Skeleton Notes

Unit 4 The Progressive Era (2.5 weeks)
Big Picture Questions:
To what extent did the farmer’s protest movements of the late 1800s improve the lives of average
American farmers?
Problems of Farmers
Grange Movement
Munn v. Illinois 1877
Interstate Commerce Act 1887
Populist Party
Populist Party Platform
Elections of 1892, 1896, 1900
William Jennings Bryan
“Cross of Gold” speech
William McKinley
Legacy of populism
Third parties
To what extent did the Progressive reforms effectively address problems created by the growth of
American industry?
Roots of the Progressive Era
Social Gospel Movement
Muckrakers – Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffans, Frank Norris, Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
Social reformers – Jane Addams, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington
Settlement house (Hull House)
Anti-defamation League
Municipal Reformers – Robert Lafollette, Theodore Roosevelt
Initiative, referendum, and recall
Compare and contrast the progressive era reform programs of each of the following presidents T.
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. What is the legacy of each?
Theodore Roosevelt
Coal Miners’ Strike 1902
Rockefeller and Standard Oil
Square Deal
William Howard Taft
Bull-Moose Party
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom
National Parks
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory effects
Dept. of Labor
Clayton Anti-trust Act
Child Labor Act
Federal Reserve Act
To what extent were the lives of American women affected by the economic, political,
and ideological developments between 1890 and 1920?
1848 Seneca Falls Convention
Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
19th Amendment
Alice Paul
How was the move toward realism in Art and Literature reflective of the progressive era?
Horatio Alger
Mark Twain
William Dean Howells
Jack London
Henry James
Katie Chopin
James McNeil Whistler
Thomas Eakins
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Fredrick Remington
Charles Russell
Instructional Focus: The focus of this unit is the important reforms put in place to meet the new
problems posed by industrialization and urbanization.
Suggested Resources:
Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" suffrage video (
Progressive Era- read excerpt of “The Jungle”
Youtube videos of slaughter yards and photos of packing plants