October 7-11 rd Spelling Words The 3 graders will have a SPELLING pretest on Thursday and a final test on Friday. The words are listed below: 1. border 9. treasure 2. certain 10. wisdom 3. clasp 11. annoy 4. depart 12. choice 5. fierce 13. hour 6. journey 14. shower 7. observe 15. thousand 8. superb *The students can practice their spelling/vocab words on www.sadlier-oxford.com or www.spellingcity.com * Bible We will beginning a new unit in Bible this week. The students will be learning about the fall of man into sin, and we’ll discuss how Adam and Eve’s brokenness affected all of creation. We will also learn about Cain and Abel and how God illustrated His grace to Cain by not abandoning him. We will also be learning about the family tree from Adam and Eve to Noah. Memory Verse The students will learn the Old Testament books of the Bible. The students will be learning it to the song of “10 Little Indians.” You can find this song on this website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q98RDF AFjaM&feature=relmfu&safe=active *Students will have to say the OT books of the Bible by next week Friday, October 18.* Math They will continue to learn some different mental math strategies for adding and subtracting. The students will have a math test on Thursday. A review sheet will be coming home on Wednesday night. Reading In reading this week, the students will be reading, “Penguin Chick.” The students will be learning about main ideas and details. In phonics, they will learn about syllables and how the syllables create long and short vowels. (V/CV, VC/V) Extra Information ~Thursday—Math Test ~Please practice addition and subtraction facts at home. (use flash cards, ipads, websites, etc) Next Week (Oct. 14) ~NEXT WEEK Tuesday—Vision Screening for all students. *Continue reading on the back* Specials Monday: Music, P.E. Tuesday: Library Wednesday: P.E. Thursday: Computers/Ipads Friday: Music, Art In Him, Mrs. Raman