9th grade Syllabus Moulton

Hoya Pride
Helping Our Youth Achieve by Providing Relevant Instruction for a Diverse Environment
Freshman Academy Vision Statement: We will inspire freshmen
to develop an intrinsic curiosity for learning that they will apply
to future academic and civic participation
Freshman Academy Mission Statement: We will prepare our freshmen
for both the remainder of their high school career and for the challenges of becoming productive members
of our community by focusing students on core academics, proper study habits and character building.
Ninth Literature and Composition * Mrs. Nora Moulton* noramoulton@cobbk12.org
Ninth grade is a very important year in your high school English education. Therefore, you must be prepared to work
diligently and consistently this semester. I am here to help you any time, and I have set aside Monday, Wednesday and
Friday mornings from 7:30-8 a.m. for extended help. Please ask for assistance – sooner rather than later!
Textbooks: Bring your textbook and vocabulary workbook to class
EVERY DAY. Prentice Hall Literature: Language and Literacy Grade
Nine -- Available online at www.pearsonsuccessnet.com.
Vocabulary Workshop Level D – Each student is required to purchase a
vocabulary workbook at the beginning of the semester. Each workbook
costs $10. If the workbook is lost at any point during the semester, the
student must pay another $10 for a replacement.
Vocabularyworkshop.com is an excellent site to practice vocabulary
units. You may create flashcards and play games on Quizlet.com:
Students need these items in class daily:
 Textbook and vocabulary book
A flashdrive
 Pencils and pens
 Highlighters – a variety of colors
 Three-ring binder (1 ½ “ to 2”) with dividers set up as follows:
o Literature/Nonfiction - notes,
handouts, guided reading
questions, literary terms
o Parallel readings - notes and
o Writings
o Returned Graded Assignments
Literature/Nonfiction/Grammar/EOCT/SAT Study: We will read various
short stories, poems, and nonfiction essays from the textbook and
outside sources.
*Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The play is printed in the
textbook. The English department also has a class set of the book No
Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet which contains a translation
alongside Shakespeare’s words. Students may want to purchase a copy of the No Fear book so they can annotate as we
read and study at home.
* The Odyssey by Homer – We will use the translation in the textbook.
* The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. We will use a class set of this novel,
but I encourage you to get your own copy of the book for annotation and study at home.
Students will practice their grammar skills through the use of the Daily Grammar Practice
(DGP) program; we will also practice PSAT/SAT/ACT grammar strategies. For practice of the
End-of-Course-Test in Ninth Lit/Comp, we will use USATestPrep and practice questions from
released tests. Every activity we complete in class is “practice” for the EOCT.
Standards -Based Grading: All assignments will be given points commensurate with their relative importance in the
category which reflects the Common Core Standard addressed. We do not use categories of “daily” or “major” grades.
The grading policy is as follows:
Reading: 30% Writing: 30% Language: vocabulary/DGP/PSAT: 10% Speaking and Listening: 10% EOCT: 20%
Grading scale: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 74-79; D = 70-73; F = 0-69.
Teacher/Parent Communication: Please be sure to check my blog for an overview of daily assignments, important
dates, and ongoing assignments. (The daily assignments on the blog are subject to change due to unforeseen
circumstances during the class period or school schedule.)
According to school board policy, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled through the school counseling office. I
encourage parents to email me at any time with questions or concerns.
Parents should acquire a Synergy account and check it regularly during the semester. This grading system is updated
weekly and students should check it and keep a record of their grades.
School cell phone policy: Students shall not use, display
phone video
shall not use, display or turn on cellular phones, video phones,
or turn School
on cellular
or electronic
devices during
a teacher time except when a teacher uses these devices
for for
uses these devices
Theconsequences for inappropriate cell phone use are:
st: Saturday
consequences for inappropriate
use are:School, 2nd– 1 Day of ISS, 3rd– 2 Days of ISS
Offenses –1st: Saturday School, 2nd– 1 Day of ISS, 3rd– 2 Days of ISS
Come to class on time. Students should be seated
when the tardy bell rings. I follow the school tardy
policy; refer to the student handbook for the
consequences of tardies.
Hand in work on time. No late assignments will be
accepted. If an unusual circumstance arises that merits
an extension, you should contact me PRIOR to the
assignment’s due date.
When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get
the assignments and arrange time for make up. Make
up your work when you are absent! Turn it in on time!
(See #2.) If you have an EXCUSED absence, you may
turn in missed work the day that you return from the
absence. If you know you are going on a trip or school
activity, hand in assignments prior to your absence or
schedule to take the quiz/test before you go. Any
family trips must be approved prior to the absence
through Admin 2.
Take notes and keep your notebook organized. While
class is divided into activities, discussions,
presentations, etc., you should take notes daily. Never
ask, “Do we need to know this?” You do.
Writing is a process. We will practice elements of the
writing process from brainstorming, planning,
researching, pre-writing, and editing. Be prepared to
write several drafts of an assignment.
Cheating and/or plagiarism are not tolerated and are
treated additionally with a discipline referral, earning
a 0 on the assignment. ALL assignments unless
specifically noted differently in writing, are
INDIVIDUAL assignments, where ANY collaboration
with peers will be considered cheating.
Those who provide the work as well as
those who copy the work are
considered to be cheating.
7. The blog always lists deadlines and
provides links to assignments.
8. Follow classroom and school rules.
You will receive four restroom passes. Sign
out/back in and take the school lanyard/hall pass.
NO students in any class are allowed to leave the
classroom during the first or last 10 minutes of
9. Grade updates: I update grades on Synergy
10. Whenever I distribute a handout, I will save one
for anyone who is absent. (See #3 above.) If you
lose class handouts, you are responsible for
making copies. Most are linked to blog.
11. Classroom behavior should demonstrate maturity,
responsibility and respect. We will keep the
classroom clean; that is your responsibility.
Recycle paper!
Suggestions from Mrs. Moulton:
1. Eat a good breakfast – or bring your breakfast/snack with you to class. Bring a bottle of water!
2. Keep your grades strong from the start. If you slack off toward the end of the semester but have a good grade up to that point,
it is much safer than for you to try to scrounge to get enough points to pass if you are failing most of the semester. You are not in
middle school; every grade counts. Students can and will fail if they do not earn 70 percent in their classes. One point does NOT
equal one percentage point on a final grade.
3. Carry a book for pleasure that you can pull out when you have completed your classwork in any/every class. Plan to go to
college? You need to prepare for the SAT and improve your vocabulary. How do you do that? Read! I HIGHLY suggest novels
from this source: http://www.sparknotes.com/satfiction/ “SparkNotes' SAT Vocabulary Novels feature 1,000 of the most
frequently tested vocabulary words, with definitions.”
4. Come to school every day, ON TIME. I will provide a breakfast incentive for those who have perfect attendance in my class
Mrs. Moulton’s English Class
Student’s PRINTED name:________________________________________ Period:_______________
I have received, read and understand the policy sheet including the information on cheating and plagiarism, and
understand that I will read approved Cobb County parallel selections. Please sign below to indicate that you have read a
copy of the course syllabus and that you understand the policies, and agree to the requirements and the Cobb County
approved reading selections. (If you have any objections regarding parallel
readings, please indicate in writing what your objections are and include a
daytime phone number.) Return this signed portion to your teacher.
Purchase vocab books for $10 ASAP; cash or checks (made payable to
Harrison High School). Parents, please remind your freshman that
Student’s Signature
Student’s email if you want to receive copies of info I send out to parents.
Parent’s Signature
Parent’s email (please PRINT, may list multiple emails)
 Please record any information I need to know about your child:
Please make sure that you have signed up for the Freshman Parent account on Remind
101. These are the texts I will send out as Freshman Academy coordinator, not specific to
the Ninth Lit class.
How to sign up for Mrs. Moulton's Freshman parents c/o 2017 notifications:
Text @hoyaparent to (678) 973-1446 or Email hoyaparent@mail.remind101.com