Silly Cylinders Lab Quiz

Silly Cylinders Lab Quiz
Volume of a cylinder: V = 𝜋𝑟2h
Density: D = m/V
(Round to the nearest hundredth decimal place and make sure to use
correct units!)
1. Find the volume of a cylinder that is 25 cm tall and has a diameter of
5 cm then determine the density of:
a. 20 grams of cotton stuffed in the cylinder
b. 40 grams of cotton stuffed inside
2. A cup of gold colored metal beads was measured to have a mass 425
grams. By water displacement, the volume of the beads was
calculated to be 48.0 cm3. What is the density?
3. What is the mass of a cylinder of lead that is 2.5 cm in diameter and
5.5 cm long? The density of lead is 11.4 g/mL.
4. An ice cube measuring 5.80 cm by 5.80 cm by 5.80 cm has a density
of 0.917 g/mL. What is the mass?
5. What is the volume in mL of a cylinder that can hold 18.754 kg of
methanol whose density is 0.788g/cm3?
6. Think and write: You are designing shampoo bottles with pumps on
top. Why is it important to understand the relationship between
mass, volume and density when developing your design.
Answer Key: (round to the nearest 1/100)
1. Volume: 3.14 x 2.5 x 25 = 196.25 cm3
a. 20/196.25 = 0.102 g/cm3
b. 40/196.25 = 0.204 g/cm3
2. 425/ 48 = 8.85 g/cm3
3. 3.14 x 1.25 x 5.5 = 21.59 cm3
11.4 x 21.59 = 246.13 g
4. 5.803 = 195.11 cm3
195.11 x .917 = 179.92 g
5. 18.754 x .788 = 14.79 mL
6. Sample answer: You would need to know the density of the liquid to
determine how much force the pump would need to produce. The
denser the liquid, the greater the force required to move it through a