WH Spring 2014 Final Exam Study Guide 1. The shift from hunting and gathering to raising animals and growing food on a regular basis is called 2. The new Greek age known as the Hellenistic Era was created by the conquests of 3. ____ teaches that sorrow, pain, and poverty are caused by attachment to possessions and things of this world. 4. An early Roman body of law with legal principles still recognized today is the 5. It was through the Muslim world that 6. Italian port cities such as Genoa, Pisa, and Venice benefited from 7. The huge increase in European population in the High Middle Ages was caused by 8. All of the following statements about the Toltec are false EXCEPT 9. Which country emerged as one of the major trading states in the area south of the Sahara in the eighth century? 10. The medical encyclopedia written by ____ became a basic medical textbook for university students in medieval Europe. 11. The growing of crops and taming of animals by early humans are characteristic of 12. The expansion of the Greek language and culture to Southeast Asia and beyond was a result of 13. The ____ teaches that all people have to subordinate their own interests to the broader needs of family and community. 14. The ____ turned their backs on the outside world and discouraged foreigners from visiting. 15. In 287, the ____ received the right to pass laws for all Romans. 16. ____ abandoned his life of wealth to live and preach in poverty. 17. Under feudalism, a man who served a lord in a military capacity was called a 18. City-states, each governed by a hereditary ruling class, were characteristic of 19. A court created by the Catholic Church to find and try those who denied basic church doctrines was called the 20. Write 3 statements about the Black Death are true 21. What were the characteristics of Renaissance society? 22. By 1605, Akbar had 23. The Mogul culture brought together ____ and ____ influences. 24. The author of The Dream of the Red Chamber was 25. ____ brought the “Great Peace” and centralized Japanese authority. 26. Margaret Cavendish was critical of the seventeenth century belief that 27. René Descartes, the father of modern rationalism, said, 28. ____ used the scientific method to discover the natural laws that govern social and political relationships. 29. Mary Wollstonecraft was an eighteenth-century thinker who declared that 30. The Duke of Wellington 31. Masaccio’s frescoes are regarded at the first masterpieces of 32. Mercantilism dominated economic thought in the ____ century. 33. The survival of Great Britain was one of two major reasons that Napoleon’s Empire collapsed. What is the other major reason? 34. The defeat of the king’s forces allowed ____ to lead England. 35. Matsuo Basho is considered to be 36. Limiting cultivation of cloves to one island and forcing others to stop the growing and trade of the spice was one way the ____ tried to dominate the clove trade. 37. Babur established the 38. Niccolò Machiavelli wrote 39. The ____, signed in 1494, divided control of new territories between Spain and Portugal. 40. The balance of trade is 41. The Crimean War was a result of a long-standing struggle between 42. Darwin’s principle that plants and animals had evolved over a long period of time from simpler forms of life is called 43. What 3 statements are true about early public education? 44. The Duma was 45. ____ devised a method of mental therapy called psychoanalysis. 46. Which countries were never European colonies? 47. What were the consequences of British indirect rule in Nigeria? 48. The Monroe Doctrine was created by President James Monroe to 49. As a result of the ____, China agreed to give Hong Kong to the British. 50. Who was the Japanese emperor who called his reign the “Enlightened Rule”? 51. Puddling was 52. The Factory Act of 1833 53. ____ arose out of people’s awareness of being part of a community with common institutions, traditions, language, and customs. 54. What were the consequences of Czar Alexander II’s emancipation edict? 55. The Triple Alliance united 56. Pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe led to 57. ____ were local officials in India who collected taxes for the British. 58. President William McKinley decided to turn the Philippines into an American colony 59. Extraterritoriality referred to 60. Sun Yat-sen founded the Revive China Society and the 61. Trench warfare caused the immobilization of troops on the 62. The concept of total war means that 63. Quickly turning the USSR from an agricultural to an industrial economy was 64. The legislation that allowed Hitler to ignore Germany’s constitution for four years while passing new laws was called 65. The world leader who used methods of civil disobedience to protest unjust laws was 66. Mao Zedong led the ____ on the Long March. 67. The official political party of the Mexican Revolution was known as 68. Hitler’s form of attack that used tank divisions supported by air attacks was called 69. The turning point of the war in the Pacific occurred at 70. What did Truman demand from Eastern Europe at the Potsdam Conference? 71. Germany’s plan for a two-front war with Russia and France was 72. German use of submarines to blockade Britain led to 73. Laws excluding Jews from German citizenship were called 74. A fascist government is one in which 75. One of the many nonviolent acts of Mohandas Gandhi was 76. Chiang Kai-shek’s goal to promote traditional Confucian values was called 77. The ruler who introduced many modern reforms in Turkey was 78. Great Britain’s appeasement policy 79. Heroic efforts by the Royal Navy and civilians in private boats resulted in 80. The entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of German troops, was lost at 81. A civil war in ____ in 1946 contributed to tensions between the Soviet Union and Great Britain. 82. The Marshall Plan was designed to 83. U.S. fears about the spread of communism were increased when ____ became a Communist nation in 1949. 84. Which nations were original members of NATO? 85. Which nations were members of the Warsaw Pact? 86. When the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik I satellite in 1957, many Americans feared that 87. The “Bay of Pigs” refers to 88. Communist leader ____ initiated the “Prague Spring” with a series of reforms in Czechoslovakia in 1968. 89. The U.S. senator responsible for the anti-Communist movement known as the “Red Scare” was 90. In 1970, four students at ____ were killed by the Ohio National Guard during an antiwar demonstration. 91. The Truman Doctrine stated that the U.S. would provide ____ to nations threatened by Communist expansion. 92. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, founded in 1949, was 93. Which of the following nations joined the NATO alliance several years after it was founded? 94. The Warsaw Pact sought to 95. The Berlin Wall was built in order to 96. Which Communist nation remained independent of Soviet control? 97. Which nation experienced an “economic miracle” after World War II? 98. French president Charles de Gaulle attempted to return France to the status of a world power by 99. Which nation declined economically after World War II? 100. Which U.S. president signed into law the Civil Rights Act? 101. In political history, the term “détente” refers to 102. ____ and ____ weakened the Soviet economy during Brezhnev’s leadership. 103. One of the most serious problems facing Gorbachev’s reforms was 104. The Polish national trade union Solidarity was founded by 105. Reforms began in Romania after ____ was removed from power. 106. When Slobodan Milo evíc stripped Kosovo of its autonomy in 1989, 107. Margaret Thatcher resigned after her plan to ____ was rejected. 108. The North American Free Trade Agreement sought to 109. Voters in ____ chose not to secede from the Canadian union in 1995. 110. The “détente” phase of relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union ended with the Soviet invasion of 111. The policy that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if communism was threatened in another Communist nation was known as the 112. The Russian word perestroika, used to describe the reform movement led by Mikhail Gorbachev, means 113. Russian President Vladimir Putin used military force to suppress a rebellion in the state of 114. After the war between Bosnia and Serbia, new tensions arose when Serbia refused to allow ____ to continue to exist as an autonomous province. 115. The Socialist president ____ nationalized major banks and industries in France in the 1980s. 116. Attacks on foreigners became common in Germany during the 1990s, partly because 117. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the British government struggled to address fighting in Northern Ireland between 118. U.S. president ____ was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for his involvement in the Watergate scandal. 119. U.S. president Jimmy Carter faced a serious international crisis when 52 Americans were held hostage in 120. The book Silent Spring gave rise to a new field of science called 121. Tropical rain forests cover only 6 percent of the earth’s surface, but they support ____ of the world’s plant and animal species. 122. Acid rain results from 123. The Exxon Valdez was involved in 124. A major environmental conference known as the Earth Summit was held in 1992 in which city? 125. American astronauts first landed on the moon in which year? 126. According to estimates by the United Nations, the world’s population could reach ____ by the year 2050. 127. The term “Green Revolution” refers to 128. In 1986, a nuclear explosion at ____ released radiation that killed hundreds of people. 129. The United Nations was founded in 1945 in which city? 130. In her book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson argued that 131. Deforestation, the clearing of forests, has been a by-product of 132. Some scientists have warned that the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere may impact 133. Some scientists have been concerned that genetic engineering might 134. The Green Revolution has been hindered by 135. In 1995, ____ was established as an international organization to deal with the rules of trade between countries. 136. “Developing countries” are characterized by 137. After World War II, African and Asian leaders identified ____ as the defining theme of their new political cultures. 138. Which of the following nations are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council? 139. For many years, the effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by 140. Establishing ____ by January 1, 2002, was one of the European Union’s first goals. 141. Later defeated in free elections, ____ overthrew the government of Nicaragua. 142. Which book led to the movement to protect the environment? 143. Which view does Pan-Africanism promote? 144. The nation of ____ was ruled by the oppressive military regime known as the Khmer Rouge. 145. Zaibatsu refers to 146. Which Communist leader initiated the Prague Spring reforms in Czechoslovakia during 1968? 147. U.S. president ____ signed the Civil Rights Act into law. 148. Serbia refused to allow ____ to remain an autonomous province after its war with Bosnia, and new tensions between the two arose. 149. As Gorbachev sought to reform the Soviet Union, one of the most serious problems he faced was 150. In which country were huge oil reserves discovered during the late 1970s? 151. Iran and Iraq tensions are fueled by 152. Which group of nations was involved in the Suez War of 1956? 153. The Chinese Red Guards attacked the “Four Olds,” which included 154. When China entered the Korean War, it was because 155. Increasing demand for ____ leads to deforestation. Key 1. systemic agriculture 2. Alexander the Great. 3. Buddhism 4. Law of Nations. 5. the astrolabe was invented, which enabled Europeans to sail to the Americas. 6. the Crusades. 7. increased peace and stability, which led to better food production. 8. peaceful people, ruled by Pachacuti, defeated by Cortés 9. Ghana 10. Ibn Sina 11. the Neolithic Revolution. 12. the conquests of Alexander the Great. 13. Confucian view of the Dao 14. Spartans 15. council of the plebs 16. Saint Francis of Assisi 17. vassal. 18. Mayan civilization. 19. Inquisition. 20. nearly 38 million people died, trade increased, in England and Germany, entire villages were wiped out. 21. urban, secular society, interest in ancient culture, a high regard for human worth 22. brought Mogul rule to most of India. 23. Persian, Indian 24. Cao Xuegin. 25. Tokugawa Ieyasu 26. humans, through science, were masters of nature. 27. “I think, therefore I am.” 28. John Locke 29. Enlightenment ideals entitled women to the same rights as men. 30. defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. 31. Renaissance art. 32. seventeenth 33. the force of nationalism 34. Oliver Cromwell 35. the greatest of all Japanese poets. 36. Dutch 37. Mogul dynasty. 38. The Prince. 39. Treaty of Tordesillas 40. the difference between what a nation imports and exports. 41. Russia and the Ottoman Empire. 42. organic evolution. 43. It helped provide skilled labor in the Second Industrial Revolution, it required boys and girls between ages 6 and 12 to attend school, it helped people become better-educated voters. 44. a legislative assembly in Russia. 45. Sigmund Freud 46. Thailand 47. All major decisions were made by British administrators, it sowed the seeds for class and tribal tensions, it kept the African elite in power. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. allow the use of troops to restore Spanish control in Latin America. Treaty of Nanjing Mutsuhito a process for producing iron. provided benefits for workers in case of sickness. Nationalism Serfs were allowed to own property, serfs became wealthy landowner, serfs could marry as they chose Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. emigration of thousands of Jews to the US, the growth of Zionism, political parties that endorsed anti-Semitism. Zamindars because it was a convenient point for trade with China. Europeans living by their own laws in China. Nationalist Party. Western Front. it involved a complete mobilization of resources and people. Stalin’s Five Year Plans. the Enabling Act. Mohandas Gandhi. People’s Liberation Army the Institutional Revolutionary Party. blitzkrieg. the Battle of Midway Island. freely elected governments the Schlieffen Plan. the United States entering the war. “Nuremberg laws.” a strong central government is led by a dictatorial ruler. the Salt March. the “New Life Movement.” Atatürk. resulted from the view that Germany’s occupation of German territory was a reasonable action by a dissatisfied power. the evacuation of 338,000 Allied troops at Dunkirk. the Battle of Stalingrad. Greece restore the economic stability of European nations after World War II. China Italy, Denmark, Belgium Poland the Soviet Union was ahead of the U.S. in the production of missiles. a U.S. attempt to overthrow the Cuban government. Alexander Dubcek Joseph McCarthy. Kent State University money the Soviet Union’s response to the Marshall Plan. Turkey create a military alliance between the Soviet Union and various Eastern European nations. prevent East Germans from defecting to West Germany. 96. Yugoslavia 97. West Germany 98. investing heavily in nuclear weapons. 99. Great Britain 100. Lyndon Johnson 101. improved relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the 1970s. 102. A weak collective farming system; a corrupt government bureaucracy 103. the multiethnic republics. 104. Lech Walesa. 105. Nicolae Ceausescu 106. a brutal war broke out between Serbs and Albanians. 107. replace local property taxes with a national flat-rate tax 108. establish cooperative trade guidelines between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. 109. Quebec 110. Afghanistan. 111. Brezhnev Doctrine. 112. restructuring. 113. Chechnya. 114. Kosovo 115. François Mitterand 116. increased unemployment made many Germans angry that foreigners may have been taking jobs away. 117. Catholics and Protestants. 118. Richard Nixon 119. Iran. 120. ecology. 121. 50% 122. the mixture of sulfur produced by factories with moisture in the air. 123. a major oil spill in Alaska. 124. Rio de Janeiro 125. 1969 126. 9 billion 127. the development of new strains of grains that have higher yields. 128. Chernobyl 129. San Francisco 130. the use of pesticides was having a serious negative impact on the environment. 131. increasing demands for new farmlands. 132. the ozone layer. 133. create new strains of deadly bacteria. 134. the expense of chemical fertilizers. 135. the WTO 136. a farming economy and little modern technology. 137. democracy 138. China, France, the United States 139. its domination by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War. 140. a common European currency 141. the Sandinistas 142. Silent Spring 143. Black Africans share a common identity. 144. Cambodia 145. the large business conglomerates in Japan 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. Alexander Dubcek Lyndon Johnson Kosovo the multiethnic nature of the Soviet Union. Mexico disputes over territory. Israel, Great Britain, France, and Egypt old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits. United Nation forces invaded North Korea. new farmlands