
• Testing is a critical process within any software
development and maintenance life cycle model.
• Testing is becoming increasingly important to the
software development industry because of its
implications on the quality of the produced software
and the reputation of the producing company.
• Testing activities include testing specifications,
designs and implementations.
• Testing implementations is often referred to as
software testing, or simply testing.
Test coverage
• Only exhaustive testing can guarantee full coverage.
• Exhaustive testing is impractical since it may take years to
complete even for testing small size programs.
• Consider testing the software when a first name text field of
20 characters maximum is filled by a user. Exhaustive testing
requires that we test the software for all possible correct and
incorrect field input values.
– Assume 80 possible correct and incorrect characters, the number of
possible combinations for a valid or invalid first name would exceed
8020. Using a computer that takes, say, 50 nanoseconds to process one
combination, we would need about 1011 years to complete the testing
for all possible combinations. It is indeed impractical!
The reality
• With the absence of exhaustive testing, there are no
formal guarantees that software is error-free.
• In fact, it may happen in practice that even when all
errors have been detected during testing, they may
not all be fixed due to the lack of time.
• Unfixed errors may be fixed in future releases of the
• The difficulty in software testing is the inability to
quantify the errors existing in software, and hence
predict how many errors are left undiscovered.
Test coverage experiment
• Random testing experiment: errors of different levels of
complexity were inserted in the software under test
• All errors except for one were discovered progressively.
• No indication on how much more testing is needed
• Finding errors is an asymptotic nonlinear function of time.
Dynamic and static testing
• Dynamic testing
– Test the software by executing it and applying test
– Observe the output and make a judgment to take a
• Static testing
– Check code without executing it
– Automatic static testing: Code as an input to a static analysis
– Non-automatic static testing: review, walkthrough, inspection
Test case
• Test plan includes a test suite
• A test suite is a set of organized test cases
– Organize around use cases for example
• Template to describe a test case
– Id, name, reference, priority, preconditions,
preamble, input, expected output, observed
output, verdict and remarks
• Test cases are obtained using known testing
techniques and strategies
Test case design vs execution
• Test case is developed first – verdict and remarks are
• Test case is executed when the actual testing is
performed – the verdict is obtained
• Typically test cases are developed (designed) before
even writing any code
• Acceptance test cases in the acceptance test plan (ATP)
can be developed after requirements specification
• Unit and integration test plans can be developed after
the design is completed and prior to coding
Test Case (TC) Example
TC#: S-221
TC Description: This test is to check the response
to an invalid input selection.
TC Precondition: Go to screen
TC Input: Enter <F7>
TC Expected Output: Error message: “Invalid
input, Enter “1” to “4” or ESC”
OOP Development
White-box, black-box and grey-box
testing techniques
• White-box: module or unit testing
• Black-box: module testing and system testing
Black-box unit/module testing
Boundary value analysis
Equivalence class testing
Decision table / decision tree based testing
State based testing
Robustness testing
Boundary value analysis
• BVA: test inputs obtained from the boundaries
– Serious errors hide at the boundaries.
• For example, simple boundary values for an input of integer
data type would include -INT_MAX, -INT_MAX + 1, -1, 0, +1,
INT_MAX - 1 and INT_MAX.
• For complex and composite data types, boundary values
become more difficult to generate and may require more
ingenuity to obtain them.
• Moreover, if interface specification includes more than one
input, different test cases considering possible feasible
combinations of BVs for each input must be considered
BVA Example
• Suppose you are given an executable code including
a function called digitCount whose functional
interface specification states that digitCount takes an
integer n as an input parameter, and returns an
integer representing the number of digits in n.
• Test cases whose test inputs are selected based on
boundary value analysis are partially shown in Table
• Assume that for a 32-bit integer, INT_MAX is
Testing function digitCount based
on boundary value analysis
Example 8.2 – Testing search function
Equivalence class testing
• Partitioning input domain into disjoint subsets or
• Partition includes related values
• Consider one test input from each partition
• Equivalence relation among partition elements
‘having the same number of digits’
‘all positive integers’
‘all even numbers’
‘all prime numbers’
‘all powe or 2 numbers’
Decision table based testing
• Decision table: each column denoting a rule becomes
the basis of a test case
– Conditions produce inputs
– Actions produce expected outputs
– In table 4.1: input variables are age, history and
speed, and output variables are penalty and
Decision tree-based testing
• Each distinct path from the root node to a leaf node
is the basis of a test case
• If along the path, a variable input value does not
exist, the test input for that variable can be
assigned any valid value.
• For example, in fig 4.23, for the test case
corresponding to the leftmost path, the speed value
can be any illegal speed
State-based testing
• An implemented finite state machine conforms to its
specification, if the observed output sequence
matches the expected output according to the
• Test sequence must cover all states transitions
• Used to test do black box testing of systems
– GUI, protocols, web page connectivity, …
• Transition tour: a sequence covering all transitions
and returning back to the initial state
– Can only cover output errors
Black box-based robustness testing
• Test a system using one or preferably more black box
based testing method
• Test for incorrect and illegal inputs also
• In equivalence class testing, select one
representative bad input from every partition of the
bad input values
• For FSM based systems, apply unexpected inputs at
each state – the system should survive
• For boundary value testing, test for illegal values
beyond the boundaries – the system should survive
White-box testing techniques
Given the source code of the module to test
Control flow based testing techniques
Data flow based testing techniques
Path testing
Control flow based testing
• Given source code of a module, transform it to
a control flowgraph
• Nodes and edges – decision nodes, joining
Example: digitCount
1 int digitCount(int n)
3 int count = 0;
4 while (n != 0)
5 { n = n / 10;
7 }
8 return count;
White-box testing
• Statement coverage
• Graph based
– Branch coverage
– Condition coverage
– Path coverage
OOP Development
Example: Statement Coverage
1 int maxPositive(int n1, int n2) {
2 if (n1<=1 && n2<=1)
4 if (n1<=n2)
return n1; }
TC Inputs: n1=n2=1
OOP Development
Example: Branch Coverage
1 int maxPositive(int n1, int n2) {
2 if (n1<=1 && n2<=1)
4 if (n1<=n2)
return n1; }
TC#1 Inputs: n1=n2=1
TC#2 Inputs: n1=2, n2=0
OOP Development
Example: Condition Coverage
1 int maxPositive(int n1, int n2) {
2 if (n1<=1 && n2<=1)
4 if (n1<=n2)
return n1; }
TC#1 Inputs: n1=n2=1
TC#2 Inputs: n1=2, n2=0
TC#3 Inputs: n1=0, n2=2
OOP Development
Example: Path Coverage
1 int maxPositive(int n1, int n2) {
2 if (n1<=1 && n2<=1)
4 if (n1<=n2)
return n1; }
TC#1 Inputs: n1=n2=1
TC#2 Inputs: n1=2, n2=0
TC#3 Inputs: n1=0, n2=2
TC#4 Inputs: n1=n2=0
OOP Development
Path expression
• Representing in a generic way an execution
• Can represent the complete program
• Use operators:
+ for choice
. For a concatenation
{} * for zero or more repetition
{}+ for one or more repetition
() for grouping
Path expression
• Useful to study properties of test sequences
• Annotate the transitions with desirable
property then analyze the resulting expression
• For example: assign a probability to each
transition – allows you to evaluate the
probability of each path; helps you decide on
testing the most probable paths
Integration testing
• After testing all modules individually using
both white and black box testing techniques
• Top-down integration
• Bottom-up integration
• Sandwich / hybrid integration
Top down integration
• Start with top level modules and integrate left to
• Good for testing GUI heavy modules
• Increase of confidence to see GUI at the beginning
• Less time to test low level utility modules – high
reusability modules
• Variation: integrate i/o modules to get real input and
outputs as early as possible
• Need stubs – fake modules to represent called
Bottom up integration
Start from low level modules
Good testing of low level utility modules
Can see the GUI late in the process
Require driver modules – to call the integrated
Sandwich integration testing
• Two teams – one starting bottom up and the other
starting top down
• They meet in the middle
• Good testing of both high level GUI modules and low
level utility modules
• Requires coordination and good management to
ensure middle level modules also get a good share of
the testing time
System Testing
• Performed in terms of Inputs and outputs of the
• Performed on the targeted platform.
• Goals:
– Reveal bugs that are represented only at system level.
– Demonstrate that the system implements all required
– Answer the question: Can we ship it yet?
OOP Development
Regression Testing
• Ensuring that modifications have not caused
unintended effects.
• Retesting is required
OOP Development