Welcome to Physics - Madison Public Schools

Welcome to
Enriched Physics
Ms. Carole Rawding
See it, hear it, do it, say it, learn it
Did I say DO IT?
Physics is Everywhere!
My Job
it real
Keep it engaging
Build upon prior knowledge
Help each student to be
How to achieve SUCCESS!
Have a positive attitude, strive to do your best and
stay engaged in the physics work.
Come to class prepared with the homework
completed and all of the necessary materials
Keep your binder updated; neat and organized
with course handouts, homeworks, returned
quests and labs in chronological order
More keys to success…..
Study physics nightly through reading,
problem solving or laboratory analysis.
Seek help as needed for concepts that are
troubling you.
Getting Started
Arrive each day with
Assignments completed
Three ring binder
Composition notebook
Scientific calculator
Dry erase marker
Pencils and ruler
Chronological Order
Mathematical model reference sheet
All course material attached within
Assignments labeled, dated and numbered
Collected and graded periodically
Extra Help
SEEK HELP EARLY if you are troubled by
a concept
My daily schedule is posted on the
classroom door.
Common Lunch Physics Tutorial is held
everyday! Tutorial schedule is posted.
Contact me via email to schedule extra
help before school
Pick up daily handouts upon entering the
room. These papers will be available by
the door.
Missed a day, check the files by the door
for extra copies of the work distributed.
Homework Happens
Yes, almost every night.
Complete your assignments on time.
Keep all assignments in binder.
Stamped regularly.
Homework counts for 10 points per week,
resulting in homework grade equivalent to one
Collected often.
Labs are Essential
Performed each week
and sometimes more
Write-ups are turned in following
Come to Common Lunch tutorial to
complete or make-up labs
We will research, brainstorm, troubleshoot,
use trial and error, team work and more to
complete major projects. Possible projects
Potential Energy Mobile
Conqueror of the Hill
Egg Drop Competition
Torque Mobile
Six Flags Amusement Park Physics
Marking Period Grades
All physics work will be graded on a total point system. The
approximate value of each category of work is:
Quests and Projects
( 70 – 100 points each)
Lab work
(15 – 35 points each)
Homework and Classwork
(10 points per week)
+ Morsels
Your Average
Keep a running total of the number of
points you have achieved and divide this
by the number of possible points and you
know where you stand.
REMINDER: do not forget that any missing
assignment puts 0 points in the achieved
What’s Exciting in MHS Physics?
NEW class set of laptops for PHYSICS courtesy
of MEF!
High Speed Cameras for slow motion videos
courtesy of MEF!
Interfacing hardware for lab stations and
internet access purchased by MEF!
Student response system courtesy of MEF!
SMARTBOARD system courtesy of MEF!
Lab equipment and interactive software for
mechanics and electromagnetism courtesy of a
generous Madison family donation!
Science Beyond the Classroom
Join our teams!
Science League
State Science Day
New Jersey Physics Olympics
Conqueror of the Hill
Project Aware
Ask Questions
Seek Answers
Think Physics…
You’ll have a great year!