Warm-Up – 25.Sept.2014 On the questions side of your worksheet write: “Quotation 1” and “Quotation 2” We will read two quotes and answer questions associated with each on the answer side of your worksheet. Warm-up – 25.Sept.2014 What right had King John most likely abused according to the following excerpt: “No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or dispossessed of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs or exiled or in any way ruined, no will we go against such a man or send against him save by law full judgment of his peers or by law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.” Right to fair trial The following quotation most likely describes a temple of which of peoples? “All the walls of that shrine were caked with blood that they and the floor were black. Indeed, the whole place stank abominably.” • The Aztecs Unit Three Review Medieval Europe, Africa, & the Americas (1) What was the inquisition? • Court created by Catholic Church to find and try heretics (2) What provided unification and stability during the Middle Ages? • (Roman) Catholic Church (3) What was a basic right that was improved in the Magna Carta? • Trading rights “All merchants, unless they have previously ands public forbidden, are to have safe and secure conduct in leaving and coming to England…to buy and to sell without any evil exactions” (4) How was Europe affected by the Crusades? • Importation of Asian luxury goods created a greater interest in trade (5) How did Joan of Arc influence the Hundred Years’ War? • Inspired the French with her faith th 13 (6) What century developments limited the king’s power? • Magna Carta • Parliament (makes laws and can check the power of the executive) (7) Who won the Hundred Years’ War? • France (8) What was the importance of the Battle of Tours? • Muslim invasion into Europe stopped Charles Martel (“the Hammer”) led them to victory. Remember that Spain had been occupied by Muslim Moors in the early Middle Ages. (9) Which was the only successful Crusade for the Christians • First Crusade - Second = #FAIL - Third = #fail, but Christians allowed in Holy Land (10) What was the importance of the Magna Carta? • Limited power of king (11) What was the goal of the First Crusade? • Take Jerusalem and the Holy Land away from the Muslims (12) What was a long-term result of the Crusades in the Middle East? • Increased tension b/w Muslims & Christians (13) What was a long-term effect in Europe? • Increased demand of goods from the east (trade) (14) With what event is Richard the Lion-Hearted associated? • Third Crusade (15) How were serfs different from peasants? • Serfs were LEGALLY BOUND TO THE LAND on which they worked (had to ask permission to leave the manor) (16) How does feudalism work? • Lords give land to vassals who in turn owe them military service GIVES LAND LORDS VASSALS OWES MILITARY SERVICE (17) In the feudal system, why are peasants needed to farm the land? • Lords and knights spend most of their time at war (18) What is a characteristic of feudalism? • Land exchanged for military service & obligations (19) What was the economic system of the Middle Ages? • Manorialism (20) What was a basic reason for the rise of the feudal system in Europe? • Lack of an effective central government (after Fall of Roman Empire) (21) What was the Carolingian Renaissance? • Revival of learning and culture Under Charlemagne who built schools to promote learning of Greek/Roman culture. (22) Who created an empire that focused on learning and Christianity during the 700s and 800s? • Charlemagne (23) What did African Kingdoms trade? • Gold, salt, ivory, slaves (NOT SILVER) (24) Who first attempted democracy in the United States? • Iroquois (25) What name was given to the areas of Mexico and Central America that were civilized before the Spanish arrived? • Mesoamerica Meso = Middle, or Between (like…) (26) Rulers of the Mayan city-states claimed to be descended from _____. • The gods (27) What civilization participated in bloody human sacrifices? • Aztecs Meso = Middle, or Between (like…) (28) What name was given to the areas of Mexico and Central America that were civilized before the Spanish arrived? • In 1066, he invaded England and decisively defeated King Harold’s forces at the Battle of Hastings. (29) An increased in trade and commerce during the Middle Ages result in the growth of _______. • Towns & cities (30) What played a significant role in the lives of residents of a manor during the Middle Ages? • Religion Remember the picture of a manor with the church on-site??? (31) What body of water did the Crusaders travel through to reach the Holy Land during the Crusades? • Mediterranean Sea (32) What groups were closely associated with the Black Death? • Merchants and pilgrims (33) What good was traded across the Sahara Desert? • Salt (34) What were the effects of the Black Death? • Europe lost a third of its population • Labor shortages brought higher wages for many workers When supply (of labor) goes DOWN, prices (of labor, or wages) go UP. • Peasants left their manors, weakening the feudal and manorial systems (35) How did the Plague spread so quickly? • Through the interaction of people (Merchants travel from port to port, so if they carry the disease, it travels with them.) (36) What did the Black Death lead to in Europe? • Labor shortages (People were dying out and/or abandoning their manors and towns to escape disease, so workers were harder to come by.) (37) What is a nation-state? • It is an independent country (The Middle Ages saw the rise of numerous nation-states, including France, Spain, and England; this is opposed to empires that encompassed what might otherwise be many nationalities, or city-states which were cities that controlled surrounding countryside (e.g., Athens or Sparta). The Roman Empire wrapped around the Mediterranean to include Egyptians, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, the French, etc.) (38) How many people died during the Black Death in Europe? • 1/3 of the population (It would be like if 105,000,000 Americans died out of our 315,000,000 citizens. In Europe, entire villages perished.) (39) What is the most common form of the Black Death? • Bubonic Plague Named after the buboes that appeared on victims’ bodies (around lymph nodes). (40) Who were the two groups persecuted in the Spanish Inquisition and why? • Muslims & Jews; to find and try heretics (people that denied church doctrine) (41) Give two reasons why feudalism developed after the fall of Rome. • Invasions (Vikings, Huns, etc.) • Lack of strong, central government (42) Give two effects of the Black Death. • Loss of population (1/3 of Europe dead in less than 5 years) • Anti-Semitism (Jewish people as scapegoats) • Decline of feudalism & manorialism (low supply of workers pushes wages up) • People begin to question the church (43) Give two effects of the Crusades. • Increased trade (people wanted goods from the east) • Diffusion (spread) of Muslim knowledge (e.g., algebra, astronomy, medicine) • Tensions b/w Christians, Muslims, and Jews • More powerful kings (many powerful knights and nobles died while away, so kings filled the void) (44) Name at least two things prominent in African trade networks. • Gold • Salt • Ivory • Slaves A look back… Early Man & River Valley Civilizations Greece, Rome, & Abrahamic Religions (45) The establishment of villages and rise of governments result from the ________. • Neolithic Revolution (People settled down in one place.) (46) The Code of Hammurabi featured laws that distinguished between ___________. • Social class (For a given crime, people received different punishments depending upon whether they were slaves, commoners, or upper class.) (47) Name three beliefs of Confucianism. • Leaders should lead by example • Filial Piety (respect & obedience for those above us) • Merit (position in society based on ability) Other Chinese philosophies: -Legalism (people are evil, need strict laws & harsh punishments) -Daoism (balance = yin & yang, harmony w/ nature) (48) What are three standards of justice the USA took from Rome? • Belief in natural law • Trial by jury • Innocent until proven guilty (49) Christianity and Islam both have roots in _______. • Judaism (50) In Ancient Rome, ______ were the rich upper-class, and _____ were lower-class. • Patricians = upper-class • Plebeians = lower-class STUDY ACTIVELY • Quiz with a buddy, sibling, parent, etc.; • Or make flashcards; • Or print the worksheet and test yourself; and • Practice the questions multiple times. • Mr. K will be available Thursday afternoon (2:15-3:15PM) to quiz you through them. Stop by! DON’T… Stare aimlessly at them & hope it will seep through!!! GOOD LUCK!