Study Guide Chapter 6 - Thermochemistry 1. Definition of potential

Study Guide Chapter 6 - Thermochemistry
1. Definition of potential and kinetic energy
2. What is heat, temperature, how are they different
3. Definition of Work W=force x distance
A. Definition of Work when only changed of pressure or volume are allowed
W= -P x change in volume
4. What is a state function
5. Define exothermic endothermic, exogonic endogonic
6. Define internal energy, enthalpy what is the difference?
)E=q + w
)H = E + )PV
7.How do we measure?
)E=q v ie. Heat when vol is kept constant (bomb calorimeter)
)H = qp ie Heat when pressure is kept constant (simple calorimeter)
8. Use the equation )E = q + w in problems, using proper sign convention
9. Define heat capacity and use in various calculations
10. How is )H defined for a chemical reaction ()Hrxn = )Hproducts - )Hreactants
11. What is Hess’s law? - use it in different problems
12. What is a standard enthapy of formation?
A. What is the standard state for a given compounds
B. Use standard enthapies in various problems to calculate )H of a reaction