Course Standard NDT102 Radiographic Testing Method I Course Description In this course students will master the competencies associated with Radiographic Testing at Level I. This course adheres to the standards developed by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). Laboratory work will parallel lecture materials from the classroom. Hours Credit 3 Prerequisite/Core requisite: NDT101 Magnetic Particle Testing Method for NDT Course Guide Outcomes: The student will be able to identify proper personal monitoring devices Competencies Personal Monitoring Identify why personal monitoring badges are required equipment Identify reading of pocket dosimeters Identify recording of daily dosimeter readings Identify “Off-scale” dosimeter – action required Describe permissible exposure limits Outcomes: The student will be able to use survey instruments properly in aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Survey Instruments Identify types of radiation instruments Read and interpret meter indications Identify calibration frequency Identify calibration expiration – action Identify battery check - importance Utilize survey instruments in aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to perform leak testing of sealed radioactive sources Competencies Leak Testing of Sealed Identify requirements for leak testing 4.22.09 Radioactive Sources Identify the purpose of leak testing Perform the leak testing of sealed radioactive sources using aviation based industry scenario Outcomes: The student will be able to complete radiation survey report Competencies Radiation Survey Reports Identify the requirements for completion Identify the report format Complete a radiation survey report using aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to utilize radiographic work practices effectively Competencies Radiographic Work Practices Identify the establishment of restricted areas Identify the posting and surveillance of restricted areas Identify the use of time, distance and shielding to reduce personnel radiation exposure Identify applicable regulatory requirements for surveys, posting and control of radiation and high-radiation areas Utilize radiographic work practices in aviation based industry scenario Outcomes: The student will be able to utilize exposure devices effectively using aviation based industry scenario Exposure Devices Competencies Identify daily inspection and maintenance Identify radiation exposure limits for gamma ray exposure devices Identify labeling Utilize collimators to reduce personnel exposure Utilize “source changers” for gamma ray sources Outcomes: The student will be able to follow emergency procedures Emergency Procedures Competencies Identify emergency procedures for vehicle accidents with radioactive sealed sources Identify fire involving sealed sources Identify “source out” – failure to return to safe shielded conditions Identify emergency call list Follow all emergency procedures Outcomes: The student will be able to identify storage and shipment procedures for exposed devices and sources Competencies 4.22.09 Storage and Shipment of Exposed Devices and Sources Identify vehicle storage Identify storage vault – permanent Identify shipping instructions – sources Identify receiving instructions – radioactive material Outcomes: The student will be able to identify state and federal regulations State and Federal Regulations Competencies Identify Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and agreement states authority Identify license reciprocity Identify radioactive materials license requirements for industrial radiography Identify qualification requirements for radiography personnel Identify regulations for the control of radiation (state or NRC as applicable) Identify Department of Transportation regulations for radiographic-source shipment Identify regulatory requirements for X-ray machines (state and federal as applicable) Outcomes: The student will be able to describe the basic radiographic material requirements Competencies Basic Radiographic Introduction Describe the history and discovery of radioactive materials Describe the definition of industrial radiography Identify why radiation protection is used Complete basic math review: exponents Complete basic math review: square root Outcomes: The student will be able to describe the fundamental properties of matter Competencies Fundamental Properties of Matter Identify elements and atoms Identify molecules and compounds Identify atomic particles – properties of protons, electrons and neutrons Identify atomic structure Identify atomic number and weight Identify isotope versus radioisotope Describe the fundamental properties of matter Outcomes: The student will be able to identify radioactive materials Radioactive Competencies Identify production for neutron activation and nuclear fission 4.22.09 Materials Identify stable versus unstable (radioactive) atoms Identify curie – the unit of activity Identify half-life of radioactive materials Identify plotting of radioactive decay Identify specific activity – curies/gram Outcomes: The student will be able to identify types of radiation Competencies Types of Radiation Identify particulate radiation – properties; alpha, beta, neutron Identify electromagnetic radiation – X-ray, gamma ray Identify X-ray production Identify gamma ray production Identify gamma ray energy Identify energy characteristics of common radioisotope sources Identify energy characteristics of X-ray machines Outcomes: The student will be able identify the different interactions of radiation with matter Competencies Interaction of Radiation with Matter Identify ionization Identify radiation interaction with matter including: photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production Identify unit of radiation exposure – the roentgen Identify emissivity of commonly used radiographic sources Identify emissivity of X-ray exposure devices Identify attenuation of electromagnetic radiation – shielding Identify half-value layers; tenth-value layers Identify inverse square law Outcomes: The student will be to describe the biological effects of radiation Competencies Biological Effects of Radiation Identify “natural” background radiation Identify unit of radiation dose – rem Identify difference between radiation and contamination Identify allowable personnel exposure limits and the banking concept Identify theory of allowable dose Identify radiation damage – repair concept Identify symptoms of radiation injury Identify acute radiation exposure and somatic injury Identify personnel monitoring for tracking exposure Identify organ radio sensitivity Describe the biological effects of radiation 4.22.09 Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate how to detect radiation exposure in aviation based industry scenario Competencies Radiation Detection Identify pocket dosimeter Identify the difference between dose and dose rate Identify survey instruments including: Giger-Müller tube, ionization chambers, and scintillation chambers, counters Identify film badge – radiation detector Identify TLDs (thermo luminescent dosimeters) Identify calibration Demonstrate how to detect radiation exposure in aviation based industry scenario Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate how to use exposure devices and identify radiation sources in aviation based industry scenario Competencies Exposure Devices and Radiation Sources Identify radioisotope sources Identify sealed-source design and fabrication Identify gamma ray sources Identify beta and bremsstrahlung sources Identify neutron sources Identify radioisotope exposure device characteristics Identify electronic radiation sources – 500 keV and less, low energy Identify generator – high voltage rectifiers Identify X-ray tube design and fabrication Identify X-ray control circuits Identify accelerating potential Identify target material and configuration Identify heat dissipation Identify duty cycle Identify beam filtration Identify electronic radiation sources – medium and high energy Identify resonance transformer Identify Van de Graaff accelerator Identify linac Identify roentgen output Identify equipment design and fabrication Identify beam filtration Identify fluoroscopic radiation sources Identify direct viewing screens Identify image amplification Identify special X-ray tube considerations and duty cycle Identify screen unsharpness 4.22.09 Identify screen conversion efficiency Demonstrate how to use exposure devices using aviation based industry scenario Demonstrate how to identify radiation sources using exposure devices Outcomes: The student will be able to describe special radiographic sources and techniques Competencies Special Radiographic Sources and Techniques Identify flash radiography Identify stereo radiography Identify in-motion radiography Identify autoradiography Describe special radiographic sources and techniques Outcomes: The student will be able to utilize radiographic techniques correctly in aviation based industry scenario Competencies Radiographic Technique Introduction Identify process of radiography Identify types of electromagnetic radiation sources Identify electromagnetic spectrum Identify penetrating ability or “quality” of X-rays and gamma rays Identify spectrum of X-ray tube source Identify spectrum of gamma radioisotope source Identify X-ray tube – change of mA or kVp effect on “quality” and intensity Utilize radiographic techniques correctly Outcomes: The student will be to define the basic principles of radiography Competencies Basic Principles of Identify geometric exposure principles Radiography Identify “shadow” formation and distortion Identify shadow enlargement calculation Identify shadow sharpness Identify geometric unsharpness Identify finding discontinuity depth Identify radiographic screens Identify lead intensifying screens Identify fluorescent intensifying screens Identify intensifying factors Identify importance of screen-to-film contact Identify importance of screen cleanliness and care Identify techniques for cleaning screens Identify radiographic cassettes 4.22.09 Identify composition of industrial radiographic film Identify the “heel effect” with X-ray tubes Define the basic principles of radiography Outcomes: The student will be able to identify radiographs and interpret the data Radiographs Competencies Identify formation of the latent image on film Identify inherent unsharpness Identify arithmetic of radiographic exposure including: mill amperage – distance-time relationship, reciprocity law, photographic density, X-ray exposure charts – material thickness, kV and exposure, gamma ray exposure chart, inverse square law considerations, and calculation of exposure time for gamma ray and X-ray sources Identify characteristic Hurter and Driffield (H-D) curve Identify film speed and class descriptions Identify selection of film for particular purpose Interpret the data from Radiograph Outcomes: The student will be able to define radiographic image quality Competencies Radiographic Image Quality Identify radiographic sensitivity Identify radiographic contrast Identify film contrast Identify subject contrast Identify definition Identify film graininess and screen mottle effects Identify pentameters or image quality indicators Define radiographic image quality Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate how to load and handle film correctly Competencies Film Handling, Loading and Processing Identify safe light and darkroom practices Identify loading bench and cleanliness Identify opening of film boxes and packets Identify loading of film and sealing cassettes Identify handling techniques for “green film” Identify elements of manual film processing Demonstrate how to load and handle film correctly Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate exposure techniques for radiography effectively Exposure Competencies Identify single wall radiography 4.22.09 Techniques Radiography Identify double wall radiography including: viewing two walls simultaneously, offset double wall exposure single wall viewing, and elliptical techniques Identify panoramic radiography Identify use of multiple film loading Identify specimen configuration Demonstrate exposure techniques for radiography effectively using aviation based industry scenario Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate fluoroscopic techniques Competencies Fluoroscopic Techniques Identify dark adaptation and eye sensitivity Identify special scattered radiation techniques Identify personnel protection Identify sensitivity Identify limitations Identify direct screen viewing Identify indirect and remote screen viewing Demonstrate fluoroscopic techniques using aviation based industry scenario Outcomes: The student will be able to apply all appropriate safety processes and procedures Safety Competencies Identify safety processes associated with liquid Radiographic Testing Method I Apply safety processed associated with liquid Radiographic Testing Method I Outcomes: The student will be able to apply all appropriate NAS410 processes and procedures Competencies NAS410 Aviation Standard Identify how NAS410 affects Radiographic Testing Method I Apply NAS410 standards to Radiographic Testing Method I processes and procedures Suggested Resources List books, and other resources used here Nondestructive Testing Handbook Air Force Technical Order 33B-1-1 Nondestructive Inspection Methods, Basic Theory 4.22.09