Lourdes Planas_Spring 2011

Alumni Bio Questionnaire
Name and credentials:
Lourdes G. Planas
Previous degrees:
BS in Pharmacy, Xavier University of Louisiana, 1990
PhD, University of Florida, 2001
Kenner, LA
Research Interests:
Lourdes' research interests include evaluation of pharmacist-provided medication therapy management
services, practice-based research networks, and student pharmacists’ communication and problem-solving
Current employment:
Lourdes is Assistant Professor with the College of Pharmacy at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center (OUHSC). In her role at the College, she teaches in the professional pharmacy and graduate curricula,
conducts pharmacy practice-based research and educational research, and provides various services to the
College, University, and community.
Select Publications:
Planas LG, Crosby KM, Mitchell KD, Farmer KC. Evaluation of a hypertension medication therapy management
program in patients with diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2009; 49(2): 164-70.
Planas LG. Intervention design, implementation, and evaluation. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2008; 65: 1854-63.
Planas LG, Kimberlin CL, Segal R, Brushwood DB, Hepler CD, Schlenker BR. A pharmacist model of perceived
responsibility for drug therapy outcomes. Soc Sci Med. 2005; 60(10): 2393-403.
Teaching Experience:
At the OUHSC College of Pharmacy, I teach a clinical communications course in the professional pharmacy
curriculum. At the graduate level, I teach a course on social and behavioral issues in the medication use
process. I also lecture on cultural competency in pharmacy and public health courses.
Professional Memberships:
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
American Pharmacists Association (APhA)
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Oklahoma Pharmacists Association (OPhA)
2007-present, APhA Medication Therapy Management Environmental Scan Project Advisory Board
Select Academic Events:
[Adapted from: PhD Student Bio Questionnaire, University of Western Ontario, www.uwo.ca/philosophy/graduate/PDF%20Forms/Student%20Bio%20Questionnaire.doc
Planas LG, McDonough RP, McCollum M. Colleagues in research: improving intervention design,
implementation, and evaluation in pharmacy practice-based research. Educational session presentation at the
APhA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April 4, 2009.
Planas LG, Crosby KM. Evaluation of a hypertension medication therapy management program among
patients with diabetes. Poster presentation at the APhA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 18, 2007.
Planas LG, Er NL, Ge X. A web-based cognitive modeling system to scaffold pharmacy students’ problemsolving skills. Poster presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, July 11, 2005.
Select Grants:
“Evaluation of a community-based diabetes management program among HMO enrollees,” ASHP Research
and Education Foundation, 2005.
“Evaluation of a hypertension medication therapy management program among HMO enrollees with
diabetes,” APhA Foundation, 2005.
2010, APhA Clinical Research Paper Award
2007, Honorable Mention, AACP Innovations in Teaching Competition
2007, Phi Lambda Sigma Faculty Leadership Award, OUHSC College of Pharmacy
How our program of graduate study was instrumental in helping you achieve your objectives?
Completing the graduate coursework and assisting faculty on research projects were instrumental in preparing
me to conduct my own research. Our weekly seminar to discuss current research literature and present our own
work were helpful for me to establish my identity as a researcher and gauge where my interests intersected
with other relevant social, outcomes, and policy research. As a teaching assistant in department courses
offered to student pharmacists, I observed and engaged in innovative teaching methods that have been
instrumental in my development as an educator. Finally, and most importantly, the faculty were excellent
Why would you recommend that others should consider joining one of the programs of graduate study in the
Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy?
I believe the programs offer exceptional opportunities for graduate students to learn from renowned experts
and engage in meaningful research activities that impact health care outcomes and policy. The programs are
thoughtfully designed to prepare graduate student for their chosen careers.
[Adapted from: PhD Student Bio Questionnaire, University of Western Ontario, www.uwo.ca/philosophy/graduate/PDF%20Forms/Student%20Bio%20Questionnaire.doc