Introduction to Financial Management

Intro to Financial Management
Dividend Policy
Income stream risks
Business risks
Operating risk
– Break-even analysis
– Operating leverage
• Capital structure
– Leverage
– Coverage ratio
– Match maturity of financing with ‘maturity’ of asset
Dividend Policy
• Dividend payout ratio
= dividend per share / earnings per share
• Tradeoff between
• Dividends and future growth
• Dividends and external financing
Dividend Policy and Stock Price
• Three views
1. No effect
2. High dividend will increase the stock price
Reason – less risk to investor
3. Low dividend will increase the stock price
Reason – investors can defer taxes
Dividend Payment Theories
• Residual Dividend Theory
– Pay dividend only if no more investments to make with the cash
• Clientele Effect
– Those who want dividends, will invest in dividend paying stocks
– Those that don’t, won’t
• Information Effect
– Dividend payout changes can signal information from the firm
• Agency Costs
– Costs, such as reduced stock price, due to agency conflict
– Dividends may reduce these costs
• Expectations Theory
– Market reacts as reality changes relative to their expectations
Dividends in Practice
• Legal restrictions
– E.g. must have assets > liabilities
• Liquidity constraints
– May not have the cash
• Earnings predictability
– Future years may not have as good cash flows
• Maintaining Ownership Control
– May retain earnings so do not have to issue new stock
Dividend Policies
1. Constant dividend payout ratio
Percent of earning paid is constant
Dollar amount will not be
2. Stable dollar dividend
Relatively stable (constant) payout
Will change only when management thinks appropriate
3. Small regular dividend plus year-end extra
4. One-time dividend payout
Stock Dividend and Stock Splits
• Stock dividend
– Distribution of shares proportionate to current holding
• Stock split
– Exchange current shares for new, more shares
• Same effect, different accounting
• Why?
– Optimal trading range, perhaps
– Signal information, perhaps
Stock Repurchases
• When firm buys back its stock from the market
• Why?
Reduces shares on the market
Increases EPS, ROE
Increases leverage
Reduces costs of small (e.g. fractional) shareholders
Result, higher stock price
• What should a firm do with excess cash?
Give dividends or repurchase shares?
– Want long-term gain or cash now?
– Theoretically, owners should not care
– Note that Apple is doing both