Pricing and Incentives II KSE 801 Uichin Lee The Labor Economics of Paid Crowdsourcing John J. Horton and Lydia B. Chilton EC’10 Labor-Supply of Crowdsourcing • How workers decide whether or not to participate in a crowdsourcing project? • How workers decide the amount to produce, conditional upon participating? Theory • Every time consuming activity generates an “opportunity cost” – Opportunity cost of doing A is the foregone net benefits one would have obtained from doing a nextbest option B • A person will work only when the net benefits from working exceed the hypothetical net benefits from their next-best alternative (e.g., job, leisure, or a renewed job search) – “next-best alternative” is characterized as a reservation wage Theory • Reservation way is difficult to estimate in practice – All jobs offer a mixture of non-monetary benefits, costs, amenities/disaminities, etc. • E.g., non-monetary difference between working as a coal miner and working as an ice-cream taster – Observing someone working says (1) total benefits exceed total cost, and (2) what the total cost actually is • Example: – Job offers wage w, a stream of amenities/disamenities a and d, respectively – If a worker works for time t, they receive the benefit of (w+a)*t and bear costs d*t – If the worker has a reservation wage of w, then observing someone working tells us this: (w+a-d)*t >= w*t Theory • To identify w, we need to identify the worker’s indifference point of w* where w*+a-d = w • To push a worker down to their indifference point, we lower the wage by small amount “until they chose to quit” – Happening when they are “indifferent” between working and continuing reservation wage • “Decreasing wage” is less practical in traditional labor relationship, but in online labor marketplaces this can be easily done for “small, piece-rate tasks” – When the process is explained up front and workers have little emotional investment in their seconds-old “job” Theory • Workers choose some positive, continuous quantity to produce y >= 0 • Worker’s maximization problem max P( y) C ( y) s.t. y 0 y – P(y) strictly increasing: P’(y) > 0, concave: P’’(y) < = 0 – It costs the worker C(y) to complete y tasks • The first-order condition: P’(y*) = C’(y*) when the marginal benefit of working equals the marginal cost Theory • Max exists only when P(y) – C(y) is concave • Marginal cost C’(y): – Increasing: C’’(y) > 0, say if a task is very tiring – Decreasing: C’’(y) < 0, say if a worker gets experienced – Linear: C’’(y) = 0, or mixture of these.. • If P() is linear, i.e., P(y) = π*y, then P(y) – C(y) is concave only when –C(y) is strictly concave, or C(y) is strictly convex • What if C(y) is not increasing? – If π/t>=w, completes the whole task – Otherwise, not perform any tasks Theory • Assume C’(y) = w*t(y) where t(y) is the marginal completion time of a worker – t(y) is actually constant (measured from the experiment), and the marginal cost is linear: C’(y) = wt – Thus, -C(y) is strictly concave • If P(y) is strictly concave, i.e., “P(y) – C(y)” is concave, solution of worker's max problem is P’(y*) = wt • A worker’s reservation wage is estimated directly from their output choice: – If a worker i completes yi* tasks (or quits after that many tasks), then wi = P’(yi*)/ti where ti is the worker i’s average completion time – Discrete tasks: wi = {p(yi*) + p(yi*+1)} / 2ti • Here, p(y) = P(y) –P(y-1) Experimental Setup • Experimenting two ways of lowering wages: – Experiment A: Increasing “output” they produce to earn previous wage (i.e., easy vs. difficult tasks) – Experiment B: Lowering their wage while keeping the required amount of work constant • User interface test: Fitts’ law test – Difficult measured by the distance – Block: a block of 10 back-and-forth clicks Fixed Width Distance: easy 100px, difficult: 600px Click! Bar moves Experimental Setup • Payment function: – Up-front display of payment in each block – k is configured as P(10) = ½* 10 9 P(5) = 8.2 7 P(10) = 5 P(5) = 2.9 p(3) = P(3)-P(2) = 1.87-1.29 = 0.58 p(3) = 10, k=1/10*ln2 5 10 25 y = # of blocks Δ Difficulty (EASY vs. HARD) • Time between clicks and output Mean Avg.=6.04s Avg.=20.08 Avg.=19.83 Avg.=10.93s Δ Difficulty (EASY vs. HARD) • Reservation wage: $1.49/hr (easy) vs. $0.89/hr (hard) Density Density – HARD tasks have relatively higher reservation wage log(reservation wage) Δ Price (LOW vs. HIGH) • Max payment: Mean=24.07 – LOW = $0.10 – HIGH = $0.30 Counts of subjects • HIGH has slightly larger number of blocks completed LOW Mean=21.26 HIGH Blocks completed Δ Price (LOW vs. HIGH) • Reservation wage: $0.71/hr (low) vs. $1.57/hr (high) Density Density – Being in LOW lowers a worker’s reservation wage? log(reservation wage) Discussion • Results: – Low pay reduces output – “But being in LOW” lowers a worker’s reservation wage implies that the lower output in LOW is not low as it should be • Why a worker’s reservation wage of the same task is different? – Systematic misinterpretation of schedule (less likely) • Early marginal payments bleed over and affect the perception of future marginal payment; less likely to happen as marginal payment is displayed up-front – Marginal cost is increasing? (less likely) – Target earners trying to obtain some self-imposed earning goals rather than responding to the current offered wage (more likely) Departure from the rational model • Workers create earnings targets that influence their output decisions • In the absence of income effects, past earnings are irrelevant to the decision they must make at the margin – Income effects: when wage π rises, the price of leisure becomes higher, and the individual will choose less leisure (i.e., more work will be done) • A kind of sunk-cost fallacy: when wages are high, a target earner works less, whereas a rational worker works more Departure from the rational model Floor of earnings in cents • Rational workers: bimodal • Target earners: workers try to ear the full amount possible and quit only when they realize this goal is unattainable # subjects 30 15 10 60 Total 198 subjects Earnings in HIGH group 29 cents Summary • Experiment A (EASY/HARD) confirms a simple rational model (reservation wage of easy task ≤ that of hard task) • Experiment B (LOW/HIGH) shows an irrational behavior: some workers work to targets – Designers should consider this propensity when designing incentive schemes and give people natural targets that will increase output – Yet, they should also consider that such schemes might seem manipulative and could backfire (and potentially unethical) Designing Incentives for Inexpert Human Raters Aaron D. Shaw, John J. Horton, Daniel L. Che CSCW ’11 Inexpert Human Raters • Often compelling research questions require the quantification of complex constructs such as trustworthiness, beauty, or aggression • Researchers often need to look at primary source material and then classify it according to some coding scheme (also called as content analysis) • Often times these qualitative coding tasks require human judgment, but not any experts Inexpert Human Raters • But tasks are often tedious and timeconsuming and finding research assistance to perform them may be difficult or expensive • M-Turk can be used for content analysis, but it is difficult to elicit and synthesize high-quality judgments from non-expert raters collaborating remotely • Goal: compare the effects of various incentive schemes in terms of quality of judgements Task • Performing content analysis of “” Task • Identifying (1) a privacy policy; (2) “avatars” or other visual representations of user identities were present on the site (multiple choice questions) – For both of these questions an “uncertain” answer choice was also available. • (3)/(4) asked subjects to assess how frequently members of the site engaged in specific behaviors (ranking or rating (3) content and (4) other users) – Using a five point scale ranging from “Very frequently” to “Very rarely or never” • Identify whether there are specific features related to (5) social networking and (6) revenue creation (YES/NO) – Subjects could check boxes to select any combination of answer choices from a pre-defined list. Experimental Setup • Gold standard: tasks were given to research assistants (high inter-rater agreements) • M-Turk task components: – Pre-treatment question: Q#1 (privacy policy) – Post-treatment questions: Q#2~#6 – Demographic questions: • Age, gender, country of residence, education level, language skills, employment status, household size, internet skills • M-Turk: – A worker can comply only a single task: $0.30 – Experiment ran from July 2 to Sept. 23, 2009 – Total 2159 subjects (2055 completes +104 dropouts) Treatment Setup • Control conditions: – Control: workers were presented with pretreatment, post-treatment, and demographic questions – Demographic: workers were presented with pretreatment and demographic questions Treatment Setup • Incentive framing with social and financial factors • Social treatment conditions: – – – – – – – Tournament scoring Cheap Talk—Surveillance (just warning) Cheap Talk – Normative (emphasizing its importance) Solidarity (hybrid) Humanization (thank you!) Trust Normative priming questions (attitude) Treatment Setup • Financial treatment conditions: – Reward accuracy (10% bonus if accurate) – Reward agreement (10% bonus if agreeing with others) – Punishment accuracy (10% punishment if wrong) – Punishment agreement (10% punishment if disagreeing with the majority) – Promise of future work – Bayesian truth serum (BTS) “asking what others who complete the task would answer the question” (bonus if agreeing) – Betting on results Results (Q#2-#6) Condition Number of workers Correct answers (group size ranges between 113 and 167 subjects) Discussion • Why do BTS and Punishment disagreement performs better than others? • BTS: – Confusion on how exactly they are evaluated – Cognitive demand on thinking carefully about the responses of other subjects • Punishment disagreement: – Rejection (bad reputation?) • Strong association of residence in India, web skills, household size on the performance What's the Right Price? Pricing Tasks for Finishing on Time Siamak Faridani, Bjorn Hartmann, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis HCOMP 2011 Survival Curve and Task Completion • Survival curve for crowdsourcing tasks Survival Curve and Task Completion • Possible to find reward value based on the expected completion time