MPA Gallant

MCVTS – East Brunswick
Mr. Gallant, Math Teacher
Email - Phone – (732) 247 - 3300
Mathematics for Practical Application – Partial Year
HSPA review workbooks and printed materials
The course outline described in the scope and sequence of the course provides
an overview of the skills that need to be mastered to pass this course. This
list, which can be found on my homepage, is for planning purposes only and is
subject to modification as the semester progresses.
Exams &
Your grade will be based upon your exam and quizzes (50%) scores, your
homework (20%), and classwork (30%). You will note in Genesis that grades
are listed by skill and not by specific tests and quizzes. Each Quiz will
contain multiple skills for assessment and each test will contain even more
skills. Please note that lateness to class and absences will negatively impact
the classwork component of your grade. Also, other factors may be
considered to adjust your grade (ie. extra credit will influence it upwards,
whereas inappropriate conduct and infractions of school rules will have
detrimental affects). Extra credit will never be applied to your test and quiz
grades as these represent your knowledge of the skills, if you want to raise
these grades you need to demonstrate improvement in the lacking skill
before the end of the marking period.
It is recommended that two notebooks be used for this course. One
composition notebook as an ISN (interactive student notebook), as well as
either a binder or regular subject notebook used mainly for “Do Now’s”,
practice work, and homework. A folder is also recommended for class
handouts. Failure to maintain an adequate notebook will be noted and your
classwork grade will reflect that deficiency accordingly. You should consider
purchasing your own study guide workbook from Amazon or Barnes and
Nobles to work through and spend as much time as possible completing it
during this course. These range from $10 to $15. This is not required but it
is highly recommended.
Attendance/ It is strongly suggested that students attend all class sessions to attain a
high level of competency in their work. As the first administration of the
HSPA is in October, that does not leave much time for study and practice.
Therefore, it is understood that students who miss classes place themselves
in jeopardy of not being able to attain the minimum classwork and homework
credits REQUIRED to earn a passing grade for the course. Being late to
class is disruptive & disrespectful and credit is missed for not completing
the Do Now. Also three lates is reported to Mr. Pede and will result in a
Algebra II 2014 Course & Class Info
Leadership means setting an example worth following!
Teacher: Mr. Gallant
detention. In the even of an excused absence or excused late please quickly
and quietly catch up on the missing work. It is recommended that you
coordinate at least two class buddies who you can reach out to by phone or
email who can get you the missing work even that night of the absence so
that you are not playing catch up during class. They may even be able to
take a picture of their notes for you. If you have an absence, excused or
not, it is YOUR responsibility to find the missing work and make it up in a
timely fashion. This is especially important if the absence occurs on a quiz,
test, or in class project day.
Homework will be routinely assigned during this course with each homework
assignment counting between one and three points towards your grade each
marking period. The rubric for grading homework is at the end of this
document. You will be periodically assigned homework on Khan Academy as
well and will be instructed on how to sign up for the right group. This
homework is done electronically and is submitted as soon as it is completed
This course has setup for a reminder system. Besides being informed in
class about the following, major projects, upcoming tests and quizzes, and
other important items will go out as text blasts to all students and parents
who sign up anonymously to Remind101 teacher to student text message
system. This is completely anonymous and the teacher will not be given
access to your phone numbers. It is also one way messaging. If you need to
contact the teacher all questions should be sent by email to
All classes will be held in room AC 143 unless otherwise posted. We will on
occasion make use of the computer lab to do special projects for which
computers are necessary. All general school rules regarding classroom
conduct (no food or drinks, no cell phones, radios, or walkmans/MP3 players,
etc.) are in effect.
You will always be in a seat assigned to you by the teacher. This seat however,
will not be a permanent seat, it will be changed periodically. The teacher
reserves the right to change your seat at any time without question or
Misconduct: The process that will be used to correct with misconduct is as follows:
1st offense – Teacher will speak to you, 2nd offence – Teacher will speak to your
parent, 3rd offense – Teacher will assign a lunch detention and call home from the
lunch detention, if the problem still goes uncorrected it will be referred to guidance
and Mr. Pede where after school detention or worse may be assigned.
Algebra II 2014 Course & Class Info
Leadership means setting an example worth following!
Teacher: Mr. Gallant
Mr. Gallant’s Expectations Parent/Student Signature Page
You are to conduct yourself in a respectable manner at all times. Unless
working in groups, only one person may speak at a time. If you wish to
participate, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. Do not be
disruptive and speak or call out while someone else is speaking. You are
expected to follow general school policies that prohibit mp3 players, ipods,
beepers, PSPs, non-water beverages, food, chewing gum, beads and jackets in
class. You are expected to follow school policy regarding cellular phones.
Additionally in this class you will not wear hats despite it being allowed in the
hallways. Insubordination will never be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly.
PREPARATION: You are expected to be responsible and come to school each day prepared-
homework, notebook, pen, pencil, compass, protractor, scientific or graphing
calculator, etc.
In the event you are absent, you must bring an explanatory note signed by your
parent, guardian or a physician on the first day you return to school. It is your
responsibility to get all homework and classwork. Please obtain a few
classmates’ telephone numbers so that you can get the assignments and notes
that you missed during your absence. Remember that absence will not be an
acceptable excuse for failure to complete assignments.
PUNCTUALITY: When the bell rings you are to be in your assigned seat with your notebook open
and your mind ready to begin the day’s work. If you are in the room but not in
your seat ready to work this counts as a late, and will be recorded as such. You
should be familiar with the school’s lateness policy, which apples to all classes
and not just homeroom.
It is very important to keep a neat and organized notebook and to learn to take
quality notes. Your notebook will be reviewed periodically and the grade
included in the classwork component of your grade.
If you find that you are having difficulty with what is being covered in class,
you are encouraged to make arrangements for and attend tutoring before
school, after school or during your lunch or free periods.
Your grade will be based upon your exams and quizzes (50%) scores, homework
(20%) and classwork (30%). Other factors will be used to adjust your grade
(ie. Doing extra credit will influence your grade upwards, whereas inappropriate
conduct will influence it downwards).
You are encouraged to sign up for the class reminder list and to check often
your child’s grades on the parent portal. Please email with any questions.
Please sign below indicating you have read and understood all 4 pages contained.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s signature and phone number
Algebra II 2014 Course & Class Info
Leadership means setting an example worth following!
Teacher: Mr. Gallant
MCVTS – East Brunswick
Mr. Gallant, Math Teacher
Homework Grading Rubric
Homework assignments will be checked on the day due. They will be graded and returned in an
expeditious manner. Submitting late homework is discouraged and will be penalized accordingly. If you
submit homework late due to an absence, you must identify it as such by writing the word “absent” in
the upper right hand corner of the first page in order to receive consideration.
The 3-point system described below will be employed for grading all homework assignments.
3 –  Assignment was completed
2 –  Assignment was completed
work was not shown.
 Assignment was completed
1 –  Assignment was completed
work was not shown.
 Assignment was completed
was not shown.
0 -  No work completed.
 Assignment was completed
was not shown.
on time, all problems were attempted, and work shown for all
on time and some problems were not attempted and/or some
late, all problems were attempted, and work shown for all
on time and most problems were not attempted and/or most
late and some problems were not attempted and/or some work
late and most problems were not attempted and/or most work
Quiz and Test Grading Rubric
Quizzes and tests will not receive traditional, out of 100%, grades. All questions on quizzes and
tests will be specifically assessing the learning of individual skills and a grade will be generated
for each skill. If a student wants to improve one of these skill grades they must demonstrate
improved knowledge of the skill in question on future assessments or meet individually with the
teacher to demonstrate improved knowledge on past skills. The grades seen on genesis are not
set in stone, if genuine improvement is made on a skill then it will be adjusted to reflect that on
the gradebook. The rubric used in general for grading quiz and test questions can be found on
the teacher’s webpage in the same place as this document.
Algebra II 2014 Course & Class Info
Leadership means setting an example worth following!
Teacher: Mr. Gallant