Assistive Technology Tool Description Examples and Links What kinds of special needs it helps with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software *Converts scanned, digital, printed, and handwritten pages into searchable and editable electronic text. *Through word recognition and a voice synthesizer, reads the pages out loud. *Also recognizes text embedded in graphics. *Recognizes multiple languages. Readiris 12 Blind OpenBook Visual impairments Free OCR Software Dyslexia SARA – video demo Reading disabilities *Transmits speaker’s voice directly to user’s ear. *Consists of a wireless transmitter microphone worn by the speaker and an earphone receiver used by the listener. *Receiver transmits sound to hearing aid either through direct audio input or through a looped cord. *Keyboards with customized appearance and function. *May reduce input choices, group keys according to color/location, add graphics to aid comprehension. *One handed keyboards. *Keyboards for those who type with one finger or a mouth stick/head pointer. Easy Listener Hearing impairments Hearing Helper, William’s Sound Attention disabilities Personal Frequency Modulation (FM) Listening Systems Alternative Keyboards Comtek Communications FM Systems- Informational video Intellikeys Writing disabilities Intro to Alternative Keyboardsvideo Motor control disabilities that affect ability to type Autism Communication disabilities Speech Recognition Software Talking Calculators *User speaks into a microphone and the spoken words appear on a computer screen as text. *Responds to voice commands to control web browser, open programs, use menus, edit text, and type. *Programs train to fit your voice, speech patterns, and customizable preferences. ViaVoice Writing disabilities MacSpeech Visual impairments Dragon Naturally Speaking Blindness Demo video Motor disabilities that inhibit effective use of keyboard/mouse *Built-in speech synthesizer *Reads out loud numbers, symbols, and operation/function keys that a user presses *Vocalizes answer to problems *Provides visual and auditory feedback to help students check accuracy of input and verify answers *Multilingual Independent Living Aids Visual impairments MaxiAids Blindness Abledata Math disabilities Video: Talking calculator in use