Leadership Group Work

BOH4MLeadership Group Work
Hello Team!
Your Goal:
Your job is to prepare a 30 minute presentation on “Get Motivated Today” – A
seminar designed to inform your classmates on select topics in motivating
Team Bad-Ame:
Team Bad-Ame consists of the following members:
1. Kirsten
2. Chase
3. Nolan
4. Leah
5. Stephanie
6. Kerri
7. Nick
8. Adam M.
9. Jennifer
10. Connor
11. Jordon
12. Jason
13. Justin
 You can divide the team in any manner in order to achieve the assignment
 All team members must contribute an equal share of the work and effort.
 All team members must PRESENT to the class.
BOH4MLeadership Group Work
Assignment Objectives:
These are the following topics that you must discuss:
1. What is Motivation?
What is the definition of motivation?
Discuss the differences between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.
Provide workplace examples and state in which situations you would
use these types of rewards.
Provide real life examples of companies which use rewards to increase
performance (hint – page 360 identifies a good example for
Textbook reference: Pages 359-360. You may use other relevant sources
however make sure to reference appropriately.
2. Content Theories of Motivation: Acquired Needs Theory
There are several content theories but you will only describe the
“Acquired Needs Theory”. Just briefly describe what “content theories”
of motivation are…then state that there are many kinds but your
presentation will only focus on the Acquired Needs Theory.
Which theorist developed the Acquired Needs Theory?
Provide a thorough description of the three needs central to this theory:
Need for Achievement, Need for Power, and Need for Affiliation.
When describing these needs ensure to cover the following points:
o How do people acquire these needs?
o What types of work preferences do people seek if they have a
need for achievement, a need for power, and a need for affiliation.
o Make sure to distinguish that these needs define how people are
motivated. Based on these theories, people are motivated in
different ways.
o Which types of people make the best managers? People that have a
need for achievement, power or affiliation?
3. Process Theories of Motivation: Goal Setting Theory
Define the goal-setting theory described by Edwin Locke.
BOH4MLeadership Group Work
How can a manager achieve the motivational benefits of goal setting:
what are the goal-setting recommendations (see Manager’s Notepad 14.1
on 370)
What doe MBO stand for?
Why is it important to allow team members to participate in goal setting?
What are the challenges in allowing team members to participate in goal
4. Reinforcement Theory of Motivation
Describe the reinforcement theory of motivation and how it differs from
the process and content theories of motivation.
What is the law of effect?
Psychologist B.F. Skinner popularized the concept of operant conditioning.
Describe this theory.
List and describe the 4 reinforcement strategies: positive
reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction.
Describe how these 4 strategies can be applied in management.
Describe the two important laws of positive reinforcement (page. 372)
List the guidelines for positive and negative reinforcement (notepad 14.2)
Note: the list of guiding questions above is not intended to be absolute and it is
suggested that you augment your analysis and discussion with additional reference