Part 1: The Industrial City and the “Gilded Age” Part 2: The Progressive Impulse Dr. Kevin B. Witherspoon Lander University Growth of the Cities NYC: 942k 1870; 3.4 mil 1900 CHI: 298k 1870; 1.7 mil 1900 PHI: 674k 1870; 1 mil 1900 WASH: 109k 1870; 278k 1900 ATL: 21k 1870; 90k 1900 Cities: a mixed vision Technology and Urbanization Transportation: The end of the “walking city” Horse-drawn mass transit Frank Sprague; electric trolley Subways Exodus to the suburbs Construction methods Streets Water Electricity The pocket watch Tenement Life “Pre-law tenements” Dumbbell tenements 1879 design competition Urban Problems Related problems: Alcoholism Crime Filth/health issues Labor/working conditions Safety, child, women labor laws Pure food & drugs Disease/mortality rate Chicago: 3 of 5 babies die before age 5 Immigration Germans Chinese “New Immigrants” Italians Eastern Europeans Russian Jews Southern blacks Ideology, 1865-1900 Conflicting themes: Growth, wealth Masses who don’t benefit The Railroads The Railroads Government support 1862 Pacific RR Act Provided $$ and land Technology Steel Steam engine Crocker The Railroads Immigration 1853 - 12 Chinese immigrants 1854 - 13,000 Business tactics Competition Collis P. Huntington Southern Pacific RR Combination Other Businesses Oil (John D. Rockefeller) Standard Oil “Gospel of wealth” Steel (Andrew Carnegie) Vertical combination Organized Labor Working conditions Coal mines Breaker boys Organized Labor Unions National Labor Union, 1866 Colored National Labor Union, 1869 Knights of Labor, 1869 Organized Labor Unions American Federation of Labor, 1881 Samuel Gompers More focused: Only trade unions Hours, wages, working conditions Strikes 1886 - 140,000; 1900 - 1 million Organized Labor Haymarket Riot May, 1886 Chicago Used against labor - KOL decline Homestead Strike 1892, Homestead, PA Henry Clay Frick Pullman Strike, 1894 Big business favored over labor Ethnic diversity The West Organizes Life on the frontier The Grange Populism Demands: Govt. to store surplus crops “free & unlimited coinage of silver” Govt. control transportation Govt. no give land to RR Coxey’s Army, 1894 The Progressive Era Ideology: Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer “Root hog, or die” Ideology, 1865-1900 Reform Darwinism Weaker elements can improve and change Social Gospel Charles Sheldon, “In His Steps” “WWJD” Social darwinism/reform darwinism Individual vs. environment The Progressive Era Publicity of problems: “muckrakers” Stephen Crane*, Maggie, a Girl of the Streets, 1893 Jacob Riis*, How the Other Half Lives, 1890 Upton Sinclair*, The Jungle, 1906 Progressive Era Reforms “Active government on behalf of the public interest” Local: Settlement Houses Jane Addams, Hull House Parks and playgrounds Progressive Era Reforms State: “Wisconsin idea” Robert LaFollette Efficiency Experts Direct primary Triangle Shirtwaist Fire*, Mar. 25, 1911 NY State Factory Commission Progressive Era Reforms Federal: Teddy Roosevelt Trust-busting Pure food and drugs Conservation Woodrow Wilson Lower tariffs Federal reserve Anti-trust laws Shortcomings of the Progressive movement