CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE JULY15 ASSESSMENT_CODE MAJ103_JULY15 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 45904 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the different technique of translation for a newspapers & magazine. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Translation has been viewed as a creative work that requires a lot of time. However in the business of news there is no time for journalist to translate such stories normally in international news paper the translation activity is minimal. In fact the major part of the newsroom activity is related to translation of copies from English or some other Indian language in to language of news paper. A large part of the translation of news taker place in the news agencies like PTI & UNI Magziner are a kind of hybrid of books and news paper while magazine have a self value higher than news papers. They have less prestige as compare to books. Most translation work for magazines and supplements magazines of news paper is done in various features. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 45907 QUESTION_TEXT Briefly explain different types of radio writing. SCHEME OF EVALUATION The radio broad casts a wide variety of programs news, news reel, talks, panel decisions, interviews and many more. Each one has its distinctive style of writing, production and presentation. Writing for programs helps in many ways as the presenter gets assured of what he si going to speak. The producer is relaxed as the written words of the script are already timed up as per scheduled duration of particular program..... QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 45908 QUESTION_TEXT Briefly explain any two types of advertisements. SCHEME OF EVALUATION a) print media advertisements: print media advertisements are the oldest of all forms of advertisements in the initial days, the print media advertisement. Used to be published in news paper & magazines and they were loaded with heavy body copy. While writing for the print media, a copywriter should insure that the head line of the advertisement is well targeted the text is well- written and the design is clear. The first step is to attract the attention of the readers for which a good headlines is of utmost important. b) Radio advertisements: in a country like India , where the literacy rate was very low till recently the radio had been very potent form of advertising all India radio started his commercial service called vividh bharali after the big commercial success of radio Ceylon. Vividh bharathi opened new vista for radio sports in fact, people in many state capitals and other major cities having all India radio’s stations. Were able to listen to local advertising in the initial days. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 45909 QUESTION_TEXT Write a note on media writing. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Writing is an activity & process that has changed the course of human history. Le means various things for various people. While it is an activity achieved after a long period of contemplation and thought for some people, it is a matter of collecting faces in a readable manner for others. The beginning of writing has been traced back to the emergency of script in ancient times. In the Sumerian & Mesopotamian civilization writing was contained in manuscripts for many centuries before human beings learnt to print the scripts. The most potent form of writing till date has been in the shape of books though now, we have many more ways of printing the written content. Media writing is a term that has come into use due to a large number of jobs in the media industry. Media writing is distinct from creative’s & academic writings because media writing is an activity that has to do more with information, persuading, propaganda & environment. The most important requirement for media writing is accuracy. The concept of completeness means that the information should be presented in such a way that the mass audience can easily understand. One of the most appreciated characteristics in writing is efficiency which means the use of the fewest and the most appropriate words as clearly and accurately as possible. The elements of precision comes from using proper language and grammar in the correct way, which is yet another important characteristics of media writing. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 73469 QUESTION_TEXT What are the main steps effective in Press release? 1. Name and logo 2. Image color 3. Mission and vision SCHEME OF EVALUATION 4. The main Body 5. Current news 6. Content information (each 5 point carries 2 marks each = 10 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 126170 QUESTION_TEXT Write down the basic types of Newsletters. There are mainly three types(3.5 marks) 1. Promotional newsletters(3.5 marks) 2. Relation ship newsletters(3.5 marks) 3. Expert newsletters (3.5 marks) SCHEME OF EVALUATION