Tissues/Membranes PowerPoint

 There are four main types of tissues:
 Epithelial
 Covers body surfaces and lines inner _____________
 Connective
 Binds and _____________ body parts
 Muscular
 ________________ to perform numerous functions
 Nervous
 Responds to ______________ and transmits ______________
 Functions:
 Externally, it protects the body from
___________out, injury, and ____________
 Internally, it performs a number of functions,
such as ______ ____________ (respiratory
tract), ____________ (digestive tract), and
absorption (urinary tract)
 Three main types:
 Squamous epithelium
 Locations: walls of _________ vessels, air sacs of ________,
lines mouth and ______________, throughout the body
 Functions: filtration, diffusion of substances, osmosis,
friction reduction
 Cuboidal epithelium
 Locations: surface of ovaries, lining of glandular ducts,
urinary system, eyes, thyroid
 Functions: ___________ and _____________
 Columnar epithelium
 Locations: reproductive, digestive and respiratory tracts
 Functions: ______________, absorption, protection
Substance? ____________
Name of cell that secretes it? ___________ _______
 Described in three ways depending on its layering:
 Simple – cells exist in a ___________ layer
 Stratified – cells exist in ____________ layers
 Pseudostratified – cells ____________ to be layered, but
actually _____________
Pseudostratified ciliated
 A matrix is what makes connective tissue unique.
 A matrix is a _______________ extracellular substance
that surrounds and ______________ cells.
The two main components of a matrix are (1) a
__________ ________________ and (2) ____________.
The ground substance is composed mostly of _______
plus some _____________ and __________________.
The fibers are composed mostly of _____________ with
some _______________.
Matrices vary in consistency from fluid (____________)
to squishy (_________) to very hard and tough
 Six main types:
 Loose connective tissue
 Locations: between muscles, beneath the skin
 Functions: __________ structures together, fills
____________ between other tissue types, cushions,
and protects
 Adipose connective tissue
 Locations: beneath the __________, surrounding
various organs
 Functions: ___________ storage, padding for organs,
and ________________
 Fibrous connective tissue (collagen)
 Locations: tendons and _________________
 Functions: anchors muscles to _________ and bone to
 Very __________ tissue
 Cartilage
 Three types: hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
 Locations: ends of long _________, nose, rings of
___________, between ribs and sternum, outer ear,
pads between ______________
 Functions: _____________, protection
 What is Cartilage? (4:39)
 Bone
 Two types: ___________ and _____________
 Location: ______________
 Functions: _____________, protection, red marrow
produces _____________ _________, storage of
______________ salts (Ca and P)
 Twig video
 Blood
 Locations: __________ ________________
 Functions: supplies cells with nutrients and
_______, removes _____________, fights
 Twig videos
 What is blood? (2:24)
 Three types: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
 Skeletal
 Locations: attached to ___________ throughout the
 Functions: ____________ body parts
 Striated and ____________
 Multinucleated cells
 Twig video
 Smooth
 Locations: ____________ _____________
 Functions: s l o w sustained contractions
 Nonstriated and ________________
 Cardiac
 Location: _________
 Function: pump ___________
 Striated, ______________, and _________________
 Twig video
What is the arrow
pointing to?
 Consists of cells called ____________
(neuro = string in Greek)
 Location: _________, spinal ___________, nerves
 Function: conduction of nerve _____________
 Neurons consist of three main parts:
 Dendrite: branching extensions that bring in impulses
from other ____________ to the _________ ____________
 Cell body: contains the nucleus, cytoplasm, and
 Axon: conducts impulses ________ from a neuron
 There are five main types of
 Mucous membranes
 Locations: interior walls of
___________; tubes that lead
out of the body (respiratory,
digestive, genitourinary
 Functions: reduce
__________, protection from
__________, resist ________
in digestive system
 Peptic ulcers (1:35)
membrane of
(gastric rugae)
 Serous membranes
 Locations: line the insides of hollow organs, cover organs
 Functions: reduce ____________, _____________ internal
organs, and compartmentalize the thoracic and
abdominopelvic cavities
Dr. Anastasi performing open-heart surgery (bypass and valve replacement)
(photos courtesy of Keith Sidehamer, perfusionist)
 Synovial membranes
 Locations: line freely movable ___________ _____________
 Function: secrete ____________ fluid which greatly reduces
___________ between the bones
Arthroscopic image of
synovium from a
Synovial fronds in
both images are
normal and healthy.
Arthroscopic knee
surgery (4:01)
 Meninges
 Locations: only in the dorsal cavity (surrounds _______ and
_________ cord)
 Function: forms a ___________ covering
Dura mater
 Three layers: _________, ________________, and
___________ maters
 Meningitis (3:31)
Pia mater
Arachnoid mater
 Cutaneous membrane
 Locations: the
 Functions: _________
from trauma,
invasion, ___________
loss or gain, and
synthesis of vitamin