HS Chinese I Mrs. Xiaguang Storey 2014-2015 Binghamton High School, BCSD Classroom B-402 Foreign Language Office B -401 Office phone number: 607-762-8261 Office hour: 2:50 – 3:30pm / by appointment Welcome to High School Chinese I. I am excited to share with you my love of the Chinese language and culture. In this course, you will build a solid foundation in Pinyin pronunciation, character recognition and writing, communication skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Mandarin Chinese. You will learn to introduce yourself and family in Chinese and engage in conversations about age, nationality, birthday, colors and food and drinks, etc. Meanwhile, through the use of multimedia technology, you will also encounter the rich Chinese cultural customs and traditions including various Chinese festivals and traditions, foods and celebrations etc. Music, art, movies, popular Chinese song and TV shows will also be a part of your enjoyment of Chinese language and culture! Class Materials Main Texts: Chinese Made Easy book 1. Lessons 1-14. Audio and visual materials: CD, DVD, Online resources, games etc. Grading Policy There are five components of your grade: 1. Classroom behavior & attendance 10%: Be here in class every day and follow the instructions, and you will easily earn the credit. If you are late three times, you will have a lunch detention. Chronic tardiness will be notified to parents. Classroom misbehaviors will be notified to your parents and counselors. 2. Chinese notebook 20%: You are credited for keeping a neat and organized notebook. Make sure you take good and full notes in each class. Date them. 3. Class participation 20%: you get credits for active participation in the various listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities in class. 1 4. Homework 20%: Homework is essential in helping you learn the language. Make sure you do homework every day and understand what you do. 5. Tests, quizzes and projects 30%: All the tests and quizzes will be easy for you if you did well in the four aspects listed above. You are expected to: 1. Keep all lesson packets and worksheets in a 3-ring binder to ensure organization 2. Keep all class notes in your Chinese notebook in a nice and neat way. 3. Do homework on time and keep them in your notebook, except for the ones I asked you to use flash cards, work packet or a loose leaf paper. 4. For every assignment you are asked to hand in, use Assignment Title format (specified in class). 5. Come to class on time. Being on time means that you are in your seat when the bell rings, and you have all the learning materials and supplies and ready to learn. 6. Come to class prepared with all the course materials: pen/pencil, 3-ring binder with handouts in it, notebook, loose-leaf papers etc. 7. Make arrangements for work or assignments that were missed due to legal absences (white slip). For any illegal absence (pink slip), you lose the chance to make-up work automatically. So please do obtain legal absence if you have to. 8. Participate in class practices and activities actively and effectively. Your classroom behavior and participation accounts for 20% of your final grade. 9. Be respectful to classmates and the instructor at all times. 10. Abide by the codes and rules specified in your Binghamton High School Student Handbook. 2 High School Chinese I 2014-2015 I have read the course expectations and I understand what is expected of me to ensure my success in HS Chinese I. Print student’s name Student’s signature Student’s email Parent/Guardian’s signature Daytime phone number Email address Please sign and return to Mrs. Xiaguang Storey Thank you for your help and support! 3