Note Taking Guide and Proboard Test Prep Each candidate will be

Note Taking Guide and Proboard Test Prep
Each candidate will be required to complete the reading assignments and this workbook prior to
attending the Fire Instructor I classroom sessions. This workbook can also be used as a study guide at
the end of the program to prepare for proboard testing. This workbook should be used with IFSTA Fire
and Emergency Services Instructor, 8th edition textbook. Any questions should be directed to a member
of the Training Academy.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.2.2 Assemble course materials, given a specific topic, so
that the lesson plan and all materials, resources, and equipment needed to deliver
the lesson are obtained. IFSTA pages 71-84
Purposes and Benefits of Lesson Plan:
Describe the components of a lesson plan.
Job or topic –
Time frame –
Level of instruction –
Learning objectives –
Resources/materials needed –
Prerequisites –
References –
Lesson summary –
Assignments –
Lesson outline –
Evaluations –
Identify, describe the different lesson outline formats.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.2.3 Prepare request for resources, given training goals
and current resources, so that the resources required to meet training goals are
identified and documented. IFSTA pages 245 - 249
Define the following terms:
Records –
Reports –
Training Records Completion
List and describe the types of training records that may need to be completed as a part of the
instructor’s duties:
Report Writing
The most difficult portion of most reports is the report narrative. A report narrative should provide an
answer to the five questions important to the report: who, what, when, where, and why. To keep report
narratives simple and concise, organize them based upon the following parts:
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.2.4 Schedule single instructional sessions, given a
training assignment, department scheduling procedures, instructional resources,
facilities and timeline for delivery, so that the specified sessions are delivered
according to department procedure. IFSTA pages 249 - 251
Scheduling Training Sessions
It’s important for Instructor’s to have an idea of the available resources that can be used to facilitate
training. Considerations for scheduling training sessions include:
In addition, instructors should become familiar with their departments’ policies and procedures for
scheduling and delivering training. Scheduling policies may include any of the following:
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.3.2 Review instructional materials, given the materials,
for a specific topic, target audience, and learning environment, so that elements of
the lesson plan, learning environment, and resources that need adaptation are
identified. IFSTA pages 9 – 20, 125 - 143
Define the following Terms
Education –
Training –
Characteristics of Effective Instructors
List and describe the characteristics that effective instructors possess listed in the IFSTA text:
Instructor Obligations
Along with the requirements inherent with the teaching profession, there are also obligations for
instructors toward the following:
Instructor Challenges
Common challenges, listed in the IFSTA textbook, include:
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication takes place between individuals every day in casual conversation and has
the following characteristics:
Interpersonal communication in the classroom consists of the following basic elements: (list and
List and describe the five general purposes for interpersonal communication:
Verbal Component
Strong verbal communication is an important skill to cultivate as an instructor. List and describe the
different ways that an instructor can increase his/her verbal communication skills.
Nonverbal Component
Nonverbal communication consists of the following elements:
Listening Skills
List and describe the five components of active listening that instructor’s should employ to improve
Characteristics of Effective Speakers
The first step toward becoming an effective public speaker is to identify the characteristics displayed by
effective speakers. Characteristics that apply to the instructor in the classroom include the following:
Presentation Planning
List the ways that instructor’s can plan for presentations so that they are prepared to be most effective:
Organizational Format
All presentations should follow this general format. List and describe the three parts:
Methods of Sequencing
Sequencing in based primarily on the topic and the organization of the lesson plan. Generally accepted
sequences for instructional delivery include:
Lesson plans should contact the location of the necessary transitions for instructors. List the types and
benefits of commonly used transitions:
Four-Step Method of Instruction
List and describe the four-step methods of instruction.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.3.3 Adapt a prepared lesson plan, given course
materials and an assignment, so that the needs of the student and the objectives of
the lesson plan are achieved. IFSTA pages 51 - 59
Planning to Teach – Organization
Being organized leads to the success of any instructor. The use of good organizational skills can result in:
Session Preparation
The most important session preparation tasks include the following:
Session Logistics
Final responsibility always rest with the instructor who must take the time to ask for assistance, to
follow procedures when making request or reservations, and to follow up on those request. Arriving
early to get or assemble equipment and materials give an instructor the opportunity to perform the
following steps:
Training Aid Selection
Selecting the appropriate training aids to use with a lecture or demonstration requires planning in order
to make them work with the learning objectives and lesson content and ensure that they have a
purpose and are student-focused. What factors should instructors consider when selecting training aids
and the reasoning for each?
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.2 Organize the classroom, laboratory, or outdoor
learning environment, given a facility and an assignments, so that lighting,
distraction, climate control or weather, noise control, seating, audiovisual
equipment, teaching aids, and safety are considered. IFSTA pages 107 - 121
Classroom Environment
Instructors must be prepared to adapt to the location in order to create the best possible learning
environment. The instructor should, at a minimum, have control over the following elements:
Seating Arrangements
List the different seating arrangements and when they would be used.
Audiovisual Equipment
In order to avoid distraction when using audiovisual equipment, instructors should take the following
Other Classroom Considerations
Other than what is listed above, instructors should consider these factors when preparing for classes:
Training Ground Environment
List five types of training ground environments:
Remote Sites
Remote training sites are commonly used for fire/rescue/EMS training. List the eleven examples listed in
the IFSTA text and the types of classes that could possibly be conducted at these sites.
List the ten considerations that must be taken into account when conducting classes on the training
grounds and way to control these conditions.
Permanent Training Facilities
List four types of permanent facilities that are commonly used by emergency service organizations.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.3 Present prepared lessons, given a prepared lesson
plan that specifies the presentation method(s), so that the method(s) indicated in
the plan are used and the stated objectives or learning outcomes are achieved,
applicable safety standards and practices are followed, and risks are addressed.
IFSTA pages 33 – 46, 193 - 215
Foundations of Learning
In your own words (and in the space provided), describe the Sensory-Stimulus Theory.
List the statistics listed in the IFSTA text to illustrate retention levels related to the Cone of Learning.
Knowles’ Assumptions of Adult Learners
List the five characteristics related to the theory of andragogy and explain each.
Thorndike’s Laws of Learning
Professor Edward L. Thorndike suggested certain traits of adult learners that can be used to effectively
instruct adult learners. List these traits and explain each.
Characteristics of Adult Learners
Understanding the capabilities and limitations of adult learners makes learning more successful. List the
three common characteristics of adult learners:
List the three additional factors for adult learners that instructors should take into consideration and
explain these factors affect learning.
Domains of Learning
List the three domains of learning and methods that can be used by an instructor to influence each of
Learning Styles
Define the term “learning style” and explain why it’s important for an instructor to determine the
learning styles of their students/audience.
Instructional Strategies
Instructors can stimulate thinking processes by using a variety of activities that require students to
select a performance, determine the logic of a procedure, draw conclusions, and determine outcomes.
List the common strategies that are utilized in lesson plans for fire and emergency services classrooms
and explain each.
Motivation is a key component to helping students to achieve their best and meet learning objectives.
Instructor can use the following techniques to help motivate students:
Federal Government Agencies
List the four agencies that are listed in the IFSTA text that may be of the greatest use to instructors:
The agencies that can provide information on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), PPC for high-threat
incidents, and bioterrorism training include:
Standard-Writing Organizations
List the primary standards-writing organizations involved with the fire service:
List if NFPA Standards
List the NFPA Standards (numbers and title- bold print) listed in the table on page 197.
Instructor as Safety Role Model
Safety is an issue that must be continually emphasized. Instructors must devote appropriate time in
every session to discussing all aspects of safety. Instructors increase awareness and help prevent
accidents during training in the following ways:
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.4 Adjust Presentation, given a lesson plan and
changing circumstances in the class environment, so that class continuity and the
objectives or learning outcomes are achieved. IFSTA pages 59 - 66
Class Continuity
Instructors should always anticipate problems and prepare contingency plans for potential events such
Course Consistency
List the aspects of instruction that should remain consistent and explain examples of each.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.5 Adjust to differences in learning styles, abilities,
cultures, and behaviors, given the instructional environment, so that lesson
objectives are accomplished, disruptive behavior is address, and a safe and positive
learning environment is maintained. IFSTA pages 144 - 187
Generating and Maintaining Student Interest
To help maintain interest, instructors need to show students a personal connection with the lesson. The
following are strategies for helping students maintain interest:
Instructors can motivate students and encourage their successes by offering the following instructional
Asking Effective Questions
Instructors use questions for a variety of reasons. Questions are used to achieve the following:
Question Types
When considering which kind of questions to ask, instructors should consider what they want to
accomplish at that particular point in the lesson. List and describe the different types of questions that
are in the instructor’s cadre, when these questions are used, and the type of response expected.
Distance Learning and Student-Led Instruction
Instructor-lead training (ILT) is the most common teaching method used in fire and emergency services.
Distance learning and student-led instruction are alternatives to ILT are becoming more common. List
and describe these instructional delivery methods:
Structured Exercises
List and describe the structured exercises that instructors may encounter:
Individual Student Needs
Students can be classified into the following seven categories, based on their learning ability and
personality type:
Students’ Rights
Students should have equal access to fundamental rights and privileges, such as those guaranteed by
the Civil Rights Act or the American with Disabilities Act. In an educational setting, this includes the
Student Behavior Management
Managing student behavior can be difficult to master, but it is one of an instructor’s most important
skills. List the common strategies that instructor’s can use when dealing with behavior issues, and
describe the characteristic of each.
List the steps to control behavior management that instructors can remember utilizing the “L-E-A-S-T”
L - ________________________________________________
E - ________________________________________________
A - ________________________________________________
S - ________________________________________________
T - ________________________________________________
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.6 Operate audiovisual equipment and demonstration
devices, given a learning environment and equipment, so that the equipment
functions properly. IFSTA pages 84 - 102
Resource Materials
While lesson plans generally outline the abstract concepts and key points of a topic, outside resource
materials can provide real world examples of lesson topics in practice. Some of the more common
sources for fire and emergency instructors include:
Copyright Laws and Permissions
Copyright laws protect the works of artists, photographers, and authors and give them exclusive rights
to publish their works or determine who may publish or reproduce them. Since the Copyright Act of
1976 was passed, the majority of U.S. copyright laws is governed by federal statute and includes the
following provisions:
A few of the fair use guidelines are:
Training Aids
Instructors should be familiar with the various types of training aids and their uses. The IFSTA text
categorizes these aids and devices into the following categories:
Training Aid Benefits
When included as part of an active learning instructional delivery, training aids perform the following
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.4.7 Utilize audiovisual materials, given prepared topical
media and equipment, so that the intended objectives are clearly presented,
transitions between media and other parts of the presentation are smooth, and
media are returned to storage. IFSTA pages 165 - 166
Using Training Aids
Instructors must consider how to use teaching aids. List the guidelines listed in the IFSTA textbook that
can be helpful when using visual aids.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.5.2 Administer oral, written and performance tests,
given the lesson plan, evaluation instruments, and evaluation procedures of the
agency, so that bias or discrimination is eliminated, the testing is conducted
according to procedures, and the security of the materials is maintained. IFSTA
pages 20 – 27, 216 – 219, 225 – 233
Laws Applicable to Instructors – Federal Laws
List the federal laws and descriptions that apply to instructors:
Define the following terms:
Harassment –
Sexual Harassment –
Reasonable Accommodation –
Learning Disability –
Ordinance –
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) –
Regulations –
Legal Precedent –
Codes –
Standard –
Ethics Program
The importance of a written code of ethics has the following characteristics:
Ethical Issues
There are many models for working through ethical issues. List the steps along with descriptions
outlined in the IFSTA text.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Legal Liability
Instructor and/or organizations may be considered liable for any of the following acts:
Instructors can reduce the potential for liability and legal action against themselves and their
organization in the following ways:
When planning training evolutions or scenarios, instructors should consider the answers to the following
Define the following terms:
Vicarious Liability –
Foreseeability –
Liability Reduction
Specific precautions an instructor can take to avoid liability include:
Approaches to Student Assessment
Define the following terms:
Norm-Referenced Assessment –
Evaluation –
Criterion –
Criterion-Referenced Assessment –
Test Classifications
Define the following terms:
Purpose Classification –
Prescriptive Test –
Formative Test –
Summative Test –
Administration Classification
The administration classification is based on how the test is administered, and includes:
Test Bias
Level I Instructors have an obligation to eliminate testing bias wherever they can. The best way to do
this is for the instructors to suggest that tests that have any of the following qualities be rewritten or
more closely examined:
Test Administration
The instructor should consider the physical environment of the classroom, making sure that students
have the following:
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.5.3 Grade student oral, written or performance tests,
given class answer sheets or skills checklists and appropriate answer keys, so the
examinations are accurately graded and properly secured. IFSTA pages 233 - 239
Test Scoring
Some guidelines for scoring written tests manually include:
Instructors that use distance-learning courses need to take into consideration the limited contact they
have with their students. Some factors to consider are:
Scoring Performance Tests
Scoring performance (psychomotor) test can be very __________________, so instsructors should
closely follow the ____________ ___________ guidelines. Task that directly relate to the life or safety of
a patient, student, or other personnel cannot be __________________ or _________________
___________________. Student must be given a clearly stated _________ of ________________ and
the scoring __________________.
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.5.4 Report test results, given a set of test answer sheets
or skills checklist, a report form, and policies and procedures for reporting, so that
the results are accurately recorded, the forms are forwarded according to
procedure, and unusual circumstances are reported. IFSTA pages 239 - 240
Grade Reporting
Reporting test results to the training division or organization’s administration is necessary for the
following two reasons:
Test Security
On test, academic misconduct presents special problems for instructors – problems that may be reduced
by adhering to the following guidelines:
NFPA 1041 (2012 edition), 4.5.5 Provide evaluation feedback to students, given
evaluation data, so that the feedback is timely; specific enough for the student to
make efforts to modify behavior; and objective, clear, and relevant; also include
suggestions based on the data. IFSTA page 240
Evaluation Feedback
Conducting formal evaluations based on test results gives instructors the opportunity to use student
errors as the basis for reinforcing information that was addressed on the test. These evaluations can be
conducted in two ways: