MIST 4610- Team Contract

INSC 20263: Business Information Systems
Team Contract
Dr. Jane Mackay
The team contract is an agreement regarding the team's purpose and functioning. It
should include, at a minimum, the team's main mission, goals, and duties (part 1), a code
of conduct (part 2), and the team members signatures (part 3).
Part 1: As a team, answer the following questions:
-Team Name: Team HAMMER
-Team Purpose/Mission: Our primary mission is to complete a satisfactory project that
fulfills all given requirements plus goes above and beyond. We expect our presentation
and overall project will be impressive and show that we put full effort into completing it.
-Primary Outcomes and Goals: Our primary goal is to create a great project that
deserves and receives an A.
Part 2: Code of Conduct
- What "on time" and "meeting attendance" mean?
Team members will be expected to be on time to all meetings and notify all other
members when they cannot fulfill this expectation. Communication about meeting times
and places will be done through texts and emails and members will be expected to
communicate often.
- How will relevant information be shared?
Information about meeting places and times will be shared via text or email, and
documents will be sent to each other via email. For documents that will need to be
available for all of us to see simultaneously, we can post them on our team wiki.
- What will be the communication medium of choice?
Email or text.
- How will conflict/disagreements be handled?
- What behaviors should be encouraged? Avoided?
- What happens when ground rule is broken? How will you handle exceptions?
- What happens when one of the team members lets the others down?
If one member is to let the rest of the team down, that member will be respectfully
approached about it and asked to explain why they didn’t fulfill their requirements. It is
each member’s responsibility to fully complete their section or assigned portion of the
assignment and get it done on time. If they do not, members will question them.
- How will team members give each other feedback on their performance in team?
We will keep communication open so that we feel comfortable telling each other when
we don’t agree completely with another member or making suggestions for changes. We
will also make sure to give positive feedback, as well as negative.
Part 3: Each team member should sign and date the team contract.
Member 1: Ashley Vanderlinde
Member 2: Hannah Morris
Member 3: Matt Gomez
Member 4: Robert Davidson
INSC 20263: Business Information Systems
Team Contract
Dr. Jane Mackay
Ashley Vanderlinde
Hannah Morris
Matt Gomez
Robert Davidson
TEAM MISSION: Our primary mission is to complete a satisfactory project that fulfills
all given requirements plus goes above and beyond. We expect our presentation and
overall project will be impressive and show that we put full effort into completing it. We
will collectively put much time and effort into the project to make it the best we can.
TEAM GOALS: Our primary goal is to create a great project that deserves and receives
an A. We will ensure this by meeting all specific requirements, working together and
communicating feedback and advice, and asking questions when necessary. We
recognize doing this will take time and we are willing to spend many hours outside of the
classroom working on it.
Ashley: To make sure all assignments are completed and turned in on time. Also to
implement my creativity to make our project stand out and help motivate the team to
work hard to complete a project that is to the best of our ability.
Hannah: To ensure the team is communicating effectively, fulfill all requirements of my
section fully and to the best of my ability, and overlook the final project to proof and edit
Matt: To learn more about business information systems through this project, and earn
an "A" on the project by producing and presenting the best project I can.
Robert: To do a quality job on my part of the project, have a good time working together
with everyone, and make sure we turn out a high quality finished product.
Meeting Attendance and Times
Team members will be expected to be on time to all meetings and notify all other
members when they cannot fulfill this expectation. Communication about meeting times
and places will be done through texts and emails and members will be expected to
communicate often and whenever necessary. We will try to keep the meeting place and
time consistent.
Information Sharing
Information about meeting places and times will be shared via text or email, and
documents will be sent to each other via email. For documents that will need to be
available for all of us to see simultaneously, we can post them on our team wiki.
Communication Medium
Email or text.
Conflicts and Disagreements
If a conflict or disagreement arises sometime this semester, we will work it out like
mature adults. Individual members will go directly to the source of the problem and work
it out from there. Communication will be key in dealing with conflicts. As a team, we
will work together to come up with a solution that works best and will cooperate to fix
the problem as soon as possible if necessary.
Encouraged and Avoided Behaviors
Encouraged behaviors include: completing work early and sending it to team for
approval, asking each other questions, asking professor questions when necessary,
helping other members out, not being late to meetings, and completing all work
completely and satisfactory.
Avoided behaviors will include: missing/skipping meetings, putting work on other team
members, turning in assigned work late, not performing tasks correctly, not
communicating, and subpar work.
Ground Rule Exceptions and Breakings
If team members break a ground rule, we will do our best to move past it and not let it
happen again.
There will of course be exceptions for family emergencies, certain conflicts, and other
things. We will try to limit these as much as possible.
Handling Let Downs
If one member is to let the rest of the team down, that member will be respectfully
approached about it and asked to explain why they didn’t fulfill their requirements. It is
each member’s responsibility to fully complete their section or assigned portion of the
assignment and get it done on time. If they do not, members will question them.
Performance Feedback
We will keep communication open so that we feel comfortable telling each other when
we don’t agree completely with another member or making suggestions for changes. We
will also make sure to give positive feedback, as well as negative. We recognize that
feedback will most times only help us, so we will incorporate it a lot. We will also go to
the CPC to get feedback from a professional as well.
Member 1: Ashley Vanderlinde
Member 2: Hannah Morris
Member 3: Matt Gomez
Member 4: Robert Davidson
 “The group will communicate via email and in class. Each member is expected to
check email daily.”
Conflict Resolution:
 “Conflicts regarding the group shall be resolved, in a professional manner, by a
majority vote.”
 “The group shall elect one member to handle all group documentation.”
 “Digital documentation shall be stored on a Yahoo Group (name: XXXXX).”
Meeting Attendance:
 “Meeting attendance being of utmost importance, is very highly encouraged,
unless no other option for attendance.”
 “If a meeting is missed, more personal time will be dedicated to the project to
make up for the absence.”
 “We agree to set usual meeting time on Sundays at a predefined time."
 “Each member shall be prepared for each group activity.”
 “We agree to consult the team if we are having problems with assigned work prior
to the due date.”
Roles and Responsibilities:
 “We will assign roles to each member prior to the start of the project.”
 “We agree to be honest with the team about our strength and weaknesses.”
 “We agree to be equally responsible for all deliverables whether or not we
directly worked on that aspect of the project.”
 “Feedback on performance will be discussed after every major milestone is
 “If work provided to the group is not on the level expected by other group
members, the guilty member will lose creative control of that aspect of the