APES Notes – Chapter 8 Community Ecology: Structure, Species Interactions, Succession, and Sustainability General Types of species Native: species that normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem Non-native species: species that migrate into an ecosystem or are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem by humans. Also known as: exotic, alien species, invasive or introduced Problems caused by Non-native species: the non-natives have no natural enemies so they can thrive in the new ecosystem and crowd out the native species: Examples Indicator Species: species that serve as early warnings that a community or ecosystem is being damaged or changed: Birds are good indicators because: Birds are good indicators because: very sensitive to environmental changes Trout and macro-invertebrates are good indicators of: water quality Amphibians indicate: chemical pollution Keystone species: species that play a pivotal role in the structure, function, and integrity of an ecosystem because Their strong interactions with other species affect the health and survival of these species They process material out of proportion to their numbers and biomass Keystone species: Pollinate Scatter seeds Modify habitats Predation to control prey populations Help plants get nutrients Recycle animal waste Examples: bees, sharks, alligators, bats, dung beetles, sea otter elephant Species in an ecosystem who are very important are called… 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Keystone species Indicator species Non-native species Exotic species 0 of 20 Answer Now Species that serve as early warnings for ecosystem imbalance 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Keystone species Indicator species Non-native species Exotic species 0 of 20 Answer Now Which term means the opposite of the others? 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Non-native Exotic Native Alien 0 of 20 Answer Now Species Interactions Five Types of Interactions: Competition: Two or more animals competing for the same resources. Two Types: Intraspecific: competition between members of the same species Interspecific: competition between members of two different species Territoriality: when animals mark an area around their home or nesting area. This has disadvantages because animals exclude other males from breeding and: they expend a lot of energy defending their territory The more a species niche overlaps, then the more competition Interference Competition: when one species limits another species access to some resource regardless of its abundance. Examples: When a larger more established cat interferes with another cat accessing food by swatting at it every time it tries to feed Exploitation Competition: competing species have roughly equal access to a specific resource, but differ in how fast they exploit it. Examples: An older more established cat will gobble up all the food before the other animal has a chance to eat Competitive Exclusion Principle: No two species can occupy the same niche indefinitely in a habitat where there is not enough of a particular resource to meet the needs of both species. High Relative population density Paramecium aurelia Paramecium caudatum Low 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Days Each species grown alone Fig. 8.8a, p. 182 High Relative population density Paramecium aurelia Paramecium caudatum Low 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Days Both species grown together Fig. 8.8b, p. 182 If one kitty gobbles up all the food so the other does not get any 22% 1. 6% 2. 72% 3. 0% 4. Interference competition Interspecific competition Exploitation competition Territoriality Competition between two members of the same species 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Interspecific Intraspecific Exploitation Interference 0 of 20 Answer Now Avoiding Competition: Resource Partitioning: dividing up of scarce resources so that species with similar needs use them at different times, in different ways, or in different places. “Share the wealth” Examples: being nocturnal or diurnal Fig. 8.11, p. 184 Character Displacement: Species develop characteristics over time through evolution to allow them to exploit different resources Examples: Darwin’s finches each developed a different shaped beak to exploit different food types Black skimmer seizes small fish at water surface Flamingo feeds on minute organisms in mud Brown pelican dives for fish, which it locates from the air Scaup and other diving ducks feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic vegetation Avocet sweeps bill through mud and surface water in search of small crustaceans, insects, and seeds Louisiana heron wades into water to seize small fish Dowitcher probes deeply into mud in search of snails, marine worms, and small crustaceans Oystercatcher feeds on clams, mussels, and other shellfish into which it pries its narrow beak Herring gull is a tireless scavenger Ruddy turnstone searches under shells and pebbles for small invertebrates Knot (a sandpiper) picks up worms and small crustaceans left by receding tide Piping plover feeds on insects and tiny crustaceans on sandy beaches Fig. 8.9, p. 182 Predator-Prey Interactions: members of one species feed directly on all or part of a living organism or other species. They do not live on or in the other species. One species is clearly harmed and the other clearly benefits. However predation can be a good thing for the population of prey species as predators often weed out the sick and dying animal thereby reducing competition amongst the prey species. Predators Predators have characteristics that help them catch prey, such as: Running fast, ex. jaguar Good eyesight, Ex. hawk Hunting in packs, ex. coyote Camouflage for ambush, ex. frog Prey Prey have characteristics that help them escape predators, such as: Run fast Good sense of smell and eyesight to alert them to the presence of predators Protective shell Spines Camouflage Chemical warfare like poisonous skin Foul smells Bad tasting Warning coloration Mimicking a predator Examples: African stoneplants Canyon tree frog Bombardier beetle Foul tasting monarch butterfly Poison dart frog Viceroy butterfly mimics monarch butterfly Hind wings of io moth resemble eyes of a much larger animal When touched, the snake caterpillar changes shape to look like the head of a snake Fig. 8.12, p. 186 Symbiosis: a long lasting relationship in which species live together in an intimate association. Parasitism: when one species feeds on part of another organism (host) by living on or in the host. In this relationship the host is harmed and the parasite benefits. Example: Which of the following predators avoid competition by being active at different times? 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Snakes and hawks Lions and tigers Owls and hawks Zebras and antelopes 0 of 20 Answer Now The obvious relationship illustrated by a food chain is.. 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Predation Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism 0 of 20 Answer Now Prey are least likely to defend themselves against predators by.. 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Camouflage Acute senses of smell and hearing Protective shells Pursuit and ambush 0 of 20 Answer Now Mutualism: symbiotic relationship in which both species involved benefit from the relationship. Ways in which this happens are pollination, providing food, and providing shelter. Examples: Fig. 8.13, p. 187 Commensalism: a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor harmed. For example: epiphytes The Win-Win relationship in nature. 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Commensalism Parasitism Competition Mutualism 0 of 20 Answer Now A relationship in which one organism feeds in or on another 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism 0 of 20 Answer Now Ecological Succession Succession: One characteristic of all ecosystems is that they change over time. This is called ecological succession. There are two types of succession: Primary and secondary. Primary Succession: Succession that starts with an essentially lifeless area where there is no soil or bottom sediment in an aquatic area. Examples include new lava or an abandoned parking lot. Succession happens in stages: Pioneer species move in and make soil: Ex. Lichens and mosses When enough soil is made and spread out then plants that are small and close to the ground move in. These plants can live under harsh conditions and usually have short lives. They are called early successional species. Examples: heath and shrubs After hundreds of years there is enough soil for Midsuccessional species. Examples: pine trees As the Mid-successional plants grow they create enough shelter for Late successional species such as: spruce and fir trees Exposed Lichens rocks and mosses Small herbs and shrubs Heath mat Jack pine, black spruce, and aspen Balsam fir, paper birch, and white spruce climax community Time Fig. 8.15, p. 188 Secondary Succession: begins in an area where the natural community of organisms has been disturbed or destroyed, but the soil remains. For example abandoned farms, burned or cut forests, and heavily polluted streams. Secondary succession occurs in the same way as primary starting with pioneer species and ending with late successional species. Mature oak-hickory forest Young pine forest Annual weeds Perennial weeds and grasses Shrubs Time Fig. 8.16, p. 189 Succession Descriptions of succession usually focus on plants, but animals also change with succession as different types of plants become available for food and shelter. Early successional species: Mid-successional species: Late successional species: Wilderness species: Early Successional Species Midsuccessional Species Late Successional Species Wilderness Species Rabbit Quail Ringneck pheasant Dove Bobolink Pocket gopher Elk Moose Deer Ruffled grouse Snowshoe hare Bluebird Turkey Martin Hammond’s Flycatcher Gray squirrel Grizzly bear Wolf Caribou Bighorn sheep California condor Great horned owl Ecological succession Fig. 8.17, p. 190 Disturbances can Affect Succession Some disturbances can be beneficial in the long run like fire, because they increase biodiversity, clear out excess brush, renew nutrients and encourage other species to grow Some catastrophic disturbances can convert the ecosystem back to a lower level of succession We used to think that succession was predictable and that it would continue until a stable climax community was reached. We now know that is false. We cannot predict the course of a given succession or view it as preordained progress toward an ideally adapted climax community. Succession is an ongoing struggle. The stability of an ecosystem depends on three things: Inertia: the ability of species to resist change Constancy: the ability of a population to keep its numbers within the limits imposed by availability of natural resources. Resilience: the ability of a living system to bounce back after a disturbance Species diversity 0 100 Percentage disturbance Fig. 8.18, p. 192 Populations with more biodiversity are more stable. More biodiversity means greater primary productivity and more resilience. Examples: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket Grizzly bear NORTH AMERICA More than 60% of the Pacific Northwest coastal forest has been cut down 40% of North America’s range and cropland has lost productivity California condor Hawaiian monk seal Eastern cougar Spotted owl Black footed Florida ferret panther Mangroves cleared in Equador for shrimp ponds Fish catch in the north-west Atlantic has fallen 42% since its peak in 1973 Chesapeake Bay is overfished and polluted Golden toad Coral reef destruction Every year 14,000 Square kilometers of Rain forest is destroyed in the Amazon Basin Columbia has lost one-third of its forest PACIFIC OCEAN Vanishing biodiversity Humpback whale Manatee Much of Everglades National Park has dried out and lost 90% of it’s wading birds Kemp’s ridley turtle Half of the forest in Honduras and Nicaragua has disappeared Environmental degradation St. Lawrence beluga whale Black lion tamarin SOUTH AMERICA Little of Brazil’s Atlantic forest remains ATLANTIC OCEAN Southern Chile’s rain forest is threatened Endangered species 6.0 or more children per woman Fig. 8.19a, p. 194 Poland is one of the world’s most polluted countries Imperial eagle 640,000 square kilometers south of the Sahara have surned to desert since 1940 EUROPE Mediterranean Many parts of former Soviet Union ASIA are polluted with industrial and radioactive waste Central Asia from the Middle East of China has lost 72% of range and cropland Area of Aral Sea has Shrunk 46% Giant panda Japanese timber imports are responsible for much of the world’s tropical deforestation Saudi Arabia Deforestation in the Himalaya Asian causes flooding in Bangladesh Liberia elephant Oman Kouprey Eritrea Mali AFRICA Yemen 90% of the coral reefs India and are threatened in the Burkina Niger Ethiopia Sri Lanka Philippines. All virgin Faso Benin Chad Golden have almost forest will be gone Sierra tamarin no rain Nigeria by 2010 Leone forest left Togo Congo Uganda Sao Tome Rwanda Somalia In peninsular Malaysia Queen Alexandra’s 68% of the Burundi almost all forests have Birdwing butterfly Congo’s Angola been cut rain forest Indonesia’s is slated Zambia Coral reefs are Nail-tailed for cleaning INDIAN OCEAN threatened wallaby and Aye-aye Fish catches in mangrove AUSTALIA Black Southeast Atlantic forests Madagascar has has dropped by more rhinoceros Much of have been lost 66% of its than 50% since 1973 Australia’s cut in half tropical forest Range and Cropland has turned to desert A thinning of the ozone layer occurs over Antarctica during summer Blue whale Fig. 8.19b, p. 195 ANTARCTICA Poland is one of the world’s most polluted countries Imperial eagle 640,000 square kilometers south of the Sahara have surned to desert since 1940 EUROPE Mediterranean Many parts of former Soviet Union ASIA are polluted with industrial and radioactive waste Central Asia from the Middle East of China has lost 72% of range and cropland Area of Aral Sea has Shrunk 46% Giant panda Japanese timber imports are responsible for much of the world’s tropical deforestation Saudi Arabia Deforestation in the Himalaya Asian causes flooding in Bangladesh Liberia elephant Oman Kouprey Eritrea Mali AFRICA Yemen 90% of the coral reefs India and are threatened in the Burkina Niger Ethiopia Sri Lanka Philippines. All virgin Faso Benin Chad Golden have almost forest will be gone Sierra tamarin no rain Nigeria by 2010 Leone forest left Togo Congo Uganda Sao Tome Rwanda Somalia In peninsular Malaysia Queen Alexandra’s 68% of the Burundi almost all forests have Birdwing butterfly Congo’s Angola been cut rain forest Indonesia’s is slated Zambia Coral reefs are Nail-tailed for cleaning INDIAN OCEAN threatened wallaby and Aye-aye Fish catches in mangrove AUSTALIA Black Southeast Atlantic forests Madagascar has has dropped by more rhinoceros Much of have been lost 66% of its than 50% since 1973 Australia’s cut in half tropical forest Range and Cropland has turned to desert A thinning of the ozone layer occurs over Antarctica during summer Blue whale Fig. 8.19b, p. 195 ANTARCTICA There is overwhelming evidence that human disturbances are disrupting important ecosystem services that support and sustain all life and economies. Our ignorance about the effects of our actions means that we should destroy ecosystems only with great caution. Once destroyed we are finding out that they cannot be restored by humans very easily. This is called: the precautionary principle How long does it take natural sources to create fertile soil? 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. Weeks to months Months to years Decades Several centuries 0 of 20 Answer Now Which of the following would exhibit primary succession? 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. An abandoned farm A recent lava flow A forest that has been clear cut A recently flooded reservoir 0 of 20 Answer Now