Welcome to this Science-to-Strategy Summit Clotting, Cancer, and Clinical Strategies Critical Challenges and Landmark Advances in Thrombosis Management The Evolving and Foundation Role of LMWHs in Cancer and VTE Prophylaxis: Applying Science, Expert Analysis, and Landmark Trials to the Front Lines of Oncology Practice Program Chairman Craig M. Kessler, MD Professor of Medicine and Pathology Georgetown University Medical Center Director of the Division of Coagulation Department of Laboratory Medicine Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Washington, DC Welcome and Program Overview CME-accredited symposium jointly sponsored by University of Massachusetts Medical Center, office of CME and CMEducation Resources, LLC Commercial Support: Sponsored by an independent educational grant from Eisai, Inc. Mission statement: Improve patient care through evidence-based education, expert analysis, and case study-based management Processes: Strives for fair balance, clinical relevance, on-label indications for agents discussed, and emerging evidence and information from recent studies COI: Full faculty disclosures provided in syllabus and at the beginning of the program Program Educational Objectives As a result of this session, physicians will be able to: ► Specify strategies for risk-directed prophylaxis against DVT in at risk patients with cancer, using FDA-indicated and approved agents ► Explain how to assess and manage special needs of cancer patients at risk for DVT, with a focus on protecting against recurrent DVT. ► Describe how to risk stratify patients undergoing cancer surgery, and implement ACCP-mandated pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic measures aimed at DVT prophylaxis. ► Review landmark clinical trials focusing on DVT prophylaxis in patients with cancer. ► Explain how to appropriately use the range of pharmacologic options available for thrombosis management in patients with malignancy. Program Faculty Craig M. Kessler, MD Professor of Medicine and Pathology Georgetown University Medical Center Director of the Division of Coagulation Department of Laboratory Medicine Washington, DC John Fanikos, RPh, MBA Assistant Director of Pharmacy Brigham and Women’s Hospital Assistant Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Northeastern University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Boston, MA Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD Professor of Medicine Cardiovascular Division Harvard Medical School Director, Venous Thromboembolism Research Unit Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA Faculty COI Financial Disclosures Craig M. Kessler, MD Grants/research support: sanofi-aventis, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Octapharma Consultant: sanofi-aventis, Eisai, NovoNordisk John Fanikos, RPh, MBA Speakers Bureau and Consulting: Abbott Laboratories, Astra-Zeneca, Eisai Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, sanofi-aventis, The Medicines Company Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD Grant/Research Support: AstraZeneca; Boehringer-Ingelheim; Eisai; GSK; Sanofi-Aventis; Consultant: Boehringer-Ingelheim; BMS; Eisai; Merck; Pfizer; SanofiAventis Clots and Cancer—A Looming National Healthcare Crisis MISSION AND CHALLENGES Recognizing cancer patients at risk for DVT and identifying patients who are appropriate candidates for long-term prophylaxis and/or treatment with approved and indicated therapies are among the most important and difficult challenges encountered in contemporary oncology practice. Introduction and Chairman’s Overview Clotting, Cancer, And Controversies: What The Cascade Of Evidence And Current Thinking Tell Us The Evolving Science, Epidemiology, and Foundation Role of Low Molecular Weight Heparin in the Setting of Cancer Program Chairman Craig M. Kessler, MD Professor of Medicine and Pathology Georgetown University Medical Center Director of the Division of Coagulation Department of Laboratory Medicine Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Washington, DC Comorbidity Connection COMORBIDITY SUBSPECIALIST CONNECTION STAKEHOLDERS CAP UTI Cancer Heart Failure ABE/COPD Respiratory Failure Myeloproliferative Disorder Thrombophilia Surgery History of DVT Other Infectious diseases Oncology Cardiology Pulmonary medicine Hematology Oncology/hematology Interventional Radiology Hospitalist Surgeons EM PCP Epidemiology of First-Time VTE Variable Finding Seasonal Variation Possibly more common in winter and less common in summer Risk Factors 25% to 50% “idiopathic” 15%–25% associated with cancer; 20% following surgery (3 mo.) Recurrent VTE 6-month incidence: 7%; higher rate in patients with cancer Recurrent PE more likely after PE than after DVT Death After Treated VTE 30 day incidence 6% after incident DVT 30 day incidence 12% after PE Death strongly associated with cancer, age, and cardiovascular disease White R. Circulation. 2003;107:I-4 –I-8.) Epidemiology of VTE ► One major risk factor for VTE is ethnicity, with a significantly higher incidence among Caucasians and African Americans than among Hispanic persons and Asian-Pacific Islanders. ► Overall, about 25% to 50% of patient with first-time VTE have an idiopathic condition, without a readily identifiable risk factor. ► Early mortality after VTE is strongly associated with presentation as PE, advanced age, cancer, and underlying cardiovascular disease. White R. Circulation. 2003;107:I-4 –I-8.) Comorbidity Connection Overview Comorbidity Connection Acute Medical Illness and VTE Among Patients Receiving Placebo or Ineffective Antithrombotic Therapy Acute Medical Illness Relative Risk X2 P value Heart failure 1.08 (0.72-1.62) 0.05 .82 NYHA class III 0.89 (0.55-1.43) 0.12 .72 NYHA class IV 1.48 (0.84-2.60) 1.23 .27 Acute respiratory disease 1.26 (0.85-1.87) 1.03 .31 Acute infectious disease 1.50 (1.00-2.26) 3.54 .06 Acute rheumatic disease 1.45 (0.84-2.50) 1.20 .27 Alikhan R, Cohen A, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:963-968 Acute Medical Illness and VTE Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for Definite Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Risk Factor Odds Ratio (95% CI) X2 Age > 75y Cancer Previous VTE 1.03 (1.00-1.06) 1.26 (0.93-2.75) 2.06 (1.10-3.69) 0.0001 0.08 0.02 Acute infectious disease 1.74 (1.12-2.75) 0.02 Chronic respiratory disease 0.60 (0.38-0.92) 0.02 Alikhan R, Cohen A, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:963-968 Comorbid Condition and DVT Risk ► Hospitalization for surgery (24%) and for medical illness (22%) accounted for a similar proportion of the cases, while nursing home residence accounted for 13%. ► The individual attributable risk estimates for malignant neoplasm, trauma, congestive heart failure, central venous catheter or pacemaker placement, neurological disease with extremity paresis, and superficial vein thrombosis were 18%, 12%, 10%, 9%, 7%, and 5%, respectively. ► Together, the 8 risk factors accounted for 74% of disease occurrence Heit JA, O'Fallon WM, Petterson TM, Lohse CM, Silverstein MD, Mohr DN, Melton LJ 3rd. Arch Intern Med. 2002 Jun 10;162(11):1245-8. Relative impact of risk factors for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a population-based study VTE Recurrence Predictors of First Overall VTE Recurrence Baseline Characteristic Hazard Ratio (95% CI) Age 1.17 (1.11-1.24) Body Mass Index 1.24 (1.04-1.47) Neurologic disease with extremity paresis 1.87 (1.28-2.73) Malignant neoplasm None With chemotherapy Withot chemotherapy Heit J, Mohr D, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:761-768 1.00 4.24 (2.58-6.95) 2.21 (1.60-3.06) Clotting, Cancer, and Clinical Strategies Cancer, Thrombosis, and the Biology of Malignancy Scientific Foundations for the Role of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin John Fanikos, RPh, MBA Assistant Director of Pharmacy Brigham and Women’s Hospital Assistant Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Northeastern University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Boston, MA Professor Armand Trousseau Lectures in Clinical Medicine “ I have always been struck with the frequency with which cancerous patients are affected with painful oedema of the superior or inferior extremities….” New Syndenham Society – 1865 Professor Armand Trousseau More Observations About Cancer and Thrombosis “In other cases, in which the absence of appreciable tumor made me hesitate as to the nature of the disease of the stomach, my doubts were removed, and I knew the disease to be cancerous when phlegmasia alba dolens appeared in one of the limbs.” Lectures in Clinical Medicine, 1865 Trousseau’s Syndrome Ironically, Trousseau died of gastric carcinoma 6 months after writing to his student, Peter, on January 1st, 1867: “I am lost . . . the phlebitis that has just appeared tonight leaves me no doubt as to the nature of my illness” Trousseau’s Syndrome ► Occult cancer in patients with idiopathic venous thromboembolism ► Thrombophlebitis in patients with cancer Effect of Malignancy on Risk of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) 53.5 Adjusted odds ratio 50 40 30 • Population-based case-control (MEGA) study • N=3220 consecutive patients with 1st VTE vs. n=2131 control subjects • CA patients = OR 7x VTE risk vs. nonCA patients 28 22.2 20.3 19.8 20 14.3 10 4.9 3.6 2.6 1.1 Type of cancer Silver In: The Hematologist - modified from Blom et. al. JAMA 2005;293:715 > 15 years 5 to 10 years 1 to 3 years 3 to 12 months 0 to 3 months Distant metastases Breast Gastrointestinal Lung Hematological 0 Time since cancer diagnosis Cancer, Mortality, and VTE Epidemiology and Risk ► Patients with cancer have a 4- to 6-fold increased risk for VTE vs. non-cancer patients ► Patients with cancer have a 3-fold increased risk for recurrence of VTE vs. non-cancer patients ► Cancer patients undergoing surgery have a 2-fold increased risk for postoperative VTE ► Death rate from cancer is four-fold higher if patient has concurrent VTE ► VTE 2nd most common cause of death in ambulatory cancer patients (tied with infection) Heit et.al. Arch Int Med 2000;160:809-815 and 2002;162:1245-1248; Prandoni et.al. Blood 2002;100:3484-3488; White et.al. Thromb Haemost 2003;90:446-455; Sorensen et.al. New Engl J Med 2000;343:1846-1850); Levitan et.al. Medicine 1999;78:285-291; Khorana et.al. J Thromb Haemost 2007;5:632-4 Mechanisms of Cancer-Induced Thrombosis The Interface 1. Pathogenesis? 2. Biological significance? 3. Potential importance for cancer therapy? Trousseau’s Observations (continued) “There appears in the cachexiae…a particular condition of the blood that predisposes it to spontaneous coagulation.” Lectures in Clinical Medicine, 1865 Interface of Biology and Cancer Tumor cells Angiogenesis, Basement matrix degradation. Fibrinolytic activities: t-PA, u-PA, u-PAR, PAI-1, PAI-2 Procoagulant Activities IL-1, TNF-a, VEGF PMN leukocyte Activation of coagulation FIBRIN Platelets Monocyte Endothelial cells Falanga and Rickles, New Oncology:Thrombosis, 2005; Hematology, 2007 Pathogenesis of Thrombosis in Cancer – A Modification of Virchow’s Triad 1. Stasis ● ● Prolonged bed rest Extrinsic compression of blood vessels by tumor 2. Vascular Injury ● ● ● ● Direct invasion by tumor Prolonged use of central venous catheters Endothelial damage by chemotherapy drugs Effect of tumor cytokines on vascular endothelium 3. Hypercoagulability ● ● ● Tumor-associated procoagulants and cytokines (tissue factor, CP, TNFa, IL-1, VEGF, etc.) Impaired endothelial cell defense mechanisms (APC resistance; deficiencies of AT, Protein C and S) Enhanced selectin/integrin-mediated, adhesive interactions between tumor cells,vascular endothelial cells, platelets and host macrophages Mechanisms of Cancer-Induced Thrombosis: Clot and Cancer Interface 1. Pathogenesis? 2. Biological significance? 3. Potential importance for cancer therapy? Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer Biological Significance? ► Epiphenomenon? Is this a generic secondary event where thrombosis is an incidental finding or, is clotting activation . . . ► A Primary Event? Linked to malignant transformation Interface of Clotting Activation and Tumor Biology FVII/FVIIa Tumor Cell TF Blood Coagulation Activation VEGF THROMBIN FIBRIN Angiogenesis IL-8 PAR-2 Angiogenesis TF Endothelial cells Falanga and Rickles, New Oncology:Thrombosis, 2005 Coagulation Cascade and Tumor Biology TF Clottingdependent VIIa Clottingindependent Thrombin Xa Clottingdependent Clottingindependent PARs Angiogenesis, Tumor Growth and Metastasis Fernandez, Patierno and Rickles. Sem Hem Thromb 2004;30:31; Ruf. J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5:1584 Fibrin Clottingdependent Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production and Angiogenesis by the Cytoplasmic Tail of Tissue Factor 1. TF regulates VEGF expression in human cancer cell lines 2. Human cancer cells with increased TF are more angiogenic (and, therefore, more “metastatic’) in vivo due to high VEGF production Abe et.al. Proc Nat Acad Sci 1999;96:8663-8668; Ruf et.al. Nature Med 2004;10:502-509 Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production and Angiogenesis by the Cytoplasmic Tail of Tissue Factor 3. The cytoplasmic tail of TF, which contains three serine residues, appears to play a role in regulating VEGF expression in human cancer cells, perhaps by mediating signal transduction 4. Data consistent with new mechanism(s) by which TF signals VEGF synthesis in human cancer cells may provide insight into the relationship between clotting and cancer Abe et.al. Proc Nat Acad Sci 1999;96:8663-8668; Ruf et.al. Nature Med. 2004;10:502-509 Tissue Factor Expression, Angiogenesis, and Thrombosis in Pancreatic Cancer Alok A. Khorana, Steven A. Ahrendt, Charlotte K. Ryan, Charles W. Francis, Ralph H. Hruban, Ying Chuan Hu, Galen Hostetter, Jennifer Harvey and Mark B.Taubman (U Rochester, U Pitt, Johns Hopkins, Translational Genomics) Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:2870 ► Retrospective IH and microarray study of TF, VEGF and MVD in: ● ● ● ● Normal pancreas (10) Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN; 70) Pancreatic intrepithelial neoplasia (PanIN; 40) Resected or metastatic pancreatic adenoca(130) ► Survival ► VTE Rate Correlation of Tissue Factor Expression with the Expression of Other Angiogenesis Cariables in Resected Pancreatic Cancer High TF Expression Low TF Expression Negative 13 41 Positive 53 15 V6 per tissue core 27 33 >6 per tissue core 39 23 Median 8 6 P VEGF expression <0.0001 Microvessel density Khorana et.al. Clin CA Res 2007:13:2870 0.47 0.01 Symptomatic VTE in Pancreatic Cancer 5/19 30% 26.3% Rate of VTE 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 1/22 4.5% 0% Low TF Khorana et.al. Clin CA Res 2007;13:2872 High TF Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation ► Epiphenomenon? ► Linked to malignant transformation? 1. MET oncogene induction produces DIC in human liver carcinoma (Boccaccio et. al. Nature 2005;434:396-400) 2. Pten loss produces TF activation and pseudopalisading necrosis in human glioblastoma (Rong et.al. Ca Res 2005;65:1406-1413) 3. K-ras oncogene, p53 inactivation and TF induction in human colorectal carcinoma (Yu et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-1741) Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation “1. MET Oncogene Drives a Genetic Programme Linking Cancer to Haemostasis” ► MET encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) ● Drives physiological cellular program of “invasive ● growth” (tissue morphogenesis, angiogenesis and repair) Aberrant execution (e.g. hypoxia-induced transcription) is associated with neoplastic transformation, invasion, and metastasis Boccaccio et al Nature 2005;434:396-400 “MET Oncogene Drives a Genetic Programme Linking Cancer to Haemostasis” ► Mouse model of Trousseau’s Syndrome ● ● ● ● Targeted activated human MET to the mouse liver with lentiviral vector and liver-specific promoter slowly, progressive hepatocarcinogenesis Preceded and accompanied by a thrombohemorrhagic syndrome Venous thrombosis in tail vein occurred early and was followed by fatal internal hemorrhage Syndrome characterized by d-dimer and PT and platelet count (DIC) Blood Coagulation Parameters in Mice Transduced with the MET Oncogene Time after Transduction (days) Transgene GFP _________ MET Parameter 0 30 90 Platelets (x103) 968 656 800 D-dimer (µg/ml) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 PT (s) 12.4 11.6 11.4 ________________ _______________________________ Platelets (x103) 974 350 150 D-dimer (µg/ml) <0.05 0.11 0.22 PT (s) 12.9 11.8 25.1 “MET Oncogene Drives a Genetic Programme Linking Cancer to Haemostasis” ► Mouse model of Trousseau’s Syndrome ● Genome-wide expression profiling of hepatocytes expressing MET upregulation of PAI-1 and COX-2 genes with 2-3x circulating protein levels ● Using either XR5118 (PAI-1 inhibitor) or Rofecoxib (Vioxx; COX-2 inhibitor) resulted in inhibition of clinical and laboratory evidence for DIC in mice Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation 2. “Pten and Hypoxia Regulate Tissue Factor Expression and Plasma Coagulation By Glioblastoma” ► Pten = tumor suppressor with lipid and protein phosphatase activity ► Loss or inactivation of Pten (70-80% of glioblastomas) leads to Akt activation and upregulation of Ras/MEK/ERK signaling cascade Rong, Brat et.al. Ca Res 2005;65:1406-1413 “Pten and Hypoxia Regulate Tissue Factor Expression and Plasma Coagulation By Glioblastoma” ► Glioblastomas characterized histologically by “pseudopalisading necrosis” ► Thought to be wave of tumor cells migrating away from a central hypoxic zone, perhaps created by thrombosis ► Pseudopalisading cells produce VEGF and IL-8 and drive angiogenesis and rapid tumor growth ► TF expressed by >90% of grade 3 and 4 malignant astrocytomas (but only 10% of grades 1 and 2) “Pten and Hypoxia Regulate Tissue Factor Expression and Plasma Coagulation By Glioblastoma” Results: 1. Hypoxia and PTEN loss TF (mRNA, Ag and procoagulant activity); partially reversed with induction of PTEN 2. Both Akt and Ras pathways modulated TF in sequentially transformed astrocytes. 3. Ex vivo data: TF (by immunohistochemical staining) in pseudopalisades of # 7 human glioblastoma specimens Both Akt and Ras Pathways Modulate TF Expression By Transformed Astrocytes N=Normoxia H=hypoxia Rong, Brat et.al. Ca Res 2005;65:1406-1413 “Pten and Hypoxia Regulate Tissue Factor Expression and Plasma Coagulation By Glioblastoma” pseudopalisading necrosis H&E Vascular Endothelium TF Immunohistochemistry Rong, Brat et.al. Ca Res 2005;65:1406-1413 Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation 3. “Oncogenic Events Regulate Tissue Factor Expression In Colorectal Cancer Cells: Implications For Tumor Progression And Angiogenesis” ► ► ► ► ► Activation of K-ras oncogene and inactivation of p53 tumor suppressor TF expression in human colorectal cancer cells Transforming events dependent on MEK/MAPK and PI3K Cell-associated and MP-associated TF activity linked to genetic status of cancer cells TF siRNA reduced cell surface TF expression, tumor growth and angiogenesis TF may be required for K-ras-driven phenotype Yu, Mackman, Rak et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-41 Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation “Oncogenic Events Regulate Tissue Factor Expression In Colorectal Cancer Cells: Implications For Tumor Progression And Angiogenesis” 450 400 350 TF Activity (U/106 cells) Mean Channel TF Flourescence TF expression in cancer cells parallels genetic tumor progression with an impact of K-ras and p53 status 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 HKh-2 HCT116 del/+ +/+ mut/+ +/+ Yu, Mackman, Rak et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-41 379.2 mut/+ del/del 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 HKh-2 HCT116 379.2 Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation “Oncogenic Events Regulate Tissue Factor Expression In Colorectal Cancer Cells: Implications For Tumor Progression And Angiogenesis” Effect of TF si mRNA on tumor growth in vitro and in vivo Yu, Mackman, Rak et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-41 “Oncogenic Events Regulate Tissue Factor Expression In Colorectal Cancer Cells” %VWF-Positive Area Effect of TF si mRNA on new vessel formation in colon cancer 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 HCT116 Yu, Mackman, Rak et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-41 SI-2 SI-3 MG only Activation of Blood Coagulation in Cancer: Malignant Transformation “Oncogenic Events Regulate Tissue Factor Expression In Colorectal Cancer Cells: Implications For Tumor Progression And Angiogenesis” Matrigel Assay: (D) HCT 116; (E) SI-3 cells – vWF immunohistology Yu, Mackman, Rak et.al. Blood 2005;105:1734-41 Mechanisms of Cancer-Induced Thrombosis: Implications 1. Pathogenesis? 2. Biological significance? 3. Potential importance for cancer therapy? Cancer and Thrombosis Year 2008 State-of-the-Science Update Key Questions 1. Does activation of blood coagulation affect the biology of cancer positively or negatively? 2. Can we treat tumors more effectively using coagulation protein targets? 3. Can anticoagulation alter the biology of cancer? Cancer and Thrombosis Year 2008 State-of-the-Science Update Tentative Answers 1. Epidemiologic evidence is suggestive that VTE is a bad prognostic sign in cancer 2. Experimental evidence is supportive of the use of antithrombotic strategies for both prevention of thrombosis and inhibition of tumor growth 3. Results of recent, randomized clinical trials of LMWH in cancer patients indicate superiority in preventing recurrent VTE and suggest increased survival (not due to just preventing VTE)— “Titillating” Coagulation Cascade and Tumor Biology TF Clottingdependent VIIa Clottingindependent Thrombin Xa Clottingindependent ? Clottingdependent Fibrin Clottingdependent PARs Angiogenesis, Tumor Growth and Metastasis LMWH (e.g. FRAGMIN) Fernandez, Patierno and Rickles. Sem Hem Thromb 2004;30:31; Ruf. J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5:1584 Clotting, Cancer, and Clinical Strategies A Systematic Overview of VTE Prophylaxis In The Setting of Cancer Linking Science to Clinical Practice Craig M. Kessler, MD Professor of Medicine and Pathology Georgetown University Medical Center Director of the Division of Coagulation Department of Laboratory Medicine Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Washington, DC VTE and Cancer: Epidemiology ► Of all cases of VTE: ● ● ► Of all cancer patients: ● ● ► About 20% occur in cancer patients Annual incidence of VTE in cancer patients ≈ 1/250 15% will have symptomatic VTE As many as 50% have VTE at autopsy Compared to patients without cancer: ● ● ● Higher risk of first and recurrent VTE Higher risk of bleeding on anticoagulants Higher risk of dying Lee AY, Levine MN. Circulation. 2003;107:23 Suppl 1:I17-I21 DVT and PE in Cancer Facts, Findings, and Natural History 1. 2. 3. 4. ► VTE is the second leading cause of death in hospitalized cancer patients1,2 ► The risk of VTE in cancer patients undergoing surgery is 3- to 5-fold higher than those without cancer2 ► Up to 50% of cancer patients may have evidence of asymptomatic DVT/PE3 ► Cancer patients with symptomatic DVT exhibit a high risk for recurrent DVT/PE that persists for many years4 Ambrus JL et al. J Med. 1975;6:61-64 Donati MB. Haemostasis. 1994;24:128-131 Johnson MJ et al. Clin Lab Haem. 1999;21:51-54 Prandoni P et al. Ann Intern Med. 1996;125:1-7 Clinical Features of VTE in Cancer ► VTE has significant negative impact on quality of life ► VTE may be the presenting sign of occult malignancy • 10% with idiopathic VTE develop cancer within 2 years • 20% have recurrent idiopathic VTE • 25% have bilateral DVT Bura et. al., J Thromb Haemost 2004;2:445-51 Risk Factors for Cancer-Associated VTE ► Cancer ● Type • Men: prostate, colon, brain, lung • Women: breast, ovary, lung ● ► Stage Treatments ● Surgery • 10-20% proximal DVT • 4-10% clinically evident PE • 0.2-5% fatal PE ● ● Systemic Central venous catheters (~4% generate clinically relevant VTE) Thrombosis and Survival: Likelihood of Death After Hospitalization 1.00 Probability of Death DVT/PE and Malignant Disease 0.80 0.60 Malignant Disease 0.40 DVT/PE Only 0.20 Nonmalignant Disease 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Number of Days Levitan N, et al. Medicine 1999;78:285 140 160 180 As Number Of Cancer Survivors Increases, VTE Rates Increase 4 VTE in Hospitalized Cancer And Noncancer Patients (%) 3.5 Cancer Patients 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Noncancer Patients 0.5 Year Stein PD, et al. Am J Med 2006; 119: 60-68 99 97 95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 0 Stein PD, et al. Am J Med 2006; 119: 60-68 Bladder Cervix Breast Leukemia Liver Ovary Colon Kidney Rectal Prostate Esophagus Lung Uterus Lymphoma Stomach Myeloprol Brain Pancreas Relative Risk of VTE in Cancer Patients VTE Risk And Cancer Type: “Solid And Liquid” Relative Risk of VTE Ranged From 1.02 to 4.34 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Thrombosis Risk In Cancer Primary Prophylaxis ► Surgery ► Chemotherapy ► Radiotherapy ► Central Venous Catheters ► Acute Illness (immobilization) Prevention and Management of VTE in Cancer ► Sparse data specifically related to cancer patients was available until recently ► Cancer patients are a small subset (< 20%) in most of the largest trials of antithrombotic therapy ► Therefore, until the last two or three years, we needed to extrapolate from non-cancer patients, bearing in mind that cancer patients are in the highest risk groups Antithrombotic Therapy: Choices Nonpharmacologic (Prophylaxis) Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Elastic Stockings Inferior Vena Cava Filter Pharmacologic (Prophylaxis & Treatment) Unfractionated Heparin (UH) Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) Oral Anticoagulants New Agents: e.g. Fondaparinux, Direct anti-Xa inhibitors, Direct anti-IIa, etc.? Incidence of VTE in Surgical Patients ► Cancer patients have 2-fold risk of postoperative DVT/PE and >3-fold risk of fatal PE despite prophylaxis: No Cancer Cancer N=16,954 N=6124 Post-op VTE 0.61% 1.26% <0.0001 Non-fatal PE 0.27% 0.54% <0.0003 Autopsy PE 0.11% 0.41% <0.0001 Death 0.71% 3.14% <0.0001 Outcome Kakkar AK, et al. Thromb Haemost 2001; 86 (suppl 1): OC1732 P-value Natural History of VTE in Cancer Surgery: The @RISTOS Registry ► Web-Based Registry of Cancer Surgery Tracked 30-day incidence of VTE in 2373 patients Type of surgery • 52% General • 29% Urological • 19% Gynecologic 82% received in-hospital thromboprophylaxis 31% received post-discharge thromboprophylaxis Findings ► 2.1% incidence of clinically overt VTE (0.8% fatal) ► Most events occur after hospital discharge ► Most common cause of 30-day post-op death Agnelli, abstract OC191, ISTH 2003 Colorectal Cancer Resection Overall, 1% incidence of VTE with 3.8 fold mortality Transfused women 1.8-fold more likely to develop VTE than non-transfused women Association Between Transfusion and Venous Thromboembolism Stratified by Sex in 14,104 Patients Undergoing Colorectal Cancer Resection in Maryland, 1994-2000 Variable Incidence of VTE, % Male Sex No Transfusion (n = 5683) Transfusion (n = 1156) 0.7 0.8 Female Sex No Transfusion (n = 5565) Transfusion (n = 1610) 0.9 2.1 Nilsson: Arch Surg, 142;2007:126–132 P Value Stratified OR (95% CI)* Adjusted P Value .84 Referent 0.9 (0.5-1.9) .85 <.001 Referent 1.8 (1.2-2.6) .004 VTE Risk Factors in Surgical Oncology Patients ► Age >40 years ► Cancer procoagulants ► Thrombophilias ► Adjuvant chemotherapy or hormonal treatment ► Complicated, lengthy surgery (tissue trauma, immobilization) ► Debilitation and slower recovery ► Indwelling venous access Surgical Prophylaxis UFH better LMWH better Asymptomatic DVT Clinical PE Clinical thromboembolism Cancer Death Non-cancer Major hemorrhage Total hemorrhage Wound hematoma Transfusion 0 Mismetti P et al. Br J Surg 2001;88:913–30 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients LMWH vs. UFH ► Abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer (mostly colorectal) ► LMWH once daily vs. UFH tid for 7–10 days post-op ► DVT on venography at day 7–10 and symptomatic VTE Study N Design Regimens ENOXACAN 1 631 double-blind enoxaparin vs. UFH Canadian Colorectal DVT Prophylaxis 2 475 double-blind enoxaparin vs. UFH 1. ENOXACAN Study Group. Br J Surg 1997;84:1099–103 2. McLeod R, et al. Ann Surg 2001;233:438-444 Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients 20% 18.2% Incidence of Outcome Event P>0.05 15% ENOXACAN 14.7% UFH 5000 U tid N=319 10% enoxaparin 40 mg 2.9% 5% 0% VTE ENOXACAN Study Group. Br J Surg 1997;84:1099–103 4.1% Major Bleeding N=312 Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients 20% Incidence of Outcome Event 16.9% 13.9% 15% P=0.052 Canadian Colorectal DVT Prophylaxis Trial UFH 5000 U tid N=234 10% enoxaparin 40 mg N=241 5% 0% 1.5% 2.7% VTE (Cancer) McLeod R, et al. Ann Surg 2001;233:438-444 Major Bleeding (All) Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients Extended prophylaxis ► Abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer ► LMWH for ~ 7 days vs. 28 days post-op ► Routine bilateral venography at ~day 28 Study N Design Regimens ENOXACAN 1 332 double-blind Enoxaparin vs. placebo FAME 198 Open-label Dalteparin vs. no prophylaxis 1. Bergqvist D, et al. (for the ENOXACAN II investigators) N Engl J Med 2002;346:975-980 2. Rasmussen M, et al (FAME) Blood 2003;102:56a Extended Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients Incidence of Outcome Event 15% 12.0% ENOXACAN II 10% P=0.02 placebo N=167 5.1% 4.8% enoxaparin 40 mg N=165 3.6% 5% 1.8% 0.6% 0% VTE Prox DVT 0% 0.4% Any Bleeding Major Bleeding Bergqvist D, et al. (for the ENOXACAN II investigators) N Engl J Med 2002;346:975-980 NNT = 14 Major Abdominal Surgery: FAME Investigators— Dalteparin Extended ► A multicenter, prospective, assessor-blinded, open-label, randomized trial: Dalteparin administered for 28 days after major abdominal surgery compared to 7 days of treatment ► RESULTS: Cumulative incidence of VTE was reduced from 16.3% with short-term thromboprophylaxis (29/178 patients) to 7.3% after prolonged thromboprophylaxis (12/165) (relative risk reduction 55%; 95% confidence interval 15-76; P=0.012). ► CONCLUSIONS: 4-week administration of dalteparin, 5000 IU once daily, after major abdominal surgery significantly reduces the rate of VTE, without increasing the risk of bleeding, compared with 1 week of thromboprophylaxis. Rasmussen, J Thromb Haemost. 2006 Nov;4(11):2384-90. Epub 2006 Aug 1. Gynecological Cancer Surgery ► Paucity of level I/II studies in this population ► Based on small historical studies: ● Postoperative risk of DVT/PE varies 12%–35% ● LDUH (5000 u bid) ineffective ● LDUH 5000 u tid reduces risk by 50%–60% ● Once-daily LMWH comparable to LDUH for efficacy and safety Gynecological Surgery Cochrane Systematic Review ► Meta-analysis of 8 randomized controlled trials ► Heparin reduces risk of DVT by 70% (95% CI 0.10–0.89) ► No evidence that anticoagulation reduces risk of PE ► No statistical difference between LDUH and LMWH in efficacy and bleeding Oates-Whitehead et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;4:CD003679 Urological Cancer Surgery Poorly studied population Risk of VTE varies with type of surgery and diagnosis DVT PE Fatal PE Radical retropubic prostatectomy 1–3% 1–3% 0.6% Cystectomy 8% 2–4% 2% Radiological studies 51% 22% ► Small studies have suggested prophylaxis with either LDUH or LMWH is effective and safe ► Possible increased risk of pelvic hematoma and lymphocele formation Kibel, Loughlin. J Urol. 1995;153:1763-1774 Neurosurgery and VTE OBSERVATIONS ► Majority of patients undergoing neurosurgery for malignancy ► Risk of venographic VTE ~30%-40% ► High risk of intracranial or intraspinal hemorrhage ► Mechanical prophylaxis preferred method ► Use of anticoagulant prophylaxis remains controversial in this setting Neurosurgery and VTE Prophylaxis Meta-analysis of three (3) RCTs evaluating LMWH prophylaxis ► ES LMWH RR NNT/NNH P VTE 28.3% 17.5% 0.6 9 0.001 Proximal DVT 12.5% 6.2% 0.5 16 <0.01 Total bleeding 3.0% 6.1% 2.0 33 0.02 Major bleeding 1.3% 2.2% 1.7 115 0.30 One major bleeding event observed for every 7 proximal DVTs prevented with LMWH Iorio A, Agnelli G. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:2327-2332 7th ACCP Consensus Guidelines Grade Recommendations for Cancer Patients 1A Patients undergoing surgery should receive LDUH 5000 U tid or LMWH > 3400 U daily 2A Patients undergoing surgery may receive post-hospital discharge prophylaxis with LMWH 2A No routine prophylaxis to prevent thrombosis secondary to central venous catheters, including LMWH (2B) and fixeddose warfarin (1B) 1A Patients hospitalized with an acute medical illness should receive LDUH or LMWH Geerts W, et al. Chest 2004; 126: 338S-400S Central Venous Catheters Thrombosis is a potential complication of central venous catheters, including these events: –Fibrin sheath formation –Superficial phlebitis –Ball-valve clot –Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) • Incidence up to 60% from historical data • ACCP guidelines recommended routine prophylaxis with low dose warfarin or LMWH Geerts W, et al. Chest 2001;119:132S-175S Prophylaxis for Venous Catheters Placebo-Controlled Trials Study Regimen N CRT (%) Reichardt* 2002 Dalteparin 5000 U od 285 11 (3.7) placebo 140 5 (3.4) Couban* Warfarin 1mg od 130 6 (4.6) 2002 placebo 125 5 (4.0) ETHICS† Enoxaparin 40 mg od 155 22 (14.2) 2004 placebo 155 28 (18.1) *symptomatic outcomes; †routine venography at 6 weeks Reichardt P, et al. Proc ASCO 2002;21:369a; Couban S, et al, Blood 2002;100:703a; Agnelli G, et al. Proc ASCO 2004;23:730 Central Venous Catheters: Warfarin Tolerability of Low-Dose Warfarin ► 95 cancer patients receiving FU-based infusion chemotherapy and 1 mg warfarin daily ► INR measured at baseline and four time points ► 10% of all recorded INRs >1.5 ► Patients with elevated INR 2.0–2.9 6% 3.0–4.9 19% >5.0 7% Masci et al. J Clin Oncol. 2003;21:736-739 Prophylaxis for Central Venous Access Devices Summary ► Recent studies demonstrate a low incidence of symptomatic catheter-related thrombosis (~4%) ► Routine prophylaxis is not warranted to prevent catheter-related thrombosis, but catheter patency rates/infections have not been studied ► Low-dose LMWH and fixed-dose warfarin have not been shown to be effective for preventing symptomatic and asymptomatic thrombosis 7th ACCP Consensus Guidelines Grade Recommendations for Cancer Patients 1A Patients undergoing surgery should receive LDUH 5000 U tid or LMWH > 3400 U daily 2A Patients undergoing surgery may receive post-hospital discharge prophylaxis with LMWH 2A No routine prophylaxis to prevent thrombosis secondary to central venous catheters, including LMWH (2B) and fixed-dose warfarin (1B) 1A Patients hospitalized with an acute medical illness should receive LDUH or LMWH Geerts W, et al. Chest 2004; 126: 338S-400S Primary Prophylaxis in Cancer Radiotherapy in the Ambulatory Patient ► No recommendations from ACCP ► No data from randomized trials (RCTs) ► Weak data from observational studies in high risk tumors (e.g. brain tumors; mucinsecreting adenocarcinomas-colorectal, pancreatic, lung, renal cell, ovarian) ► Recommendations extrapolated from other groups of patients if additional risk factors present (e.g. hemiparesis in brain tumors, etc.) Risk Factors for VTE in Medical Oncology Patients ► Tumor ● Ovary, brain, pancreas, lung, colon ► Stage, ● ► grade, and extent of cancer Metastatic disease, venous stasis due to bulky disease Type of antineoplastic treatment ● ► type Multiagent regimens, hormones, anti-VEGF, radiation Miscellaneous VTE risk factors ● Previous VTE, hospitalization, immobility, infection, thrombophilia Independent Risk Factors for DVT/PE Risk Factor/Characteristic O.R. Recent surgery w/ institutionalization 21.72 Trauma 12.69 Institutionalization without recent surgery 7.98 Malignancy with chemotherapy 6.53 Prior CVAD or pacemaker 5.55 Prior superficial vein thrombosis 4.32 Malignancy without chemotherapy 4.05 Neurologic disease w/ extremity paresis 3.04 Serious liver disease 0.10 Heit JA et al. Thromb Haemost. 2001;86:452-463 VTE Incidence In Various Tumors Oncology Setting VTE Incidence Breast cancer (Stage I & II) w/o further treatment 0.2% Breast cancer (Stage I & II) w/ chemo 2% Breast cancer (Stage IV) w/ chemo 8% Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas w/ chemo 3% Hodgkin’s disease w/ chemo 6% Advanced cancer (1-year survival=12%) 9% High-grade glioma 26% Multiple myeloma (thalidomide + chemo) 28% Renal cell carcinoma 43% Solid tumors (anti-VEGF + chemo) 47% Wilms tumor (cavoatrial extension) 4% Otten, et al. Haemostasis 2000;30:72. Lee & Levine. Circulation 2003;107:I17 Strategies for Thromboprophylaxis in Thalidomide Treated MM Patients Therapy T+ D in newly diagnosed patients No prophylaxis 26% Cavo, 2002 (19 pts) 18% Rajkumar, 2004 (102 pts) T+ dox in newly diagnosed patients 34.5% Zangari, 2004 (87 pts) T+dox at relapse 16% Zangari, 2002 (192 pts) Warfarin 1mg/daily 25% Weber, 2002 (24 pts) 13% Cavo, 2004 (52 pts) 31.4% Zangari, 2004 (35 pts) Warfarin (INR 2 – 3) LMWH Aspirin (81 mg/d) 7% Weber, 2002 (46 pts) 14.7% Zangari, 2004 (68pts) 7% Minnema, 2004 (412 pts) 17.8% Baz, 2004 (103 pts) MM-009/010: Thromboembolic Events 16 14 12 10 8 DVT 6 PE 4 2 0 Len + D(%) MM-009 Weber D. ASCO 2005 Annual Meeting D (%) Len + D(%) MM-010 D (%) Incidence of VTE: USA and Canada >Israel, Australia, and Europe Multivariate Analysis of the Risk of Thrombosis Associated with Lenalidomide plus High-Dose Dexamethasone and Concomitant Erythropoietin for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma Treatment Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value Lenalidomide plus High-dose dexamethasone 3.51 (1.77-6.97) <0.001 Concomitant erythropoietin 3.21 (1.72-6.01) <0.001 Knight: N Engl J Med.2006,354:2079 ► rEPO used more in USA and Canada ► L+Dex: 23% VTE with EPO vs 5% w/o EPO ► Placebo + Dex: 7% VTE with EPO vs 1% without EPO Thrombotic Outcomes from rEPO or Darbopoietin Use in Cancer Patients Among 6,769 pts with cancer, RR for DVT with rEPO/Darbepo was increased by 67% (RR=1.67; 95% CI 1.35 to 2.06) Bohlius: The Cochrane Library, Volume (4).2006 Standard Treatment of VTE Can We Do Better Than This? Initial treatment 5 to 7 days LMWH or UFH Long-term therapy Vitamin K antagonist (INR 2.0 - 3.0) > 3 months Recurrent VTE in Cancer – Subset Analysis of the Home Rx Studies (UH/VKA vs. LMWH/VKA) Recurrent VTE Events per 100 patient years P value Malignant Non- Malignant 27.1 9.0 Hutten et.al. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:3078 0.003 Recurrent VTE in Cancer – Subset Analysis of the Home Rx Studies Major Bleeding Events per 100 patient years Malignant Nonmalignant 13.3 2.1 Hutten et.al. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:3078 P-value 0.002 Oral Anticoagulant Therapy in Cancer Patients: Problematic ► Warfarin (Coumadin®) therapy is complicated by: ● ● ● ● ► Difficulty maintaining tight therapeutic control, due to anorexia, vomiting, drug interactions, etc. Frequent interruptions for thrombocytopenia and procedures Difficulty in venous access for monitoring Increased risk of both recurrence and bleeding Is it reasonable to substitute long-term LMWH for warfarin ? When? How? Why? CLOT: Landmark Cancer/VTE Trial Dalteparin Dalteparin CANCER PATIENTS WITH Randomization ACUTE DVT or PE [N = 677] Dalteparin Oral Anticoagulant ► Primary Endpoints: Recurrent VTE and Bleeding ► Secondary Endpoint: Survival Lee, Levine, Kakkar, Rickles et.al. N Engl J Med, 2003;349:146 Landmark CLOT Cancer Trial Probability of Recurrent VTE, % Reduction in Recurrent VTE 25 Recurrent VTE Risk reduction = 52% p-value = 0.0017 20 OAC 15 10 Dalteparin 5 0 0 Lee, Levine, Kakkar, Rickles et.al. N Engl J Med, 2003;349:146 30 60 90 120 150 Days Post Randomization 180 210 Bleeding Events in CLOT Dalteparin OAC N=338 N=335 Major bleed 19 ( 5.6%) 12 ( 3.6%) 0.27 Any bleed 46 (13.6%) 62 (18.5%) 0.093 * Fisher’s exact test Lee, Levine, Kakkar, Rickles et.al. N Engl J Med, 2003;349:146 P-value* Treatment of Cancer-Associated VTE Study Design CLOT Trial Dalteparin (Lee 2003) OAC CANTHENOX Enoxaparin (Meyer 2002) OAC LITE Tinzaparin (Hull ISTH 2003) OAC ONCENOX Enox (Low) (Deitcher ISTH 2003) Enox (High) OAC Length of Therapy (Months) 6 3 3 6 Major Recurrent Bleeding VTE (%) (%) Death (%) 336 9 39 336 17 67 11 71 21 80 6 87 11 32 3.4 36 3.1 34 6.7 N 0.002 6 NS 4 0.09 7 41 0.09 16 0.03 6 11 0.03 23 NS 8 NS NS 23 NS 22 NS NR Treatment and 2° Prevention of VTE in Cancer – Bottom Line New Development ► New standard of care is LMWH at therapeutic doses for a minimum of 3-6 months (Grade 1A recommendation—ACCP) ► Oral anticoagulant therapy to follow for as long as cancer is active (Grade 1C recommendation—ACCP) Buller et.al. Chest Suppl 2004;126:401S-428S CLOT 12-month Mortality All Patients Probability of Survival, % 100 90 80 70 Dalteparin 60 OAC 50 40 30 20 10 0 HR 0.94 P-value = 0.40 0 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 Days Post Randomization Lee A, et al. ASCO. 2003 360 Anti-Tumor Effects of LMWH CLOT 12-month Mortality Patients Without Metastases (N=150) Probability of Survival, % 100 Dalteparin 90 80 70 OAC 60 50 40 30 20 10 HR = 0.50 P-value = 0.03 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 Days Post Randomization Lee A, et al. ASCO. 2003 360 LMWH for Small Cell Lung Cancer Turkish Study ► 84 patients randomized: CEV +/- LMWH (18 weeks) ► Patients balanced for age, gender, stage, smoking history, ECOG performance status Chemo + Dalteparin Chemo alone P-value 1-y overall survival, % 51.3 29.5 0.01 2-y overall survival, % 17.2 0.0 0.01 Median survival, m 13.0 8.0 0.01 CEV = cyclophosphamide, epirubicin, vincristine; LMWH = Dalteparin, 5000 units daily Altinbas et al. J Thromb Haemost 2004;2:1266. Rate of Appropriate Prophylaxis, % VTE Prophylaxis Is Underused in Patients With Cancer 100 90 Cancer: FRONTLINE Survey1— 3891 Clinician Respondents Major Surgery2 89 80 70 60 Cancer: Surgical Major Abdominothoracic Surgery (Elderly)3 52 50 38 40 30 Medical Inpatients4 Confirmed DVT (Inpatients)5 42 33 Cancer: Medical 20 10 5 0 FRONTLINE FRONTLINE: Surgical Medical 1. Kakkar AK et al. Oncologist. 2003;8:381-388 2. Stratton MA et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:334-340 3. Bratzler DW et al. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:1909-1912 Stratton Bratzler Rahim DVT FREE 4. Rahim SA et al. Thromb Res. 2003;111:215-219 5. Goldhaber SZ et al. Am J Cardiol. 2004;93:259-262 Cancer and Venous Thrombosis VTE Prophylaxis in the Cancer Patient and Beyond Guidelines and Implications for Day-to-day Practice Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD Cardiovascular Division Brigham and Women’s Hospital Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Learning Objectives ► Scope of the problem ► Tools in the toolkit: drugs, devices ► Guidelines: ASCO, NCCN, ACCP ► Implementation: voluntary or mandatory Scope of the Problem ► Epidemiology ► Long-term sequelae ► Failure to prophylax Medical Service patients, especially Medical Oncology patients Annual Patients At-Risk For VTE U.S. Hospitals ► 7.7 million Medical Service inpatients ► 4.3 million Surgical Service inpatients ► Based upon ACCP guidelines for VTE prophylaxis Anderson FA Jr, et al. Am J Hematol 2007; 82: 777-782 Patients At-Risk For VTE An 86-year-old man underwent successful gastrectomy for newly diagnosed stomach cancer. He was recovering uneventfully. On POD #4, he had a witnessed cardiac arrest while transferring from commode to bed. ACLS yielded repeated PEA. After 35 minutes, the code was “called.” An autopsy was obtained. ICOPER Cumulative Mortality 25 17.5% Mortality (%) 20 15 10 5 0 7 14 30 Days From Diagnosis Lancet 1999; 353: 1386-1389 60 90 Progression Of Chronic Venous Insufficiency VTE Prophylaxis: Underused Implementation of VTE prophylaxis continues to be problematic, despite detailed North American and European Consensus guidelines. The Amin Report VTE Prophylaxis Rates in USA ► Studied 196,104 Medical Service discharges from 227 hospitals. ► VTE prophylaxis rate was 62%. ► ACCP-deemed appropriate prophylaxis rate was 34%. J Thromb Haemostas 2007; 5: 1610-6) The Amin Report Medical Oncology Patients ► Of 196,104 Medical Service discharges, 30,708 were medical oncology patients. ► Only 56% received any VTE prophylaxis. ► Only 28% received ACCP-deemed appropriate prophylaxis J Thromb Haemostas 2007; 5: 1610-6 Medical Patient Prophylaxis In Canada ► Studied 1,894 Medical Service discharges from 29 hospitals. ► VTE prophylaxis was indicated in 90% of patients. ► ACCP-deemed appropriate prophylaxis rate was 16%. Thrombosis Research 2007; 119: 145-155 Cancer: Medical Patient Prophylaxis In Canada ► 19% of the 1,894 Medical Service patients had cancer, either as the admission diagnosis (9%) or an active comorbid condition (19%). ► The most common cancers were: lung, breast, prostate, and colon. Thrombosis Research 2007; 119: 145-155 Cancer: Decreased Likelihood Of VTE Prophylaxis In Canada ► Multivariable analysis: 60% less likely to prescribe VTE prophylaxis (95% CI: 32% to 76% less likely; p=0.0007). ► Perhaps MDs fear an increased risk of bleeding in cancer patients? Thrombosis Research 2007; 119: 145-155 VTE in Cancer Patients ► Prospective registry of 5,451 consecutive ultrasound-confirmed DVT patients at 183 U.S. institutions. (Am J Cardiol 2004; 93:259-262 ) ► Cancer occurred in 1,768 (39%), of whom 1,096 (62%) had active cancer, of whom 599 (55%) were receiving chemotherapy. Thromb Haemost 2007; 98: 656-661 VTE in Cancer Patients ► Lung, colorectal, and breast cancer were the most common cancers. ► Cancer patients less often received VTE prophylaxis (28%) compared with the other DVT Registry patients (35%) (p<0.0001). ► Cancer patients were more likely to receive IVC filters (22% vs. 14%; p<0.0001) than non-cancer patients. Thromb Haemost 2007; 98: 656-661 Tools in the Toolkit ► LMWH, Unfractionated Heparin, Fondaparinux, Warfarin ► IVC Filters ► Graduated Compression Stockings and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Devices VTE Prophylaxis In 19,958 Medical Patients/ 9 Studies (Meta-analysis) ► 62% reduction in fatal PE ► 57% reduction in fatal or nonfatal PE ► 53% reduction in DVT Dentali F, et al. Ann Intern Med 2007; 146: 278-288 Dalteparin Prophylaxis in 3,706 Medical Patients Cancer Subgroup ► Dalteparin 5,000 U/d vs. placebo ► 6 of 72 placebo patients (8.3%) developed VTE, compared with 2 of 65 dalteparin patients (3.1%) ► Dalteparin was effective in all subgroups. Vascular Medicine 2007; 12: 123-128 Filters Filter insertion has increased, especially retrievable filters. Filters prevent PE but increase DVT rate (and do not halt the thrombotic process). Main indications: 1) 2) 3) Severe bleeding that precludes anticoagulation Recurrent PE despite therapeutic anticoagulation Prophylaxis Retrievable Filters Prospective Series (N=228) ► Retrieval attempted in only 25% ► Filter tilting: 5.7% ► Puncture site hematoma: 4.2% ► Filter migration: 1.4% ► Infection: 0.9% ► DVT: 15% ► Fatal PE: 2.3% Mismetti P et al. Chest 2007; 131: 223-229 Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Meta-analysis In Postop Patients ► 2,270 patients in 15 randomized trials ► IPC devices reduced DVT risk by 60% (Relative Risk 0.40, 95% CI 0.29-0.56, p< 0.001) Urbankova J. Thromb Haemost 2005; 94: 1181-5 Guidelines ► ASCO ► NCCN ► ACCP National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) ► The NCCN “recommends prophylactic anticoagulation for all inpatients with a diagnosis of active cancer who do not have a contraindication.” ► “Anticoagulation should be administered throughout hospitalization.” ► “VTE prophylaxis after hospital discharge should be strongly considered.” J NCCN 2006; 4: 838-869 American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ► “Consider all hospitalized cancer patients for VTE prophylaxis with anticoagulants, in absence of bleeding…” ► “Give routine prophylaxis to outpatients receiving thalidomide or lenalidomide.” ► “LMWH represents the preferred agent.” ► “Impact of anticoagulants on cancer patient survival requires additional study.” JCO 2007; 25: 5490-5505 American College Of Chest Physicians (ACCP) ► VTE prophylaxis while hospitalized ► Treat acute DVT or PE with LMWH as monotherapy without warfarin for at least 3-6 months ► Continue anticoagulant therapy indefinitely or until the cancer resolves. CHEST 2004; 126: 338S-400S CHEST 2004; 126: 401S-428S Implementation ► Electronic (computerized) alerts to physicians ► Human Alerts ► JCAHO ► Medicare payments ► “Opt out” strategies Implementation The high death rate from PE (exceeding acute MI!) and the high frequency of undiagnosed PE causing “sudden cardiac death” emphasize the need for improved preventive efforts. Failure to institute prophylaxis is a much bigger problem with Medical Service patients, especially medical oncology patients, than Surgical Service patients. Implementation We have initiated trials to change MD behavior and improve implementation of VTE prophylaxis—not trials of specific types of prophylaxis—eAlert RCT, eAlert cohort, human Alert, 3-screen eAlert. Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Clinical Practice Randomized (“eAlert”) controlled trial to issue or withhold electronic alerts to MDs whose high-risk patients were not receiving DVT prophylaxis. Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 Definition of “High Risk” VTE risk score ≥ 4 points: ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Cancer Prior VTE Hypercoagulability Major surgery Bed rest Advanced age Obesity HRT/OC 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 (ICD codes) (ICD codes) (Leiden, ACLA) (> 60 minutes) (“bed rest” order) (> 70 years) (BMI > 29 kg/m2) (order entry) DVT Prophylaxis at BWH ► There were 13,922 patients with a VTE risk score ≥ 4 from September 2000 to January 2004 ► 11,416 (82%) patients received DVT prophylaxis ► 2506 (18%) patients did not receive DVT prophylaxis Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 Randomization VTE risk score > 4 No prophylaxis N = 2506 INTERVENTION Single alert n = 1255 Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 CONTROL No alert n = 1251 Baseline Characteristics ► Median age = 62.5 years ► Medical services: 83% Surgical services: 17% Comorbidities ► ► ● ● ● ● Cancer: Hypertension: Infection: Prior VTE: Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 80% 34% 30% 20% 90-Day Primary Endpoint Intervent. Control Hazard Ratio p N=1255 N=1251 (95% CI) Total VTE 61 (4.9) 103 (8.2) 0.59 (0.43-0.81) 0.001 Acute PE 14 (1.1) 35 (2.8) 0.40 (0.21-0.74) 0.004 Proximal DVT 10 (0.8) 23 (1.8) 0.47 (0.20-1.09) 0.08 Distal DVT 5 (0.4) 12 (1.0) UE DVT 32 (2.5) Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 33 (2.6) 0.42 (0.15-1.18) 0.10 0.97 (0.60-1.58) 0.90 Primary End Point %Freedom from DVT/ PE 100 98 Intervention 96 94 92 Control 90 0 Number at risk Intervention 1255 Control 1251 Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 30 60 Time (days) 977 976 900 893 90 853 839 Conclusions Electronic alerts 1. Facilitated the detection of patients at high risk of DVT/PE 2. Increased the rate of DVT prophylaxis from 14.5% to 33.5% 3. Reduced the incidence of DVT/PE by 41%, without increasing bleeding Kucher N, et al. NEJM 2005;352:969-977 JCAHO Performance Measures Prophylaxis (Approved in May 2006) ► ► Surgery patients with recommended VTE prophylaxis ordered Surgery patients who received appropriate VTE prophylaxis within 24 hours preop to 24 hours after surgery Risk Assessment/Prophylaxis (Pending) ► ► VTE risk assessment/ prophylaxis within 24 hours of hospital admission VTE risk assessment/ prophylaxis within 24 hours of transfer to ICU Quality Measures ►2 ● ● measures are in current use SCIP VTE 1: Was DVT/PE prophylaxis ordered? SCIP VTE 2: Was DVT/PE prophylaxis received? ►Implementation ● ● by Medicare Hospitals must report on the 2 measures beginning January 2007 to receive full payment in 2008 Medicare adjusted rate increase will be reduced by 2.0% for noncompliance Default (“Opt Out”) Options ► Flu, pneumonia vaccines. ► Remove urinary catheters within 72h. ► Head of bed at 30-45 angle in ICU. ► Interrupt sedatives daily: vented pts. ► Prophylax against VTE. Halpern SD et al. NEJM 2007; 357: 1340 Summary 1. Cancer and VTE is a disabling and at times deadly combination. 2. VTE prophylaxis is safe and effective. 3. ASCO, NCCN, and ACCP endorse VTE prophylaxis in cancer patients. 4. For unclear reasons, VTE prophylaxis is underutilized. 5. VTE prophylaxis of cancer patients will increase, through a combination of voluntary initiatives and regulatory mandates.