COSP: a multi-instrument satellite simulator for model evaluation A. Bodas-Salcedo(1), M. J. Webb(1), K. D. Williams(1), S. Bony(2), H. Chepfer(2), J.-L. Dufresne(2), S. Klein(3), Y. Zhang(3), R. Marchand(4), and J. Haynes(5) (1) Met Office Hadley Centre (2) Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (3) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (4) University of Washington (5) Monash University Abstract The simulation of clouds in General Circulation Models (GCMs) is a major source of spread in the climate projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). This highlights the need for developing new analysis techniques that improve our knowledge of the physical processes that cause these differences. The Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observational Simulator Package (COSP) has been developed to help address this issue. COSP is a flexible software tool that enables the simulation of data from several satellite-borne sensors from model variables. Especially, COSP will take advantage of the synergy provided by the active sensors on the A-Train, CloudSat and CALIPSO. It facilitates the use of satellite data to evaluate models in a process-oriented and consistent way. The flexibility of COSP makes it suitable to be used in any type of numerical model, from high-resolution cloud-resolving models to coarse-resolution models like the GCMs used in the IPCC, and the scales in between used in weather forecast models. This should help to evaluate clouds within a "seamless" context. We describe the capabilities of COSP by giving examples of outputs to demonstrate its potential for model evaluation. COSP is a flexible tool that can be easily expanded to include more sensors, and work is currently in progress in this respect. We also describe the future plans for COSP. 2. EXAMPLES OF OUTPUTS FROM COSP 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE SOFTWARE •The schematic below shows the modular structure of the software COSP MAIN SCOPS SG PRECIP COSP SUB-GRID CLOUDSAT SUMMARY STATISTICS CALIPSO Figure 1. Frequency of occurrence of radar reflectivitie as function of height (similar to those in Bodas-Salcedo et al., 2008). Figure 3. Frequency of occurrence of cloudy pixels from MISR simulator as function of cloud top height and optical depth. Figure 2. Frequency of occurrence of lidar scattering ratio as function of height. Figure 4. Frequency of occurrence of cloudy pixels from the ISCCP simulator as function of cloud top pressure and optical depth. ISCCP (a) MISR (a) (a) RTTOV TRMM It contains the following instrument simulators: •CloudSat radar (Haynes et al., 2007) •CALIPSO lidar (Chepfer et al., 2008), with PARASOL reflectances •ISCCP simulator (Klein and Jakob, 1999; Webb et al., 2001) •MISR The following simulators will be included in future versions: (b) (b) (b) (c) (c) (c) •RTTOV (Saunders et al., 1999) •TRMM precipitation radar COSP can be downloaded from COSP produces the following output diagnostics: CloudSat •Radar reflectivity in each subcolumn •Height-reflectivity histograms CALIPSO •Lidar total backscatter (532 nm) •Lidar molecular backscatter •Height-scattering ratio histograms •Low-level cloud fraction (CTP>680 hPa) •Mid-levlel cloud fraction (440<CTP<680 hPa) •High-level cloud fraction (CTP<440 hPa) •3D Cloud fraction •Total cloud fraction MISR,PARASOL and combined •PARASOL mono-directional reflectance •MISR CTH-Tau histograms •Total cloud fraction from CALIPSO&CloudSat •3D cloud fraction as seen from CALIPSO but not CloudSat ISCCP •Mean cloud albedo •Cloud optical depth in each subcoumn •Mean cloud top pressure •Mean 10.5 micron brightness temperature •Mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature •Mean cloud optical depth •Cloud top pressure in each subcolumn •CTP-tau histograms •Total cloud fraction 3. FUTURE WORK At the 2008 WGCM meeting, it was agreed that satellite simulators will be included in the planned activities of WGCM for the next assessment. The use of COSP is a strong recommendation for the next IPCC assessment report (CMIP5 simulations), and some COSP outputs will be included into the "core" set of CMIP5 outputs: •Long timeseries : At present, only the ISCCP and CALIPSO simulators are ready for in-line, long-term integrations. The recommendation is to use them inline in several mandatory CMIP5 experiments. •Short timeseries : COSP (with all simulators activated together with the A-Train orbital sampling) will be used off-line for one year (2007) in a subset of the CMIP5 experiments: •AMIP experiment (1979-2008). Atmosphere-only experiment forced with observed SSTs. •4xCO2 Hansen experiment (1979-2008). In this experiment, the AMIP experiment is repeated with the same SSTs, but radiation sees 4CO2. •A patterned SST-perturbed climate change experiment (1979-2008). SST perturbation pattern based on a composite of coupled model SST responses taken from 1% coupled model CMIP3 experiments at time of CO2 quadrupling. Although these experiments are not expected to reproduce exactly the global mean cloud feedbacks as in a coupled experiment or slab experiments, they are expected to explore the same range of cloud feedback processes. •A uniform +4K SST-perturbed climate change experiment (1979-2008). This complements the patterned-SST above, and in combination will allow the effects of local and remote changes in SST on cloud feedbacks to be assessed. REFERENCES Bodas-Salcedo, A., M. J. Webb, M. E. Brooks, M. A. Ringer, K. D. Williams, S. F. Milton, and D. R. Wilson, Evaluating cloud systems in the met office global forecast model using simulated cloudsat radar reflectivities, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D00A13, 2008. doi:10.1029/2007JD009620. Chepfer, H., S. Bony, D. Winker, M. Chiriaco, J.-L. Dufresne, and G. Seze, Use of CALIPSO lidar observations to evaluate the cloudiness simulated by a climate model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L15704, 2008. doi:10.1029/2008GL034207. Haynes, J. M., R. T. Marchand, Z. Luo, A. Bodas-Salcedo, and G. L. Stephens, A multi-purpose radar simulation package: Quickbeam, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 88(11), 1723-1727, 2007. doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-11-1723. Klein, S. A., and Jakob, C., Validation and sensitivities of frontal clouds simulated by the ECMWF model, Mon. Weather Rev., 127(10), 2514-2531, 1999. Figure 5. Total cloud fraction diagnosed from several simulators: (a) CALIPSO and CloudSat, (b) CALIPSO only, and (c) ISCCP. Met Office Hadley Centre, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB United Kingdom Tel: 01392 885680 Fax: 01392 885681 Email: Figure 6. Cloud fraction on three layers as diagnosed from CALIPSO simulator: (a) cloud tops above 440 hPa, (b) cloud tops between 440 and 680 hPa, and (c) cloud tops below 680 hPa. Figure 7. Additional diagnostics from the ISCCP simulator: (a) cloud albedo, (b) cloud top pressure, and (c) cloud optical depth. Saunders, R., M. Matricardi, and P. Brunel, An improved fast radiative transfer model for assimilation of satellite radiance observations, Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 125, 1407-1425, 1999. Webb, M., C. Senior, S. Bony, and J. J. Morcrette, Combining ERBE and ISCCP data to assess clouds in the Hadley Centre, ECMWF and LMD atmospheric climate models, Clim. Dyn., 17, 905-922, 2001. © Crown copyright 2008 Met Office and the Met Office logo are registered trademarks