Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus Course / Prefix Number CRN: Course Catalog Description: SPC 2608 20795 Course Title: Public Speaking Credit: 3 Term: Spring 2016 This course is designed to introduce students to communication theory and its application to preparing and delivering public speeches. Emphasis is placed on improving speaking and listening skills common to all forms of oral communication through a variety of experiences in public speaking. Gary A. Connelly Contact Information: Text: 352-446-4151 Office Hours: by request and appointment Instructor: Office:2-237C South Lake JF 1113 Sumter All students are required to use Lakehawk Mail for official college e-mail communications. See the college webpage for instructions on activating LakerMail. Prerequisites: Textbook and Other Course Materials: None Concise Public Speaking Handbook by Steven & Susan Beebe required Click here to enter text. Technology and Online Computer Access Requirements: Course Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessed in this Course: (what the students take with them beyond this course) All students are required to attend scheduled seated classroom sessions. Reliable internet access and word processing software is required. Students will utilize Lake Sumter State College Website and Faculty webpages, as well as Lakehawk Mail. It is also recommended that students use a USB Drive to back-up their work. Do not count on the stability of any online environment or of your computer’s hard drive. The main goal of this class is help students develop confidence as oral communicators through an experiential learning environment. Emphasis will be on idea organization, information/argument presentation, vocal delivery, and stage presence. This class is about learning how to improve your public speaking skills and requires students to actively engage by practicing speaking in front of groups in a variety of contexts. *To employ effective idea organization in formulating oral presentations. Competency: Prepare logical, documented and well-organized message content. *To demonstrate and use effective vocal delivery, non-verbal techniques and aids. Competency: Give oral presentations which communicate clearly and engage the audience * To utilize effective team skills and planning techniques for creating group presentations. Competency: Prepare & perform group presentation through a creative means of delivery 1 Academic Integrity: Important Information for Students with Disabilities: The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is the basis of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is an ongoing assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation that work will be independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of information and inspiration. Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as well, including but not limited to the responsible use of library resources, responsible conduct in examinations, and the responsible use of the Internet. (See college catalog for complete statement.) Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately to discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the Leesburg Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any campus. An appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3589 and specific information about the OSD and potential services can be found at, then go to “Quick Links” and click on Disability Services The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In order for your information to Privacy Policy (FERPA): be released, a form must be signed and in your records located in the Admissions/Registrar’s Office. Attendance / Withdrawal Policies: Withdrawal Deadline: Methods of Evaluation: Students are expected to attend and be on time for every class. I take attendance. Unexcused absences over two will negatively affect your final grade. If you cannot attend class, simply inform me of your situation by phone or email. Do not ask a classmate to do this for you. You will be responsible for any homework/reading that you missed during your absence. If you must withdraw from class, you must inform the college officially. Monday, March. 25th School policy mandates that a student who stops attending class without officially withdrawing will earn an F. Students will demonstrate their proficiency in oral communication through presentation of four speeches. Speeches will be evaluated using specified criteria. Introductory speech: 100 points Impromptu speech: 50 points Informative speech: 100 points Informative outline: 50 points Demonstration speech: 150 points Demonstration outline: 50 points Persuasive Speech: 200 points Persuasive outline: 50 points Class Participation: 150 points Quizzes: 100 points Total: 1,000 points 2 A typed outline for each speech must be submitted to the Instructor the day your speech is to be given. Please proofread your work before handing it in. Only a typed outline will be accepted and no outlines will be accepted following the class time of your assigned speech. You must give your speech on the day it is assigned. Speeches may be made up with full credit for an excused absence only. For an unexcused absence, a make-up speech may be scheduled at the availability of both the class and the Instructor. A deduction of 50 points to the final grade will be taken for a speech that is delivered late and is not the result of an excused absence. Failure to deliver your speech on a second assigned attempt will result in a zero for that particular speech. Grading Scale: Course Calendar: GRADING: Grades will be based on a point scale. Students will earn points for each assignment and in-class activities. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own point totals in order to gauge their progress. A 900-1000 B 700-899 C 500-699 D 300-499 F 0-299 To be discussed in class Classroom Rules and Policies: As you enter the classroom, expect to enter an environment of learning. In order for me to teach effectively the classroom must be free from distraction. Please be respectful of your instructor, your fellow classmates, and the college, by practicing the kind of courtesy one expects to find in a civilized society. *Do not leave the classroom until the period is over, unless there is an emergency. *Always bring paper, pen or sharpened pencil, textbook, and course folder to class. *Take notes! Everything said and done in here is test-worthy. *Do not leave or enter the classroom during a presentation. *Tell people to refrain from calling you while you’re in class. Set on voicemail. *Do not use laptop computers or electronic devices in my class unless they are needed for your presentation. Take notes the old-fashioned way… with pen and paper. *Turn off anything that buzzes, beeps, or rings. Playing with your phone in class will negatively affect your participation grade. You are responsible for any assignment you miss or don’t hand in due to an absence. It is up to you to keep reading assignments and homework up-to-date. Please keep this in mind. I won’t remind you of missed work. Any missed work (except quizzes) due to excused absence, must be made up during the next attended class period. After that, it will not be accepted. Violence Statement: Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Board Rule 2.17. Syllabus Disclaimer: Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student. 3