中文 Exploring Chinese Grade 6 马老师 Room 710 (Ma Laoshi) Miss Ma jma@basd.net 欢迎 Welcome! Welcome back to the new school year and to Chinese class! I am very excited and looking forward to you learning the Chinese language. This class will focus on introducing Mandarin Chinese to the sixth grade learners by involving them in listening and speaking activities, with some written activities included. Topics that will be introduced are: Chinese names Greetings, goodbyes, and feelings Chinese Pinyin Numbers Colors Animals Sports and activities Chinese culture This class will meet every day for half of a marking period (22 or 23 days). Students will need a folder for this class. Grading Policy: 30% Participation 15% Journal 30% Assignment/ Projects 25% Quiz / test 1. Participation in class is vital to learning Chinese. Participation points will be given EVERY DAY and can hurt your grade if you do not choose to participate. *With learning and speaking a foreign language MISTAKES WILL BE MADE. The best way to learn is to make mistakes and learn from them. Do not be afraid to participate if you are not sure of an answer or how to pronounce something. We are all here to learn from one another! Mistakes will be embraced and learned from. 2. Homework will be checked for completeness as soon as class begins. If the homework is late for one day, the grade will be deducted by 25%. If it’s late for two days, the student will only receive half of the grade (50%). But if it is late for more than two days this very grade will be zero. Absent / Missed work It is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed work. Please make up any missed assignment or test within a week. There will be an “absent” folder in the classroom and in teacher page. If you are absent for the day, you need to check the folder or the teacher page for missed assignment. My teacher page address: http://www.basd.net/Domain/1520 Assessment /evaluation: Students are graded with the school’s grading system and have the opportunity to earn points on quizzes, homework, class activity, presentations and extra credit work. Parents and students can check students’ grades by accessing the portal in PowerSchool. Parents can also contact Miss Ma by e-mail (jma@basd.net). Classroom Rules: 1. Be respectful ·Be respectful of one another’s thoughts and ideas. A mutual respect is expected between all students and the teacher. ·Raise your hand when you wish to speak. Excessive talking out and unnecessary disruptions will affect participation grades. ·Respect one another’s belongings. Do not touch or move anything that does not belong to you. Respect school’s property as well. 2. Be prepared ·Arrive to class on time. ·Bring all materials needed to class every day. Folders, Notebooks and pens/ pencils must be brought to class everyday unless you are told otherwise. Points will be deducted from participation if you consistently come to class unprepared. 3. Other expectations from students ·No randomly moving around unless you are asked to participate in an activity. ·No eating and drinking during class unless you are asked to. · No working on other material during class without permission, it will be confiscated until the next day. ·Only one student may use the restroom at a time. The student should sign out by writing his/her name, the time out and the return time on the “bathroom” chart which will be placed in the classroom. Consequences for not following rules and procedures: 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Conference between student/teacher 3rd offense: Phone call or email home 4th offense: Detention 5th offense: Referral to office It is my goal that you will have a successful and good experience learning this language. But the most important component for this learning experience to be enjoyable and successful is your participation and willingness to learn. It might seem and feel difficult at times, but I encourage you to persevere and have patience with yourself. I am always ready to give extra help if needed. Syllabus Recognition My parent(s)/guardian(s) and I have read the information regarding the Chinese class. We understand what is expected and required as a student in this class. We will contact the teacher and discuss any questions/concerns regarding these policies. My signature indicates that the information has been reviewed. Student Signature _________________________ Parent signature ___________________________ Date ____________________________________ *please sign and return this portion.