Physical Properties of Matter Study Guide

Name: __________________________________________ #: ____________ Date: _______________
Physical Properties of Matter Study Guide
For this quiz, YOU should be able to:
Define matter
Define physical properties of matter
Define and measure mass
- Describe the difference between mass and weight
- Explain how mass and weight are related
Define and measure volume
Define and measure density
- Recall the formula for calculating density (mass ÷ volume)
- Calculate the density of an object or substance (calculator provided)
Define the three states of matter
Please refer back to the activities and discussions we had in class and any notes recorded in your Lab Notebook.
Density Calculation Practice: You may use a calculator to compute.
Calculate the density. Round your
Calculate the density. Round your
answer to the nearest hundredth.
answer to the nearest hundredth.
Mass= 120 g
Volume= 96 cm3
1.52 g/cm3
0.33 g/cm3
1.20 g/cm3
1.25 g/cm3
Mass= 0.5 g
Volume= 15 mL
Calculate the density. Round your
answer to the nearest hundredth.
Sarah measures the volume of a
graduated cylinder filled with
shampoo as 28 milliliters. The mass of
the shampoo is 35.6 g. What is the
density of the shampoo?