Personal Philosophy of Leadership

Personal Philosophy of Leadership
Chris Beuning
Northwestern University
Foundations of Leadership
Russell Roberson
August 19, 2012
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Leadership Core Values .................................................................................................................... 5
Specific Values ................................................................................................................................. 5
Assumptions...................................................................................................................................... 8
Beliefs ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Leadership Assumptions ................................................................................................................. 11
Leadership Experiences .................................................................................................................. 11
Positive........................................................................................................................................ 11
Negative ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Assumptions based on experiences ................................................................................................. 13
Personal Leadership Beliefs ................................................................................................................ 13
Purpose of leadership ...................................................................................................................... 13
Who should decide who leads? ....................................................................................................... 14
Is leadership behavior influenced by internal or external forces? ................................................... 15
Can people who have caused others harm be good leaders?........................................................... 15
How do leaders gain credibility? .................................................................................................... 16
Who are your models of good leadership and why? ....................................................................... 16
Summary/Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 17
References ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Strong leadership and leadership skills are a critical part of progress, achievement and
growth for personal, team and organizational effectiveness. Core leadership values such as
excellence, collaboration, self-respect, competency, creativity, wisdom, honesty and integrity
resonate with me and guide the path I take in my current role as well as in the continuation of my
leadership journey. I strive to keep these values as part of both my personal and professional life
while continually reviewing and updating them in that journey. They form the foundation of my
personal leadership development as well, both as an informal leader and as a member of a team.
I believe that while leadership is critical to the well-being and growth of both the individual
and the team, it is not reserved strictly for those with formally assigned management or leadership
positions. Strong leadership is also important from the ground level, from within teams and at the
informal team leadership level. These skills also contribute positively to the interaction of team
members, followers or supporters and the assigned leaders and further strengthen collaboration
within and between both small and large teams.
Establishing core values is important, but they must be incorporated into behaviors and
actions in all settings to truly have an impact on personal leadership philosophy. Modeling these
values through behaviors brings them to life and gives them meaning within personal and team
leadership settings. Strong leadership skills and needs may change over time and with the situation.
They depend on group and organizational dynamics, but they are critical to effective team building
and forward movement and allowing groups to recognize, accept and grow through periods of
change. A strong ethical code, embodied in core values, is critical to the acceptance of a leader,
particular in times of challenge, conflict, or significant change. Recognizing the importance and
value of diversity and meeting the needs of each group member is also important for leaders.
Strong effective leadership incorporates these skills into daily practice and reflection.
Personal Philosophy of Leadership
The research and development of a personal philosophy of leadership deeply intrigues me.
My current role involves being a member of several working teams which interact with one another
in many ways. I do not have an assigned leadership position at this time and do not wish to take on
a formal role with typical management responsibilities. My interest is in building on the informal
leadership role I have established as a Clinical Pharmacy IT Analyst and continue that personal
growth. My passion is being able to use my knowledge about medications the medication use
process and our Electronic Health Record (EHR) in a health care setting and research new options
and functionality to improve our systems, keep our patients safe and make use of the data we collect
using our EHR. Completion of the Masters of Medical Informatics program is a big part of meeting
this goal and bringing the pieces together. I truly enjoy working with members of other disciplines
to brainstorm options and I enjoy being a resource on the areas within my expertise while
continually expanding and increasing the depth of that expertise. My desire is to improve my
personal and team leadership skills and strengthen my leadership from the “ground level” as part of
these and future teams.
Much of my literature review focused on pharmacy professional publications, particularly a
series of short articles by a well-respected pharmacist mentor who has been extremely active in the
American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP), a volunteer pharmacy organization. Her
focus is often helping to cultivate leadership skills at a personal level within the profession of
pharmacy. My journey in leadership over the past few years, as well as my hope for future growth
has taken me into areas peripheral to pharmacy, but always drawing on my knowledge of the
medication use process and as a practicing pharmacist. Whatever my future roles hold for me, I will
always be a pharmacist by profession and training, with a strong beliefs in the importance of
leadership in this area.
This paper explores my philosophy of personal and team leadership and accountability,
leading from an informal position, the promotions and progression of a professional group with
leadership, the importance of commitment to core values, and the benefit of modeling behavior
based and relationship focused theories such as Transitional Leadership Theory. These elements
comprise the foundation of my leadership tenets: I can make a difference as an informal leader; I
will contribute to the goals and advancement of the Pharmacy and Pharmacy IT profession; I will
model my actions in both leadership and teammate roles based on core values and foster
relationships based on a leader-follower relationship model.
Leadership Core Values
Specific Values
Positive, livable values form the foundation of leadership development and achievement.
Some of the values that resonate with me include honesty, integrity, self-respect, collaboration,
wisdom, trust, creativity, competency and excellence. These values are key to internal leadership as
well as interactions with others. Defining and incorporation of these values into daily practice can
be a part of the development of a personal leadership philosophy. “The genius of leadership lies in
the manner in which leaders see and act on their own and their followers’ values and motivations.”
(Drenkard, 2012, p. 148) This statement underlines the importance of building leadership on solid
values and character.
Honesty, integrity and self-respect are particularly important to self-management and selfleadership. For me, being honest in self-leadership and personal growth means repeatedly assessing
my performance based on input from team members and leaders and continually, objectively
repeating this process and making any necessary changes. Holding integrity as a core value means
making sure that every inward reflection and outward interaction as a leader or team member
incorporates a comparison with established personal values. Based on that comparison, changes in
direction may be determined. Honesty and integrity in this context contribute to the development
of self-respect, which is important for sustained credibility, influence and growth in leadership.
These qualities contribute to the concept described by Sara White when she writes about
managing yourself so others want to work with you (White, 2008, p. 922). The advice in this
column discusses building an internal foundation that supports the development of leadership,
teamwork and collaboration. Sara White has written and contributed to many articles for ASHP
which is a professional volunteer organization that contributes to research for, and education of
pharmacists and provides coaching and mentoring tools for pharmacists at all levels of leadership
and team involvement. Sara was also a personal mentor to our former Director of Pharmacy. She
traveled to our organization several times to speak to our pharmacists. These talks have continued
to be a source of inspiration and foster the professional responsibility and personal and professional
pride for contribution to excellent and safe patient care.
Introspection and reflection on personal ethics foster the development and growth of
personal values. Badaracco describes ethical decisions as self-discovery that go a step further and
which he calls defining moments that serve to refocus core values. While the following questions
seem straight-forward, they can be provocative. They are “who am I?”, “who are we?” and “who is
the company.” The author describes additional questions that can be used to develop answers to
each of the first questions. To understand “who am I?” an individual can evaluate conflicting
feelings which can define a natural tension between two valid perspectives. After doing this one
can look further at which responsibilities and values are in conflict with the values that are
important to me. The third consideration involves applying shrewdness and expediency to the
scenario to develop a personal plan for what is right and important to the individual. The author
describes this as coupling introspection with practical needs. (Badaracco, 1998, p. 95).
Collaboration, wisdom and trust contribute to positive team dynamics and abilities as a
leader. Collaboration to me means that being willing and able to work with each teammate or
leader related to team efforts or individual development. A strong leader is able to work with each
team member in whichever way works best for that dyad. Wisdom comes from experience with
technical or practical situations. Beyond the baseline skills, wisdom incorporates that knowledge
with the practical application at skill-based and interpersonal levels. Trust involves establishing
working relationships with each team member and leader to the point where each believes that the
other shares a common interest and goal and will work as a team to reach those and is closely
related to the collaboration mentioned previously.
Teams are critical to success in most organizations. The application of each of these values
contributes to the cohesiveness and functionality of a team and increase the likelihood of success.
Sara White describes the virtue of trust as follows. “When we trust people we can confide in them,
believe them and have confidence in their honesty, reliability, integrity, strength and ability.”
(White, 2012, p. 928) She also points out that trust must be earned by leaders and offers the
following as guidance to those working toward earning trust from their teams. Remember trust is
built over time. Take time to put yourself in the shoes of your team. Ask for feedback. Be
transparent about decision making, particularly with unpopular decisions or programs. Don’t lie
about bad news. Share information regularly. If you can’t answer a question, say so. Be up front
if you don’t meet a commitment and hold yourself and others accountable. (White, 2012, p. 929)
While this is aimed at those in formal leadership positions, it can also be applied at ground level, or
to informal leaders or teammates.
The values of creativity, competency and excellence are a part of strong job knowledge and
can be important to the development of confidence from subordinates or teammates. Creativity can
be an important tool for finding new solutions to existing or emerging challenges as well as
constantly evaluating current state. Being willing to think outside normal boundaries can lead to
new ways to address problems. Additionally, involving all appropriate people in the problem
solving can lead to additional solution options.
While extensive task knowledge is not necessary for all levels of leadership, it can be a part
of the critical foundation for leadership in a non-assigned leader role. Competence in the subject
and skill set being overseen increases the credibility of the leader with those being led. Expanding
on this, if the leader is able to move beyond competence to excellence in the knowledge areas,
particularly for highly skilled, complex or topics with patient safety implications, additional team
credibility may be a result.
Northouse describes the Task Theory of leadership and the three types of tasks in that
model – technical, human and conceptual. The model weights these three tasks differently based on
the level of leadership. At top leadership levels the technical tasks take a smaller role while human
and conceptual tasks take larger roles. In middle management roles the three types of tasks have
similar importance. At lower levels of leadership, such as supervisory, the technical and human
tasks outrank the conceptual tasks. The development of technical or application knowledge can be
instrumental in demonstrating strong leadership at a staff or middle level (Northouse, 2010, p. 40).
A personal leadership philosophy incorporates a number of underlying assumptions that are
important to the individual leader, and which may vary from those of other leaders. Assumptions
for my personal philosophy development include the following. Leadership opportunities are open
to all levels within an organization or team and informal or unassigned leadership from the middle
can have a very positive impact on teams and outcomes. There is value to giving back
professionally and contributing to the growth of the profession. My skill set and knowledge may
change and expand over time, but the core professional skill set revolves around being a pharmacist.
Recent efforts in the pharmacy community focus on expansion and clinical responsibility of
pharmacists. Participating in key organization such as ASHP can contribute to the evolution of
these and other pharmacy related initiatives.
Another assumption is that change is a constant variable and all leaders and teams must
evolve with that change to succeed. Leaders must be open to that change and willing to re-look at
established processes and preconceived approaches. Particularly in health care, regulations and
expectations evolve quickly, without an approach allowing rapid assessment and change when
needed, organizations will be challenged with meeting these changing requirement. Individual
leaders may also experience this type of need for change in individual teams. I know my specific
team has faced changes, and the ability to facilitate those changes is critical to the growth and
sustainability of the leader. Anticipating, planning for, and adapting to change can also draw from
the core values above. During change leaders must be creative, collaborative and supportive.
Because leadership is available and important at all levels, I can contribute and make a
difference from an informal leadership position. I believe I have already done so, but there is
greater opportunity, particularly given the journey of the Masters in Medical Informatics program.
Transformational Leadership is one of numerous leadership theories and has been integrated into
organizational approaches to leadership and systems improvement, including the Magnet nursing
leadership approach (Wolf, 2012). This theory is defined by JM Burns as “a process whereby
leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation (Drenkard 2012,
p. 148).” I have seen use of this type of principle in parts of our organization, although it is
admittedly not universal. This approach appeals to me as it is based on the dynamics between
leaders and followers and asserts that progress and growth is a result of these interactions and
relationships. These benefits are reaped by the leader, followers, teams, the organization as a whole
and customers, or in health care, the patients. I feel there is great potential in this model and to
incorporation of it into an overall leadership plan.
Change in our culture and in our organizations, and particularly in health care is occurring
constantly and at a rapid pace. Teams will not be able to use the same tools and knowledge to reach
the same outcomes over time. Leaders and teams must constantly review current state, progress,
and future needs in conjunction with changes in the environment. For my role this is largely
concerned with the changes in medication use, healthcare, healthcare regulations and new directions
and accountabilities. Many of the topics covered in the Masters of Medical Informatics program
have provided increasingly complex tools and skills to make these adjustments and provide
leadership to others.
Healthcare and leadership within healthcare is comprised of numerous groups, including
various professions. In many cases nurses and physicians represent a majority of these leaders,
along with partners with purely technical or a combination of clinical and technical experience.
Pharmacists often constitute a much smaller number in these groups. Pharmacists have some
unique skills to lead to healthcare and Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) teams. We are
experts on medications and their interactions with the patient’s or community’s health and can
partner with physicians, other providers, nurses and patients to optimize medication use within the
IT structure, including Electronic Health Records (EHR's). Most pharmacists in the field of
Pharmacy IT find themselves in these positions as part of an accidental pathway. Very few of us
have formal IT training and have grown with support from our respective organizations and
vendors. Along with our unique knowledge set related to medications, IT pharmacists can also help
provide a bridge between the clinical and the technical and in many cases have long standing
relationships in place with other clinicians. I have thoroughly enjoyed this process and its
challenges and look forward to growing more over time and taking on more challenges.
Leadership Assumptions
Leadership Experiences
Positive leadership is based in part on openness, honesty, fairness, transparency, equal
opportunities and vision. My current manager is truly the best leader I have reported to during my
twenty year tenure at my organization. For approximately the first seventeen years I reported solely
to the Pharmacy department. As my role in IT grew, that portion of my job was transitioned under
our Information Services department and I currently have dual reporting with eighty percent of my
job assigned to Information Services and the remaining twenty percent to Pharmacy in an online,
clinical pharmacist position. My IT manager has provided a contrast to the management I had
become familiar with. She is open, shares as much information as she reasonably can, encourages
each of us to participate, and tailors her interactions with each of us to guide us and focus on what
we need to move on and succeed. She has been open during some challenging organizational times
with reorganizations and restructure, easing some of our fears. She has also helped each of us see
and appreciate where the organization is going in the immediate and more distant future. My
manager’s style is exemplary, but is also consistent other leaders in the IS division. The contrast to
the management styles in my other reporting relationship has made her style stand out even more.
My organization is likely similar to many others, where individuals are promoted from within. In
the past the organization has not done an outstanding job of providing these newly appointed
leaders with the tools to acclimate to and expand in that new role. Recently better emphasis has
been placed on providing this training. I have found new leaders to be better prepared, and I am
more able to learn from their experiences.
Like many other health care organizations mine has had to undergo change relative to
changes in reimbursement, regulation and incentives. Quite a number of positions were eliminated
last summer throughout the organization, but the patients continued to need care and work and
projects continued. The organization tried to maintain as much transparency as possible during this
process. Then this spring it was announced that the organization was acquiring a fifth hospital with
the anticipated closing in the fall. This has caused much uncertainty and concern with employees
throughout the organization. My manager has worked very carefully with us to provide us with all
of the information she has that is non-confidential and has involved each of us in information
gathering and planning for pieces that affect us. She has also been very involved in the transition
planning and represents our needs, abilities, ideas and concerns. She has successfully lobbied for
additional help with consulting firms to assist with this new work. In a time of uncertainty this
approach is appreciated and almost comforting. It is not uncommon for people from outside my
department to ask if I have any updated information, as it has been recognized that my manager
provides us with up-to-date, accurate information and involves us in the processes.
Poor leadership involves poor communication, lack of transparency, favoritism and closed
door style. The members of the Pharmacy management team are good people and good
pharmacists, but have not been able to provide the positive leadership I’ve been a part of within the
past few years with Information Services. I didn’t realize how much information was not being
shared until I received it through other channels. I believe information filtering was an attempt to
spare department members extraneous distractions. However, this may be a somewhat outdated
approach as most people now are used to and expect access to up-to-date information, particularly
with the use of electronics. Much of this information is helpful to understand the happenings within
our organization, our community and healthcare in general and has the potential to improve
employee engagement. Recent organization and departmental changes were not disclosed within
the department until after the rest of the organization was informed and in some meetings new
organizational charts were distributed, only to be collected following the meeting. Despite a union
presence, the creation and posting of new positions has not been viewed as equitable and has caused
some to leave the organization. And finally there was a situation some time ago where a married
manager was involved with a subordinate. Upper departmental management denied the situation
and publicly punished several who came forward with concerns denying the relationship along with
the special treatment that was happening. The manager in the relationship stepped down, but not
before destroying a great deal of current and future trust with the whole of management. The
former manager and subordinate are now married and both still work in the department. Their
situation is a frequent reminder of poor management style and significant loss of trust.
Assumptions based on experiences
These contrasting experiences have illustrated that the organizational culture is not the only
determinant of management style, particularly since both departments report up to the same Vice
President and her style is much more aligned with the Information Services approach. I have
watched my manager evolve from a staff position and informal leader roles, which supports that
strong leadership can arise from an unassigned position and make a strong impact. I believe that
strong personal leadership traits and relationships with subordinates are key to strong leadership and
team growth.
Personal Leadership Beliefs
Purpose of leadership
Leadership improves individuals and teams and optimizes work and volunteer processes to
contribute to excellence in outcomes. Leadership keeps employees engaged and motivated. It
aligns organizational objectives with the skills of subordinates and partners with employees to
achieve employee, team and organizational objectives. There are many leadership models, each
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Many of the models have demonstrated benefit in either the
provision of leadership training or on outcomes. One that appeals to me is the Transitional
Leadership theory, particularly the close relationships between the leader and the follower.
Transformational leadership is the process whereby a person engages with others and creates a
connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower.
(Northouse, 2010, p. 172)
Strong leadership is important to the effectiveness, performance and relationship of teams.
Team performance is the “quality of decision making, the ability to implement decisions, the
outcomes of team work in terms of problems solved and work completed, and finally the quality of
institutional leadership provided by the team.” Team development is the cohesiveness of the team
and the ability of group members to satisfy their own needs while working effectively with other
team members. (Northouse, 2010, p. 252)
Who should decide who leads?
Determining who leads should be a collaborative endeavor between potential leaders, those
already in leadership positions and those who will be led. Obviously, an employee needs to have a
desire to become a leader, at any level. Theories such as Leader Member Exchange (LMX) indicate
that the dyad-based partnership can increase the contribution of the employee and can be used for
goal setting, mentoring, coaching and secession planning and can include pursuing leadership
opportunities. Goffee and Jones describe four qualities that contribute to great leaders. These
include selectively revealing their weaknesses, reliance on intuition to gauge the appropriate timing
and course of their actions, managing others with “tough empathy” (defined as giving people what
they need, not what they want) and capitalizing on their differences (Goffee, Jones, 2001, p. 154).
These qualities may help evaluate those selected to lead. Existing leaders need to evaluate and
contribute to the selection. In many cases those who will report to the leader can take part in the
interview and be otherwise involved in the selection process. While broad involvement can
complicate the process, it also increases cohesiveness of the team and better ensures that the leader
will be a valuable part of it.
Is leadership behavior influenced by internal or external forces?
Leadership behavior is shaped by both internal and external factors. Leaders are affected by
their experiences which can impact their leadership style and actions, but they can also be
influenced or shaped by the environment in their organization and its resources, political and
economic scenarios. Nearly anything experienced or the leader, or anything in their environment
can impact decisions made in leadership development. For example, rules and hierarchies in an
organization might have a negative connotation to a leader and may shape the approach that leaders
takes on those subjects, or may influence changes they want to make in their surroundings.
However, I believe that a leader has to possess and cultivate certain traits that make it more likely
they will excel. The leader must make the decision to utilize or cultivate those traits to expand their
leadership influence. I have made a conscious decision to take on leadership responsibilities from
within my team while others on my team prefer to take a more passive follower role. I must also
make the decision to apply for a formal leadership role if that becomes something I desire. The
combination of my experiences, the skills and qualities I possess or have chosen to develop and
specific decisions and commitments will all contribute to my style and success as a leader.
Can people who have caused others harm be good leaders?
Causing harm to others can cause permanent damage to leadership and trust. Whether trust
can be regained depends in large part on how significant the harm was, whether the actions were
intentional and if the person who caused the harm has learned from, or apologizes for the situation.
Even if the harm was minimal and unintentional and lessons were learned, repair to relationships
may take time and potentially not be possible. The effort needed to gain trust of followers after
harm will be considerably more than without that event and will require the acceptance of the
How do leaders gain credibility?
Practicing and modeling core values and encouraging others to do the same establishes
respect. Demonstrating trust and reliability along with that respect contributes to credibility.
Subordinates, as well as peers and superiors of a leader need to feel that the leader’s goals and
actions are consistently genuine and in the best interest of the people and organization. Consistent
follow through is important, as is the nurturing, support and directing of teams. If a leader does not
consistently back up their talk with actions, credibility will be a challenge. Various leadership
models emphasize different mechanism for improving leadership and relationships, which can range
from using relational transparency, employing the dynamic in Transformational Leadership to
improve individuals, leaders and teams or improving leadership skills through various models The
path to credibility may be different for each leader and may take variable timelines depending on
events along the way.
Who are your models of good leadership and why?
As described previously, I very much admire my current manager, her approach, her
accomplishments and relationships. I have been around other leaders who take similar approaches
and have learned a great deal from them as well. To me, good leaders must genuinely believe in the
organization and the people they lead and work with or be actively involved in bringing about
change that will support that belief. A good leader needs to be consistently governed by strong core
values. The emphasis and priority placed on their core values do not always need to match the
priority I place on mine, but they need to be universally accepted as “good values”. The leaders
who inspire me are not necessarily in the highest levels of leadership. Some of the people I admire
the most lead from a lower, more grassroots level, which inspires me to do the same.
Solid leadership is needed at every level of an organization and strong leadership at a staff
or non-managerial level that aligns with formal leader goals can have a strong, positive impact on
teams and the organization. White calls out that “managers administer, while leaders innovate, and
managers ask how while leaders ask what and why. Managers focus on systems, while leaders
focus on people.” She encourages pharmacists to strive to lead from a staff position with “leading
from a staff of clinical position entails taking responsibility for and pursuing a vision, engaging and
inspiring others, cultivating influence throughout an organization, and investing in the future by
giving back.” (White, 2009, p. 2092) People in such roles need clear, strong personal leadership
and direction as well as strong positive behaviors when working with teams and others.
One of my goals is to lead from an informal or middle position and assist the teams I am a
part of to improve outcomes and protect patient safety. I have been working with my manager to
define a new role under her as a formal mentor to members of my pharmacy team and expand my
roles as a resource and liaison with other clinical teams, including pharmacy, nursing and
physicians. I have been working hard on these roles, have learned a great deal and look forward to
future experiences.
I have learned a great deal about Pharmacy IT and leadership through my experiences, and
have more ahead. Much of what I have learned has been in an informal setting, but my experiences
within the Masters of Medical Informatics program has contributed to my knowledge and growth. I
feel very strongly about giving back and contributing to the body of knowledge of professional
pharmacy organizations and have been participating in several committees within the ASHP and
Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). While participating I have in turn
learned a great deal from other organization members. Overall, I have learned and grown in my
current informal leadership role as a member of several teams and will continue to learn and expand
my skills, technically, clinically and as a leader.
Outstanding leadership is based on strong foundational values and ethics and leadership
principles models which emphasize relationships between followers and leaders and how they
motivate and elevate each other, such as Transformational Leadership theory. In an article on this
theory Drenkard lists its qualities as individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, charisma,
inspirational motivation and idealized influence.” (Drenkard, 2012, p. 148). These qualities can be
aligned with the core values of honesty, integrity, self-respect, collaboration, wisdom, trust,
creativity, competency and excellence honesty, integrity, self-respect, collaboration, wisdom, trust,
creativity, competency and excellence.
Each of these concepts contributes to the basic approach and doctrine I have and continue to
follow in my leadership journey. I can and do make a difference as an informal leader within the
teams I work with. I can use my leadership skills and experiences to contribute to the growth and
influence of the profession of pharmacy and IT pharmacy. I can make a difference by ensuring I
fall back on the core values that resonate with me and that I can grow as a leader by working within
team and leader-follower relationships.
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