The Arabian Peninsula

7th Grade
Social Studies
Jeff Davis Middle School
Bellringer Question
 What is an oasis?
 Why would an oasis be important to people who live
in the desert?
Arabian Peninsula
Physical Geography
 Iran, Iraq, and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula
are part of a region known as the Middle East.
 This region lies at the intersection of Africa, Asia,
and Europe.
 Most of this region is dry and rugged.
 It has one of the largest deserts in the world and has
huge area covered with bare rock with very valuable
oil resources.
Physical Features
 Major physical features of the Arabian Peninsula,
Iraq, and Iran are desert plains in the east and
 Plateaus and mountains cover most of Iran.
 The land climbs sharply in the west to the Zagos
Mountains with the Elbruz and the Kopet-Dag in the
 The region has a dry climate and little vegetation.
 Most of the world is dependent on oil, a resource
that is exported from this region.
Physical Features
The Elburz
Mountains in
Iran are the
highest land in
the region.
Elburz Mountains
Physical Features
Iran’s Great Salt Desert, Dasht-e-Kavir is about 500
miles long and 200 miles wide (that’s almost the size of
Colorado). Its name comes from the fact that more
water evaporates there than is replaced by rain, leaving
salt deposits on the land.
Landforms of the Arabian
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers
flow across a low, flat plain in
Iraq and join together before
they reach the Persian Gulf.
They are known as exotic rivers,
or rivers that begin in humid
regions and then flow through
dry areas. The rivers create a
narrow, fertile area, which in
ancient times was called
Mesopotamia or land between
 Plains
 Cover the east
 Desert plains are covered with sand in the south and
volcanic rock in the north.
 Plateaus and Mountains
 Near the Red Sea the landscape becomes plateaus
and mountains.
 Highest point on the peninsula is in the mountains of
 Plateaus and mountains cover most of Iran—the
Zagros Mountains in the west, and the Elburz
Mountains and the Kopet-Dag to the north.
Main Idea 2:
The region has a dry climate and little vegetation
Mostly desert climate
Summer afternoon temperatures climb to over 100°F.
Winter nighttime temperatures dip to below freezing.
The Rub’ al-Khali, the world’s largest sand desert, covers
much of southern Saudi Arabia.
 Sand dunes can rise to 800 feet high and stretch 200 miles.
 Higher areas generally have semiarid steppe climates.
Rub' al Khali or Empty
Sand dunes in the Rub' al Khali.
The terrain is covered
with sand dunes with
heights up to 250 metres
(820 ft), interspersed
with gravel and
gypsum plains. The
sand is a reddishorange color due to the
presence of feldspar.
 Trees are common in mountain regions and in
scattered desert oases. An oasis is a wet, fertile area
in a desert that forms where underground water
bubbles to the surface.
 Shrubs and grasses that grow on the region’s dry
plains have roots that either grow deep or spread out
far to capture as much water as possible.
 Some places in the region are too dry or too salty to
support any vegetation.
Water- Important Resource
 Water is one of the region’s two most valuable
resources, but is very scarce
 Some springs provide water.
 Water can come from wells dug into dry streambeds
called wadis.
 Modern wells can reach groundwater, but it is often
fossil water. Fossil water is water that is not being
replaced by rainfall.
 Oil is plentiful.
 Most of the oil fields are near the shores of the
Persian Gulf.
 Oil cannot be replaced once it is taken from Earth.
 Oil exports bring great wealth to the countries that
have oil fields.
 Most countries of the region are not rich in other
 Iran is an exception with its mineral deposits.
No matter how plentiful
oil might be in the
Persian Gulf area, we
must remember that
once taken out of the
Earth, it can’t be
replaced. Too much
drilling for oil now can
cause problems in the
future because these
countries are not rich in
other resources.
 How do you think resources in the region influence
where people live?
 What might happen to the oil-rich countries if there
oil was used up or if the people found a new energy
source to replace the oil?
 Where are most of the region’s oil field located?
 What are three ways people in this region can get
 Which country in this region might have the easiest
time developing a new economy if oil sources get
Bellringer Answers
 1. Shores of the Persian Gulf
 2. Springs, wadis and wells that pump fossil water
 3. possible answer– Iran, because of its many mineral
deposits, which are a valuable resource.
The Arabian Peninsula
 If you lived there,
 You are a financial advisor to the ruler of Oman.
Your country has been making quite a bit of money
from oil exports. However, you worry that your
economy is too dependent on oil. You think Oman’s
leaders should consider expanding the economy.
Oman is a small country, but it has beautiful
beaches, historic palaces, mosques, and colorful
markets. How would you suggest expanding the
Make Foldable
 Make a foldable for each country of the Arabian
 Countries: Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; Bahrain; Oatar;
 United Arab Emirates; Oman; & Yemen
 Divide each country’s page into : People(ethnic
groups) & Customs; Government & Economy;
Oman and all the countries of
the Arabian Peninsula have
valuable oil resources. In
addition to oil, these countries
share two basic characteristics
: Islamic religion and a
monarchy as a form of
government. The largest
country , and now, with the
most influence in the region is
Saudi Arabia.
Map Zone- Saudi Arabia’s Oil
 Go to the One stop planner for the map of Saudi
Arabia’s Oil Field.
Saudi Arabia
 Islamic culture and an economy greatly based on oil
influence life in Saudi Arabia.
 Saudi Arabia is by far the largest country of the Arabian
 Nearly all Saudis are Arabs and speak Arabic.
 Their culture is strongly influenced by Islam, a religion
founded in Saudi Arabia by Muhammad.
 This religion is based on submitting to God and on
messages Muslims believe God gave to Muhammad.
 Most of these messages are written in the Qur`an, or the
holy book of Islam.
Saudi Arabia & Islam
Nearly all Saudis follow one of two branches of Islam.
• Shia Muslims- believe that true interpretation of
Islamic teaching can only come from certain
religious and poilitcal leaders.
• Sunni Muslims- that believe in the ability of the
majority of the community to interpret Islamic
teachings. This makes up about 85% of the Muslims.
Saudi Women- are limited in their activities.
They are rarely seen in public without their husbands and
must wear a black cloak and veil if out in public. They are
not permitted to drive cars , but can own and run business.
The Kurds are people of Indo-European
origin who live mainly in the mountains and
uplands where Turkey, Iraq, and Iran meet,
in an area known as "Kurdistan" for
hundreds of years. ( see map) They have
their own language, related to Persian but
divided into two main dialect areas. No firm
statistics exist for the Kurdish population but
a cautious estimate, based on their believed
population proportion in each state in 1987 is
currently. Although the kurdish people are
overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim, they
embrace Jews, Christians, Yazidis and other
Saudi Arabia & Islam
A long robe worn by Muslim men. The
top is usually tailored like a shirt, but it is
ankle-length and loose. The thobe is
usually white but may be found in other
colors especially in winter. The term may
also be used to describe any type of loose
dress worn by men or women.
Saudi Arabia & Government
 Monarchy
 Saud family rulers since 1932
 Most government officials are relatives of the king.
The king may ask members of his family or religious
scholars for advice.
 No elected legislature
 Local officials elected
 Only men allowed to vote
Saudi Arabia
& the Economy
 Economy based on oil (world’s leading exporter of oil)
 Influential member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries, or OPEC
 OPEC is an international organization whose members work to
influence the price of oil on world markets by controlling the
 The country has a sizable middle class and the country
provides free health care and education to its citizens.
 It must import most of its food because of the need for fresh
 The country also uses desalination plants to remove salt from
seawater, but this is a costly and expensive procedure.
 Another challenge for Saudi Arabia is the high unemployment.
There is a high population growth rate and
Saudi Arabia & the
 Another challenge for Saudi Arabia is the high
unemployment. There is a high population growth
rate and jobs can’t keep up. Almost 40% of Saudi
Arabia’s population is younger than 15 years old.
 Another reason for the unemployment is that the
young Sadis choose to study religion instead of
going to technical school
Other Arabian
Peninsula Countries
Oil was discovered here in the 1930.
Very rich. Its economy is based on the oil.
Islamic Religion
Government is dominated by a royal family, but did elect a
legislature in 1992. Only men of a certain family were
allowed to vote. (About 15% of the population)
 Women have recently been given suffrage.
 Was invaded by Iraq in 1990 to try to control the oil, starting
the Persian Gulf War.
 The United States and others defeated Iraq but much
destruction was done to the oil fields in Kuwait.
Other Arabian Peninsula
 The United Arab Emirates- Consist of 7 tiny, modern
kingdoms. Their economy relies on the profits of oil and natural
gas. Because of its small size, it depends on lots of foreign
workers. It has more foreign workers that it has true citizens.
 Oman and Yemen Oman covers the SE part of the peninsula and has an economy
also based on oil, but lacks the great wealth of places like
Kuwait. The government is attempting to develop new
 Yemen- is located in the SW part of the peninsula. It has an
elected government, but has suffered from corruption. Oil was
not discovered here until the 1980’s. Oil and coffee generate
much of its economy, but it is the poorest of all the countries.
 Ticket Out the Door. ( Copy questions and save
answers until tomorrow.)
 True or False
 1. A country cannot have both a monarchy and
elected officials.
 2. The Arabian Peninsula is made up of seven