Anatomy and Physiology Honors


Biology – the study of life

› Living organisms have 5 basic functions:

 Responsiveness

 Organisms respond to change in their immediate environment

 Growth

 Over their lifetime, organisms increase in size through cell growth

 Reproduction

 Movement

 Metabolism

 Organisms use chemical reactions to create energy for responsiveness, growth, reproduction, and movement


› “a cutting open”

› The study of internal and external structure and the physical relationships between body parts


› The study of how living organisms perform their vital functions

Anatomy can be broken down into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy

› Gross (macroscopic) anatomy

 Considers features visible with the unaided eye

 Surface anatomy-study of general form and superficial markings

 Regional anatomy-considers all superficial and internal features in a specific region of the body

 Systemic anatomy-considers the structure of major organ systems

› Microscopic anatomy

 Concerns structures that cannot be seen without magnification

 Subdivided into specialties

 Cytology-analyzes the internal structure of individual cells

 Histology-examines tissues, groups of specialized cells, and cell products that work together to perform specific functions

Human physiology-Study of the function of the human body

Cell physiology-study of the functions of living cells

 Both within cells and between cells

Special physiology-study of the physiology of specific organs

Systemic physiology-considers all aspects of the function of specific organ systems

Pathological physiology (pathology)-study of the effects of diseases on organ or system functions

To understand the human body you must understand its levels of organization

Chemical (molecular) level-a molecule’s specialized shape determines its function

Cellular level-molecules interact to form structures that have specific functions in a cell

Tissue level-tissue is composed of similar cells working together to perform a specific function

Organ level-organs consist of 2+ different tissues working together to perform specific functions

Organ system level-organs interact in organ systems

Organism level-all of the organ systems in the body work together to maintain life and health

Integumentary system

Skeletal system

Muscular system

Nervous system

Endocrine system

Cardiovascular system

Lymphoid system

Respiratory system

Digestive system

Urinary system

Reproductive system

Structures: Skin, hair, sweat and oil glands


Forms external body covering

Protects deeper tissues from injury

Involved in vitamin D synthesis

Prevents desiccation, heat loss, and pathogen entry

Site of pain and pressure receptors

Structure: 206 bones of the human body


Protects and supports body organs

Provides a framework that muscles can use to create movement

Mineral storage

 Bone contains 99% of the body’s store of calcium

Structures: The 600+ muscles of the body



Manipulation of the environment

Maintaining posture


(generation of heat)

Structures: Brain, Spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.


› Fast-acting control system of the body

Monitoring of the internal and external environment and responding (when necessary) by initiating muscular or glandular activity

Information Assessment

Structures: Hormone

Secreting Glands

› Pituitary, Thyroid,

Thymus, Pineal,

Parathyroid, Adrenal,

Pancreas, Small

Intestine, Stomach,

Testes, Ovaries, Kidneys,



Long-term control system of the body

Regulates growth, reproduction, and nutrient use among other things.

Structures: Heart, Blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries)


The heart pumps blood thru the blood vessels.

Blood provides the transport medium for nutrients (glucose, amino acids, lipids), gases (O2, CO2), wastes

(urea, creatinine), signaling molecules

(hormones), and heat.

Structures: Lymphatic vessels, Lymph nodes,

Spleen, Thymus, Red bone marrow


Returning “leaked” fluid back to the bloodstream

Disposal of debris

Attacking and resisting foreign invaders

(pathogens i.e., diseasecausing organisms)

Absorption of fat from the digestive tract

Structures: Nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs


Constantly supply the blood with O2, and remove CO2

Regulate blood pH

Structures:Oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder


› Ingestion and subsequent breakdown of food into absorbable units that will enter the blood for distribution to the body’s cells

Structures: Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra


Removal of nitrogenous wastes

Regulation of body’s levels of water, electrolytes, and acidity


Male: Testes, scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, penis

Female: Ovary, uterine tube, uterus, cervix, vagina, mammary glands


› Making Babies

Homeo (unchanging) + stasis (standing)

Refers to the existence of a stable internal environment; living organisms must maintain homeostasis to survive

Homeostatic regulation-the adjustments in physiological systems that preserve homeostasis. Involves 3 parts:

A receptor-sensitive to a stimulus

A control center-receives and processes receptor information

An effector-responds to the commands of the control center and opposes/reinforces the receptor

Negative feedback opposes variations from the norm, whereas positive feedback exaggerates them

Negative feedback-regardless of whether the stimulus rises or falls at the receptor, a variation outside normal limits triggers an automatic response that corrects the situation

Positive feedback-the initial stimulus produces a response that reinforces that stimulus

Anytime you describe structures relative to one another, you must assume this standard position:

Body erect

Feet slightly apart

Palms facing forward

Thumbs point away from body

Cephalon or head


Anterior Position


Posterior Position




Abdominal: abdominal region

Acromial: the point of the shoulder

Antebrachial: forearm

Antecubital: anterior surface of the elbow

Axillary: armpit

Brachial: upper arm

Buccal: cheek of the face

Calcaneal: heel of the foot

Carpal: wrist

Cephalic: head

Cervical: neck

Deltoid: round part of the shoulder

Digital: fingers and toes

Dorsum: back

Femoral: thigh

Frontal: forehead

Gluteal: buttocks

Hallux: big toe

Inguinal: groin

Lumbar: lower back

Mammary: breast

Mental: chin

Nasal: Nose

Occipital: base of the skull

Olecranal: elbow

Oral: mouth

Orbital: bony eye socket

Otic: ear

Palmar: palm of hand

Patellar: Kneecap

Pedal: Foot

Pelvic: pelvis region

Perineal: area between anus and external genitals

Plantar: sole of foot

Pollex: thumb

Popliteal: behind the knee

Pubic: genital region

Sacral: lower back between the hips

Scapular: shoulder blade

Tarsal: ankle

Thoracic: chest

Many vital internal organs are housed in chambers called body cavities that have essential functions:

Protect the organs from shock and cushioning them from jolting that occurs when walking, running, or jumping

Permit significant changes in the size and shape of internal organs

Dorsal body cavityprotects the nervous system

› Contains the brain and spinal cord

Ventral body cavity (coelom)-appears early in development and gradually subdivides as the organs it contains grow

Diaphragm-divides ventral cavity into thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

 Thoracic-subdivided into the pericardial cavity

(containing the heart) and 2 pleural cavities

(containing the lungs)

 Abdominopelvic-subdivided into the abdominal cavity (containing the liver, stomach, spleen, small intestine and most of the large intestine) and the pelvic cavity (small portion of the large intestine, urinary bladder, and various reproductive organs)

The internal organs within the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities are called viscera


Membranes have two layers

Parietal serosalines internal body walls

Visceral serosacovers the internal organs

Serous fluid separates the serosae


› Liver


› Spleen


› Appendix


› Sigmoid colon
