Study Section: This section will have 13 Sections Clicking the study section will bring up the following choices Part 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology Part 2: Body Structure Part 3: Integumentary System Part 4: Musculoskeletal System Part 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology When this is clicked the following choice will appear Common Prefixes Number Prefixes Common Suffixes Adjective Suffixes Surgical Suffixes Procedural Suffixes Quiz Common Prefixes: When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Common Prefixes—when written by themselves, prefixes are followed by a hyphen. Prefix a- Meaning without, away from anwithout antebefore, in front of antiagainst autoself brady- slow dyspainful, difficult endowithin, inner epiupon, over eunormal, good hetero- different homo- same hydro- water hyper- over, above hypounder, below infraunder, beneath, below interamong, between Example (Definition) aphasia (without speech) anoxia (without oxygen) antepartum (before birth) antibiotic (against life) autograft (a graft from one’s own body) bradycardia (slow heart beat) dyspnea (painful breathing) endoscope (instrument to view within) epigastric (upon or over the stomach) eupnea (normal breathing) heterograft (graft from another person’s body) homozygous (having two identical genes) hydrotherapy (water therapy) hypertrophy (overdevelopment) hypoglossal (under the tongue) infraorbital (below, under the eye socket) intervertebral (between the vertebrae) intramacromicroneopanpara- within, inside large small new all beside, beyond, near perthrough periaround postafter prebefore, in front of pseudo- false retro- backward, behind subbelow, under super- above, excess supra- above tachy- rapid, fast trans- through, across ultrabeyond, excess intravenous (inside, within a vein) macrocephalic (having a large head) microcephalic (having a small head) neonate (newborn) pancarditis (inflammation of the entire heart) paranasal (near or alongside the nose) percutaneous (through the skin) pericardial (around the heart) postpartum (after birth) prefrontal (in front of the frontal bone) pseudocyesis (false pregnancy) retrograde (movement in a backward direction) subcutaneous (under, below the skin) supernumerary (above the normal number) suprapubic (above the pubic bone) tachycardia (fast heart beat) transurethral (across the urethra) ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) Number Prefixes When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Number Prefixes—pertain to the number of items or measurement. Prefix bidihemi- Meaning two two half monomulti- one many nullipolyquadsemitriuni- none many four partial, half three one Example (Definition) bilateral (two sides) diplegic (paralysis of two extremities) hemiplegia (paralysis of one side/half of the body) monoplegia (paralysis of one extremity) multigravida (woman pregnant more than once) nulligravida (woman with no pregnancies) polyuria (large amounts of urine) quadriplegia (paralysis of all four extremities) semiconscious (partially conscious) triceps (muscle with three heads) unilateral (one side) Common Suffixes When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Suffix -algia -cele -cise -dynia -ectasis -ectopia -gen Meaning pain hernia, protrusion cut pain dilatation displacement that which produces Example (Definition) gastralgia (stomach pain) cystocele (protrusion of the bladder) incision (to cut into) cardiodynia (heart pain) bronchiectasis (dilated bronchi) corectopia (pupil of the eye not centered) mutagen (that which produces mutations) -genesis -genic -ia produces, generates producing state, condition -iasis -ism -itis -logist -logy -lysis -malacia abnormal condition state of inflammation one who studies study of destruction abnormal softening -megaly -oma -osis -pathy -plasia enlargement, large tumor, mass abnormal condition disease development, growth formation, development drooping excessive, abnormal flow discharge, flow rupture hardening narrowing treatment nourishment, development condition of the urine -plasm -ptosis -rrhage -rrhea -rrhexis -sclerosis -stenosis -therapy -trophy -uria osteogenesis (produces bone) carcinogenic (producing cancer) hemiplegia (condition of being half paralyzed) lithiasis (abnormal condition of stones) hypothyroidism (state of low thyroid) cellulitis (inflammation of cells) cardiologist (one who studies the heart) cardiology (study of the heart) osteolysis (bone destruction) chondromalacia (abnormal cartilage softening) cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) carcinoma (cancerous tumor) cyanosis (abnormal condition of being blue) myopathy (muscle disease) dysplasia (abnormal development) neoplasm (new formation) proctoptosis (drooping rectum) hemorrhage (excessive bleeding) rhinorrhea (discharge from the nose) hysterorrhexis (ruptured uterus) arteriosclerosis (hardening of an artery) angiostenosis (narrowing of a vessel) chemotherapy (treatment with chemicals) hypertrophy (excessive development) hematuria (blood in the urine) Adjective Suffixes When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Adjective Suffixes—used to convert a word root into an adjective. These suffixes usually are translated as “pertaining to.” Suffix -ac -al -an -ar -ary -eal -iac -ic -ical Meaning pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to -ile -ior -ory -ose -ous -tic pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to Example (Definition) cardiac (pertaining to the heart) duodenal (pertaining to the duodenum) ovarian (pertaining to the ovary) ventricular (pertaining to a ventricle) pulmonary (pertaining to the lungs) esophageal (pertaining to the esophagus) iliac (pertaining to the ilium) gastric (pertaining to the stomach) neurological (pertaining to the study of the nerves) penile (pertaining to the penis) superior (pertaining to above) auditory (pertaining to hearing) adipose (pertaining to fat) intravenous (pertaining to within a vein) acoustic (pertaining to hearing) Surgical Suffixes When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Surgical Suffixes—used to indicate surgical procedures, their meanings, and examples of their use. Suffix -centesis Meaning puncture to withdraw -ectomy surgical removal -ostomy surgically create an -otomy -pexy cutting into surgical fixation -plasty surgical repair -rrhaphy suture Example (Definition) arthrocentesis (puncture to withdraw fluid fluid from a joint) gastrectomy (surgically remove the stomach) colostomy (surgically create an opening opening for the colon through the abdominal wall) thoracotomy (cutting into the chest) nephropexy (surgical fixation of a kidney) dermatoplasty (surgical repair of the skin) myorrhaphy (suture together muscle) Procedural Suffixes When this choice is picked the following appears. Just a simple to read chart Procedural Suffixes—used to indicate procedural processes or instruments, their meanings, and examples of their use. Suffix -gram Meaning record or picture -graph instrument for -graphy process of recording -meter instrument for -metry process of measuring -scope instrument for viewing -scopy process of visually Example (Definition) electrocardiogram (record of heart’s electricity) electrocardiograph (instrument for recording recording the heart’s electrical activity) electrocardiography (process of recording the heart’s electrical activity) audiometer (instrument to measure measuring hearing) audiometry (process of measuring hearing) gastroscope (instrument to view stomach) gastroscopy (process of visually examining examining the stomach) QUIZ Section Choices presented Quiz 1A Quiz 1B Quiz 1C Quiz 1D Quiz 1E (any previous quiz results should show next to quiz choice as score x (correct) out of x(# questions) Example “10/14” – Only last quiz score taken should show) Quiz 1A: Directions: Define the combining forms in the spaces provided. 1. aden/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. carcin/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. cardi/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. chem/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. cis/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. dermat/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. enter/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. gastr/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9. gynec/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. hemat/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. hydr/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. immun/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. laryng/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 14. morph/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. nephr/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 16. neur/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 17. ophthalm/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 18. ot/o ________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. path/o ______________________________________________________________________________________ 20. pulmon/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 21. rhin/o ______________________________________________________________________________________ 22. ur/o ________________________________________________________________________________________ User Types in Answer then hits done and is shown results. Wrong answers highlighted and right answer given Results should automatically be saved as score x (correct) out of x(# questions) QUIZ 1B Directions: Define the prefixes in the spaces provided. 1. a- __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. an- _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ante- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. anti- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. auto-_____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. brady- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. dys- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. endo- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. epi- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. eu- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. hetero- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. homo- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. hydro- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. hyper- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. hypo- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. infra- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. inter- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. intra- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19. macro- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 20. micro- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 21. neo- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 22. pan- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 23. para- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 24. per- ________________________________________________________________________________________ 25. peri- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26. post- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. pre- ________________________________________________________________________________________ 28. pseudo- __________________________________________________________________________________ 29. retro- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. sub- ________________________________________________________________________________________ 31. super- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 32. supra- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 33. tachy- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 34. trans- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. ultra- ____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 1C Directions: Define the prefixes in the spaces provided. 1. bi- _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. di- _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. hemi- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. mono- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. multi- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. nulli- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. poly- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. quad- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. semi- _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. tri- _________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. uni- ________________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 1D Directions: Define the suffixes in the spaces provided. 1. -algia ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. -cele _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. -cise _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. -dynia ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. -ectasis ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. -ectopia __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. -gen _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. -genesis __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. -genic ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. -ia _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. -iasis _____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. -ism _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. -itis ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. -logist ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. -logy _____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. -lysis ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. -malacia __________________________________________________________________________________ 18. -megaly __________________________________________________________________________________ 19. -oma ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. -osis _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. -pathy ___________________________________________________________________________________ 22. -plasia ___________________________________________________________________________________ 23. -plasm ______________________________________________________________________________________ 24. -ptosis ______________________________________________________________________________________ 25. -rrhage _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26. -rrhea ______________________________________________________________________________________ 27. -rrhexis _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. -sclerosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. -stenosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. -therapy ____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. -trophy _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. -uria _____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 1E Directions: Define the suffixes in the spaces provided. 1. -centesis __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. -ectomy __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. -gram ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. -graph ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. -graphy __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. -meter ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. -metry ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. -ostomy __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. -otomy ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. -pexy ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. -plasty ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. -rrhaphy _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. -scope ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. -scopy ___________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 1A Answer Key Combining Form Meaning 1. aden/o gland 2. carcin/o cancer 3. cardi/o heart 4. chem/o chemical 5. cis/o to cut 6. dermat/o skin 7. enter/o small intestines 8. gastr/o stomach 9. gynec/o female 10. hemat/o blood 11. hydr/o water 12. immun/o immune 13. laryng/o voice box 14. morph/o shape 15. nephr/o kidney 16. neur/o nerve 17. ophthalm/o eye 18. ot/o ear 19. path/o disease 20. pulmon/o lung 21. rhin/o nose 22. ur/o urine, urinary tract QUIZ 1B Answer Key Common Prefix Meaning 1. a- without, away from 2. an- without 3. ante- before, in front of 4. anti- against 5. auto- self 6. brady- slow 7. dys- painful, difficult 8. endo- within, inner 9. epi- upon, over 10. eu- normal, good 11. hetero- different 12. homo- same 13. hydro- water 14. hyper- over, above 15. hypo- under, below 16. infra- under, beneath, below 17. inter- among, between 18. intra- within, inside 19. macro- large 20. micro- small 21. neo- new 22. pan- all 23. para- beside, beyond, near 24. per- through 25. peri- around 26. post- after 27. pre- before, in front of 28. pseudo- false 29. retro- backward, behind 30. sub- below, under 31. super- above, excess 32. supra- above 33. tachy- rapid, fast 34. trans- through, across 35. ultra- beyond, excess QUIZ 1C Answer Key Number Prefix Meaning 1. bi- two 2. di- two 3. hemi- half 4. mono- one 5. multi- many 6. nulli- none 7. poly- many 8. quad- four 9. semi- partial, half 10. tri- three 11. uni- one QUIZ 1D Answer Key Common Suffix Meaning 1. -algia pain 2. -cele hernia, protrusion 3. -cise cut 4. -dynia pain 5. -ectasis dilatation 6. -ectopia displacement 7. -gen that which produces 8. -genesis produces, generates 9. -genic producing 10. -ia state, condition 11. -iasis abnormal condition 12. -ism state of 13. -itis inflammation 14. -logist one who studies 15. -logy study of 16. -lysis destruction 17. -malacia abnormal softening 18. -megaly enlargement, large 19. -oma tumor, mass 20. -osis abnormal condition 21. -pathy disease 22. -plasia development, growth 23. -plasm formation, development 24. -ptosis drooping 25. -rrhage excessive, abnormal flow 26. -rrhea discharge, flow 27. -rrhexis rupture 28. -sclerosis hardening 29. -stenosis narrowing 30. -therapy treatment 31. -trophy nourishment, development 32. -uria condition of the urine QUIZ 1E Answer Key Surgical or Procedural Suffix Meaning 1. -centesis puncture to withdraw fluid 2. -ectomy surgical removal 3. -gram record or picture 4. -graph instrument for recording 5. -graphy process of recording 6. -meter instrument for measuring 7. -metry process of measuring 8. -ostomy surgically create an opening 9. -otomy cutting into 10. -pexy surgical fixation 11. -plasty surgical repair 12. -rrhaphy suture 13. -scope instrument for viewing 14. -scopy process of visually examining Part 2: Body Structure Follow same format as Part 1: Sections: Combining Forms Relating to Prefixes Relating to Body System Directional Term Quiz Combining Forms Relating to Body Structure Combining Form 1. abdomin/o 2. adip/o 3. anter/o 4. caud/o 5. cephal/o 6. chondr/o 7. crani/o 8. cyt/o 9. dist/o 10. dors/o 11. epitheli/o 12. hist/o 13. infer/o 14. later/o 15. medi/o 16. muscul/o 17. neur/o 18. organ/o 19. oste/o 20. pelv/o 21. poster/o 22. proxim/o 23. somat/o 24. spin/o 25. super/o 26. system/o 27. thorac/o 28. ventr/o 29. viscer/o Meaning abdomen fat front tail head cartilage skull cell away from back of body epithelium tissue below side middle muscle nerve organ bone pelvis back near to body spine above system chest belly internal organ Prefixes Relating to Body Structure Prefix 1. epi2. inter3. intra4. peri5. post6. retro7. sub8. supra9. trans- Meaning above between within around or about behind or after behind or backward under or below above through or across Body System 1. Integumentary 2. Musculoskeletal 3. Cardiovascular 4. Hematic system 5. Lymphatic 6. Respiratory 7. Digestive 8. Urinary 9. Female reproductive system 10. Male reproductive system 11. Endocrine Organs in the System a. skin b. hair c. nails a. muscles b. tendons c. bones d. joints a. heart b. arteries c. veins d. capillaries a. plasma b. red blood cells c. white blood cells a. thymus gland b. spleen c. lymph vessels d. lymph nodes a. nose b. pharynx c. larynx d. trachea e. bronchial tubes f. lungs a. mouth b. salivary glands c. pharynx d. esophagus e. stomach f. small intestines g. colon h. liver i. gallbladder j. pancreas a. kidneys b. urinary bladder c. ureters d. urethra a. ovaries b. fallopian tubes c. uterus d. vagina e. mammary glands a. testes b. vas deferens c. urethra d. prostate gland e. penis a. thyroid gland b. pituitary gland c. testes d. ovaries e. adrenal glands f. pancreas g. parathyroid glands h. pineal gland i. thymus gland 12. Nervous 13. Special senses Directional Term 1. superior cephalic 2. inferior or caudal 3. anterior or ventral 4. posterior or dorsal 5. medial 6. lateral 7. apex 8. base 9. proximal 10. distal 11. superficial 12. deep 13. supine 14. prone a. brain b. spinal cord c. nerves a. eyes b. ears c. nose d. tongue e. skin Definition More toward the head, or above. More toward the feet or tail, or below. More toward the front or belly-side of the body. More toward the back or spinal cord side of the body. Refers to the middle or near the middle of the body or the structure. Refers to the side. Tip or summit of an organ. Bottom or lower part of an organ. Located closer to the point of attachment to the body. Located farther away from the point of attachment to the body. More toward the surface of the body. Further away from the surface of the body. The body lying horizontally and facing upward. The body lying horizontally and facing downward. Quizes handled same way as in Part 1 QUIZ 2A Directions: Define the combining forms in the spaces provided. 1. abdomin/o ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. adip/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. anter/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. caud/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. cephal/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. chondr/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. crani/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. cyt/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. dist/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. dors/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. epitheli/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. hist/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. infer/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. later/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. medi/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 16. muscul/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 17. neur/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 18. organ/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 19. oste/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. pelv/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. poster/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 22. proxim/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 23. somat/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 24. spin/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 25. super/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 26. system/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 27. thorac/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 28. ventr/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 29. viscer/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 30. epi- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 31. inter-_____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. intra- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 33. peri- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 34. post- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. retro- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 36. sub- _____________________________________________________________________________________ 37. supra- ___________________________________________________________________________________ 38. trans- ____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 2B Directions: Place the names of the organs that are included within each body system in the spaces provided. 1. Integumentary 2. Musculoskeletal 3. Cardiovascular 4. Hematic system 5. Lymphatic 6. Respiratory 7. Digestive 8. Urinary a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ f. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ f. ___________________________________________________________ g. ___________________________________________________________ h. ___________________________________________________________ i. ___________________________________________________________ j. ___________________________________________________________ a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ 9. Female reproductive system a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ Male reproductive system a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ 10. Endocrine a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ f. ___________________________________________________________ g. ___________________________________________________________ h. ___________________________________________________________ i. ___________________________________________________________ 11. Nervous a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ 12. Special senses a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________ QUIZ 2C Directions: Place the definition/description of the directional position in the space next to the term. 1. superior or cephalic ________________________________________________________________________ 2. inferior or caudal __________________________________________________________________________ 3. anterior or ventral _________________________________________________________________________ 4. posterior or dorsal _________________________________________________________________________ 5. medial ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. lateral ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. apex _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. base _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. proximal _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. distal ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. superficial ________________________________________________________________________________ 12. deep _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. supine ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. prone ____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 2A Answer Key Combining Form Meaning 1. abdomin/o abdomen 2. adip/o fat 3. anter/o front 4. caud/o tail 5. cephal/o head 6. chondr/o cartilage 7. crani/o skull 8. cyt/o cell 9. dist/o away from 10. dors/o back of body 11. epitheli/o epithelium 12. hist/o tissue 13. infer/o below 14. later/o side 15. medi/o middle 16. muscul/o muscle 17. neur/o nerve 18. organ/o organ 19. oste/o bone 20. pelv/o pelvis 21. poster/o back 22. proxim/o near to 23. somat/o body 24. spin/o spine 25. super/o above 26. system/o system 27. thorac/o chest 28. ventr/o belly 29. viscer/o internal organ 30. epi- above 31. inter- between 32. intra- within 33. peri- around or about 34. post- behind or after 35. retro- behind or backward 36. sub- under or below 37. supra- above 38. trans- through or across QUIZ 2B Answer Key Body System Organs in the System 1. Integumentary a. skin b. hair c. nails 2. Musculoskeletal a. muscles b. tendons c. bones d. joints 3. Cardiovascular a. heart b. arteries c. veins d. capillaries 4. Hematic system a. plasma b. red blood cells c. white blood cells 5. Lymphatic a. thymus gland b. spleen c. lymph vessels d. lymph nodes a. nose b. pharynx c. larynx d. trachea e. bronchial tubes f. lungs 7. Digestive a. mouth b. salivary glands c. pharynx d. esophagus e. stomach f. small intestines g. colon h. liver i. gallbladder j. pancreas 8. Urinary a. kidneys b. urinary bladder c. ureters d. urethra 9. Female reproductive system a. ovaries b. fallopian tubes c. uterus d. vagina e. mammary glands Male reproductive system a. testes b. vas deferens c. urethra d. prostate gland e. penis 10. Endocrine a. thyroid gland b. pituitary gland c. testes d. ovaries e. adrenal glands f. pancreas g. parathyroid glands h. pineal gland i. thymus gland 11. Nervous a. brain b. spinal cord c. nerves 12. Special senses a. eyes b. ears c. nose d. tongue e. skin 6. Respiratory QUIZ 2C Answer Key Directional Term Definition 1. superior or cephalic More toward the head, or above. 2. inferior or caudal More toward the feet or tail, or below. 3. anterior or ventral More toward the front or belly-side of the body. 4. posterior or dorsal More toward the back or spinal cord side of the body. 5. medial 6. lateral 7. apex 8. base 9. proximal 10. distal 11. superficial 12. deep 13. supine 14. prone Refers to the middle or near the middle of the body or the structure. Refers to the side. Tip or summit of an organ. Bottom or lower part of an organ. Located closer to the point of attachment to the body. Located farther away from the point of attachment to the body. More toward the surface of the body. Further away from the surface of the body. The body lying horizontally and facing upward. The body lying horizontally and facing downward. Part 3: Integumentary System Follow same format as Part 1: Sections: Combining Forms Relating to Suffixes Relating to Skin Layers Word Building Relating to Vocabulary Relating to Pathology Relating to Diagnostic Procedures Relating to Therapeutic Procedures Relating to Pharmacology Relating to Abbreviations Relating to Quiz Combining Forms Relating to the Integumentary System Combining Form 1. adip/o 2. albin/o 3. bi/o 4. cry/o 5. cutane/o 6. cyan/o 7. derm/o 8. dermat/o 9. diaphor/o 10. hidr/o 11. ichthy/o 12. kerat/o 13. leuk/o 14. lip/o 15. melan/o 16. myc/o 17. necr/o 18. onych/o 19. pachy/o 20. pil/o 21. py/o Meaning fat white life cold skin blue skin skin profuse sweating sweat scaly, dry hard, horny white fat black fungus death nail thick hair pus 22. rhytid/o 23. scler/o 24. seb/o 25. trich/o 26. ungu/o 27. xanth/o 28. xer/o wrinkle hard oil hair nail yellow dry Suffixes Relating to the Integumentary System Suffix 1. -derma 2. -opsy 3. -plakia 4. -tome Meaning skin view of a plate instrument used to cut Skin Layers The three layers of the skin are: 1. Epidermis • thin, outer membrane layer • contains keratin, which acts as a barrier to infection • contains melanin, which gives skin its color, and protects against UV rays of sun to prevent skin cancer 2. Dermis or corium • middle, fibrous connective tissue layer • contains collagen to give skin strength 3. Subcutaneous (Subcu, Subq) layer • innermost layer, containing fatty tissue • acts as insulation for heat and cold Word Building Relating to the Integumentary System Combining Form cutane/o derm/o dermat/o hidr/o lip/o melan/o necr/o onych/o py/o rhytid/o seb/o trich/o Medical Term subcutaneous epidermal hypodermic ntradermal dermatitis dermatologist dermatology dermatopathy dermatoplasty dermatome anhidrosis hyperhidrosis lipectomy lipoma melanoma necrosis onychectomy onychomalacia onychomycosis onychophagia pyogenic rhytidectomy rhytidoplasty seborrhea trichomycosis Definition pertaining to under the skin pertaining to upon the skin pertaining to under the skin pertaining to within the skin inflammation of the skin specialist in skin study of the skin skin disease surgical repair of the skin instrument to cut the skin abnormal condition of no sweat abnormal condition of excessive sweat excision of fat fatty growth black tumor abnormal condition of death excision of a nail softening of nails abnormal condition of nail fungus nail eating (nail biting) pus forming excision of wrinkles surgical repair of wrinkles oily discharge abnormal condition of hair fungus ungu/o ungual pertaining to the nails Suffix -derma Medical Term erythroderma ichthyoderma leukoderma pachyderma scleroderma xanthoderma xeroderma Definition red skin scaly and dry skin white skin thick skin hard skin yellow skin dry skin Vocabulary Relating to the Integumentary System abrasion abscess albino alopecia cicatrix comedo contusion cyanosis cyst decubitus ulcer depigmentation dermatologist dermatology (Derm, derm) diaphoresis ecchymosis erythema fissure frostbite hemangioma hirsutism hyperpigmentation hyperemia keloid keratosis macule male pattern baldness nevus A scraping away of the skin surface by friction. A collection of pus in the skin. A genetic condition in which the person is unable to make melanin. Characterized by white hair and skin, and red pupils due to the lack of pigment. Absence or loss of hair, especially of the head. Commonly called baldness. A scar. Collection of hardened sebum in hair follicle. Also called a blackhead. Injury caused by a blow to the body; causes swelling, pain, and bruising. The skin is not broken. Bluish tint to the skin caused by deoxygenated blood. Fluid-filled sac under the skin. Open sore caused by pressure over bony prominences cutting off the blood flow to the overlying skin. These can appear in bedridden patients who lie in one position too long and can be difficult to heal. Also called bedsore or pressure sore. Loss of normal skin color or pigment. Physician who specializes in the treatment of diseases and conditions of the integumentary system. Study of diseases and conditions of the integumentary system. Profuse sweating. Skin discoloration caused by blood collecting under the skin following blunt trauma to the skin. A bruise. Redness or flushing of the skin. Crack-like lesion or groove on the skin. Freezing or the effect of freezing a part of the body. Exposed areas such as ears, nose, cheeks, fingers, and toes are generally affected. Benign tumor of dilated blood vessels. Excessive hair growth over the body. Abnormal amount of pigmentation in the skin. Redness of the skin due to increased blood flow. Formation of a raised and thickened hypertrophic scar after an injury or surgery. Skin condition with an overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis. Flat, discolored area that is flush with the skin surface. An example would be a freckle or a birthmark. Pattern of baldness most commonly seen in men. Begins as a receding hair line and progresses to full baldness on top of the head and a fringe of hair around the edges. Pigmented congenital skin blemish, birthmark, or mole. Nodule papule pediculosis petechiae photosensitivity polyp pruritus purpura purulent pustule scabies suppurative ulcer urticaria verruca vesicle vitiligo wheal Usually benign but may become cancerous. Firm, solid mass of cells in the skin. Small, solid, circular raised spot on the surface of the skin. Less than 1 cm in diameter. Infestation with lice. The eggs laid by the lice are called nits and cling tightly to hair. Pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin. Condition in which the skin reacts abnormally when exposed to light, such as the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Small tumor with a pedicle or stem attachment. They are commonly found in mucous membranes such as the nasal cavity. Severe itching. Hemorrhages into the skin due to fragile blood vessels. Commonly seen in elderly people. Containing or producing pus. Raised spot on the skin containing pus. Contagious skin disease caused by an egg-laying mite that burrows through the skin and causes redness and intense itching; often seen in children. Containing or producing pus. Open sore or lesion in skin or mucous membrane. Also called hives; a skin eruption of pale reddish wheals with severe itching. Usually associated with food allergy, stress, or drug reactions. Commonly called warts; a benign growth caused by a virus. Has a rough surface that is removed by chemicals and/or laser therapy. A blister; small, fluid-filled raised spot on the skin. Disappearance of pigment from the skin in patches, causing a milk-white appearance. Also called leukoderma. Small, round, raised area on the skin that may be accompanied by itching. Pathology Relating to the Integumentary System acne acne rosacea acne vulgaris basal cell carcinoma (BCC) burn burn, 1st degree burn, 2nd degree Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles that results in papules and pustules. Form of acne seen in adults, especially on the nose and cheeks. Common form of acne seen in teenagers. Characterized by comedo, papules, and pustules. Cancerous tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis. A frequent type of skin cancer that rarely metastasizes or spreads. These cancers can arise on sun-exposed skin. Damage to the skin that can result from exposure to open fire, electricity, ultraviolet light from the sun, or caustic chemicals. Seriousness depends on the amount of body surface involved and the depth of the burn. Extent of a burn is estimated using the Rule of Nines. Depth is determined by the number of layers of skin involved. Damage to the epidermis layer of the skin. Characterized by hyperemia, but no blisters or scars. Damage extends through the epidermis and into the dermis, causing vesicles to form. Scarring may occur. Also called partial thickness burn. burn, 3rd degree carbuncle cellulitis dry gangrene eczema furuncle gangrene ichthyosis impetigo Kaposi’s sarcoma leukoplakia malignant melanoma (MM) onychia paronychia pemphigus vulgaris psoriasis rubella sebaceous cyst shingles squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) tinea tinea capitis tinea pedis varicella wet gangrene Damage to full thickness of skin and into underlying tissues. Infection is a major concern with thirddegree burns, and fluid loss can be life threatening. Grafts are usually required and scarring will occur. Also called full-thickness burn. Furuncle involving several hair follicles. A diffuse, acute infection and inflammation of the skin. Late stages of gangrene characterized by the affected area becoming black and leathery. Superficial dermatitis of unknown cause accompanied by papules, vesicles, and crusting. Bacterial infection of a hair follicle. Characterized by redness, pain, and swelling. Also called a boil. Tissue necrosis usually due to deficient blood supply. Condition in which the skin becomes dry, scaly, and keratinized. A bacterial infection of the skin with pustules that rupture and become crusted over. Form of skin cancer frequently seen in acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients. Consists of brownish-purple papules that spread from the skin and metastasize to internal organs. Named for Moritz Kaposi, an Austrian dermatologist. Change in mucous membrane that results in thick, white plate-like patches on the mucous membrane of the tongue and cheek. Considered precancerous, it is associated with smoking. Dangerous form of skin cancer caused by an uncontrolled growth of melanocytes. May quickly metastasize or spread to internal organs. Infected nail bed. Infection around a nail. Skin condition in which blisters form in the skin and mucous membranes. Chronic inflammatory condition consisting of crusty papules forming patches with circular borders. Contagious viral skin infection. Commonly called German measles. Sac under the skin filled with sebum or oil from a sebaceous gland. This can grow to a large size and may need to be excised. Eruption of vesicles along a nerve path, causing a rash and pain. Caused by the same virus as chicken pox. Epidermal cancer that may go into deeper tissue but does not generally metastasize. Chronic disease of the connective tissue that injures the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucous membranes. May produce a characteristic butterfly rash across the cheeks and nose. Fungal skin disease resulting in itching, scaling lesions. Fungal infection of the scalp. Commonly called ringworm. Fungal infection of the foot. Commonly called athlete’s foot. Contagious viral skin infection. Commonly called chicken pox. Area of gangrene becoming infected by pusproducing bacteria. Diagnostic Procedures Relating to the Integumentary System biopsy (BX, bx) culture and sensitivity (C&S) exfoliative cytology frozen section (FS) fungal scrapings needle biopsy skin tests (ST) sweat test A piece of tissue is removed by syringe and needle, knife, punch, or brush to examine under a microscope. Used to aid in diagnosis. A laboratory test that grows a colony of bacteria removed from an infected area in order to identify the specific infecting bacteria and then determine its sensitivity to a variety of antibiotics. Scraping cells from tissue and then examining them under a microscope. A thin piece of tissue is cut from a frozen specimen for rapid examination under a microscope. Scrapings, taken with a curette or scraper, of tissue from lesions are placed on a growth medium and examined under a microscope to identify fungal growth. Using a sterile needle to remove tissue for examination under a microscope. Test to determine the patient’s reaction to a suspected allergen by injecting a small amount under the skin (intradermal) with a needle. The reaction of the patient to this material is then read to indicate any allergy. Examples of such tests are the tuberculin (TB) test, Mantoux (PPD) test, patch test, and Schick test. Test performed on sweat to determine the level of chloride. There is an increase in skin chloride in the disease cystic fibrosis. Therapeutic Procedures Relating to the Integumentary System adipectomy allograft autograft cauterization chemabrasion cryosurgery curettage debridement dermabrasion dermatome dermatoplasty electrocautery heterograft incision and drainage (I&D) laser therapy liposuction plication rhytidectomy Surgical removal of fat. Skin graft from one person to another; donor is usually a cadaver. Skin graft from a person’s own body. Destruction of tissue with a caustic chemical, electric current, freezing, or hot iron. Abrasion using chemicals. Also called a chemical peel. Using extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue. Removal of superficial skin lesions with a curette (surgical instrument shaped like a spoon) or scraper. Removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue from a wound. Abrasion or rubbing using wire brushes or sandpaper. Performed to remove acne scars, tattoos, and scar tissue. Instrument for cutting the skin or thin transplants of skin. Skin grafting; transplantation of skin. To destroy tissue with an electric current. Skin graft from an animal of another species (usually a pig) to a human. Also called xenograft. Making an incision to create an opening for the drainage of material such as pus. Removal of skin lesions and birthmarks using a laser beam that emits intense heat and power at a close range. The laser converts frequencies of light into one small, powerful beam. Removal of fat beneath the skin by means of suction. Taking tucks surgically in a structure to shorten it. Surgical removal of excess skin to eliminate wrinkles. Commonly referred to as a face lift. skin graft (SG) xenograft The transfer of skin from a normal area to cover another site. Used to treat burn victims and after some surgical procedures. Skin graft from an animal of another species (usually a pig) to a human. Also called heterograft. Pharmacology Relating to the Integumentary System anesthetics antibiotics antifungals anti-inflammatory drugs antiparasitics antipruritics antiseptics corticosteroid cream Applied to the skin to deaden pain. Kill bacteria causing skin infections. Kill fungi infecting the skin. Reduce skin inflammation or itching. Kill mites or lice. Reduce severe itching. Used to kill bacteria in skin cuts and wounds or at a surgical site. Specific type of powerful antiinflammatory cream. Abbreviations Relating to the Integumentary System 1. BCC basal cell carcinoma 2. BX, bx biopsy 3. C&S culture and sensitivity 4. decub decubitus ulcer 5. Derm, derm dermatology 6. FS frozen section 7. I&D incision and drainage 8. ID intradermal 9. MM malignant melanoma 10. SCC squamous cell carcinoma 11. SG skin graft 12. SLE systemic lupus erythematosus 13. ST skin test 14. STSG split-thickness skin graft 15. subcu, SC, sc, subq subcutaneous 16. ung ointment 17. UV ultraviolet QUIZ 3A Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the space provided. 1. adip/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. albin/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. bi/o ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. cry/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. cutane/o__________________________________________________________________________________ 6. cyan/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. derm/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. dermat/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. diaphor/o_________________________________________________________________________________ 10. hidr/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. ichthy/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. kerat/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. leuk/o____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. lip/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. melan/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 16. myc/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. necr/o____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. onych/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 19. pachy/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 20. pil/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. py/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 22. rhytid/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 23. scler/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 24. seb/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 25. trich/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 26. ungu/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 27. xanth/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 28. xer/o_____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. -derma ___________________________________________________________________________________ 30. -opsy_____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. -plakia ___________________________________________________________________________________ 32. -tome ____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 3B Directions: Build a medical term for each phrase below. 1. pertaining to under the skin ________________________________________________________________ 2. pertaining to upon the skin _________________________________________________________________ 3. pertaining to under the skin ________________________________________________________________ 4. pertaining to within the skin ________________________________________________________________ 5. inflammation of the skin ___________________________________________________________________ 6. specialist in skin ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. study of the skin ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. skin disease _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. surgical repair of the skin ___________________________________________________________________ 10. instrument to cut the skin __________________________________________________________________ 11. abnormal condition of no sweat _____________________________________________________________ 12. abnormal condition of excessive sweat _______________________________________________________ 13. excision of fat _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. fatty growth ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. black tumor _______________________________________________________________________________ 16. abnormal condition of death ________________________________________________________________ 17. excision of a nail __________________________________________________________________________ 18. softening of nails __________________________________________________________________________ 19. abnormal condition of nail fungus ___________________________________________________________ 20. nail eating (nail biting) _____________________________________________________________________ 21. pus forming _______________________________________________________________________________ 22. excision of wrinkles ________________________________________________________________________ 23. surgical repair of wrinkles __________________________________________________________________ 24. oily discharge _____________________________________________________________________________ 25. abnormal condition of hair fungus ___________________________________________________________ 26. pertaining to the nails ______________________________________________________________________ 27. red skin __________________________________________________________________________________ 28. scaly and dry skin __________________________________________________________________________ 29. white skin ________________________________________________________________________________ 30. thick skin _________________________________________________________________________________ 31. hard skin _________________________________________________________________________________ 32. yellow skin _______________________________________________________________________________ 33. dry skin __________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 3C Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands. 1. BCC _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. BX, bx ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. C&S _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. decub ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Derm, derm _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. FS _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. I&D ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ID _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. MM _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. SCC______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. SG _______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. SLE ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. ST _______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. STSG_____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. subcu, SC, sc, subq_________________________________________________________________________ 16. ung ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17. UV_______________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 3A Answer Key Combining Form or Suffix Meaning 1. adip/o fat 2. albin/o white 3. bi/o life 4. cry/o cold 5. cutane/o skin 6. cyan/o blue 7. derm/o skin 8. dermat/o skin 9. diaphor/o profuse sweating 10. hidr/o sweat 11. ichthy/o scaly, dry 12. kerat/o hard, horny 13. leuk/o white 14. lip/o fat 15. melan/o black 16. myc/o fungus 17. necr/o death 18. onych/o nail 19. pachy/o thick 20. pil/o hair 21. py/o pus 22. rhytid/o wrinkle 23. scler/o hard 24. seb/o oil 25. trich/o hair 26. ungu/o nail 27. xanth/o yellow 28. xer/o dry 29. -derma skin 30. -opsy view of 31. -plakia a plate 32. –tome instrument used to cut QUIZ 3B Answer Key Phrase 1. pertaining to under the skin 2. pertaining to upon the skin 3. pertaining to under the skin 4. pertaining to within the skin 5. inflammation of the skin 6. specialist in skin 7. study of the skin 8. skin disease 9. surgical repair of the skin 10. instrument to cut the skin 11. abnormal condition of no sweat 12. abnormal condition of excessive sweat 13. excision of fat 14. fatty growth 15. black tumor 16. abnormal condition of death 17. excision of a nail 18. softening of nails 19. abnormal condition of nail fungus 20. nail eating (nail biting) 21. pus forming 22. excision of wrinkles 23. surgical repair of wrinkles 24. oily discharge 25. abnormal condition of hair fungus 26. pertaining to the nails 27. red skin 28. scaly and dry skin 29. white skin 30. thick skin 31. hard skin 32. yellow skin 33. dry skin QUIZ 3C Answer Key Abbreviation 1. BCC 2. BX, bx 3. C&S 4. decub 5. Derm, derm 6. FS 7. I&D 8. ID 9. MM 10. SCC 11. SG 12. SLE 13. ST 14. STSG 15. subcu, SC, sc, subq 16. ung 17. UV Medical Term subcutaneous epidermal hypodermic intradermal dermatitis dermatologist dermatology dermatopathy dermatoplasty dermatome anhidrosis hyperhidrosis lipectomy lipoma melanoma necrosis onychectomy onychomalacia onychomycosis onychophagia pyogenic rhytidectomy rhytidoplasty seborrhea trichomycosis ungual erythroderma ichthyoderma leukoderma pachyderma scleroderma xanthoderma xeroderma Meaning basal cell carcinoma biopsy culture and sensitivity decubitus ulcer dermatology frozen section incision and drainage intradermal malignant melanoma squamous cell carcinoma skin graft systemic lupus erythematosus skin test split-thickness skin graft subcutaneous ointment ultraviolet Part 4: Musculoskeletal System Follow same format as Part 1: Sections: Combining Forms Relating to Word Building Relating to Vocabulary Relating to Pathology Relating to Diagnostic Procedures Relating to Therapeutic Procedures Relating to Pharmacology Relating to Muscle Actions Abbreviations Relating to Quiz Combining Forms Relating to the Skeletal System Combining Form 1. ankyl/o 2. arthr/o 3. articul/o 4. burs/o 5. carp/o 6. cervic/o 7. chondr/o 8. clavicul/o 9. coccyg/o 10. cost/o 11. crani/o 12. femor/o 13. fibul/o 14. humer/o 15. ili/o 16. ischi/o 17. kyph/o 18. lamin/o 19. lord/o 20. lumb/o 21. mandibul/o 22. maxill/o 23. metacarp/o 24. metatars/o 25. myel/o 26. orth/o 27. oste/o 28. patell/o 29. ped/o 30. pelv/o 31. phalang/o 32. pub/o Meaning stiff joint joint joint sac wrist neck cartilage clavicle, collarbone coccyx, tailbone rib skull, head femur, thigh bone fibula, smaller outer bone of lower leg humerus, upper arm bone ilium, part of hipbone ischium, part of hipbone hump lamina, part of vertebra swayback, curve loin, lower back mandible, jawbone maxilla, upper jawbone metacarpals, hand bones metatarsals, foot bones bone marrow straight bone patella, knee cap foot pelvis phalanges, bones of fingers and toes pubis, part of hipbone 33. radi/o 34. sacr/o 35. scapul/o 36. scoli/o 37. spondyl/o 38. stern/o 39. synovi/o 40. tars/o 41. thorac/o 42. tibi/o 43. uln/o 44. vertebr/o radius, lower arm bone sacrum scapula, shoulder blade crooked, bent vertebrae, backbone sternum, breastbone synovial membrane ankle chest tibia, inner bone of lower leg ulna, lower arm bone vertebra, backbone Suffixes Relating to the Skeletal System 1. -blast 2. -clasia 3. -desis 4. -listhesis 5. -malacia 6. -porosis 7. -scopy 8. -tome immature, embryonic to surgically break stabilize, fuse slipping softening porous procedure to visually examine instrument to cut Combining Forms Relating to the Muscular System Combining Form 1. fasci/o 2. fibr/o 3. leiomy/o 4. muscul/o 5. my/o 6. myocardi/o 7. myos/o 8. plant/o 9. rhabdomy/o 10. ten/o 11. tend/o 12. tendin/o Meaning fibrous band fibers smooth muscle muscle muscle heart muscle muscle sole of foot skeletal muscle tendon tendon tendon Suffixes Relating to the Muscular System 1. -asthenia 2. -kinesia 3. -trophy weakness movement development, nourishment Prefixes Relating to the Muscular System 1. ab2. ad3. circum- away from toward around Word Building Relating to the Skeletal System Combining Form arthr/o Medical Term arthralgia arthrocentesis arthroclasia arthrodesis Definition joint pain puncture to withdraw fluid from a joint surgically breaking a joint fusion of a joint arthritis arthrotomy arthroscopy burs/o chondr/o crani/o myel/o oste/o vertebr/o bursectomy bursitis bursolith chondrectomy chondromalacia chondroplasty intracranial craniotomy myeloma osteocarcinoma osteochondroma osteoclasia osteomalacia osteomyelitis osteotomy osteopathy osteoporosis osteotome intervertebral joint inflammation incision into a joint visual examination of the inside of a joint excision of a bursa inflammation of a bursa stone in a bursa excision of cartilage cartilage softening surgical repair of cartilage pertaining to inside the skull incision into the skull bone marrow tumor cancerous bone tumor bone and cartilage tumor to surgically break a bone bone softening inflammation of bone and bone marrow incision into a bone bone disease abnormal condition of porous bones instrument to cut bone pertaining to between vertebrae Word Building Relating to the Muscular System Combining Form fasci/o leiomy/o my/o myos/o rhabdomy/o ten/o tend/o tendin/o Suffix -kinesia -trophy Medical Term fasciitis fasciorrhaphy fasciotomy leiomyofibroma leiomyoma electromyogram (EMG) myopathy myoplasty myorrhaphy polymyositis rhabdomyolysis rhabdomyoma tenodynia tenomyopathy tenorrhaphy tendoplasty tendotomy tendinitis tendinous Definition inflammation of fascia suture fascia incision into fascia fibrous smooth muscle tumor smooth muscle tumor record of muscle electricity muscle disease surgical repair of muscle suture a muscle inflammation of many muscles skeletal muscle destruction skeletal muscle tumor tendon pain disease of tendons and muscle suture a tendon surgical repair of tendon incision into tendon inflammation of tendon pertaining to tendons Combined With Prefix bradykinesia dyskinesia hyperkinesia atrophy dystrophy hypertrophy Medical Term slow movement difficult or painful movement excessive movement lack of development difficult (poor) development excessive development Vocabulary Relating to the Skeletal System callus The mass of bone tissue that forms at a fracture site during its healing. crepitation The noise produced by bones or cartilage rubbing together in conditions such as arthritis. exostosis A bone spur. kyphosis Abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine. Also known as hunchback or humpback. lordosis Abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine. Also known as swayback. orthopedics Branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the musculoskeletal system. orthopedist Physician who specializes in treatment of conditions of the musculoskeletal system. orthotics A brace or splint used to prevent or correct deformities. orthotist Person skilled in making and fitting orthotics. podiatrist Specialist in treating disorders of the feet. prosthesis Artificial device that is used as a substitute for a body part that is either congenitally missing or is absent as a result of accident or disease (for instance, an artificial leg or hip). prosthetist Person who fabricates and fits prostheses. Vocabulary Relating to the Muscular System adhesion contracture spasm torticollis Scar tissue forming in the fascia surrounding a muscle making it difficult to stretch the muscle. An abnormal shortening of a muscle, making it difficult to stretch the muscle. A sudden, involuntary, strong muscle contraction. Severe neck spasms pulling the head to one side. Commonly called wryneck or a crick in the neck. Pathology Relating to the Skeletal System ankylosing spondylitis bunion carpal tunnel closed fracture Colles’ fracture comminuted fracture compound fracture Dislocation Ewing’s sarcoma Inflammatory spinal condition that resembles rheumatoid arthritis. Results in gradual stiffening and fusion of the vertebrae. More common in men than women. Inflammation of the bursa of the great toe. Pain caused by compression of the nerve as it syndrome (CTS) passes between the bones and ligaments of the wrist. A fracture in which there is no open skin wound. Also called a simple fracture. A common type of wrist fracture. Fracture in which the bone is shattered, splintered, or crushed into many small pieces or fragments. Fracture in which the skin has been broken through to the fracture. Also called an open fracture. Occurs when the bones in a joint are displaced from their normal alignment. Malignant growth found in the shaft of long bones that spreads through the periosteum. Named for James Ewing, an American fracture (FX, Fx) gout greenstick fracture herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) impacted fracture myeloma oblique fracture open fracture osteoarthritis (OA) osteogenic sarcoma osteomalacia osteoporosis Paget’s disease pathologic fracture rheumatoid arthritis rickets scoliosis simple fracture spina bifida spinal stenosis spiral fracture spondylolisthesis spondylosis strain systemic lupus pathologist. A broken bone. Inflammation of the joints caused by excessive uric acid. Fracture in which there is an incomplete break; one side of bone is broken and the other side is bent. This type of fracture is commonly found in children due to their softer and more pliable bone structure. Herniation or protrusion of an intervertebral disk; also called herniated disk. May require surgery. Fracture in which bone fragments are pushed into each other. Malignant tumor originating in the bone marrow. Fracture at an angle to the bone. Fracture in which the skin has been broken through to the fracture. Also called a compound fracture. Arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones and joints, especially those bearing weight. Results in bone rubbing against bone. The most common type of bone cancer. Usually begins in osteocytes found at the ends of long bones. Softening of the bones caused by a deficiency of calcium. It is thought that in children the cause is insufficient sunlight and vitamin D. Decrease in bone mass that results in a thinning and weakening of the bone with resulting fractures. The bone becomes more porous, especially in the spine and pelvis. A fairly common metabolic disease of the bone from unknown causes. It usually attacks middleaged and elderly people and is characterized by bone destruction and deformity. Named for Sir James Paget, a British surgeon. Fracture caused by diseased or weakened bone. Chronic form of arthritis with inflammation of (RA) the joints, swelling, stiffness, pain, and changes in the cartilage that can result in crippling deformities. Deficiency in calcium and vitamin D found in early childhood that results in bone deformities, especially bowed legs. Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. A fracture in which there is no open skin wound. Also called a closed fracture. A congenital anomaly that occurs when a vertebra fails to fully form around the spinal cord. Narrowing of the spinal canal causing pressure on the cord and nerves. Fracture in which the fracture line spirals around the shaft of the bone. Can be caused by a twisting injury and is often slower to heal than other types of fractures. The forward sliding of a lumbar vertebra over the vertebra below it. A degenerative condition of the vertebral column. Damage to the ligaments surrounding a joint due to overstretching, but no dislocation of the joint. Chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue erythematosus (SLE) talipes transverse fracture whiplash that causes injury to the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, and nervous system. A characteristic butterfly rash or erythema may be present. Congenital deformity of the foot. Also referred to as a clubfoot. Complete fracture that is straight across the bone at right angles to the long axis of the bone. Injury to the bones in the cervical spine as a result of a sudden movement forward and backward of the head and neck. Can occur as a result of a rear-end auto collision. Pathology Relating to the Muscular System fibromyalgia ganglion lateral epicondylitis muscular dystrophy (MD) pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy sprain A condition with widespread aching and pain in the muscles and soft tissue. Cyst that forms on tendon sheath, usually on hand, wrist, or ankle. Inflammation of the muscle attachment to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. Often caused by strongly gripping. Commonly called tennis elbow. Inherited disease causing a progressive muscle degeneration, weakness, and atrophy. One type of inherited muscular dystrophy in which the muscle tissue is gradually replaced by fatty tissue, making the muscle look strong. Also called Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Damage to the muscle and soft tissue due to overuse or overstretching. Diagnostic Procedures Relating to the Skeletal System arthrography arthroscopy bone scan myelography photon absorptiometry Visualization of a joint by radiographic study after injection of a contrast medium into the joint space. Examination of the interior of a joint by entering the joint with an arthroscope. Torn ligaments can be repaired while the patient is undergoing arthroscopy. The arthroscope contains a small television camera that allows the physician to view the interior of the joint on a monitor during the procedure. Patient is given a radioactive dye and then scanning equipment is used to visualize bones. It is especially useful in observing progress of treatment for osteomyelitis and cancer metastases to the bone. Study of the spinal column after injecting opaque contrast material; particularly useful in identifying herniated nucleus pulposus. Measurement of bone density using an instrument for the purpose of detecting osteoporosis. Diagnostic Procedures Relating to the Muscular System creatine phosphokinase (CPK) A muscle enzyme found in skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. Blood levels become elevated in disorders such as heart attack, muscular dystrophy, and other skeletal muscle pathologies. deep tendon reflexes electromyography muscle biopsy Muscle contraction in response to a stretch caused by striking the muscle tendon with a reflex hammer. Test used to determine if muscles are responding properly. Study and record of the strength and quality of muscle contractions as a result of electrical stimulation. Removal of muscle tissue for pathological examination. Therapeutic Procedures Relating to the Skeletal System amputation arthroscopic surgery bone graft bunionectomy carpal tunnel release cast diskectomy laminectomy reduction spinal fusion total hip (THR) total knee replacement (TKR) Partial or complete removal of a limb for a variety of reasons, including tumors, gangrene, intractable pain, crushing injury, or uncontrollable infection. Use of an arthroscope to facilitate performing surgery on a joint. Piece of bone taken from the patient that is used to take the place of a removed bone or a bony defect at another site. Removal of the bursa at the joint of the great toe. Surgical cutting of the ligament in the wrist to relieve nerve pressure caused by carpal tunnel disease, which can result from repetitive motion such as typing. Application of a solid material to immobilize an extremity or portion of the body as a result of a fracture, dislocation, or severe injury. It is most often made of plaster of Paris. Removal of a herniated intervertebral disk. Removal of the vertebral posterior arch to correct severe back problems and pain caused by compression of a spinal nerve. Correcting a fracture by realigning the bone fragments. Closed reduction is doing this manipulation without entering the body. Open reduction is the surgical incision at the site of the fracture to do the reduction. This is commonly necessary where there are bony fragments to remove. Surgical immobilization of adjacent vertebrae. This may be done for several reasons, including correction for a herniated disk. replacement Surgical reconstruction of a hip by implanting a prosthetic or artificial hip joint. Also called total hip arthroplasty (THA). Surgical reconstruction of a knee joint by implanting a prosthetic knee joint. Also called total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Pharmacology Relating to the Skeletal System Bone reabsorption Conditions that result in weak and fragile inhibitors Calcium supplements and Vitamin D therapy Corticosteroids A Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) bones, such as osteoporosis and Paget’s disease, are improved by medications that reduce the reabsorption of bones. Maintaining high blood levels of calcium in association with vitamin D helps maintain bone density and treats osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and rickets. hormone produced by the adrenal cortex that has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is particularly useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis. A large group of drugs including aspirin and ibuprofen that provide mild pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits for conditions such as arthritis. Pharmacology Relating to the Muscular System Muscle relaxants Medication to relax skeletal muscles in order to reduce muscle spasms. Also called antispasmodics. Muscle Actions Abduction: Movement away from midline of the body. Adduction: Movement toward midline of the body. Flexion: Act of bending or being bent. Extension: Movement that brings limb into or toward a straight condition. Dorsiflexion: Backward bending, as of hand or foot. Plantar flexion: Bending sole of foot; pointing toes downward. Eversion: Turning outward. Inversion: Turning inward. Pronation: To turn downward or backward as with the hand or foot. Supination: Turning the palm or foot upward. Elevation: To raise a body part, as in shrug the shoulders. Depression: A downward movement, as in dropping the shoulders. Abbreviations Relating to the Skeletal System 1. AE 2. AK 3. BDT 4. BE 5. BK 6. C1, C2, etc. 7. CDH 8. CTS 9. DJD 10. FX, Fx 11. HNP 12. JRA 13. L1, L2, etc. 14. LAT, lat 15. LE 16. LLE 17. LUE 18. NSAID 19. OA 20. ORIF 21. Orth, ortho 22. RA above elbow above knee bone density testing below elbow below knee first cervical vertebra, second cervical vertebra, etc. congenital dislocation of the hip carpal tunnel syndrome degenerative joint disease fracture herniated nucleus pulposus juvenile rheumatoid arthritis first lumbar vertebra, second lumbar vertebra, etc. lateral lower extremity left lower extremity left upper extremity non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug osteoarthritis open reduction–internal fixation orthopedics rheumatoid arthritis 23. RLE right lower extremity QUIZ QUIZ 4A Directions: Define the combining forms in the spaces provided. 1. ankyl/o___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. arthr/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. articul/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. burs/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. carp/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. cervic/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. chondr/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. clavicul/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. coccyg/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. cost/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. crani/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. femor/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 13. fibul/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. humer/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. ili/o ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. ischi/o____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. kyph/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 18. lamin/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 19. lord/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. lumb/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 21. mandibul/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 22. maxill/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 23. metacarp/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 24. metatars/o ________________________________________________________________________________ 25. myel/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 26. orth/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. oste/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. patell/o___________________________________________________________________________________ 29. ped/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. pelv/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. phalang/o ________________________________________________________________________________ 32. pub/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 33. radi/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 34. sacr/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. scapul/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 36. scoli/o____________________________________________________________________________________ 37. spondyl/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 38. stern/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 39. synovi/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 40. tars/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 41. thorac/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 42. tibi/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 43. uln/o_____________________________________________________________________________________ 44. vertebr/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 45. -blast ____________________________________________________________________________________ 46. -clasia ____________________________________________________________________________________ 47. -desis ____________________________________________________________________________________ 48. -listhesis __________________________________________________________________________________ 49. -malacia __________________________________________________________________________________ 50. -porosis __________________________________________________________________________________ 51. -scopy ____________________________________________________________________________________ 52. -tome ____________________________________________________________________________________ 53. fasci/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 54. fibr/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 55. leiomy/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 56. muscul/o _________________________________________________________________________________ 57. my/o _____________________________________________________________________________________ 58. myocardi/o _______________________________________________________________________________ 59. myos/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 60. plant/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 61. rhabdomy/o ______________________________________________________________________________ 62. ten/o ____________________________________________________________________________________ 63. tend/o ___________________________________________________________________________________ 64. tendin/o __________________________________________________________________________________ 65. -asthenia _________________________________________________________________________________ 66. -kinesia __________________________________________________________________________________ 67. -trophy ___________________________________________________________________________________ 68. ab- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 69. ad- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 70. circum- __________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 4B Directions: Describe each muscle action. 1. abduction ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. adduction ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. circumduction ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. depression _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. dorsiflexion ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. elevation _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. eversion _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. extension ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. flexion ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. inversion _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. opposition ________________________________________________________________________________ 12. plantar flexion ____________________________________________________________________________ 13. pronation ________________________________________________________________________________ 14. rotation __________________________________________________________________________________ 15. supination ________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 4C Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below. 1. joint pain _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. puncture to withdraw fluid from a joint ______________________________________________________ 3. surgically breaking a joint __________________________________________________________________ 4. fusion of a joint ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. joint inflammation ________________________________________________________________________ 6. incision into a joint ________________________________________________________________________ 7. visual examination of the inside of a joint ____________________________________________________ 8. excision of a bursa _________________________________________________________________________ 9. inflammation of a bursa ____________________________________________________________________ 10. stone in a bursa ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. excision of cartilage ________________________________________________________________________ 12. cartilage softening _________________________________________________________________________ 13. surgical repair of cartilage __________________________________________________________________ 14. pertaining to inside the skull ________________________________________________________________ 15. incision into the skull ______________________________________________________________________ 16. bone marrow tumor _______________________________________________________________________ 17. cancerous bone tumor______________________________________________________________________ 18. bone and cartilage tumor ___________________________________________________________________ 19. to surgically break a bone __________________________________________________________________ 20. bone softening ____________________________________________________________________________ 21. inflammation of bone and bone marrow______________________________________________________ 22. incision into a bone ________________________________________________________________________ 23. bone disease ______________________________________________________________________________ 24. abnormal condition of porous bones _________________________________________________________ 25. instrument to cut bone _____________________________________________________________________ 26. pertaining to between vertebrae _____________________________________________________________ 27. inflammation of fascia______________________________________________________________________ 28. suture fascia ______________________________________________________________________________ 29. incision into fascia _________________________________________________________________________ 30. smooth muscle tumor ______________________________________________________________________ 31. fibrous smooth muscle tumor _______________________________________________________________ 32. record of muscle electricity _________________________________________________________________ 33. muscle disease ____________________________________________________________________________ 34. surgical repair of muscle ____________________________________________________________________ 35. suture a muscle ___________________________________________________________________________ 36. inflammation of many muscles ______________________________________________________________ 37. skeletal muscle tumor ______________________________________________________________________ 38. skeletal muscle destruction _________________________________________________________________ 39. inflammation of tendon ____________________________________________________________________ 40. pertaining to tendons ______________________________________________________________________ 41. incision into tendon _______________________________________________________________________ 42. surgical repair of tendon____________________________________________________________________ 43. tendon pain_______________________________________________________________________________ 44. disease of tendons and muscle_______________________________________________________________ 45. suture a tendon ___________________________________________________________________________ 46. slow movement ___________________________________________________________________________ 47. difficult or painful movement _______________________________________________________________ 48. excessive movement _______________________________________________________________________ 49. lack of development _______________________________________________________________________ 50. difficult (poor) development ________________________________________________________________ 51. excessive development _____________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 4D Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands. 1. AE _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. AK ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. BDT______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. BE _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. BK_______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. C1, C2, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. CDH _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. CTS ______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. DJD______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. FX, Fx____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. HNP______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. JRA ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. L1, L2, etc.________________________________________________________________________________ 14. LAT, lat ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. LE _______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. LLE ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17. LUE______________________________________________________________________________________ 18. NSAID ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19. OA ______________________________________________________________________________________ 20. ORIF _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. Orth, ortho _______________________________________________________________________________ 22. RA ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23. RLE ______________________________________________________________________________________ 24. RUE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 25. SLE ______________________________________________________________________________________ 26. T1, T2, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________ 27. THA _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. THR _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. TKA _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. TKR _____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. TMJ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. TX, Tx ___________________________________________________________________________________ 33. UE ______________________________________________________________________________________ 34. CPK _____________________________________________________________________________________ 35. DTR _____________________________________________________________________________________ 36. EMG _____________________________________________________________________________________ 37. IM _______________________________________________________________________________________ 38. MD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 39. ROM_____________________________________________________________________________________ QUIZ 4A Answer Key Combining Form or Suffix Meaning 1. ankyl/o stiff joint 2. arthr/o joint 3. articul/o joint 4. burs/o sac 5. carp/o wrist 6. cervic/o neck 7. chondr/o cartilage 8. clavicul/o clavicle, collarbone 9. coccyg/o coccyx, tailbone 10. cost/o rib 11. crani/o head, skull 12. femor/o femur, thigh bone 13. fibul/o fibula, smaller outer bone of lower leg 14. humer/o humerus, upper arm bone 15. ili/o ilium, part of hipbone 16. ischi/o ischium, part of hipbone 17. kyph/o hump 18. lamin/o lamina, part of vertebra 19. lord/o swayback, curve 20. lumb/o loin, lower back 21. mandibul/o mandible, jawbone 22. maxill/o maxilla, upper jawbone 23. metacarp/o metacarpals, hand bones 24. metatars/o metatarsals, foot bones 25. myel/o bone marrow 26. orth/o straight 27. oste/o bone 28. patell/o patella, knee cap 29. ped/o foot 30. pelv/o pelvis 31. phalang/o phalanges, bones of fingers and toes 32. pub/o pubis, part of hipbone 33. radi/o radius, lower arm bone 34. sacr/o sacrum 35. scapul/o scapula, shoulder blade 36. scoli/o crooked, bent 37. spondyl/o vertebrae, backbone 38. stern/o sternum, breastbone 39. synovi/o synovial membrane 40. tars/o ankle 41. thorac/o chest 42. tibi/o tibia, inner bone of lower leg 43. uln/o ulna, lower arm bone 44. vertebr/o vertebra, backbone 45. -blast immature, embryonic 46. -clasia to surgically break 47. -desis stabilize, fuse 48. -listhesis slipping 49. -malacia softening 50. -porosis porous 51. -scopy procedure to visually examine 52. -tome instrument to cut 53. fasci/o fibrous band 54. fibr/o fibers 55. leiomy/o smooth muscle 56. muscul/o muscle 57. my/o muscle 58. myocardi/o heart muscle 59. myos/o muscle 60. plant/o sole of foot 61. rhabdomy/o skeletal muscle 62. ten/o tendon 63. tend/o tendon 64. tendin/o tendon 65. -asthenia weakness 66. -kinesia movement 67. -trophy development, nourishment 68. ab- away from 69. ad- toward 70. circum- around QUIZ 4B Answer Key Muscle Movement Meaning 1. abduction Movement away from midline of the body. 2. adduction Movement toward midline of the body. 3. circumduction Movement in a circular direction from a central point. 4. depression A downward movement, as in dropping the shoulders. 5. dorsiflexion Backward bending, as of hand or foot. 6. elevation To raise a body part, as in shrug the shoulders. 7. eversion Turning outward. 8. extension Movement that brings limb into or toward a straight condition. 9. flexion Act of bending or being bent. 10. inversion Turning inward. 11. opposition Move thumb away from palm; the ability to move the thumb into contact with the other fingers. 12. plantar flexion Bending sole of foot; pointing toes downward. 13. pronation To turn downward or backward as with the hand or foot. 14. rotation Moving around a central axis. 15. supination Turning the palm or foot upward. QUIZ 4C Answer Key Phrase Term 1. joint pain arthralgia 2. puncture to withdraw fluid from a joint arthrocentesis 3. surgically breaking a joint arthroclasia 4. fusion of a joint arthrodesis 5. joint inflammation arthritis 6. incision into a joint arthrotomy 7. visual examination of the inside of a joint arthroscopy 8. excision of a bursa bursectomy 9. inflammation of a bursa bursitis 10. stone in a bursa bursolith 11. excision of cartilage chondrectomy 12. cartilage softening chondromalacia 13. surgical repair of cartilage chondroplasty 14. pertaining to inside the skull intracranial 15. incision into the skull craniotomy 16. bone marrow tumor myeloma 17. cancerous bone tumor osteocarcinoma 18. bone and cartilage tumor osteochondroma 19. to surgically break a bone osteoclasia 20. bone softening osteomalacia 21. inflammation of bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis 22. incision into a bone osteotomy 23. bone disease osteopathy 24. abnormal condition of porous bones osteoporosis 25. instrument to cut bone osteotome 26. pertaining to between vertebrae intervertebral 27. inflammation of fascia fasciitis 28. suture fascia fasciorrhaphy 29. incision into fascia fasciotomy 30. smooth muscle tumor leiomyoma 31. fibrous smooth muscle tumor leiomyofibroma 32. record of muscle electricity electromyogram (EMG) 33. muscle disease myopathy 34. surgical repair of muscle myoplasty 35. suture a muscle myorrhaphy 36. inflammation of many muscles polymyositis 37. skeletal muscle tumor rhabdomyoma 38. skeletal muscle destruction rhabdomyolysis 39. inflammation of tendon tendinitis 40. pertaining to tendons tendinous 41. incision into tendon tendotomy 42. surgical repair of tendon tendoplasty 43. tendon pain tenodynia 44. disease of tendons and muscle tenomyopathy 45. suture a tendon tenorrhaphy 46. slow movement bradykinesia 47. difficult or painful movement dyskinesia 48. excessive movement hyperkinesia 49. lack of development atrophy 50. difficult (poor) development dystrophy 51. excessive development hypertrophy QUIZ 4D Answer Key Abbreviation Meaning 1. AE above elbow 2. AK above knee 3. BDT bone density testing 4. BE below elbow 5. BK below knee 6. C1, C2, etc. first cervical vertebra, second cervical vertebra, etc. 7. CDH congenital dislocation of the hip 8. CTS carpal tunnel syndrome 9. DJD degenerative joint disease 10. FX, Fx fracture 11. HNP herniated nucleus pulposus 12. JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 13. L1, L2, etc. first lumbar vertebra, second lumbar vertebra, etc. 14. LAT, lat lateral 15. LE lower extremity 16. LLE left lower extremity 17. LUE left upper extremity 18. NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 19. OA osteoarthritis 20. ORIF open reduction–internal fixation 21. Orth, ortho orthopedics 22. RA rheumatoid arthritis 23. RLE right lower extremity 24. RUE right upper extremity 25. SLE systemic lupus erythematosus 26. T1, T2, etc. first thoracic vertebra, second thoracic vertebra, etc. 27. THA total hip arthroplasty 28. THR total hip replacement 29. TKA total knee arthroplasty 30. TKR total knee replacement 31. TMJ temporomandibular joint 32. TX, Tx traction, treatment 33. UE upper extremity 34. CPK creatine phosphokinase 35. DTR deep tendon reflex 36. EMG electromyogram 37. IM intramuscular 38. MD muscular dystrophy 39. ROM range of motion