Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Reform, Resistance, Revolution
English Position in North America
Tenuous after 1763
 Seven Years’ (French and Indian) War was very
National debt nearly doubled during the war
 Decision to retain troops in North America
 Expect colonists to pay most, or all, of the cost
 Proclamation of 1763
 Attempted to regulated expansion beyond the Appalachians
 Encouraged settlement elsewhere in North America
 Designed to keep peace with Indians
 Caused great resentment among colonists
English Position in North America
Tenuous after 1763 (cont.)
 Pontiac’s War, 1763-64
 Response to continued frontier pressure
 Brought Indians together in unprecedented coalition
 Peace restored, but tensions remained high
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Pontiac’s War and
the Proclamation
Line of 1763
Post 1763 British Efforts to
Control the Colonies
 Sugar Act, 1764
 Effort to stop smuggled molasses from French West Indies
 Widely resisted in Colonies
 Currency Act, 1764
 Forbade colonies to issue paper money as legal tender
 Quartering Act, 1765
 Colonies forced to support troops materially
 Troops to be housed only in public buildings
Stamp Act Crisis, 1765-66
 Raise revenue for England by imposing tax on
printed materials in the colonies
 First direct tax on colonies
 Sparked outcries against taxation without
Gave rise to arguments about “virtual representation”
 Colonists responded with Stamp Act Congress
 Denounced parliamentary oppression
 Sons of Liberty in Boston sparked violent protests
Stamp Act Crisis, 1765-1766 (cont.)
 Nonimportation agreements adopted to prevent
 Colonists eventually nullified Stamp Act
 Repealed by Parliament in 1766
 Declaratory Act, 1766
Affirmed Parliament’s authority to pass laws and statutes for
the colonies
 Revenue Act, 1766
 Imposed tax on all molasses, British or foreign
Townshend Crisis, 1767
 New duties imposed on tea, paper, glass, lead, painter’s colors
 Goal to raise revenue to pay salaries of the governors and
judges in the colonies
 Sparked outcry in colonies
Divided ideas about response
 Duties ultimately implemented with little direct opposition
 Continued opposition in Massachusetts led to Circular Letter
urging other assemblies to oppose the duties
Parliament’s denunciation of Circular Letter led to colonial nonimportation agreements
Boston Massacre, 1770
 Resulted from tensions generated by presence of
British troops in Boston
 Marked failure of Britain’s first attempt at military
coercion in the colonies
Reconsideration of British
Colonial Policy in 1770
 All Townshend duties except one on tea repealed
 Colonists blamed each other for failing to get all
duties repealed
 British efforts to crack down on smuggling raised
colonial concerns
Created committees of correspondence to keep in touch and
plan responses to anticipated British assaults on colonial
 Colonists increasingly determined to resist
parliamentary encroachment
Internal Cleavages within the
 Artisans in cities clamoring for increased role in public affairs
 Farmers protested limited access to land
 General opposition to large subsidies paid to colonial proprietors
and their descendants
 Regulator movement in the Carolinas, 1765-1771
Sought to provide order on frontier
 Eliminate government corruption
 Emergence of early antislavery movement
Forced slaveholders onto defensive, even before Revolution
 On eve of Revolution, colonies were divided and internally
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Feudal Revival:
Great Estates of
Late Colonial
Tea Crisis and Mounting BritishColonial Conflict
 Tea Act, 1733
 Repealed tea duty in England but retained it in colonies
 Monopoly control of East India Company Colonists saw as
beginning of end of their liberties
Opposition forced tea Party in December destroyed tea worth
£11,000 )$700,000 in today’s dollars)
Tea crisis and Mounting BritishColonial Conflict (cont.)
 Coercive (Intolerable) Acts, 1774
 Boston Port Act closed Boston until restitution had been paid
 Quartering Act allowed soldiers to be housed among
 Administration of Justice Act allowed British soldiers
accused of crimes in colonies to be tried elsewhere
 Massachusetts Government Act took away self-government
 Quebec Act, 1774
 Established French Civil law and the Roman Catholic
Church in Quebec
 Fueled colonial fears about perfidity of Parliament
First Continental Congress, 1774
 All colonies except Georgia represented
 Agreed unanimously on need for non-importation
against England
 Affirmed principle of no legislation with representation
 Petitioned king for redress of their grievances
 Created the Association to enforce trade sanctions
against England
Drift toward Open Conflict
between Colonies and Britain
 Resistance to Massachusetts Government Act
 Formation of Massachusetts Provincial Congress
 Creation of Militia
 Stockpiling of arms at Concord
 British response to Massachusetts resistance
 Efforts in spring 1775 to destroy stockpiled weapons
 Battles at Lexington and Concord
 First skirmishes of what became Revolution
 Struggle for control of Boston
 Battles at Bunker Hill
 Eruption of fighting elsewhere
Second Continental Congress,
 Appointed George Washington commander of Continental Army
 Launched two ill-fated invasions of Canada
 Colonial objective still to restore government by consent under
the Crown
“Olive Branch Petition” to king affirming continued loyalty
“Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms:”
justified armed resistance and affirmed loyalty
 Crown response not favorable
Declared colonies in open rebellion in August 1775
 Congress began acting more like a government by the autumn
Assumed royal rather than parliamentary powers
Early Conflicts of the Revolution
 Weak British forces had difficulty gaining ground
 Colonists took control of Boston in early 1776
 Patriots had won control of territory in all colonies by summer
 Resulted in colonial debate over question of independence
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense helped to push doubters
Spurred by fears that England and France planned to divide
eastern North America between them
Declaration of Independence, 1776
Detailed self-evident truths justifying independence
Indicted George 111 as tyrant
Lexington, Concord, and Boston 1775-1776
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