(AS CHEMISTRY) Weekly Planning Semester 1 Week 7 Planning Teacher: Mr. Alaa Ismail Lesson Day 1 Warm up (5 – 10) Date: 18-22/10/2015 Main Activity ( 30 mins) Activity Key vocab Objectives Teaching and classwork Pre-Knowledge The teacher asks the students to define the enthalpy change of the reaction. Standard enthalpy change, formation, combustion. 1. Define the standard enthalpy change of formation. Pre-Knowledge The students will define the standard conditions of measuring enthalpy change. The teacher writes the formula of Carbon dioxide on the board (CO2) and asks the students to write an equation for preparation of carbon dioxide. The teacher will eliminate the equations that not representing formation and let the students deduce the reason and thus defining the enthalpy of formation. (Induction) The teacher distinguishes 2. Define the standard enthalpy change of combustio n. Plenary (5 -10 mins) The students will distinguish between enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion. (formation is forming of 1 mol compound, while combustion is burning 1 mol compound) Differentiation LA and MA; they are able to recall the definitions of enthalpy change of combustion and formation and to write simple chemical equations. HA; they are able to write more complex chemical reactions with fractions as coefficients. Assess ment and resour ces between burning and combustion and asks the students about the conditions needed for combustion The teacher will ask the students to write combustion equation and define the enthalpy of combustion. (Induction) 2 Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision 3 Quiz (Chemical Calculations) Quiz (Chemical Calculations) Quiz (Chemical Calculatio ns) Quiz (Chemical Calculations) Quiz (Chemical Calculations) Quiz (Chemical Calculations) 4 Pop-Quiz on writing definitions and examples for enthalpy change of formation and enthalpy change of combustion. Enthalpy change of neutralization, Enthalpy change of atomization. The teacher asks the students to define the word atomisation and to write a chemical equation on atomisation and to define the term. The students link this term with the steps of Born-Haber cycle which was studied previously. The teacher revise the following terms: acid, base, neutralisation and the products of neutralisation reactions. The students write different neutralisation reactions, from these equations and the discussion with the teacher, the students will The students will distinguish between enthalpy of atomisation and enthalpy of neutralisation. (atomisation is forming of 1 mol atoms, while neutralisation is forming 1 mol water) LA and MA; able to define enthalpy change of atomization and neutarlisation and to write simple chemical equations. 1. Defi ne enth alpy chan ge of ato miza tion. 2. Defi ne enth alpy chan ge of neut ralis ation HA; the teacher asks these students to write atomization reactions for P4 and S8 as well as writing neutralization reaction equation between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide. Revisio n be able to define enthalpy change of neutralisation. 5 6 7 Examples from real life; Body temperature is constant in summer and winter In North pole and south pole, water solidifies on its surface but not deep inside, this will lead to the property of high specific heat capacity. The teacher mentioned the amount of energy in calories exists in food and asks the students about the apparatus used to measure the amount of energy in food. Specific heat capacity. . Enrichment questions: -Work out the unit Specific heat capacity, combustion 1. Defi ne spec ific heat capa city. The teacher draws a beaker with 1 Kg water at 360C and describes the process of heating and raising its temperature to 370C.From this example and the previous discussion, the students will be able to define specific heat capacity. From the definition, the students will deduce a unit of specific heat capacity. HA; they are able to deduce the unit of specific heat capacity. the students draw coffeecup calorimeter. HA; understands that ∆T is the same whatever is the unit of temperature. Ma and LA; they are able to define specific heat capacity. Fire evacuation Drill calorimeter 1. Calculate the amount of energy transferre d using calorimet ers. 2. Commen t on sources of error and assumpti ons made in experime nts. 1. Calculate ΔHn and ΔHc. The teacher shows the students video on calorimeter and the steps of measuring enthalpy change of reaction on http://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=SagNcyN1yUQ Ma and LA; have the ability to use the equation: The teacher discusses the video with the students and let them work in groups to answer the first question about ∆Hn in their worksheet. - From the starter activity, the student deduce that the Energy is measured E= m. C. ∆T The students solve question (2) in the HA; are going to evaluate the procedure in terms of specific heat capacity Workshe et and handout. of Energy using the following equation: E= m.C.ΔT -What is the importance of the high specific heat capacity of water in Nature? 8 Pre- Knowledge: The teacher asks the students different questions on calculating the enthalpy change. calorimeter, coffeecup calorimeter. 2. Evaluate the procedure and determine the sources of errors and assumptio ns made in calculatin g enthalpy change. Bomb- calorimeter. 1. Evaluate the procedure and determine the sources of errors and assumptio ns made in calculatin g enthalpy change. in joules. To find the enthalpy change the students should divide the energy by the number of moles. - They also deduce that no need to convert the temperature in solving numerical problem, because the change in temperature is measured. - The students evaluate the procedure and suggest methods to improve the experimental procedure used to calculate the enthalpy change. The teacher distributes pictures for the typical combustion calorimeter and the coffee-cup calorimeter and asks the students to comment on the diagram and to deduce the function of each part of the calorimeter. Students centred learning The students can also add using computer in temperature log for more accurate temperature recording. They also deduce the temperature correction using graphs as a convenient method to determine the maximum temperature. The teacher explains the worksheet. assumption. MA and LA; are going to improve the procedure in terms of using more accurate equipment such as pipette. Solve textbook HA; will be able to exercises page improve the experimental (39) procedure in terms of bomb calorimeter. MA and LA; will be able to understand the mechanism of the bomb calorimeter by a series of diagrams drawn by the teacher to simplify the process. Workshe et, textbook page (38 and 39) accurate measurements using bomb calorimeter. Hadith