Teacher’s Name – Tiffany Fisher Date – April 13, 2001 Title of Unit (if lesson is part of a unit) – Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Title of Lesson – The Pilgrims (for a junior/senior level class) Previous Assignment (if any) – Read the prologue section on the fourth pilgrim. Be prepared to discuss the material. Take notes in a journal as you read which includes questions, what you understand the text to say, and anything you want to remember to share with the class. Students will make some (visual) attempt to interpret one of the pilgrims…this can come in the form of a drawing, play, speech, display, photo board, collage, activity, etc. The pilgrim can be one we have already discussed in class or one in the text. The project will be due next week. Objective(s) (what do you want them to learn) – 1) Students will demonstrate their understanding of Middle English literary characteristics and their ability to analyze by imitating the characters. 2) Students will be able to choose which learning style they learn best from. 3) Students will demonstrate thought and interpretation of the literature through visual projects presented to the class in a variety of forms. Materials – 1) Texts 2)Material for taking/making notes 3) Materials for project Activities (in class) –. Present the fifth and final pilgrim giving students the option of which method from previous days that they would like to use (if more than one different style, split into several groups). Students will draw the name of a pilgrim from a hat. Have the students each assume the characteristics of the pilgrim they drew. Teacher will make groups of 5 with a different character for all 5 and have them carry on a conversation together under the identity of their pilgrim. See if everyone can guess who is which pilgrim. Again fill in a KWL on the new material. Prepare/Review for unit test. Evaluation (how do you know they learned it) – At the end each day the students will hand in the KWL and it will be a written documentation of What they Know, What they Want to know, and What they Learned. Information about the material will be included on a final test at the end of the unit. The group conversations will show what the students have understood about each character. Performance on unit test. Assignment (out of class) – Work on their projects to be presented next week.