PC and UNIX Login

Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Introduction to UNIX
Lecture 4
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 1
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Computing Environment
• PC vs. UNIX
– Many PCs use a version of the Microsoft
Windows operating system (either 95/98/ME or
– UNIX is an operating system used primarily on
workstations. There are versions for Personal
Computers. LINUX is a version of UNIX.
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 2
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
• Originally written by programmers for
programmers at Bell Labs.
• Often is the operating system of choice for highperformance engineering workstations.
• Original (and still common) user interface is the
"UNIX command line", although graphic user
interfaces (GUIs) are available.
• Names of UNIX commands tend to be a little
cryptic or strange.
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 3
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
UNIX Command Line Interface
• We will use the "UNIX command line" user
interface for much of the work in this class.
• The availability of some limited graphic user
interface capabilities is provided by special
terminal emulation software.
• Emulator runs on the PC and makes the PC
system act like an "X-Windows" terminal.
• Simple Secure-Shell terminal emulation can also
be used.
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 4
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Some Simple UNIX Commands
Simple Command
List files in directory
Delete a file
rm file
del file
Display contents of
cat file
type file
file on screen
Display contents of
more file more < file
file on screen
Print working
Change directory
cd /path/new cd \path\new
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 5
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Your Computer Accounts
• Each student actually has two separate computer
system accounts:
– One for the personal computers (in HI 324)
– One for the UNIX system (SGI IRIX)
• Each account is established only for the duration
of the current quarter (i.e., the files stored under
your Autumn Quarter's account(s) are gone)
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 6
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Your User ID and Default Password
• The User ID for both of your computer accounts
is simply your OSU email ID.
• The default password for both accounts is:
– The first letter of your last name
– The first three digits of your SSN in reversed
– Your entire first name
• Written as one "word" in all lowercase
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 7
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Figuring out Your ID & Default Password
• So, as an example of a User ID and a default
password, let's suppose:
– Your name is "Woody Hayes"
– Your SSN is 987-65-4321
– Your OSU email address is hayes.1@osu.edu
• Then, Wayne Woodrow "Woody" Hayes would
logon as:
– User ID:
– Password: h789wayne
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 8
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Default Logon for PC Systems in HI 324
• Your UNIX "default" password:
– The first letter of your last name
– The first three digits of your SSN in reversed
– Your entire first name
• Another possible default password:
– Just your University ID (your 9-digit SSN)
• Attempt both of these methods and if neither
work speak to the lab facilitator at the desk in 324
or your instructor.
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 9
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Logging On to a PC in HI 324
Windows XP Logon
• Press “Ctrl - Alt - Del”, if so instructed
• Fill in the new window with
– Your User ID
– Your Password (watch case)
– The Domain (ENGR1)
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 10
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Logging On to the PC
User Name
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 11
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Changing Your Password on the PC
(Press Ctrl -- Alt -- Del)
Windows XP Security
Login Information
Log Off
Change Password
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 12
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Changing Your Password on the PC
Change Password
User Name
Old Password
New Password
Confirm New Password
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 13
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Logging On to the SGI UNIX System
• On the PC -– Click on Start
• Go to Programs Submenu
– Then go to Exceed Submenu
» Then go to Exceed (Task) and Click
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 14
Engineering H192 - Computer Programming
Today's Assignment – E3
• In assignment E3, you are asked to logon on to
the UNIX system and try a few commands.
• In Part A, write down the command you typed for
each of the seven steps.
• In Part B, choose an editor program and type in
the given computer program.
• UNIX editor choices include:
– vedit (or vi)
– pico
– emacs (X only)
Winter Quarter
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition
Lect 4
P. 15