Pilgrim Charts Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales - Pilgrim Charts
For each Pilgrim identify the following; use quotations with line numbers
whenever possible:
1. his/her social status and job description
2. his/her physical attributes and his/her clothing
3. his/her career-related activities
4. his/her positive personality traits and likes and habits[especially eating
and drinking], hobbies, lovelife, etc.
5. his/her negative personality traits and dislikes
6. how well the pilgrim conforms to the expectations/ideals of his/her
class in medieval society
7. Chaucer's attitude toward the pilgrim, including lines which suggest this
attitude (note if they are satiric)
8. key lines (minimum of two quoted passages – write out line numbers
and entire passage you wish to focus on) – write a sentence that
explains why the quotation is significant