Chart of Special Accounts

Chart of Special Accounts – 28 January 2016
158 Special Accounts made under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
69 made by Act (s.80) and 89 made by determination (s.78)
Agriculture and Water Resources: 10
8 under section 80 and 2 under section 78
Australian Fisheries Management Authority: 2
AFMA Special Account: Fisheries Administration Act
1991 s.94B
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Department of Agriculture: 8
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Special
National Cattle Disease Eradication Account:
National Cattle Disease Eradication Account Act 1991
National Residue Survey Account: National Residue
Survey Administration Act 1992 s.6
Natural Resources Management Account: Natural
Resources Management (Financial Assistance) Act
1992 s.11
Wheat Industry Special Account: Wheat Export
Marketing Amendment Act 2012 s58
WELS Account: Water Efficiency Labelling and
Standards Act 2005 s.64
Water for the Environment Special Account: Water
Act 2007 s.86AB
BAF Water Portfolio Special Account: Nation-building
Funds Act 2008 s.82
Attorney General’s: 14
5 under section 80 and 9 under section 78
Attorney General’s Department: 3
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
AGS Operational Special Account
AGS Client Funds Special Account
Australian Federal Police: 1
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Australian Institute of Criminology: 1
Criminology Research Special Account: Criminology
Research Act 1971 s.46
Australian Law Reform Commission: 1
Law Reform Special Account: Australian Law Reform
Commission Act 1996 s.45
CrimTrac Agency: 1
National Policing Information Systems and Services
Special Account
Family Court and Federal Circuit Court: 1
Litigants’ Fund Special Account
Federal Court of Australia: 2
Federal Court of Australia Litigants' Fund Special
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Australian Financial Security Authority: 4
Common Investment Fund Equalisation Account:
Bankruptcy Act 1966 s.20G
Confiscated Assets Account: Proceeds of Crime Act
2002 s.295
Confiscated Assets Special Account: Proceeds of
Crime Act 1987 s.34A
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Communications and the Arts: 9
4 under section 80 and 5 under section 78
Department of Communications & Arts: 7
Art Rental Special Account
Cultural Special Account
Indigenous Repatriation Special Account
National Collections Special Account
National Cultural Heritage Account: Protection of
Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 s.25
BAF Communications Portfolio Special Account:
Nation-building Funds Act 2008 s.68
Public Interest Telecommunications Services Special
Account: Telecommunications (Consumer Protection
and Service Standards) Act 1999 s.37
Australian Communications Media Authority: 2
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Children’s Online Safety Special Account: Enhancing
Online Safety for Children Act 2015: s.72(1)
Defence: 4
4 under section 78
Department of Defence: 4
Defence Endowments Special Account
Fedorczenko Legacy Special Account
Young Endeavour Youth Program Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Veterans’ Affairs: 5
1 under section 80 and 4 under section 78
Department of Veterans’ Affairs: 6
Anzac Centenary Public Fund Special Account
Australians at War Special Account
Defence Service Homes Insurance Account: Defence
Service Homes Act 1918 s.40
Military Death Claim Compensation Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Education and Training: 9
6 under section 80 and 3 under section 78
Australian Research Council: 1
Australian Research Council Research Endowment
Account: Australian Research Council Act 2001 s.62
Department of Education & Training: 8
Early Years Quality Fund Special Account: Early Years
Quality Fund Special Account Act 2013 s.5
National Youth Affairs Research Scheme Special
EIF Education Portfolio Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.181
EIF Research Portfolio Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.188
Overseas Students Tuition Fund: Education Services
for Overseas Students Act 2000 s.52A
Services for Other Entities and Trust Monies
Student Identifiers Special Account: Student
Identifiers Act 2014 s.48(1)
Growth Fund Skills and Training Special Account
Employment: 2
1 under section 80 and 1 under section 78
Safe Work Australia: 1
Safe Work Australia Special Account: Safe Work
Australia Act 2008 s.64
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation & Compensation
Authority (Seacare Authority): 1
Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Account
Environment: 11
8 under section 80 and 3 under section 78
Bureau of Meteorology: 1
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Clean Energy Regulator: 1
Renewable Energy Special Account: Renewable
Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 s.30R
Department of the Environment: 8
Environmental Water Holdings Special Account:
Water Act 2007 s.111
Clean Energy Finance Corporation Special Account:
Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012 s.45
Antarctic Environmental Liability Special Account:
Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980
National Environment Protection Council Special
Account: National Environment Protection Council
Act 1994 s.53
Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Account: Natural
Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 s.4
Ozone Protection and SGG Account: Ozone
Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas
Management Act 1989 s.65A
Reef Trust Special Account 2014
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: 1
Great Barrier Reef Field Management Special
Account: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975
Foreign Affairs and Trade: 9
1 under section 80 and 8 under section 78
Australian Centre for International and
Agricultural Research: 1
Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research Account: Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research Act 1982 s.33
Australian Trade Commission (Austrade): 2
Administered Payments and Receipts for Other
Entities – Australian Trade Commission Special
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: 6
Administered Payments and Receipts for Other
Entities Special Account
Consular Services Special Account
Expositions Special Account
Overseas Property Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Australia–Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction
and Development (Loans) Special Account
Finance: 14
7 under section 80 and 7 under section 78
Australian Electoral Commission: 1
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation: 2
CSC Special Account: Governance of Australian
Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Department of Finance: 10
Building Australia Fund Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.13
Business Services Special Account
Comcover Special Account
Coordinated Procurement Contracting Special
Medical Research Future Fund Special Account:
Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 s.14(1)
DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account:
DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013 s.11
Education Investment Fund Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.132
Lands Acquisition Account: Lands Acquisition Act
1989 s.89A
Property Special Account 2014
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Future Fund Management Agency: 1
Future Fund Special Account: Future Fund Act 2006
Health: 13
9 under section 80 and 4 under section 78
Australian National Preventative Health Agency: 1
ANPHA Special Account: Australian National
Preventive Health Agency Act 2010 s.50
Australian Radiation Protection and
Nuclear Safety Agency: 1
ARPANSA Account: Australian Radiation Protection
and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 s.56
Department of Health: 8
Australian Childhood Immunisation Register Special
Gene Technology Account: Gene Technology Act
2000 s.129
MRFF Health Special Account: Medical Research
Future Fund Act 2015 s.23(1)
Human Pituitary Hormones Special Account
Industrial Chemicals Account: Industrial Chemicals
(Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 s.100A
Chart of Special Accounts – 28 January 2016
158 Special Accounts made under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
69 made by Act (s.80) and 89 made by determination (s.78)
Therapeutic Goods Administration Account:
Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 s.45
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Sport and Recreation Special Account
National Blood Authority: 2
National Blood Account: National Blood Authority
Act 2003 s.40
National Managed Fund (Blood and Blood Products)
Special Account
National Health and Medical Research Council: 1
Medical Research Endowment Account: National
Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 s.49
Social Services: 3
1 under section 80 and 2 under section 78
Department of Social Services: 3
National Disability Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Social and Community Services Pay Equity Special
Account: Social and Community Services Pay Equity
Special Account Act 2012 s.5
Human Services: 3
1 under section 80 and 2 under section 78
Department of Human Services: 3
Child Support Account: Child Support (Registration
and Collection) Act 1988 s.73
Recovery of Compensation for Healthcare and Other
Services Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Immigration and Border Protection: 1
1 under section 78
Department of Immigration & Border Protection: 1
Australian Population, Multicultural and Immigration
Research Program Special Account
Industry, Innovation and Science: 11
3 under section 80 and 8 under section 78
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science: 9
Australian Building Codes Board Special Account
BAF Energy Portfolio Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.75
Clean Energy Initiative Special Account
Energy Special Account
Ranger Rehabilitation Special Account
Science and Technology Donations/Sponsorship
Special Account
Services for other Entities and Trust Moneys
National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator
Special Account: Offshore Petroleum and
Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 s.695H
National Repository Capital Contribution Fund
Special Account: National Radioactive Waste
Management Act 2012 s.34C
IP Australia: 2
Intellectual Property Special Account
Services for other Entities and Trust Moneys
Infrastructure and Regional Development: 7
2 under section 80 and 5 under section 78
Department of Infrastructure and
Regional Development: 7
BAF Infrastructure Portfolio Special Account: Nationbuilding Funds Act 2008 s.61
Christmas Island Phosphate Mining Rehabilitation
Special Account
Indian Ocean Territories Special Account 2014
Interstate Road Transport Account: Interstate Road
Transport Act 1985 s.21
Jervis Bay Territory Special Account 2014
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Melbourne Airport New Runway Land Acquisition
Special Account
Parliament: 1
1 under section 78
Department of the House of Representatives: 1
Inter-Parliamentary Relations Special Account
Prime Minister and Cabinet: 9
4 under section 80 and 5 under section 78
Australian National Audit Office: 1
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: 8
Aboriginal Tutorial Assistance Superannuation
Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Special Account
Aboriginal Advancement Account: Aboriginal Land
(Lake Condah and Framlingham Forest) Act 1987 s.38
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations
Unclaimed Money Account: Corporations (Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 s.551-20
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005
Aboriginals Benefit Account: Aboriginal Land Rights
(Northern Territory) Act 1976 s.62
Australia New Zealand Land Information Special
Treasury: 23
9 under section 80 and 14 under section 78
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission: 1
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Australian Office of Financial Management: 1
Debt Retirement Reserve Trust Account: Financial
Agreement Act 1994 s.6
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority: 5
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Special
Account: Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Act 1998 s.52
Financial Claims Scheme Special Account: Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 s.54A
Private Health Insurance Collapsed Insurer Special
Account: Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Act 1998 s.54F
Private Health Risk Equalisation Special Account:
Private Health Insurance Act 2007 s.318-1
Lloyd's Deposit Trust Special Account
Australian Securities & Investments Commission: 5
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Deregistered Companies Trust Moneys Special
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Investigations, Legal Proceedings, Settlements and
Court Orders Special Account
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Security Deposits Special Account
Enforcement Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Australian Taxation Office: 6
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Special Account: Australian Charities and
Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 s.125-5
Excise Security Deposits Special Account
Superannuation Holding Accounts Special Account:
Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995 s.8
Valuation Services Special Account
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Superannuation Clearing House Special Account
Department of the Treasury: 4
Actuarial Services Special Account
COAG Reform Fund: COAG Reform Fund Act 2008 s.5
Financial System Stability Special Account: Banking
Act 1959 s.70E
Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys
Royal Australian Mint: 1
Royal Australian Mint Special Account
The Chart of Special Accounts
This Chart of Special Accounts is available on the
Finance website:
The name of each special account listed is hyperlinked
to its establishing legislation on Comlaw, which is either
a legislative instrument made by the Finance Minister or
an Act of Parliament.
A special account is an appropriation mechanism to
record a limited amount of Commonwealth expenditure
from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The expenditure
is supported by a special appropriation in the Public
Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
(in section 78 for a special account established by
legislative instrument and in section 80 for a special
account established by an Act). Expenditure using a
special account can be only for the legislated purposes
of that special account.
For advice on special accounts, please email the Special
Appropriations Team at or telephone:
- Julia Sisson (Director): (02) 6215 3669; or
- Ersidio Iasiello: (02) 6215 3309; or
- Paul Romas: (02) 6215 1678.