
pineapple and juice of date.
Obtaining high quality products at low operating
costs and minimal use of additives.
Eggs -Concentration and purification of eggs whites
and whole eggs.
Draining egg whites of water prior to drying. Used for
delicate processing and high quality products.
Sugar -Removal of turbidity and discoloration of sugar juice. The concentration of sugar solutions.
Process is environmentally friendly, resulting in highly
homogeneous products.
Animal blood plasma -Concentration and purification of blood
plasma and reusing reverse permeate.
-Used for high quality product at low operating temperature.
Gelatin - Fractionation, concentration and purification. Used
for delicate processing to prevent denaturation.
Vinegar -Compensation of wide range of levels in traditional
cleansing/filtration process.
Eliminates auxiliary filtration steps. These specific
applications are enhanced by continues development and
expansion of our know-how in these areas.
Our experience with membrane separation processes can bring
significant benefits to wide range of industrial applications.
The system is using only one, substantially
modified high flow, low-load micro DC pump with
bypass protection against destruction with a
slightly self-priming effect up to 2.5 m (8.20 ft)
able to pump up to 302 liters per day (g/pd 79.77)
under negative pressure (vacuum).
can also provide a suction inlet hose with a cut off
valve with the watering equipment (optional).
With a positive inlet pressure up to 4 bars (58
PSI) the pump is able consistently transport into
the system up to 2592 liters per day (g/pd 684.73)
The system has visual controls:
Pink LED – pump in operation, the flashing red LED – decreased inlet
pressure (pump off),
Green LED – full tank (the device is in a idle state, pump is off, standby mode).
We can use alternately maximum external input pressure up to 4 bar (58 PSI)
or pressure regulator.
The system can be also operated even without the pump turn on where there is
pressure gradient. Although with measurable decrease in water production it
uses significantly less power.
Use of the solar panels. In cases where the contaminated source of water is a
few dozen meters away from the filtration plant, the additional submersible
pump (24 VDC) with check valve and transparent suction hose can be added.
This speeds up the installation of the unit and significantly increases
production output per/hour of decontaminated water.
It also retains the organoleptic properties of water that are detectible by
human senses, such as temperature, color opacity, transparency, odor and
taste. In the case of a rotting stale source without oxygen,
It is possible to add a system of primary aeration of oxygen.
Contaminated water source is revived. The filtration systems are then able to
better process and prepare the water for secondary processing and conversion
into pure structured water.
Unique Features Nano-filtration is used for:
conditioning of drinking water,
reduction of sulfates, chlorides, fluorides,
and partial water softening without using regeneration
chemicals and for examples for reduction of sulfates and
iron in ground water.
It is also beneficial for treatment for industrial water,
partial softening, reduction of turbidity and contaminants
from surface water (metallurgical and paper industry).
Our concept combined the advantages of RO and NF in one
product that is able programmatically set the reduction
level of undesirable substances according to actual needs as
well as re-mineralized and disinfect.
Basic use of these low noise system (44dB) which do not
interfere with sleep (measured at distance 1m – 3.2 ft) is
stationary mostly for family houses, cottages, small
businesses, bistros, pubs or mobile homes, boats camps, etc.
we can supply and connect these modules into parallel
modular logic blocs with a virtually unlimited increase in daily
With these modules we supply advanced controls, measuring
control elements in the external electrical switchboards.
It is also possible, based on individual customer needs, to build
a non-modular system.
In the Profi version, the passive electronic components are
replaced by PLC regulator (programmable, relay with PID
regulator) – proportional integral and derivatives controller.
For an extra charge, we can supply LAN or GPS module
connected to a central, international services and information
management system.
By using Power Linux platform we gain for major benefits:
competitive product, responsibility, source code and a great
technology. Power Linux delivered more economical, a more
efficient, more reliable customer-friendly solution.
In case of the need to safe space we can enhance
the basic model to twice the nominal values.
We can multiply the integrated vacuum pump,
double up automatic valve, increase the prefiltration, add up to 8 hydrophobic spiral wound
modules, enhance high pressure micro-flow pump
and add stainless steel pressure storage tank
(additional cost).
For special purposes it is possible to enclose
technology into sealed boxes with connecting
couplings, the battery source, pre-filtration, filter
machine, storage tanks and distribution
equipments (extra).
The main components are manufactured
according to ISO 9001.
Switchboard , wiring and electrical parts have
appropriate certifications and the
splash cover IP65 complies with an international
standards grounding PEN,
the scope of supply is 108-240 VAC_ 48-62Hz
(from PE N to PE and N, TN – CS, TN – C/TN-S)
or are equipped with components designed for
safe voltage 12 to 24 VDC or universal - UNI
POWER (with the CE, RoHS, UL, VDE, CSA,
Fully automated equipment and electronics are
custom designed, manufactured, programmed,
assembled and certified in the EU,
Made exclusively from Czech, English, and
German and American parts.
The equipment is calibrated and tested for
quality of all the components.
This equipment is practically the quietest in the
world, in fact excels, reaching the noise level up
to 44 dB, which is bellow the human whisper and
thus it actively contributes to a higher standard
and better quality of life.
 The
filtration equipment from AQ3 is nonvibrating, non- resonating and super
compact, economical, efficient and is
manufactured with energy saving
technology “solid state product”.
 This equipment for purifying water from
unknown sources helps significantly
reduced its carbon footprint not only during
manufacturing but also by super-low energy
 This carbon footprint is virtually
undetectable – 0. For these reasons it takes
a part in the process of development “green
technology and environment friendly
Our technology of the future is already active in
the fight against the global warming, air
pollution and enlarging ozone hole.
 Our equipment has an extremely long longevity
and is fully recyclable.
 We respect the system of “fair trade” which gives
a chance for a dignify life to entire population on
the earth.
Spiral wound hydrophobic modules for system of technological and
potable water can handle 30% inflow and pressure with a turbo effect
and has integrated protection against backpressure.
sterile semi-permeable membranes with integrated polymer
hyaluronic acid, in combination with polysulphones, polyamides,
ethylene, propylene, polypropylene, Teflon, styrex and elastomers,
increasing elasticity and sterility, reducing resistance and laminar
viscosity, leads to the destruction of a wide range of psychrophylic,
mesophilic, pathogenic (disease- causing) or coliform bacteria causing
diseases such as typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis, hepatitis, infectious
diarrhea – i.e. Typhoid-paratyphoid, Vibrio cholerae asiaticae,
Legionella pneumophila, Lamblia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium
parvum, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella,
Salmonella enteritis, Salmonella typhi, Enterococcus faecalis, faecium
avium, Clostridium perfringens , Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
It accordingly suppresses the growth of the algae Scenedesmus
subscipitatus type and Selenastrum capricorrmutum, etc., and their
separation into waste.
It eliminates virtually all inorganic toxic substances,
chemical and gaseous pollution, biological,
biochemical and organic contamination such as THMs
(chloroform), DBCP, lindane, TCEs
(trichloroethylene), PCEs (tetrachlorethylene), carbon
It is focused on the separation of toxic dioxins,
carcinogenic herbicides, pesticides, DDT, PCBs, Agent
Blue (acid dimethyl Arshinov), antrax isolates
carcinogenic afloxin.
These are among the mycotoxins, which are
secondary products of various strains of fungi. They
are one of the most toxic natural substances in
humans, among the other things can cause genetic
changes that affect the immune system and promote
the development of cancer and many other diseases.
In the event of deployment of this filtering device for urban or man-chlorinated
or putrid water we integrate into the input system (contaminated) replaceable
cartridge type KDF- 55/coconut/carbon/Zeolith, to reduce hydrogen sulfide,
chlorine, lead, arsenic, cadmium, iron, pesticides, heavy metal, mercury, water
Interchangeable calcium and magnesium ions are bound to the sodium ions.
Zeolith assists to detoxification of fresh water and guaranties creation of pure
and biologically safe water and assures the creation and preservation of water’s
biological balance. Zeolith is a natural mineral with a high ion to inventers
exchange ability, binding toxic ammonia, phosphates, and toxic substances and
is also active absorber, i.e. electro-statically attracted due to the hollow areas,
poisonous substances and products of decay processes.
Due to its high catalytic activity, it accelerates natural degradation of
contaminants. It extracts important nutrients for algae formation from water.
The water takes away important nutrients for algae formation.
Zeolith is a high quality bio-catalyst, respectively filter media or molecular
sieve for biological and mechanical filtration in both freshwater and marine
tanks and in ponds, pools and brackish waters.
Zeolith is a hard natural stone with many pores, cavities and channels. It is the
material of volcanic origin and its molecular structure is very regular.
It captures solid, liquid and gaseous substances in its tubules, .
huge porosity, it absorbs ions and molecules of different sizes and
neutralizes ammonia, nitrates and nitrites.
Zeolith is a breakthrough supplement that works at the cellular level,
capturing heavy metals and toxins and safely removes them from the
They can be flushed out from the body within 6-8 hours.
very effective in removing radiation. It is clinically proven that by
running contaminated water through Zeolith, radio-active isotope
decreases by 30%.
By repeatedly re-flushing these isotopes, it decreases again. The
residual amount is taken care of by a hydrophobic spiral module.
Zeolith is suitable for repeated use and can be regenerated by 3 to 5 %
sodium chloride (NaCI) solution by leaving it submerged for 24 hours.
We add these inserts in cases of a need for higher overall efficiency for
the removal of problematic contaminants.
The unit also has an optional alert sensor in the case of lowered
chlorine absorption to help customers identify the need to possibly
exchange the unit.
The new patent, utility model and industrial
technology from research and production of the
AQ3, and in cooperation with the expertise and
methodical supervision Technology Centre
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, uses
the positive asymmetric hydrophobic diffusion
phenomenon with the contribution of the time,
temperature, viscosity and solubility.
The system was produced in close cooperation and
labs of Space Composite Research Institute of
nanotechnology, biotechnology, microbiology and
molecular biochemistry in Prague, Czech Republic
and other major professional organizations.
Petr Carvan and his team manage this research,
development and production without any sponsorship
donations, grants or any other moneys from the State
or the EU.
The whole development was privately funded by his
company. This important fact is testimony of the
viability of the project as well as his own conviction to
help improve conditions of the world population.
Both Petr and his international team hope that this
will have a positive impact on helping people choose
to purchase these technologies of the future, already
produced and available for the global market.
AQ3‘s built-in water remineralisation with an
electronic control of the minerals, automatically
displays any drop in such levels, informing its
owner about the need of a replacement.
In case of non-responsiveness, the system will
disconnect and stop production of drinking water.
The resulting red flashing LED lights help
owners to know that it is time to arrange a
service call.
When designing this system we were aware that for
instance the calcium and to a lesser extent,
magnesium has also a beneficial antitoxic function.
They prevent absorption of some toxic elements such
as lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.
That’s why we add iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese,
molybdenum, zinc, fluorine. In the water these
components are usually present in the free ionic state.
Therefore they are much easier absorbed from water
than from solid food where they are bound to other
substances or are often present in the undiluted state.
Water treated this way will not accept softeners from
plastic materials used in distribution network, plastic
and rubber containers, metal pipes, concrete, etc.
In this configuration the water is completely immune to
bacterial contamination. Integrated combined TMC
optimizer for mineralization and pH of drinking water by
Fullerene, Sapropelit, Zeolithe, Detroxylit and Xylodetrit.
Cleans water, optimizes the pH and neutralizes the
bacteria causing the intestinal diseases such as cholera,
neutralizes heavy metals, chlorine and nitrate compounds.
This charged water has anti-allergic qualities, treats
asthma, skin diseases and the effects of burns, joint
problems such as rheumatism or pain.
Therefore it has a strong bactericidal, adsorption capacity
and energy information. It saturates water with medicinal
fullerenes C60, C70.
It structures water and makes it biologically active. It adds
to water a powerful bactericide and antioxidant properties.
Such water helps the body fight many diseases: acute and
chronic bronchitis, gallstones, colitis, diabetes, arthritis,
chronic fatigue, and atherosclerosis.
This adjusted structured water has been successfully used for
poorly healing lacerated wounds, furuncle (infection disease of the
skin, skin glands, hair follicles and sebaceous glands) and
dermatitis (skin inflammation).
Fullness accelerates regenerative processes in tissues affected by
acne, increase skin elasticity and flexibility, having a overall
rejuvenating effect.
Structured water can therefore be successfully used not only for
drinking but also for washing.
Rinsing hair with structured water gives it shine and healthy
look, strengthens the roots and prevents hair loss and balding.
Thanks to its absorption, catalytic and bactericidal capabilities of
fuller clean water, from almost any organic matter, including
petroleum products and compounds containing chlorine, nitrates
and ammonia, from many metals and non-metal pollutants, kills
bacteria of Cholera, streptococci and others.
It fulfills a destruction function which removes from water,
energy memory information of harmful and toxic substances,
which water previously contained, correcting its energy and
information structure while enriching the water with trace
elements important for the organism.
In the process of water treatment, it acts as a
filter, absorber, as a catalyst in the oxidation and
reproductive bio-decontamination process.
Combined fullerene is especially effective in the
position of sorbent water purification from
organic compounds: phenols, humic substances,
alcohol Ligno complex carbohydrate, fatty acids,
pesticides, chlorine, fluorine organic compounds
and petroleum derivatives.
Its ability to purify water the fullerene is just as
effective as active carbon absorbers and in many
properties superior.
It is insoluble and there is no mass loss in the
It promotes the function of all the biological
structures of the body, without suppressing the
healthy cells.
Fullerene is a powerful and long-acting
Structured water affects the organism
Relieves pain and has anti-inflammatory effects.
It has bactericidal properties, long-lasting
antihistamine effect.
Structured water with its healing properties, helps
to treat various inflammatory diseases, allergic,
viral, skin and joint problems, metabolic diseases in
the following manners:
By drinking: gastritis, colitis, common cold (flu,
bronchitis), gallbladder and kidney stones,
diabetes, arthritis.
Helps restore energy and immunity state in
connection with chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is proven that fullerenes prevent the
development of atherosclerosis.
Equally interesting is the fact that structured
water gets rid off a hangover.
can be applied on boils (furuncle) and poorly
healing wounds, bedsores, psoriasis, and atopic
Great for relieving the burn pains.
Daily washing increases skin elasticity and tone,
removes fine lines, skin peeling, swelling.
 Fullerenes accelerate the tissue regeneration. It
is very useful to wash the skin to reduce the
affects of acne.
 Fullerene thus restores youthfulness and beauty
of the skin.
Combined Fullerenes remove heavy metals from the
water, colloidal iron from the water pipes, nitrates
and nitrites, pesticides, dioxins, phenols, chlorine,
petroleum products, radionuclides, helminthic eggs,
viruses and bacteria.
At the same time add beneficial micro and macroelements and absorb the harmful ones.
Structured water can be used for gargling, rinsing the
mouth and nose while suffering from tonsillitis, colds
and periodontal disease.
After a bathing in structured water, customers will
have a feeling of lightness, as it cleans energy
channels. This bath removes tension and stress.
It is very beneficial to people suffering from
radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and skin
diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis).
Animals suffer from the same diseases as
humans, so structured water is beneficial to them
It prevents formation of stones,
reduces itching and peeling of skin,
allergic symptoms,
improves quality of hair,
strengthens bones and teeth,
protects against infectious diseases and
Combined structured fullerenes also have very good
bactericidal properties.
These properties are used in filters to clean drinking
water reservoirs, wells, drinking water treatment
plants for municipalities and waste water treatment
Furthermore these properties can be used very
successfully for treating water in private and
commercial pools.
Combined fullerenes also destroy harmful mesophilic
bacteria, creating a natural biocide environment.
According to recent research they possess a so-called
self-regulating property of suitable elements in the
Using the combined fullerene rocks during water
treatment substantially reduces the cost of operation.
Built-in hollow fiber membrane captures dead bodies
of bacteria, viruses, spores, molds, yeasts and cysts.
Red flashing LED light indicates a need for a service
call. (The need to replace the membrane after a
specified time, longevity or the amount of flow.)
Drinking this water prevents forming stones and
gradual degrades kidney and gall stones by noninvasive method until complete dissolution and
elimination from the body.
The system includes highly sophisticated electronic
and acoustic control to remind of the need of the
components replacement.
Activates water molecules in the body, removing
toxins, fats and chemicals from the blood circulation.
By changing the physical properties to structured
water, people can experience:
• An improved functioning of the nervous system,
improved blood circulation and improved metabolic
• By releasing negatively charged ions of salt
surrounding the positively polarized particles of water
molecules, AQ3 improves the water’s taste and aroma
of water.
• Enriches the water with vital minerals such as:
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and many
more ...changing the physical properties to structured
• In case the function of the mineralization stops the
whole system is automatically shut down and the
light will signal the requirement for a service call.
The State Health Department found the presence of
drugs in drinking water supply, based on an extensive
study between 2009–2011.
The researchers monitored the present of Naproxen,
Ibuprofen and Diclofenac, the most often prescribed
as an anti-inflammatory.
They also discovered Cermazepin- used to treat
epilepsy and hormonally active substances 17
ethinylestradol, which is part of contraceptives.
These active substances entered the water supply
mainly through urine of the users and from flushing
unused drugs down the toilet.
Although they still do not present a liquidation risk to
humans, detected levels of the substances may
already threaten aquatic life in surface water near
and around of waste water treatment plants.
Ultraviolet radiation with a length of 253.7
nanometer destroys bacteria and viruses such as
type (Bacillus subtilis, Haemophilus influanzae,
Diploccocus pneumoniae, enterobacteriacei,
streptococci, micrococci, sacharomycet,
aerobactery, fungi)
It also damages the structure of molecules of
RNA / DNA eventually of proteins, enzymes or
other biologically important macromolecules.
it is also prevents the subsequent production of bacteria.
Ultraviolet radiation is completely harmless,
environmental friendly and above all inexpensive method
of disinfection.
For maximum effectiveness and efficiency, the
monochromatic low pressure UV lamp is inserted into the
silicon-glass container, which blocks wavelengths below the
220 nm. It is submerged in the system for the production of
water, but also for water distribution.
The UV light is automatically switched on during
manufacturing and storing of drinking water but also at
the time of distribution into the system. This leads not only
the automatic sterilization of the storage tanks and
technological water which is used for domestic hot water (
DHW) but it also eliminates the possibility of occurrence of
pathogenic gram-negative bacteria Legionella pneumophila
For this purpose we use original, powerful and
high quality Philips lamp in conjunction UNI
POWRE changer developed by our company for
12 to 24 VDC and guaranteed dose of 40 mJ/cm2
UV radiation,
however still maintaining the limit according to
ANSI/NSF of 38 mW.s/cm2.
In case of ceasing of UV protection function the
solenoid system and electro-valves are turned off
and thus, limiting the production of industrial
and potable water. At the same time, the light
will indicate the need for service call.
RED LIGHT: This will be done by red LED light
in combination with a interrupted acoustic signal
(UV lamp doesn’t function).
GREEN LIGHT: The green LED light indicates
that the inverter functions properly.
BLUE LIGHT: Flashing blue LED lamp indicates
that the lamp produces UV radiation (standard
WHITE LIGHT: The White LED light indicates
the membranes cleaning.
The basic system includes thoughtfully designed fivefold mechanical
pre-filtration system.
The transparent container for easy visual inspection of pre-filters is
Accurate digital measurement of water flow by pulse turbine flow
meter made from harmless Grilamid (optional).
The professional version includes a control unit for remote
transmission of information.
Digital measurement of input water temperature with calculation of
actual production of technological and drinking water (optional).
The professional version includes remote transmission of this
information including graphic and numeric data.
There is continuous quality measurement of produced water showing
efficiency in %. In case the efficiency falls bellow 85%, the unit turns
it off and red flashing LED light indicates service call request
The professional version includes unit with remote transmission of
data and remote correction control.
Stainless steel pressure tanks from 12 – 300 liters (3.17 –
79.26 gallons),
plastic or glass laminate atmospheric;
non-pressure tanks with capacity of 500 liters (132 gallons)
to 3000 liters (792.5 gallons) are available.
With these non-pressure tanks we can install an extra
aeration by oxygen. Water in such treated storage tank will
last over 120 days without bacteria (optional).
Pulse cleaning of membranes using the programmable
dynamic asymmetric non-cyclical pressure changes and
flow with assistance of a digital timer and electro-valve is
offered in the basic system.
Pressure differential measurement of pre-filter
contamination measured with gauges is in the basic offer.
The mechanical pre-filters are available sterilized,
saturated with colloidal silver batch of 10 “or 20 coarseness
100, 50 10, 5 and 1 micron is available as optional.
Linear optimization of waste concentrate with needle
valve and pressure gauge (as a standard) concentrate
recirculation and backwash as an optional accessory.
PMR – pulse magnetic resonance integrated device of
multi- electromagnetic field turned on by 2
independent 2 coil generators. Each coil realigns its
frequency within the frequency band according to the
program that is stored in the control microprocessor.
The design is based on the fact that the adjustment of
various minerals contained in the water is most
effective at as certain frequency specific to each
Shut off valve which stops input of water when the
tank is filled is standard. This feature saves water
that would go to a sewage system without benefit.
(DUO extra)
 Additionally
the program integrates cycles with
rapid turbulence frequency in amplitude
modulation of coil current.
 This method prevents the formation of scale
from a wide range of minerals not only in the
filter device itself, in the hydrophobic modules
and storage tanks but mainly along the whole
distribution network of both technological as
well as drinking water. LED light indicating this
process (optional).
 Specifically designed automatic shut off
asymmetric saver valve (high flow DUO) with
two nano-return valves for drinking and
technological water and automatic.
With a regular service and proper care, the
equipment will reward you with a high stability, long
life, minimal operating cost and high quality of output
product. (30 years)
The power input various according to design and
features chosen, from 25 Watts to 80 Watts per hour.
Green LED indicator shows the correct operating
PWR model line voltage 108-240 VAC_ 48/62 Hz (1224 VDC UNIT POWER).
SOL model – solar panel operated on 12-24 VDC UNI
POWER, back up gel battery of output about 45 to
145 Ah, with the possibility of switching to the grid
voltage and charging by a grid charger during rain,
fog, rainy season (optional).
There is a UNIT POWER model with universal input voltage from 12
VDC to 240 VAC with automatic voltage indicator at the terminals.
The source may be a lighter plug in a car or in a truck, construction
machinery or marine generator, regular grid source, portable gas,
diesel or gasoline generator working with DC or AC current within a
frequency range from 48 to 62 Hz.
However we prefer the DC voltage eliminated the need for conversion
AC/DC which leads to greatest energy loss. (The desire d combination
can be supplied on request).
Input voltage 108 – 240 VAC 48/62 Hz (12 – 24 VDC UNIT POWER),
(IP 65 for models with solar panel)
Device performance at 25˚ C – (77˚ F) about 1000 L / day (264.17
Applicable environment in the temperature range from 1˚C to 43˚C
(33.8˚ F–to 109.4˚F) Assumed ambient relative humidity is up to
72%, electric protection to IP 42 (90%, IP 56 optional)
What does “Physical Water Purification”
mean? Physical Water Purification in a nonchemical process that uses only natural
relationships and not chemical ones. The water
molecule passing through our 3D membrane is
stripped of all ‘loads” to which it was exposed to
and then carried during its life cycle. It becomes
only virgin pure and in its original natural state.
After purifying, it may again engage in broader
relations as drinking or technological water.
How can polluted water be regenerated by
your technology?
 In fact, almost any substrate can be regenerated,
as long as it flows a little. But even very dense
mixture can be diluted first and then regenerated
by our technology.
Can your system clean radioactive water?
 Yes, we can even separate radon gas.
What are other comparable technologies of
water purification?
In fact, almost none. Water treatment using
chemicals are considered traditional, historically
speaking. This would only be useful in emergency
situations where there is no other choice. In the area
of Physical Water Purification, Reverse Osmosis is
probably the most widely used technology. The
differences are mainly in the energy, intensity of the
process and longevity of our technology. Comparable
to a Reverse Osmosis unit, our Physical Water
Purification Technology shows much better results, is
“customer friendly” and can fulfill their exact
individual water recycling and purification needs.
Are you planning a solution for family
 Yes, we already manufacture this type of units
with a wide variety of modifications. We have
already received concrete feedback on how we
should adopt our technology for mass use.
Is there an interest in your technology
Yes, extra ordinary interest. We received
requests from the Far East, Asia, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia,
Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and many others.
These areas generally suffer from a lack of longterm supply of quality drinking water. If water is
available then is usually contaminated mainly by
bacteria. They need solutions right away!
Is your technology also able to clean
brackish or salty sea water?
Definitely. The technology is fully functional in
this regard. However, the separation of dissolved
salts from sea water is surprisingly more difficult
then removal fresh water pollution. The price of
desalination equipment is always built on each
individual order which will require additional
supporting equipment.
Recently I read an article about the
distraction of the aluminum factory in
Hungary. Would your technology be able to
help with this situation?
 Of course it would. We had a sample available
from the contaminated wells. This water was
then cleaned, mineralized, sterilized and then
returned back as drinking water.
In recent years there is a huge problem in
our community with drinking and waste
water. Price of water is increasing and our
local waste water treatment plant cannot
handle this situation. Have you considered
cooperation with municipalities in the area
of municipal waste water treatment?
Yes, there are currently a number of projects into
which several interactive relationships are being
explored; including industrial polluters,
municipal waste and another municipality with a
sewage treatment plant. We believe that this
project offers a very successful program model.
Do EU parameters for water purification reflect current general and
scientific levels of knowledge and technology?
Few people are willing or brave enough speak up publicly but it is a well known
fact that EU countries needlessly spend billions of Euros because they have to
comply with outdated and unsatisfactory legislation describing the parameters
for clean water a long time ago. Specifically we have it in mind compliance with
the maximum allowable limit of 10 milligrams of nitrate per liter of total
nitrogen. This number is binding for all water treatments plants which provide
clean water for 100,000 populations or more. That basically includes all major
plants. Current scientific research clearly states: “The problem with water
pollution is not nitrates but nitrogen and phosphorus.” On the contrary
nitrates present in the water are beneficial to aquatic flora, vegetation and fish
since there is a source of oxygen during the period when there is shortage of it.
This happens especially during the warmers periods of the year and generally
whenever an increase in water temperature brings the risk of anaerobic
conditions (without oxygen). Of course, in many situations tremendous
amounts of money have been invested in these plants in order to comply with
the nitrate levels so changes are slow. It is hard to admit mistakes. But sooner
or later it will come to a waste water treatment plant review and the current
parameters will be adjusted. Hopefully it will happen very soon.
The THASMS really doesn’t use chemicals?
Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, if there were
any synthetic, inorganic chemical substances in
the water being regenerated, it would be removed
by this technology or the machine will shut down
What do we do if we decide to buy your technology?
It is not entirely simple. Technology of this kind cannot be
bought as a case of bier. Almost every installation has its
own specifics and there are all significantly different in
regard capacity requirements, water quality and the local
situation where the installation will take place, support
equipment, etc. Therefore we put together the
questionnaire that can be found on our website and which
can be completed with the help and care of our teams to
help us to understand the situation. We will provide each
customer with our proposed solution. This will simplify the
situation during our on-site visit. It is very important to be
prepared to deliver very high quality equipment.
Guaranteed for up to 25 years The guarantee of the whole unit
will be null and void if the service technician determines that
during the warranty period the owner of the technology
breached the unit by opening it, the original electrical
connection was altered, or technology was reprogrammed for
other then agreed projected input contamination, the inner
seals was removed and internal mechanisms was tampered
with. Components are manufactured in the single step
technology which, when first open is becomes irreversibly selfdestructible. To optimize the pressurization of storage tanks to
a maximum reduction of waste concentrate up to 85% was
used specially modified asymmetric high flow vacuum pump
DUO, with integrated external regulators and check valves
(DUO optional). Thirty % of the waste is returned and mixed
with contaminated water and channeled to pre-filtration. Thus
we achieve a significantly higher efficiency and lower waste.
Super concentrate is either discharged to sewage system or is
used for flashing the toilets.(optional)
TWIT AQ3 membrane systems designs, manufactures
and installs membrane filtration in cross-flow
arrangement. We develop our systems in close
collaboration with our customers and therefore, we
can offer both quality solutions for a batch and
continuous process in medical and industrial designs.
We also provide support for validation, installation
and commissioning. Our modules with spirally wound
elements are a compact, inexpensive solution with a
low operational demand. To deliver an optimal
system, Petr’s team often carries out tests on a small
scale. These can be utilize to verify the feasibility of
the process, calculating the cost of the project or even
for production of a small technology (s) for specialty
products in small volumes which carry a high price
tag. AQ3 system provides pilot laboratory equipment
for on site testing in conjunction with other devices
and performs test in our own labs or at remote sites.
In any event, we always provide highly specialized
quality consulting service.