1 Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015 - 2017 Contents Introduction 3 Liveable Communities 4 Systems and Processes 6 Employment 9 Attitudes and Behaviours 11 2 Introduction The Disability Inclusion Action Plan of NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet has been developed around the four key areas supporting the NSW Disability Inclusion Plan: Build more liveable and accessible communities 1. DPC will provide an accessible and inclusive environment to employees and visitors. Improve systems and processes to remove barriers and make it easier for people with disability to get information about the services and help they need 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Access and inclusion is integrated into procurement of goods and services. Develop and implement a website accessibility policy based on clear principles for new and updated web content. All employees who author information on the intranet and internet are trained to create accessible and inclusive documents and publications. Visual and audio materials are accessible and inclusive through captioning and visual descriptions. Employees and visitors who require assistance with evacuation have a Personal Emergency and Evacuation Plan (PEEP). E-learning materials are accessible. There is a mechanism to consult with assistive technology users. When purchasing IT we specify accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Provide regular updates and progress on the DIAP across DPC. The Workplace Adjustment Procedure encourages candidates and employees to request adjustments in a timely way. To develop a process for systematically reviewing and incorporating access and inclusion into the policy development process. Meet DIAP aims and plan objectives. Maximise the opportunities for people with disability to gain employment and retain jobs 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Unintended barriers in mainstream recruitment processes are removed. Managers and supervisors effectively manage and support employees with disability. The views and perspectives of employees with disability are considered by DPC management, the People Committee and other DPC employee representative forums. Programs are in place to increase the employment of people with disability. Support retention and career development of employees with disability. Identify ways to build positive attitudes and inclusive behaviours towards people with disability 19. Engender a positive attitude toward the inclusion of people with disability as employees and stakeholders. 20. To integrate the inclusion of people with disability into the broader diversity strategy. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan April 2015 3 Build more liveable and accessible communities: Aim Action Timing Responsibility 1. Year 1 Corporate & Operational Services DPC will provide an accessible and inclusive environment to employees and visitors. DPC will conduct an audit of the DPC tenancy to assess the accessibility of the workplace environment. Corporate Services with Access Team DPC will survey all staff to obtain individual feedback on the personal user experience of the workplace environment. Year 1 DPC will develop a protocol and procedure for people visiting the DPC workspace to enable them to specify any access requirement prior to arrival. Year 1 MaCs - Facilities Performance Indicator or Outcome Recommendations from the audit are prioritised in order of risk, barriers and equity. Timeframe for improvement and remediation is developed and implemented. Recommendations from the employee survey are prioritised in order of risk, barriers and equity. Timeframe for improvement is developed and implemented. MaCs – Facilities with Access Team Managers and employees are aware of and able to access the adjustment/requirements process for visitors. Those needs are met on time. Visitors are able to specify access requirements and these requests are appropriately managed. Access arrangements for visitors are implemented on time. This process is available as part of the visitor registration process. Include access features of event locations into all speeches. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan Year 1 Strategic Communications & Events April 2015 Number of speeches where access features are appropriately integrated into speeches. 4 Facilitating accessible events DPC’s Event Access and Inclusion Unit make events accessible for people with disability at events like Vivid, New Year’s Eve Fireworks and Sydney Mardi Gras. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan April 2015 5 Improve systems and processes to remove barriers and make it easier for people with disability to get information about the services and help they need Aim Action Timing Responsibility Performance Indicator or Outcome 2. Access and inclusion is integrated into procurement of goods and services. Identify and prioritise key procurement contracts (e.g. IT and recruitment) which adversely impact on the experience and participation of employees with disability. Year 1 Corporate & Operational Services Reduction in individual adjustments as the environment becomes increasingly barrier free. Clarify with contractors/providers of goods and services whether it is essential or desirable. Year 1 Corporate & Operational Services A record is kept of key contracts identified, when the suppliers were contacted and what the timeframe is for compliance. Of those key contracts already identified, DPC will contact those suppliers to advise timeframe for achieving compliance. Suppliers will mirror DPC’s commitment to access and inclusion. DPC will purchase and provide accessible services and environments. 3. Develop and implement a website accessibility policy based on clear principles for new and updated web content. Evaluate current website accessibility policy and identify any gaps against WCAG 2.0 AA. Year 1 Strategic Communications & Events All website pages are accessible against WCAG 2.0 AA Standards. Promote and disseminate to other agencies information on the standards (WCAG 2.0). Year 1 Strategic Communications & Events A record is kept of who and which agencies the information has been shared with. Develop and implement a system of responding to requests for alternate formats. Year 1 Strategic Communications & Events The system indicates who is responsible and accountable for managing the request, the timeframes involved, budget and how to provide feedback on the system. Individuals with disability are able to access DPC’s key information. 4. All employees who author information on the intranet and internet are trained to create Develop and deliver training on how to create accessible documents through intranet resources and training sessions. Year 1 and Year 2 Strategic Communications & Events Training programs scheduled and delivered. Number of staff trained in the creation of accessible Training module is added to DPC training suite. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan Training package developed. April 2015 6 Aim accessible and inclusive documents and publications. Action Timing Responsibility All staff who author information on intranet and internet are required to complete the course. Review all current external DPC information for accessibility. Performance Indicator or Outcome documents. Staff trained to create accessible documents. Year 1 and Year 2 Develop and implement strategy for ensuring that an individual with disability is able to access externally facing DPC information. Strategic Communications & Events Number of documents reviewed and available in an accessible format. Individuals with disability are able to access all new externally facing DPC information via an accessible format. There is an accessible notice to advise of the procedure to access any externally facing scanned documents that are not produced by DPC. 5. Visual and audio materials are accessible and inclusive through captioning and visual descriptions. An Auslan interpreter is present for all major public speeches made at events by the Premier. Ongoing Strategic Communications & Events All major public speeches are accessible to the Deaf community. Video material is captioned and described. Ongoing Strategic Communications & Events People with disability have equitable access to audio and visual materials produced within DPC. Employees and visitors who require assistance with evacuation have a Personal Emergency and Evacuation Plan (PEEP). Develop a policy and administrative systems and processes to ensure that employees and visitors with disability have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). Year 1 Corporate Services – WHS, MaCs – Facilities & Visitor Management Systems are in place to ask staff and visitors about their PEEP requirements. 7. E-learning materials are accessible. Update the procedure for sending out a statement of work for e-learning to include accessibility requirements. Year 2 People and Culture Any newly produced e-learning materials are accessible to employees with disability. 8. There is a mechanism to consult with assistive technology users. Create a register of DPC users of assistive technologies for consultation purposes during software purchases and/or upgrades. Year 1 NSW DPC IT All technology updates and changes consult with users of assistive technology. 9. When purchasing IT we specify accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. DPC to create and implement a process to effectively communicate DPC’s accessibility requirements and expectations to the external Year 1 NSW DPC IT New technology is compatible with assistive technology being used at DPC. 6. Develop a methodology for educating staff about PEEPS for employees and for visitors. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan April 2015 All employees and visitors who request a PEEP have their needs accommodated. 7 Aim Action Timing Responsibility Performance Indicator or Outcome shared service providers when purchasing IT. 10. The Workplace Adjustment Procedure encourages candidates and employees to request adjustments in a timely way. Revise and update the current workplace adjustments policy and procedure in collaboration with key stakeholders. 11. To develop a process for systematically reviewing and incorporating access and inclusion into the policy development process. To use the objectives of the Disability Inclusion Act to explore how to influence and plan how to use DPC’s oversight of Cabinet committees to influence policy development and projects. Year 1 People and Culture Workplace Adjustments Policy and procedures uploaded to the intranet. The process encourages requests to be made as they are required. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan Workplace adjustments policy and procedures updated and communicated to all staff. Year 1; commence May 2015 Policy Groups Access and inclusion will be evident in DPC plans for policy development. Access and inclusion will be evident in other agency’s plans based on the policy that has been written by DPC. April 2015 8 Maximise the opportunities for people with disability to gain employment and retain jobs Aim Action Timing Responsibility 12. Unintended barriers in mainstream recruitment processes are removed. Utilising the completed audit of the recruitment process, continue to remove unintended barriers and action the recommendations. Year 1 People and Culture Performance Indicator or Outcome Number of actions completed in line with the proposed timing. Barriers to the recruitment process removed. Implementation plan created to incorporate recommendations. Education of hiring managers and senior leaders via disability confidence and awareness training and communication and etiquette training. Year 2 People and Culture Disability Awareness and etiquette training given to a number of panel interviewers. Number of hiring managers and managers trained. All information on the website and intranet relating to the recruitment process and induction process is captioned and described. Year 1 People and Culture Video and audio materials relating to the recruitment process and induction are captioned and described to standard. Recruitment methods, including interviews, are equitable for people with disability. Conduct a review of a sample of recruitment videos and audio materials to assess accessibility. 13. Managers and supervisors effectively manage and support employees with disability. Develop and source appropriate resources for managers and staff to obtain guidance on inclusion, and appropriate practices to support employees with disability. Year 2 People and Culture Managers and staff know where to access relevant information and who to contact for support. 14. The views and perspectives of employees with disability are considered by DPC management, the People Committee and other DPC employee representative forums. Ensure employees with disability are represented by a DPC employee with disability at the People Committee. Year 1 People and Culture All committee discussions take into consideration the views of employees with disability. This will lead to better employee engagement and a greater awareness of disability in the workplace. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan April 2015 9 Aim 15. Programs are in place to increase the employment of people with disability. 16. Support retention and career development of employees with disability. Action Timing Establish an across Group working party to identify sustainable programs to increase employment opportunities which may involve, customised roles, traineeships, cadetships, internships, mentoring programs and/or graduate programs. Year 2 Monitor and review career progression and utilisation of learning and development opportunities for employees with disability. Year 2 Responsibility People and Culture Performance Indicator or Outcome Group is established. Programs are identified for people with disability. People with disability participate in these programs. People and Culture By sample, gain feedback on career planning and the learning and development process at DPC. Review any barriers experienced in applying for learning and development opportunities and prioritise those barriers to remove them. Timeframe for improvement and remediation is developed and implemented. Report on the types of adjustments requested to attend or participate in any learning and development opportunities. Participate in an external mentoring program for students with disability. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan Year 2 People Committee with People and Culture facilitating April 2015 Program is established. Number of participants reported annually. People with disability participate in this program. 10 Identify ways to build positive attitudes and inclusive behaviours towards people with disability Aim Action Timing Responsibility 17. Engender a positive attitude toward the inclusion of people with disability as employees and stakeholders. 18. To integrate the inclusion of people with disability into the broader diversity objectives across the sector. Performance Indicator or Outcome Secretary to outline the business, social and ethical role for DPC to play in the inclusion of people with disability. Year 1 Secretary Senior leadership commitment and support reflected in communications. Secretary to address agency leaders within the NSW DPC cluster and request them to develop individual agency plans focusing on Liveable Communities, Employment, Systems and Processes and Attitudes and Behaviours Year 1 Secretary All agencies within the NSW DPC cluster have been addressed. Create a communications strategy to keep access and inclusion front of mind. Year 1 Plan some events each year, including International Day of People With Disability. Individual agency plans are created. Year 1 and Year 2 Any celebration will be attended by a senior leader within DPC and a diverse audience will be targeted to attend. Strategic Communications & Events Measure the number of visitors to web pages that relate to access and inclusion. People and Culture and People Committee Groups collaborate on events across the year. Awareness increases within DPC of access and inclusion. List maintained of attendees. Events held. Feedback requested on those events. Increased awareness of diversity at DPC. 19. Meet DIAP aims and objectives and provide regular reporting across DPC on progress of the DIAP. DPC will write to their major suppliers and stakeholder groups and communicate goals of DPC’s DIAP Year 2 Each area / branch Suppliers and partners will understand DPCs commitment to good practice access and inclusion. DPC staff are aware of the progress and successes of the DIAP and report progress of the DIAP at quarterly meetings. Year 1 and Year 2 Corporate & Operational Services, Strategic Communications & Events and People Committee Progress and outcomes are communicated as part of management reporting. Progress is made in accordance with the plan schedule and governance. There is an increased awareness of access and inclusion at DPC. NSW Premier & Cabinet Disability Action Plan April 2015 11