Muscular System

Parker Andrews
 Generate force
 Movement
 In some ways communicate (physical
 The ability to use chemical energy to produce
force and energy is present in all cells but is a
dominate characteristic of muscle cells.
3 Types of muscle tissue
 Skeletal
 Smooth
 Cardiac
 Single muscle cell is referred to as a muscle
 Skeletal and cardiac are group together in the
sense that they are both striated. And are
both cylindrical
 Cardiac and skeletal muscle are called striated
because there is thick and thin filaments called
The thin part is composed of Actin Troponin and
Thick part is composed of myosin
the gap between the striations is called a cross
This thick and thin pattern repeats it’s self. One
section of this pattern is called a sarcomere
How movement occurs
 Contraction (movement) happens through a
process called sliding-filament mechanism
 The cross bridge attaches to the thin filament
and pulls it toward the center of the
sarcomere resulting in a contraction
Skeletal muscles
 Are Voluntary
 are used to move the body as well as keep it in place.
 Can be replaced by satellite cells that are located
adjacent to major muscles. Satellite cells are basic
and undifferentiated that can specialize to replace
skeletal muscle but will not function to full strength
 Tendons- muscle to bone
 Ligaments- bone to bone
 * the nucleus is located on the outside edge of cell.
Why is this?
Smooth muscle
 Found in muscles that are involuntarily
controlled by the brain.
 Broke into two groups… single unit and
 Single unit-whole muscle responds as a group
 Multiunit- each cell responds independently
dependant upon nerve frequency
Cardiac muscle
 Muscles of the heart
 Branched rather than cylindrical
 Is Autorythimatic- holds steady beat
 Generates own action potential
 *what is the gap that the branch crosses
between the branches of heart muscle called?
 Muscle degeneration is the most common
 Result of lack of use or major injury
 Two main treatments are physical therapy or
a work out program.
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