Riverton High School Faculty Policy Manual 2012 - 2013 Policy Manual 2012-2013 Table of Contents Section 1 Maps School Boundary Map School map w/classroom assignments Section 2 Faculty and Staff Club list and advisors Teaching schedules Section 3 Administration and Counseling Counseling assignment list Administration assignment list PASS/FAIL grade policy and form--must have admin. approval Sample class change form Senior 4th quarter failing policy/letter sent to parents Video purchase form Section 4 District Policies Policies online on the JPLS site (http://jpls.truenorthlogic.com) Section 5 RHS Policies Bell schedules 1-6 Teacher assembly duty schedules Key procedure Room decoration policy Disclosure statement format Library Media Center policy and use Custodial Department Procedures Student transportation and liability protection Field Trip District Policy Guest speaker form Section 6 Student Dress and Conduct Student dress and conduct policy (includes Cell phone and electronic devices) Section 7 Textbook Information End of Year Lost/Damaged Textbook Report Form Textbook ordering and information sheet Textbook student check out sheets Section 8 Attendance Information and Forms RHS Attendance Policy Jordan School District attendance policy Teacher instructions for taking roll at start of year Attendance procedures for teachers Procedure for Activity Lists Parent Field Trip Notification form Activity Release form Vacation release form Student referral for administrative conference form Field Experience Planning Guide Travel participation disclosure and acknowledgement form Section 9 Calendar Information Dance Schedule District Traditional School Year Calendar Section 10 Finances Guidelines for handling finances at RHS Jordan School District 2012-2013 fee schedule Jordan School District fee policy Jordan School District fundraising policy Jordan School District purchasing guidelines Section 1 – Maps Riverton High School School Boundaries School Map Section 2 Faculty & Staff Clubs Club Name Advisor American Sign Language Club Emily Corfield Band & Ensembles David Faires Best Buddies Book Club Collen Curran Michelle Miles Chinese Club Jim Goethe Dance Company Peggy Caughey Debate Michael Hendricksen DECA Club Tom Wood Drama Club/Thespian Society Eaton/McGuire Family Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Camille Hicks FFA Riverton Chapter Sonja Ferrufino French Club Tyler Anderson Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Sandra Graham Interact Club (service club sponsored by Rotary) Dan Mellville Lacrosse Club (boys) Lacrosse Club (girls) Mana Olana Robert Rooley LeeAnn Salisbury Math Club Frichknect/Allred National Honor Society Pitcher/Jolley Paintball Club Science Club Robert Rooley Dan Melville Shooting Club Skills USA LeeAnn Salisbury Jay Hales Spanish Club – Lobitos Loquitos Natalie Rudel Super Fan Club Katie Borgmeier TSA (Technology Student Association) Steve Nyhus TEACHER PER 2 TEACHER LUNCH A/B Krystal Ahre 1421 Robert Allred 2523 Tyler Anderson 2621 Jay Applegate 1527 Officer Ashley 1056 Emily Bateman 1526 Darin Beierle 1119 Katie 1524 Borgmeier Joshua Briggs 2302 Melissa Brown 2620 Rebekah Brown 1152 A X B2 A X B2 A 1 B2 A 2 B2 A 1,2 B 1,2 US History 2 US History 2 Calculus BC AP Calculus BC AP Silver Screen Kathy Bye 1010/1024 Peggy Caughey 1024/1521 Emily Corfield 1401 Lisa Craig 1157 Russ Crump 2410 Colleen Curran 2505 Clin Eaton1009/1414 Joe Edman 2520 Ron Ence 1916 David Faires 1905 A1 B1 Prep AX B1 AX B2 Dance Company XXXXXXX AX BX Physics C AP A2 BX A2 B2 Biology Biology Daily Living Ballrrom Dnc 1 Ballroom Dnc 1 Dance 1 Dance 2 &3 Amer Sign Ln 2 Amer Sign Ln 2 Physics H Physics H Biology Biology Prep A2 B2 Stage Tech Prep A2 B2 AX B2 A2 B2 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Life Fit 10 Life Fit 10 Adv Percussion Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Life Fitness Life Fitness Marching Band 9th Period A2 B2 A 2 B2 A2 BX A1 B1 AX BX PER 1 Math 1010 Math 1050 French 2 French 2 Sport Medicine Sport Medicine Psychology 1 Psychology 2 Weights 10 Weights 10 Prep Calculus AB AP Calculus AB AP Prep Sport Medicine Sport Medicine Law Enforce Law Enforce Psychology 1 Psychology 2 Life Fitness Life Fitness Chef 2520/Nutr Chef 2520/Nutr US History 2 US History 2 Math 1010 Math 1050 Prep SCHEDULE PER 3 Prep French 3H French 3H Sport Medicine Sport Medicine Psychology 1 Prep Life Fitness Life Fitness Student Government US History 2 US History 2 Prep Draft Design 1 Cad Draft 1 Archtc Draft Ballrrom Dnc 2 Ballrrom Dnc 2 Prep Prep Prep Biology Biology Daily Living 2012-13 PER 4 Calculus AB AP Calculus AB AP French 3H French 3H Prep Prep Athletics Prep Interior Dsgn 2 INTD 1010 Prep Calculus BC AP Calculus BC AP Prin of Eng Prin of Eng Ballrrom Dnc 1 Ballrrom Dnc 1 Cons. Health Cons Health Amer Sign Ln 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 Physics H Physics H Prep Daily Living PER 5 Art 1800 Art 1800 Math 1060 Math 1060 French 4 AP Med Anat/Phy Med Anat/Phy PER 6 Prep Prep French 1 French 1 Med Termin. Med Termin. Psychology 1 Psychology 1 Life Fitness Life Fitness Interior Dsgn 1 Interior Dsgn 1 US History US History Calculus BCLab Calculus BCLab TV Broadcast1 TV Broadcast1 Sport Psych Sport Psych Lifetime Sports Lifetime Sports Interior Dsgn 1 Child Develop1 Prep Prep Ballroom Dnc 1 Ballroom Dnc 2 Prep Cons Health Cons Health XXXXXXXXX Math 1050 Math 1040 Prin of Eng Prin of Eng Physics H Physics H Biology Biology Daily Living Amer Sign Ln 2 Amer Sign Ln 2 Physics Physics Biology Biology Daily Living Stage Tech Prep Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Team Sports Team Sports Prep Theatre 1 Theatre 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Prep Film Study 1 Film Study 2 Prep Athletics Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Prep Symphonic Band Prep Int. Percussion PER 7 Art 1800 Art 1800 Math 1010 Math 1050 Prep Med Termin. Prep Sport Psych Sport Psych Life Fitness Weights 10 Prep US Govt/Ctz US Govt/Ctz Prep Draft Design 1 CAD Draft 1 Mech. Draft Ballroom Dnc 1 Ballroom Dnc 1 Cons Health Cons Health Amer Sign Ln 2 Amer Sign Ln 2 Prep PER 8 Art 1800 Art 1800 Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H World Civ World Civ Prep Athletics Prep Prep Child Develop1 Child Develop1 World Civ World Civ Calculus BCLab Calculus BCLab Prep Prep Ballroom Dnc 1 Ballroom Dnc 1 Cons Health Cons Health Amer Sign Ln 2 Amer Sign Ln 2 Peer Leadership Athletics Daily Living Daily Living Musical Theatre Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Life Fit 10 Life Fit 10 Adv Jazz Band Theatre 3 Prep Team Sports Team Sports Concert Band TEACHER LUNCH A/B Sonja Ferrufino 2513 Candice Foringer 2503 Mac 2525 Frischknecht Steve Galley 2626 A1 BX A2 B2 A1 BX A2 BX Sarah GirogisPratt 1402 Celeste Giron 1520 Sandra Graham 1303 James Groethe 2150 Jay Hales 1171 AX AX BX Donna Hall 2521 Robyn Harris 1206 Brent Hawkins 2522 Dan Henderson 2526 Mike Henriksen 2045/1066 Camille Hicks 1128 Gordon Hinckley 1916 Mike Hutchings 1403 Courtney Jarrell 2514 David Johnson 2142 Mike Johnson 1519 Teri Jolley 2404/2405 A1 B1 A1 B1 A2 B2 A2 BX A1 B1 A2 B2 Draw 3 Studio Art AP Draw Modern Math Modern Math Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 English 1010 Human 1100 Prep AX B2 Life Fitness A2 B2 AX B2 A2 BX Financial Lit Financial Lit Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H World War II World War II Careers Careers XXXXXXXX PER 2 PER 3 PER 4 PER 5 Animal Sci 1 Animal Sci 1 Life Skills US Govt/Ctzn Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Drivers Ed Drivers Ed Animal Sci 1 Animal Sci 1 Prep Animal Sci 1 Animal Sci 1 Reading 12 Animal Sci 1 Animal Sci 1 Reading 12 Animal Sci 2 Animal Sci 2 Reading 12 Bio Ag Science Bio Ag Science Prep Prep Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H Drivers Ed Drivers Ed Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Prep Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Drivers Ed Drivers Ed Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H Drivers Ed Drivers Ed B2 XXXXXXXX Prep Amer Sign Ln 3 XXXXXXXX A2 BX Prep A2 B2 Computer Tech Prep Mand Chinese 1 ASE Electric. Brakes, Eng Perf, Steering Prep Amer Sign Ln 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 Adult Roles/Fin Adult Roles/Fin Prep FIN 1050 Man Chinese 2 FHS 2400 FHS 2400 Computer Tech FIN 1050 Prep Foods 1 Foods 1 Prep ASE Tech (Auto 2) Prep FHS 2400 FHS 2400 Computer Tech FIN 1050 World Civ World Civ Auto 1 Auto 1 Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H Prep Coll Prep Math Coll Prep Math Drawing 1 Drawing 1 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Early Child Lab (Pre School) Prep A X BX A2 BX A1 BX PER 1 Range Prep Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Prep Drivers Ed English 1010 Human 1100 Early Child Lab (Pre School) Drivers Ed 2626 Sports Mrktg Entrepeneur Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Prep Careers Careers XXXXXXXX Sports Mrktg Financial Lit Prep World War II World War II Careers Careers Journalism/ Newspaper Coll Prep Math Coll Prep Math Painting Art 1540 Prep Athletic Dir Prep Child Dev 1 Early Child Ed Athletic Director Prep Algebra 2 Algebra 2 World War II US Govt/Ctz Prep Lang Arts 10 H Lang Arts 10 H US History 2 US History 2 ASE Elecric. Brakes , Eng Perf, Steering, Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H Art 1020 Art 1020 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Child Dev 1 Early Child Ed Life Fitness Advertising Sports Mrkrg Coll Prep Math Coll Prep Math US Govt/Ctz US Govt/Ctz Careers Careers XXXXXXXX PER 6 PER 7 PER 8 Prep BIOL 1010 US Govt/Ctzn Life Skills Prep Testing Prep Athletics Amer Sign Ln 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 FHS 2400 FHS 2400 FIN 1050 Computer Tech US History 2 US History 2 Auto 1 Auto 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 Prep Amer Sign Ln 1 Amer Sign Ln 1 Adult Roles/Fin Adult Roles/Fin FIN 1050 Computer Tech US History 2 US History 2 Auto 1 Auto 1 Prep Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Drawing 1 Drawing 1 Modern Math Modern Math Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Prep Drawing 2 Drawing 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Early Child Lab (Pre School) Prep Financial Lit Financial Lit Coll Prep Math Coll Prep Math US Govt/Ctz US Govt/Ctz Careers Careers Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 FIN 1050 Computer Tech Prep Prep Early Child Lab (Pre School) Team Sports Financial Lit Financial Lit Sec Math 2H Sec Math 2H Prep Prep Prep Statistics AP Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Prep Preep Prep Debate 1066 Prep Athletic Director Prep Prep US History 2 US History 2 Cons Health Cons Health Lang Arts 10H Lang Arts 10H TEACHER LUNCH A/B Scott Keister 2301 Suzette Kinzer 2402 Kristeen Lindorff 1142 Pennie Lovato 2504 Amy Marble 2401 Evelyn Marse 2506 Patricia Marshall 2403 Tricia 1901 Martindale Lindsay Maxfield 1622 Erin McGuire 1414/1009 Karl McKenzie 2504 Heidi 2500 McKissick Daniel Melville 1511 Michelle Miles Media Center Mike Miller 1919 Shauna Mitchell 1207/1056 Paul Moizer 2041 Robert Morris 2625 Annie Nielson 1005 Steve Nyhus 1169/1172 Vicki Olsen 1304/1301 Michael Perry 2516 A2 BX Prep A1 B1 Prep AX B1 A2 BX AX B1 A2 PER 1 PER 2 PER 3 Photo 1 ART 1310 Prep World Civ World Civ Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Photo 1 Photo 1 Reading 11 Life Fitness Life Fitness English 1010 Human. 1100 Prep Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 US History Prep BX Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Prep A1 B1 Prep AX B1 Bell Choir Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 A’Cappella Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Prep AX B2 BX AX BX Foods 1 Foods 1 Film Study 1 Theatre 1 Prep Prep AX Foods 1 Foods 1 Film Study 1 Film Study 1 Reading 10 A2 BX Basic Skills A1 B1 Chemistry Chemistry Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Power Lifting A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2 AX B 2. A2 BX A2 B2 A2 B2 A1 B2 Ceramics 1 Ceramics 1 Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Tech Fndtn 1 Tech Fndtn 1 Accounting 1 Computer Tech Prep PER 4 PER 5 PER 6 Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Life Skills Life Skills Lang Arts 11H Lang Arts 11H Tenor Bass Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Prep Prep Lang/Comp AP Lang/Comp AP Prep Lang/Comp AP Lang/Comp AP Madrigals Lang Arts 11H Lang Arts 11H Alto/Soprano Prep Prep Prep Foods 2 Foods 2 Theatre 4 Foods 2 Foods 2 Prep Team Leader Team Leader Foods 2 Foods 2 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Reading 10 Foods 2 Foods 2 Film Study 1 Film Study 1 Prep Basic Skills Basic Skills Prep Chemistry Chemistry Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Weight Train 2 Weight Train 1 Ceramics 1 Pep Lang Arts 12CP Lang Arts 12CP Chemistry AP Prep Chemistry Chemistry Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Weight Train 1 Weight Train 1 Ceramics 1 Ceramics 2 Lang Arts 12CP Lang Arts 12CP Spanish 2 Spanish 2 Guitar 1 Guitar 1 Woods 1 Woods 1 Prep Accounting 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Chemistry Chemistry Guitar 1 Guitar 1 Woods 1 Woods 1 Accounting 1 Computer Tech Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Basic Skills Weight Train 2 Weight Train 2 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Prep Drawing 1 Ceramics 1 Prep Orchestra Small Vehicle Small Vehicle Prep Computer Tech Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Prep Accounting 1 Prep Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Directed Study Fantasy/Sci Fic Fantasy/Sci Fic Study Skills Study Skills Chemistry Chemistry Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Power Lifting Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Spanish 2 Spanish 2 Prep Frntre Des 1, 2 Cabinet Making Computer Tech Accounting 2 Prep Calligraphy 1 Photo 1 Reading 11 World Civ Life Fitnes English 1010 Human 1100 Calligraphy 1 Calligraphy 1 Prep PER 8 World Civ Life Fitness English 1010 Human 1100 Prep Directed Study World Civ Prep Prep PER 7 World Civ World Civ Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 ART 2D AP/Photo Reading 11 Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Prep Sport Perform. Lang Arts 11 Lang Arts 11 Drawing 1 Photo 1 Life Skills Life Skills Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 US History Team Leader Weights 10 Weight Tran 1 Ceramics 1 Cearmics 1 Lang Arts 12CP Lang Arts 12CP Spanish 2 Spanish 2 Woods 1 Woods 1 Computer Tech Accounting 1 Pre Calculus H Pre Calculus H Cadence Prep Adv Study Res Adv Study Res Prep Prep Prep Spanish 1 Spanish 1 Prep Computer Tech Prep Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 TEACHER LUNCH A/B Trudy Pecorelli 1147/1010 Sam Rogers 1302/1304 Robert Rooley 2515 Tamra Rossiter 1412 Natalie Rudel 2623 Claudette Rush 2622 Leeann Salisbury 1141 Steve Schaber 2146 Marsha 2524 Schoenrock Rhonda Spivey 1140 Linda Stokes 1126/1622 Cliff Strieby 2411 Laura Taylor 2304 Andrew Terry 1523 Leslie 2624 Thompson Melissa Usher 1513 Jordan Vance 2305/1061 Rochelle Waite 2303 Samantha Weed 2306 Ed Willis 2412 Curtis Wilson 2519 Tom Wood 1069 A2 B2 XXXXXXX AX BX A1 B1 Web Design 1 Web Des 1 & 2 Prep AX BX AX BX AX B1 A1 B1 A1 B1 A1 B1 Chemistry H Chemistry H Spanish 3H Spanish 3H Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Physics Physics US Gov/Ctz US Gov/Ctz Prep A2 B2 Prep A2 B2 A1 B1 AX B1 A1 B2 AX B2 A1 B1 A1 B1 AX BX AX B2 A1 B2 Sport Sewing 2 Fashion Strtgy US History US History World Civ H World Civ H World Civ World Civ Lang/Comp AP Lang Com AP Biology Biology Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Cons Health Cons Health Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Prep A2 BX A2 BX PER 1 Med Anat/Phy Med Anat/Phy MKTG 1030 CST 1010 PER 2 Cons Health Cons Health Web Design 1 Financial Lit Biology Biology Chemistry H Chemistry H Spanish 3H Spanish 3H Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Prep US Gov/Ctz US Gov/Ctz Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Cmpt Wld Relig US Gov/Ctz Prep US History US History US Gov/Ctz Am Wom. Hist World Civ World Civ Lang/Comp AP Lang Comp AP Prep Prep Intro Health Sc Intro Health Sc Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Astronomy Astronomy Med Anat/Phy Med Anat/Phy Prep PER 3 PER 4 Cons Health Cons Health School Store Aerobics Aerobics Prep Biology Biology Biology Biology Prep Prep Physics Physics US Gov/Ctz US Gov/Ctzs Geometry Geometry Europ Hist AP Europ Hist AP Foods 1 Foods 1 US History US History Prep World Civ World Civ Prep Chemistry Chemistry Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Prep Prep Astronomy Astronomy Med Anat/Phy Med Anat/Phy Financial Lit Business Law Spanish 3H Spanish 3H Lit/Comp AP Lit/Comp AP Wildlife Bio Wildlife Bio US History 2 US History 2 Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 Europ Hist AP Europ Hist AP Sports Sewing Sports Sewing Prep World Civ H World Civ H Prep Mythology Mythology Chemistry Chemistry Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Intro Health Sc Intro Health Sc Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Geology Geology Psychology AP Internship Social Media PER 5 XXXXXXXX Financial Lit Computer Tech Biology AP Chemistry H Chemistry H Spanish 4H Spanish AP Lit/Comp AP Lit/Comp AP Wildlife Bio Wildlife Bio US History 2 US History 2 Prep Prep Sports Sewing Sportrs Sewing XXXXXXXXXX World Civ US History AP US History AP World Civ World Civ Prep Prep Yearbook PER 6 PER 7 Aerobics Aerobics Prep Prep Aerobics School Store Prep Biology Biology Spanish 1 Spanish 1 Prep Prep Prep US History AP US History AP Geometry Geometry World Civ H World Civ H Prep XXXXXXXXX World Civ Prep US History US History Lang Arts 11H Lang Arts 11H Chemistry Chemistry Prep Mythology Creative Writ 1 Physics Physics US Gov/Pol AP Geometry Geometry World Civ H World Civ H Sports Sewing Sports Sewing XXXXXXXX World Civ US History AP US History AP US History US History Lang Arts 11H Lang Arts 11H Chemistry Chemistry Lang Arts 10H Lang Arts 10H Prep Intro Health Sc Intro Health Sc Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Prep Intro Health Sc Intro Health Sc Prep Biology Biology Lang Arts 10 Lang Arts 10 Biology Biology Marketing Marketing Prep PER 8 Cons Health Prep Financial Lit Financial Lit Biology Biology Spanish 3H Spanish 3H Creative Writ 1 Creative Writ 2 Physics Physics Prep Sec Math 2 Sec Math 2 World Civ H World Civ H Sports Sewing Sports Sewing Prep US History AP US History AP Prep Lang Arts 11H Lang Arts 11H Chemistry Chemistry Lang Arts 10H Lang Arts 10H Med Anat/Phy Med Anat/Phy Lang Arts 12 Lang Arts 12 Biology Biology Internship Internship TEACHER LUNCH A/B Susan Wrathall 1207/1420 SEMINARY A1 BX A -1 B1 REVISED 8/21/12 PER 1 Art 1010 Prep PER 2 PER 3 PER 4 Prep Art Fndtn1 Art Fndtn 1 Ceramics 1 Art Fndtn 1 Drawing 1 PER 5 PER 6 PER 7 PER 8 Section 3 Administrative & Counseling Counselor Assignments 2012-2013 A – Co Janeen Faculty Advisory Committee Professional Learning Communities AP Testing Summer Slam Cr – Hi Georgia Senior Orientation Comp. Guidance Assistant Gifted/Talented Committee Ho – Mi Teresa College Tour 9th Grade Orientation 504 Coordinator Student Aides Mo – Sh Brian Comp. Guidance Coordinator PLC Assistant Si – Z Jerry Department Chair Enhanced Diplomas HOPE Squad Tami ACT (11th grade) PLAN PSAT Website Scholarships Brad Sorensen Curtis Hagen A-D Gail Ritz E-K Kevin Barton L-Ri Jim Marsh Ro-Z Department Chairs Athletics Assembly Supervision Bells/Clocks/TV's Building/Physical Facilities Faculty Meetings Attendance Recognitions Building Rentals/Access Billingual/ESL Certificates/Awards Grants/Proposals Disclosures Calendar/Activities Clubs Disclosures JPAS coordinator Drill Team Cheerleaders CSIP/Accreditation Faculty Handbook Payroll/Staff Fee Waivers A-D Dance Assigned Fundraisers Disclosures Fee Waivers Ro-Z Personnel - Evaluations Fieldtrips/Overnight Travel Disclosures/Collect All ETI Issues and Funding Friday PLC Scheduling PTSA Organization Fundraisers Faculty Clothing Fee Waivers L-Ri Lockers/Cleanout Scheduling/Registration Graduation/Diplomas Fee Waivers E-K Ken Garff Lunch Schedules School Finances Personnel-Evaluations Home and Hospital Land Trust Main Hall Displays Supplies/Budgets PTSA Liasion LEA Representative Marquee Mentor/Mentee Teacher Checkout Registration/Scheduling Newsletter/Monthly National Honor Society Night School/Packets Total School Operation Risk Management Personnel - Evaluations Personnel - Evaluations Northwest Report UHSAA - Region IV Safety/Emergency Drills Photography/Lifetouch PT Conferences Parking Vending SAY Officer/Hall Monitors PLC Minutes/Agenda Skyward/Website Personnel-Evaluations Silverscreen Sterling Scholars Student Issues L-Ri Registration/Scheduling Student Directory/Magnet Student Teaching/Substitutes Student Issues Ro-Z Student manual/registration packet Student Issues Surveys Testing Supervision/Dance Assign Tabula Rasa/Newspaper Teacher/Student Data Textbooks/Budget Technology Whined Down (New Teachers) Student Issues A-D E-K Transportation School Committees School Committees School Committees School Committees School Committees Faculty Advisory Committee Graduation Committee Faculty Advisory Committee CSIP/Accreditation PLC's PLC's PLC's PLC's PLC's Recognition/Celebration Region IV Chairperson Region IV Wrestling Region IV Drama Recognition/Celebration Region IV Swimming School Community Council Safety Committee School History Collection Region IV Boy's Soccer School Community Council Silverwolf Medalion Social Committee Silverwolf Pride Senior Awards Night Department Liason Department Liason Department Liason Department Liason Department Liason All Staff Athletics Counseling/Guidance Art Business/Marketing Main Office Attendance Office Family and Consumer Science Cafeteria/Food Services Custodial Staff Region IV Drivers Ed Foreign Language Math Performing Arts Registrar English Library Media Seminary Science PE/Healthy Lifestyles Special Ed. Social Studies T & I Education SBO's Junior Class Officers Sophomore Class Officers Senior Class Officers Janeen McMillan A-Co Georgia Fairbanks Cr-Hi Teresa Klanderud Ho-Mi Brian Devries Mo-Sh Georgia Fairbanks Cr-Hi Teresa Klanderud Ho-Mi Brian Devries Mo-Sh Jerry Payne Si-Z Pass/Fail Grades Pass/Fail Grades (for regular classes, NOT teacher aides) will only be granted on a limited basis. An administrator, counselor, teacher, parent, and student need to meet to discuss the situation that has occurred that may merit a P/F grade rather than the academic grade earned. This decision must be made at the BEGINNING of a quarter, with administrative approval, and will NOT be made during a quarter or at the end of a quarter. This policy does not include Home and Hospital students, or other students who may have an extremely unique extenuating circumstance (i.e. educational opportunity that takes them out of school for a longer period of time). _____________________________________________________________________ Request for Pass/Fail grade for a class Student name __________________________________ Student number _______________________________ Class you’re requesting a P/F grade from:_____________________________________ Teacher of class: _____________________________________________ Reason for requesting P/F grade:____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Administrative approval _________________________________________ date Teacher signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________________ Student signature ___________________________________________ _______________ RHS Class Change Request Deadline for Change Request Friday, August 24 by 2:45 pm Date: _________________ Student Name: ____________________________ Grade: _______ Class to drop: _______________________________ Period: _________ Student Signature: __________________ Parent Signature: _____________________ Class to add: _________________________ Alternate __________________________ Please attach class change receipt to this paper. Elective changes will be considered only for same period classes Class change fee: $5 Please list a phone number where your counselor can reach you if there is a problem or this change cannot be made. Phone: _________________________ Dear parents of a 12th grade student for the 2012-13 school year: Each spring we have an increasing amount of senior students who find it difficult to finish out their senior year and receive passing grades in order to graduate. District policy states that any senior with failing grades in any classes, regardless of whether or not those classes’ credits are needed to complete the 27.5 required credits to receive a diploma, may not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. These students will forfeit their opportunity to participate in their graduation and will only have their diplomas mailed to them after graduation if they are failing classes during 4th quarter of their senior year. During quarters 1, 2 or 3 of their senior year, seniors may have failed a course and proceed to do a makeup packet. Please note that even by completing a .5 credit make up packet for a previous quarter’s .25 failing grade, that the remaining .25 credit will not be applied to a future quarter’s English grade. This for example, means that a senior who makes up .5 English for a 2nd quarter F will not be able to skip 4th quarter English class, receive an F, and have the remaining .25 credit count for that F. These .25 credits will be applied only as elective credit to a student’s transcript. And in a rare exception, may only count toward a 4th quarter English class F if the senior student is attending daily and on time through th quarter until graduation and making a persistent and concerted effort in that English class to pass. By signing the bottom of this form, you acknowledge that you are aware that your senior student may be prohibited from participating in graduation ceremonies, regardless of amount of credits earned, if they are failing th quarter classes. You also acknowledge that make up packet credits are not applied directly to 4th quarter English failing grades or other failing grades unless granted an exception per the administration due to the student’s persistent and consistent efforts in current classes. We want all senior students to complete their educational experience here in good standing and with strong academic grades. We hope that by making you aware of this policy, you will encourage your senior student to finish out the senior year with the same commitment 4 4 to excellence. Parent name ____________________________________________ date _________________ Parent Signature_______________________________________________________________ Student name ______________________________ student number _____________________ Student signature _____________________________________________________________ Video Purchase Request Form (submit to principal prior to all video purchases regardless of funding source) Teacher Name: _________________________________________________ Funding Source: ___________________________ Cost: __________ Video Title: _____________________________________________________ Vendor: _________________________________________________ Subject (class/grade): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Correlation Core Standard # Core Objective# Core Indicator Please explain how you plan to use the video, ie. activities, curriculum integration, etc.: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For purchase from the Library/Media budget, requested videos will be carefully considered using the following criteria: Revelance to the core curriculum Availability of equivalent videos at the district IMC Cost If you are using other funds such as teacher allocation funds, the video/DVD must be pre-approved and must be catalogued as part of the RHS Library Media collection. There are always more requests than funds; you will be notified whether your request can be purchased at this time. Administrator: _________________________________________________ LMC: _________________________________________________ Section 4 District Polices For the 2012-2013 school year, selected district policies and procedures will be made available to employees online through courses from JPLS – Jordan Professional Learning System http://jpls.truenorthlogic.com. Employees will complete a “JSD Crucial Policy Review” course and acknowledge completion of the course through a survey. Employees need to sign off on-line by September 28, 2012 that they have completed this review. Instructions for accessing these courses: Go to the JPLS site (http://jpls.truenorthlogic.com) Enter your username and password o Username: firstname.lastname as it appears in your email address o Password: jsd for first time users. You’ll be asked to change your password the first time you login The courses are listed on the “Home” page. Click on the name of the course to access it. o The Policy Review courses are for employees to complete. o The “2012-2013 Administrative Requirements” is for administrators. The surveys are also listed on the “Home” page. Look for the section with the “My Surveys” heading. It is the responsibility of every Jordan School District employee to know and abide by all District policies. For your information and protection, a list of crucial concerns and District policies is provided below. These policies have been placed on line. Concerns and Policies Required by Law Administrative Student Services Policies AS67 Discipline of Students AS70 Child Abuse-Neglect Reporting by School Personnel AS94 Student Discrimination and Harassment AS97 Management of Concussions and Traumatic Head Injuries Personnel Policies DP358 Employee Discrimination and Harassment DP371 Employee Information Network – Acceptable Use Policy DP374 Employment Background Checks (new) JPAS Orientation JSD Vehicle Driving Guidelines – High School/Select Depts. Area Administrator Policies AA408 Fees AA432 Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements AA445 Student Information Network Acceptable Use Policy Miscellaneous Concerns Cultural Awareness and Equity School Code of Conduct School Incident Command System Emergency Plans Universal Precautions for School Staff Video District Policies Administrative Student Services Policies AS85 Medication in School Setting AS90 Drugs and Alcohol AS91 Employees Transporting Student AS93 Open Enrollment (School Choice) Permit AS95 Conduct Related to School Activities (Secondary Only) AS96 Extracurricular Activity Privileges DA151 Use of Public School Buildings and Grounds as Civic Centers Personnel Policies Review Leave Policies (Sick, Personal, Family, FMLA, etc.) DP324NEG Sick Leave –Licensed DP356 Substance Abuse-Free Work Environment DP353NEG Assault or Abuse of Employees DA158 School Trespass DE505 Use of Copyrighted Materials in Schools DP336 Leave of Absence – 1 year Administrator of Schools Policies AA409 Scope of Employment AA414 Student Overnight Travel (High School Only) AA418 Discipline of Students – Staff Responsibilities AA419 Student Conduct and Dress AA437 Parent Involvement and School Community Councils AA444 Employee Involvement in Private, but Public Ed-Related Activities AA446 Wellness DP312 Evaluation of Classified Personnel DP322 Family and Medical Leave Act DP335B NEG Personal Leave DP337B NEG Leave of Absence (Personal – 15 Days) – Classified DP343 NEG Hours of Work – Classified DP346 Industrial Accidents Section 5 RHS Polices BELL SCHEDULE #1 : REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE “A” Day 1st Period 2nd Period 1st Lunch 3rd Period 3rd Period 2nd Lunch 4th Period “B” Day 5th Period 6th Period 1st Lunch 7th Period 7th Period 2nd Lunch 8th Period Time 7:30-9:06 AM 9:12-10:40 AM 10:40-11:17 AM 11:23-12:51 PM 10:46-12:14 PM 12:14-12:51 PM 12:57 - 2:25 PM Minutes 96 Minutes 88 Minutes 37 Minutes 88 Minutes 88 Minutes 37 Minutes 88 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #2: 50 MINUTE MORNING ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE “A” Day “B” Day Time Minutes 1st Period 5th Period 7:30-8:52AM 82 Minutes Assembly Assembly 9:00-9:50 AM 50 Minutes 2nd Period 6th Period 9:56-11:10 AM 74 Minutes 1st Lunch 1st Lunch 11:10-11:47 AM 37 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 11:53-1:06 PM 73 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 11:16-12:29 PM 73 Minutes 2nd Lunch 2nd Lunch 12:29-1:06 PM 37 Minutes 4th Period 8th Period 1:12-2:25 PM 73 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #3: DOUBLE ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE “A” Day “B” Day Time Minutes 1st Period 5th Period 7:30-8:52AM 82 Minutes 1st Assembly 1st Assembly 9:00-9:50 AM 50 Minutes 2nd Period 6th Period 9:56-11:09AM 73 Minutes 2nd Period 6th Period 8:58-10:13 AM 75 Minutes 2nd Assembly 2nd Assembly 10:19-11:09 AM 50 Minutes 1st Lunch 1st Lunch 11:09-11:46 AM 37 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 11:52-1:05 PM 73 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 11:15 -12:28 PM 73 Minutes 2nd Lunch 2nd Lunch 12:28- 1:05 PM 37 Minutes 4th Period 8th Period 1:11-2:25 PM 74 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #4: 50 MINUTE END OF DAY ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE “A” Day “B” Day Time Minutes 1st Period 5th Period 7:38-8:54AM 84 Minutes 2nd Period 6th Period 9:00-10:15 AM 76 Minutes 1st Lunch 1st Lunch 10:15-10:52 AM 37 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 10:58-12:14 PM 76 Minutes 3rd Period 7th Period 10:21-11:37 AM 76 Minutes 2nd Lunch 2nd Lunch 11:37-12:14 PM 37 Minutes 4th Period 8th Period 12:20-1:35 PM 75 Minutes Assembly Assembly 1:35-2:25 PM 50 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #5: COLLABORATION FRIDAY “A” Day “B” Day Time Fac Collaboration Fac Collaboration 7:00-8:25 AM 1st Period 5th Period 8:30-9:50 AM 2nd Period 6th Period 9:55-11:10 AM 1st Lunch 1st Lunch 11:10-11:45 AM 3rd Period 7th Period 11:50-1:05 PM 3rd Period 7th Period 11:15-12:30 PM 2nd Lunch 2nd Lunch 12:30-1:05 PM 4th Period 8th Period 1:10-2:25 PM Minutes 85 Minutes 80 Minutes 75 Minutes 35 Minutes 75 Minutes 75 Minutes 35 Minutes 75 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #6: MODIFIED BELL SCHEDULE 8 Period Day Time 1st Period 7:30 - 8:12 AM 2nd Period 8:18 - 9:00 AM 5th Period 9:06 - 9:46 AM 6th Period 9:52-10:34 AM 1st Lunch 10:34 - 11:11 AM 3rd Period 11:17 - 11:59 AM 3rd Period 10:40 - 11:22 AM 2nd Lunch 11:22 - 11:59 AM 4th Period 12:05 - 12:47 PM 7th Period 12:53 - 1:37 PM 8th Period 1:43 - 2:25 PM Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes 37 Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes 37 Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes 42 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #7: ACT TESTING “A” Day “B” Day ACT TESTING ACT TESTING Common Lunch Common Lunch 1st Period 5th Period 2nd Period 6th Period 3rd Period 7th Period 4th Period 8th Period Time 7:30-11:30 AM 11:30-12:00 PM 12:05-12:40 PM 12:45-1:15 PM 1:20-1:50 PM 1:55-2:25 PM Minutes 4 hours 30 Minutes 35 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes BELL SCHEDULE #8: PLAN TESTING “A” Day “B” Day PLAN TESTING PLAN TESTING Common Lunch Common Lunch 1st Period 5th Period 2nd Period 6th Period 3rd Period 7th Period 4th Period 8th Period Time 7:30-11:00 AM 11:00-11:45 AM 11:50-12:30 PM 12:35-1:10 PM 1:15-1:50 PM 1:55-2:25 PM Minutes 3.5 hours 45 Minutes 40 Minutes 35 Minutes 35 Minutes 30 Minutes Single Assembly (Gym) Supervision Assignments GROUP 1 1000 Hall South Exit 1000 Hall North Exit 1100 Hall South Exit 1200 Hall West Exit 1300 Hall East Exit 1400 Hall East Exit 1400 Hall West Exit 1500 Hall East Exit 1500 Hall West Exit 1600 Hall West Exit Main Entrance 1800 Hall East Exit 1900 Hall West Exit Main Gym Southeast exit Main Gym Northeast Exit Main Gym Northwest Exit Main Gym Southwest Exit Main Gym 2600 Hall West Stairs 2500 Hall West Stairs 2400 Hall East Stairs 2300 Hall East Stairs 2100 Hall South Hallway 2100 hall North Hallway Graham Beierle Hales Harris Rudel Corfield Spivey Giorgis-Pratt Lindorff Giron Melville Nielsen Ence Olsen Anderson Bye Thompson Galley Morris Lovato Kinzer Briggs Moizer Vance Applegate Nyhus Rogers Craig McKenzie Bateman Rossiter Usher Maxfield Jarrell Miller Hawkins Rush Marshall D. Johnson GROUP 2 1000 Hall South Exit 1000 Hall North Exit 1100 Hall South Exit 1200 Hall West Exit 1300 Hall East Exit 1400 Hall East Exit 1400 Hall West Exit 1500 Hall East Exit 1500 Hall West Exit 1600 Hall West Exit 1800 Hall East Exit 1900 Hall West Exit Main Entrance Main Gym Southeast Exit Main Gym Northeast Exit Main Gym Northwest Exit Main Gym Southwest Exit Main Gym 2600 Hall West Stairs 2500 Hall West Stairs Updated June 2012 Wood Pecorelli B. Brown Salisbury Foringer Henriksen Willis Schoenrock Caughey Ferrufino Henderson Faires Edman Stokes McKissick Waite M. Johnson Allred Frischknecht Crump Butterfield Perry Groethe Ahre Mitchell Terry Weed Marse 2400 Hall East Stairs 2300 hall East Stairs 2100 Hall South Hallway 2100 hall North Hallway Jolley Marble Taylor Hall Schaber Rooley Keister M. Brown Double Assembly (Gym) Supervision Assignments FIRST ASSEMBLY AUDITORIUM SUPERVISION - DOWNSTAIRS CLASSES Auditorium (North East Corner of Auditorium Row - A) Auditorium (South West Corner of Auditorium - Row A) Auditorium (East - Row W- make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ and the alcoves) Auditorium (West - Row W -make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ and the alcoves) Auditorium (East - Row F) Auditorium (West - Row F) Auditorium (East - Row L) Auditorium (West - Row L) Auditorium (East side - Row Q) Auditorium (West side - Row Q) Auditorium (South West Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (South East Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (Middle Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (East side middle of auditorium Row Vmake sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ) Auditorium (West side middle of auditorium Row V make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ) Bateman Applegate Nyhus Auditorium Entry Landing School Main Entrance 1000 Hall North Exit 1000 Hall South Exit 1100 Hall South Exit 1200 Hall West Exit 1300 East Exit 1400 East Exit 1400 West Exit 1500 East Exit (Counseling Center) 1500 West Exit 1600 West Exit 1800 East Exit 1900 West Exit Hutchings Beierle Ence Graham Hales Harris Olsen Corfield Spivey Pecorelli Caughey Wood Nielsen Faires Updated June 2012 GiorgisPratt Melville McGuire Stokes Usher Craig Salisbury B. Brown Martindale Lindorff Ahre Rossiter Mitchell Giron Bye Rogers Willis Maxfield Wrathall Terry M. Johnson Miller SECOND ASSEMBLY AUDITORIUM SUPERVISION - UPSTAIRS AND SEMINARY CLASSES Auditorium (North East Corner of Auditorium Row - A) Auditorium (South West Corner of Auditorium - Row A) Auditorium (East - Row W- make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ and the alcoves) Auditorium (West - Row W -make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ and the alcoves) Auditorium (East - Row F) Auditorium (West - Row F) Auditorium (East - Row L) Auditorium (West - Row L) Auditorium (East side - Row Q) Auditorium (West side - Row Q) Auditorium (South West Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (South East Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (Middle Cove of Auditorium - Row CC Refrain students to sit in the alcoves) Auditorium (East side middle of auditorium Row V- make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ) Auditorium (West side middle of auditorium Row V - make sure nobody sits on the last three rows XYZ) Rush Jolley Waite Thompson Henriksen Keister Marse Marshall Edman Schaber Galley Hall Lovato D. Johnson Auditorium Entry Landing School Main Entrance 1000 Hall North Exit 1000 Hall South Exit 1100 Hall South Exit 1200 Hall West Exit 1300 East Exit 1400 East Exit 1400 West Exit 1500 East Exit (Counseling Center) 1500 West Exit 1600 West Exit 1800 East Exit 1900 West Exit Groethe Crump Henderson Hawkins Wilson Moizer Allred Kinzer Briggs McKenzie Vance M. Brown Anderson Morris Updated June 2012 Perry Jarrell Marble Taylor Frischnechkt Ferrufino Rooley Schoenrock Weed Rudel Riverton High School Key Procedure 1. See Michael Densley in the Main Office for key request form. 2. Complete and return the form to Jennifer. 3. Upon approval, a copy of the key request form will be placed in your box. 4. Pick up your keys from Jennifer. 5. At the close of the school year, if you are not returning to RHS, your keys need to be returned to Michael Densley Important policy to note: * Do not duplicate or allow anyone else to duplicate any of the keys issued for use by Riverton High School. * Do not lend keys to others or allow students to borrow them for their use. * Take every precaution not to lose keys. * If keys are lost, notify the principal immediately. Understand that you may be asked to participate in the cast of re-keying if you are responsible for losing the keys. Updated June 2012 Riverton High School Decoration Policy Because of the unique Bond structure and periodic site reviews, Riverton High School must preserve the building, as near as possible, to its original pristine state. To achieve this lofty expectation a Room Decoration Policy is hereby instituted at Riverton High School. 1. Nothing is to be attached to the walls, ceilings, or floors without permission of the Head Custodian, Mike Acerson, and the administration. 2. A job specific work request shall be filled out and sent to Mr. Acerson for administrative and custodial approval. Please note your work order may be denied if the requested work adversely affects the building’s condition. 3. Once the work request is approved, all work will be performed by the custodial staff. The custodial staff and District personnel are the only authorized agents to modify the building or grounds at Riverton High. 4. No tape is to be applied to any glass, painted surface, or on the floors. Tape may be applied to the block walls provided duct or masking tape is used. Please do not use Scotch or clear tape on any surface in the school. All room decorations must comply with fire code regulations: this means all decorations must be fireproof. Please use tack strips for hanging items. Updated June 2012 Disclosure statement format I. Name of class/Period student is in your class II. Teacher name III. A course overview or statement of course objective(s) IV. The elements used to determine a grade. a. % of grade based on evaluation -- how tests and quizzes impact final grade b. % of grade based on assignments-- how homework, term papers, class projects, etc. Will impact final grade c. % of grade based on participation-- how class response, class group work, absence and punctuality will impact the final grade V. Extra credit work (optional) VI. Statement that failing notices will be sent-- without prior notification, a student will not receive a final failing grade VII. Late work and make up work guidelines a. Whether or not late work is accepted and if there is a penalty b. Guidelines to make up work for absences VIII. Classroom rules including positives for compliance and consequences for noncompliance IX. Supplies needed and fees assessed (optional) X. An area for signed acknowledgement by both parents and students XI. How parents can contact the teacher--- the school phone number and best times to call or leave a message, and email address. Updated June 2012 Riverton High School Library Media Center Policies Library/Media Teacher: Michelle Miles Mission Statement: The mission of the Riverton High School Library is to ensure patrons (students and staff) are effective users of ideas and information; enabling students to be literate, life-long learners through traditional and electronic sources. Philosophy: The Library Media Center is the heart of the school and is designed to support and enrich the curriculum. It is our goal that teachers and the LMC staff cooperate to foster student success and enthusiasm for learning. Library Hours: 7 am 3:30 pm (Monday-Thursday) 7 am 3:00 pm (Friday) — — Circulation Policies: Students: Regular checkout: 3 weeks! 5 item limit Reference: Overnight Late Fines: 10 cents per day up to $5.00 maximum Students with fines/overdue books are not allowed to check out materials. Teachers: Books/Maps/Art Prints/ Videos: Due Last Week of School Reference Books: One Week Copy Center Policies: Students: First three pages free (if for school) 5 cents a page after that Teachers: 24 hour notices needed (especially for big jobs). Please don’t ask us to infringe on copyright laws Extra services (binding/cuffing) are available, but we may ask that you send a student aide to assist on time-consuming projects. Computer Reservations: Please sign up to bring your class to the library (either online or at the circulation desk). Adhere to the time you have scheduled Please accompany your class to the library and stay with them the entire time. Please do not send your classes to the library with a substitute. Updated June 2012 Library Passes: Up to 5 students can be sent to the library to do research or check out materials. Please make sure your students have a valid reason for being in the library. Students must have an official pass to ensure they have your permission to be in the library (notes from substitutes will not be accepted.) Students will be sent back to class if they don’t follow library rules and policies. CUSTODIAL DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES In order to keep the custodial operations working in a positive, well-organized fashion, we have the following procedures we would like you to follow. BUILDING ACCESS 1. Building Access: Monday Saturday 5:30 am - 10 pm 7:30 am - 2 pm The building will be closed on all Sundays and Holidays specified on the Classified Work Calendar. However, the building can be opened on off days and after hours with the approval of the administrator in charge of scheduling. 2. A BUILDING ACCESS FORM will need to be filled out if you will be in the building after 6 pm and any time on Saturday, or any time student activities are associated with the request. Please give as much notice on building access as possible. CUSTODIAL STAFF Get to know the custodians and sweepers. We would like to have a good working relationship with all faculty members. CUSTODIAL WORK REQUESTS Please fill out the Custodial Request Form. Please do not ask any custodians to do a task for you. Those requests will be assigned to custodians who are set aside for teacher requests. Most of the custodians have more work than their shift will allow them to do. Please let them do their assigned work and be patient as we fill your requests. Updated June 2012 Transportation Liability Protection In an effort to respond to liability issues surrounding the transportation of students to and from school-sponsored activities. Riverton High School requires one of the following three options be implemented anytime and every time students need to be transported away from the school for a school-sponsored activity: OPTION #1 Arrangements can be made through the assistant principal, to have a district bus transport students to and from the activity. If this option is chosen, advisors need to make sure a parent or guardian has signed the registration card in attendance office giving permission for each student to ride on a district bus. Also, adult advisors need to ride the bus. Requests for district buses should be submitted at least two weeks before the date needed. The school recognizes only one bus is available per school d11 for activities before 4 p.m. unless other special arrangements can be made with the district transportation department. OPTION #2 Privately owned vehicles can be used to transport students to and from school sponsored activities provided both the drive and the passengers sign district Waiver of Liability and Disclaimer forms. These forms are available in the Attendance Office. There is a different form for the passenger and the driver. These forms require parent, participant, and administrator signatures and must be kept on file by the advisor. These forms must be filled out completely and accurately. If these forms are not completely and accurately filled out, the advisor or coach will incur a high personal liability risk in the event of a transportation accident. OPTION #3 If a student participates in an organized activity which occurs more than once but where regularly scheduled district bus transportation is not practical or available (such as for golf, tennis, cheerleading, debate, drama, etc.); and subsequently where the parent or guardian is responsible for the student’s arrival to and return from the activity, the Jordan School District’s Waiver of Liability and Disclaimer form for the passenger should be signed by the student participant’s parent and kept on file by the coach or advisor. When Updated June 2012 the form asks for the dates and times of the activities, write “see back of form” or “see attached copy.” On the back of the form, hand write or attach a photocopy of the activity schedule including all applicable dates, times, and events. If a particular vehicle and driver will be used on a regular or repeated basis, use the Waiver of Liability and Disclaimer form for the driver, again indicating all applicable dates and times on the back of the form. To help provide protection from liability in the event of an accident, it is VITAL for faculty, coaches, supervisors, and advisors to strictly adhere to these transportation requirements See Policy Field Trips AA416 Student Local Activity/Athletic Travel AA415 Student Overnight Travel AA414 Riverton High School Guest Speaker Form ** Form must be submitted for approval 2 weeks prior to scheduled presentation date Teacher name: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ will be a guest speaker in my classes (guest speaker name and organization) on _______________________ from _____________________ to __________________ (date of presentation) (start time) (end time) in ___________________________ on the topic of________________________________ (room Number/location) As the sponsoring teacher, I have informed this guest that they must stop and check in at the main office to receive a Visitor Pass and a Visitor Parking Pass on the day of the presentation ____________________________________________ (teacher signature) Administrator approval _____________________________ date ____________________ Updated June 2012 Section 6 Student Dress & Conduct JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of . . . POLICY Number: AA419 Effective: 5/14/74 Revision: 12/7/04 SUBJECT: Student Conduct and Dress I. Board Policy Jordan District schools are to provide a safe, wholesome, healthy educational environment where academic learning, personal development, and a sense of pride and accomplishment can flourish. Part of the educational process is learning self discipline and appropriate behavior. Therefore, it is the policy of the Board to enforce all Utah laws related to conduct on school premises and school buses and to see that students are taught to preserve public property including all school facilities and equipment. The Board also recognizes that dress and grooming seriously affect the behavior of students attending school and may also impact sanitation and safety conditions. Because experience has demonstrated that the learning atmosphere is improved when students both look and act appropriately, the Board hereby authorizes establishment of standards of student conduct, dress, and grooming. The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility to see that each school adheres to the conduct, dress, and grooming standards established by the Board in the guidelines of this policy. Further, all district and school staff members shall have a share of responsibility in seeing that these standards are implemented and enforced in classrooms, in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, at school activities, and other occasions as appropriate. II. Administration Policy The Administration shall implement Board policy according to the following guidelines: Guidelines A. Student Conduct 1. Classroom Behavior Students shall conduct themselves in a manner that contributes to a productive learning atmosphere for themselves and their classmates. Students are expected to be attentive, Updated June 2012 cooperative, and industrious while in the classroom. Students who habitually disrupt or destroy the learning atmosphere shall be disciplined according to the procedures established in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students. 2. Behavior at Assemblies and Activities Assemblies and activities shall be considered special student privileges where participation is contingent upon appropriate behavior. Students shall show respect to all performers. Students who disturb, disrupt, or show disrespect shall lose the privilege of attending and may be subjected to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students and School Exclusions. 3. Protection and Care of School Property Students shall be expected to use school equipment and facilities appropriately and to behave in such a way that school property is preserved and protected. Students may be disciplined for improper use or treatment of school facilities and/or equipment. 4. Behavior at Competitive Events Students are expected to demonstrate sportsmanship at all competitive events and to conduct themselves according to the rules of fair play both as spectators and participants. While healthy competition is encouraged, cheating or rude and disruptive conduct shall not be tolerated. 5. Patriotism and Respect for the Flag The Flag of the United States of America shall be appropriately displayed at all schools in keeping with customary and accepted practices. Students shall show proper respect for their country's emblem. Instruction should include the frequent repeating of the Pledge of Allegiance by students and teachers. Discourteous treatment of the flag or other national symbols shall be cause for disciplinary action. 6. Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Narcotics, and Drugs Student use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, and drugs is prohibited by law. Students who break the law shall be disciplined according to the guidelines set forth in Policy AS90--Drugs and Alcohol. 7. Cellular Telephones Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses their cell phone inappropriately. A student who possesses a cellular phone shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones brought onto school property. Cellular telephone use during classroom time, instructional activities and field trips is prohibited. Cellular telephones must remain off during these times. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by school administration on a case by case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessity. Students violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS 67 Discipline of Students. 8. Electronic Devices Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited. Students violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District policy AS67—Discipline of Students. B. Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct Students who engage in dangerous or disruptive conduct, including bringing any weapon Updated June 2012 or facsimile of a weapon to school, committing arson, burglary, larceny, criminal mischief, battery or assault, or who engage in activities which violate federal, state or local laws, shall be excluded from school. (See Policy AS67—Discipline of Students. C. School Dress and Grooming Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/ administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints. 1. Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed. Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive. 2. Items which bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed. 3. All students shall maintain their hair, mustaches, sideburns, and beards in a clean, well-groomed manner. Hair, which is so conspicuous, extreme, odd in color or style that it draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed. 4. All students shall wear clean clothing. Clothing, jewelry, accessories and piercings which are so conspicuous, extreme, or odd that they may draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt, interfere with or pose a health or safety issue to the learning atmosphere at the school, shall not be allowed. 5. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, mini skirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated. 6. Students shall comply with the laws that govern wearing military uniforms and insignias ( Title 10, USC §771-772, and Army Regulation 670-1 §29-4). 7. Hats of any kind are not allowed within the building except as part of an approved activity, or for religious, or medical purposes. 8. School officials may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health or safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities. 9. Gang-related clothing, colors, and paraphernalia shall not be allowed in schools or activities. School officials will determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consultation with law enforcement agencies as needed. 10. Shoes shall be worn at all times that ensure personal safety and hygiene. D. School Dress and Grooming—Graduation In order to maintain dignity and decorum at high school commencements, students participating in commencement exercises are subject to the dress and grooming standards articulated in section C of this policy and wear the prescribed cap and gown during the ceremony* without additional ornamentation or decoration. Personal items such as clothing, accessories or jewelry, that draw undue attention or detract from the dignity and decorum of the occasion shall not be allowed. Mantles, cords, insignias or medals Updated June 2012 signifying achievement, honor or recognition are restricted to awards issued and approved for display at graduation by the local high school. * “During the ceremony” refers to the entire duration of the commencement program, from opening processional to completion of the recessional. These policies have been developed and approved by the Jordan School District Board of Education for exclusive use within Jordan School District. Any use by a person or organization outside of Jordan School District is not authorized by the school district. Jordan School District bears no responsibility for such unauthorized use or adaptation of the policies of Jordan School District. Any party copying or revising these policies for its own use does so at its own risk and responsibility as to applicability and legal sufficiency. Updated June 2012 Section 7 Textbook Information TEACHER END OF YEAR LOST/DAMAGED TEXTBOOK REPORT School: Riverton High School Teacher’s name: ____________________________ Department: _____________________ Teacher’s signature: _________________________ Class: Book Title: Publisher: # of books issued to you at the beginning of the year: Series – Book Numbers: END OF YEAR SUMMARY # of books returned to inventory # of lost books # of fined books Returned to your department at the end of the year Unaccounted for and did not fine a student Missing but you fined a student FINED BOOKS Book Number Name of student book was issued to Book Number Name of student book was issued to Lost Books Amount Fined Copy of Fined Sheet attached Yes/No Lost Books Amount Fined Copy of Fined Sheet attached Yes/No DAMAGED BOOKS MISSING BOOKS Book Number 1. Name of student book was issued to Explanation Make 2 copies. Both copies go to your department chair. Your department chair will keep one and give one to Jim Marsh. Updated June 2012 Please use a separate sheet for each book title. TEXTBOOK ORDERING PROCEDURES & INFORMATION FOR DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSONS 1. Rotation schedule is as follows: 2012-2013 English Art Foreign Language 2013-2014 Math Family Consumer Science Special Education 2014-2015 Science Business Health Drivers Education 2015-2016 Social Studies Performing Arts Technology Physical Education For those departments not on the rotation schedule this year but need textbooks for new classes, growth, or resale (workbooks), please submit your order. After the orders have been placed for the three or four scheduled departments and remaining amounts are known, your order will be processed, as money is available. 2. All textbook orders must be submitted BY THE DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON on a Jordan School District requisition form. 3. All textbooks MUST be ordered from the MOUNTAIN STATES SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY. This catalog can be checked out from Margaret in the Main Office. Please be aware that if you choose to or cannot order from Mountain states, YOU may need to get THREE BIDS. Fill out a separate order form and make sure the supplier’s name, address, zip code, phone number, and contact person’s name are entered on the top left hand corner. 4. When submitting your textbook order, please plan to spend a few minutes with me, Jim Marsh, to go over it. This will prevent any misunderstanding when ordering. 5. Textbook orders are due to Jim Marsh at least ten days prior to the last day of school. Once your order has been entered into the computer, a copy will be placed in your box with the order date. In most cases, it takes 1 month from the time ordered until the books arrive. 6. Department chairpersons will be notified and asked for input if orders need to be adjusted, reduced, or cannot be ordered at this time. 7. When ordering textbooks, the following information is needed: a. Quantity b. MSSD Stock# (this can be found in the Mountain States Catalog) c. Publisher # (this can be found in the Mountain States Catalog) d. Description (Title of the book, overheads, free teacher manual, etc.) e. Single Price f. Total Price Updated June 2012 8. Most companies provide one free teacher manual/material for every 25 student texts. HOWEVER, these must be ordered on the textbook order form. In the single price and total price columns indicate No Charge – N/C. Many companies offer testing materials. If you call the company representative, they will often throw this in free. Our Mountain States representative is Mark Scoville (801) 773-3200 or fax (801) 773-3265. If the representative will give you free testing materials, put those items on the order form as no charge items as per conversation with Joe Representative of Somename Publishing company. Book Check-Out Form Year 20__ Teacher ____________________ Book Title: _______________ Course: ____________________ Class Period _____ Students will be held responsible for all books checked out to them. Received Student Signature Updated June 2012 Returned Book # Condition Student Signature Date Returned Fined Section 8 Attendance Information and Forms RIVERTON HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY At Riverton High School we, the participants and patrons, exemplify an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, a commitment to excellence in all endeavors, and the encouragement of positive character traits. The Jordan School District requires that all children achieve mastery in the basic skills, and any absence from school interferes with the child’s opportunity to master these skills. In an effort to increase student success, to prepare students for attendance expectations in their future careers, and to exemplify our commitment to excellence, Riverton High School has established the following attendance policy. Riverton High School is committed to academic excellence and understands that learning is increased with consistent attendance. In accordance to Jordan School District Policy AA432, this attendance policy states the responsibilities of Riverton High School teachers, students, and parent/guardians regarding school attendance, defines absences and tardies, specifies loss of credit due to absences and tardies, and outlines attendance school make-up procedures to reinstate credit. ATTENDANCE POLICY GOALS Riverton High School’s attendance policy will help students accomplish the following goals: Develop student responsibility Develop quality citizenship Increase respect for teachers, other students, and learning Achieve success in their courses Prepare for future employment RESPONSIBILITIES The Role of the Student The student shall gain the most of their educational experience by regularly attending and being on time to all classes. Students shall be present in assigned or designated areas at all times. Students shall follow proper check-in/check out procedures. Students shall obtain make-up assignments from the teacher due to absences and shall turn them in according to arrangements made with the teacher. Updated June 2012 The Role of the Teacher Teachers shall keep an accurate roll of all absences and tardies. Teachers shall emphasize the importance of punctuality by beginning class promptly with meaningful instruction. Teachers shall discuss attendance issues with students as they arise and inform the school administration if attendance does not improve. The Role of the Parent/Guardian Parents/guardians should avoid interruptions of the academic year and plan medical appointments and vacations at times that will not require students to be out of school. Parents/guardians will show support regarding district policies and state law by expecting regular school attendance for student success. Parents/guardians shall contact the attendance office and notify the school of student’s absence, in the case of illness or other legitimate reasons for absences, within five (5) days of the absence. The role of the parent/guardian is further summarized by the following: Utah Compulsory Attendance Law [53A-11-101] requires every school age child to be in school. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children’s regular school attendance and may be charged with a misdemeanor if they fail to ensure their student’s regular attendance. Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school when an absence occurs within five school days of the absence. The Role of the Administration The administration shall enforce and uphold Utah State Compulsory Education law that may include a referral to juvenile court for excessive absenteeism. The administration shall identify students with attendance issues and work cooperatively with parents/guardians and students to improve attendance. The administration shall maintain an earnest and persistent effort to improve student attendance. The Role of the Attendance Office The attendance office shall keep administrators and parents/guardians informed of attendance problems. The attendance office shall notify parents/guardians of excessive absenteeism by phone message, calling machine, or letter. The attendance office shall review attendance daily and resolve discrepancies in student attendance records. The attendance office shall provide check-in /check-out slips upon authorization by phone or in person by a student’s parent/guardian. Updated June 2012 ATTENDANCE To earn credit, a student must be in class a minimum of 90% of the days of the quarter (20 of approximately 23 possible class periods per quarter). If a student has four (4) or more excused absences(s) or three (3) or more tardies per class per quarter that are not made-up, the student will receive no grade (NG) for the quarter grade in that class. All absences and tardies that are not made-up will result in no grade for the quarter grade in that class. Parents/guardians may excuse up to three (3) absences per class per quarter where a valid excuse for an absence exists. Absences must be excused within 5 days of the absence. Excused absences in excess of three must be “made-up” at attendance school in order to receive credit. All unexcused absences and truancies must be made up at attendance school in order to avoid loss of course credit. Students who have not met the attendance requirement but have received a passing grade will receive “no grade” (NG) if the excessive absences/tardies are not made up or excused through the review process. NG is not available to students who failed academically; those students will receive an F grade regardless of their attendance. An (NG) differs from an F in that NG does not figure into the student’s overall GPA. However, both NG and F result in loss of credit. For athletic eligibility purposes, student government, and other programs that have a minimum GPA requirement, NG is counted as a failing grade. Students released from their regular classes in order to participate in school approved, extra curricular activities are not considered absent. Absences due to suspensions or confinement in county detention do not need to be made up. However assignments from each class must be made up according to individual teachers’ disclosures. The “make-up” of excessive absences or tardies in attendance school does not excuse students from completing the class work and assignments missed during the absences(s). Make up of the missed work is subject to requirements outlined in individual teachers’ disclosures. Excessive absences may also result in suspension, and/or referral to Jordan School District Truancy School and Juvenile Court for non-compliance with Utah Compulsory Education Law (Utah Code 53A-11-101). Updated June 2012 EDUCATIONAL/VACATION LEAVE Jordan School District allows students to make application to an administrator to miss up to ten school days of each year for prior-approved education/vacation release. These priorapproved release days will not contribute to the accumulated total of absences. Forms are available in the attendance office and must be picked up at least two days prior to the absence. Students may take no more than ten (10) prior-approved education/vacation release absences per year without having to complete make-up sessions. On the block schedule, an education/vacation leave absence of ten (10) consecutive days equates to five (5) absences in each class (five A-day absences and five B-day absences). ACCESS Riverton High School provides computerized attendance information updated daily to assist parents/guardians and students. Students and parents/guardians may check class grades and attendance records through Skyward. A link is provided at www.rivertonhigh.com. In addition, parent/guardians may check attendance by calling 256-5810 between 7:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. ATTENDANCE SCHOOL AND AVOIDING LOSS OF CREDIT On the fourth excused absence or third tardy and every subsequent absence or tardy per class, per quarter, students will be required to complete a session of attendance school to make up the missing class time. A student must attend a session for absences that are not represented by the following codes: C, E, D, H, N, S and V, J, K, X, Y, (refer to chart for code definitions). All truancies and unexcused absences must be made up by completing attendance school. Attendance school sessions will be offered after school on designated days with some Saturday sessions available. All absences and tardies must be made up by the end of the quarter. Students will be required to attend double time for any attendance school past the deadline. Double time will require double pay. To avoid any problems it is strongly suggested that the student make up the time within two (2) weeks of the occurrence. Absences occurring during the last week of the quarter must be made up during the first week of the following quarter. An attendance school schedule will be available from the attendance office. Students must sign up for attendance school by paying in the main office and must present a receipt when they arrive at attendance school. The goal is to have makeup sessions subject specific, so tutoring help can be given. Students should select the subject they wish to attend, or they will be assigned a general make-up session. Updated June 2012 For admittance into attendance school, students must have a ticket for that day and session, picture I.D. and schoolwork in their possession. No food, drink, electronic device or any other disruptive items will be permitted in the attendance session area. Riverton High School rules including the dress code will be enforced in each session. Sessions will start promptly. Students arriving late will lose the opportunity to attend the session. A student that is disruptive, as determined by the teacher, during attendance school will be removed from that session of attendance school and will forfeit the money and time for that session. Failure to make up absences or tardies will result in an “NG” - no grade for the class. Attendance School Ticket Prices Offense Time Cost One Tardy, Check In/Out 30 minutes $2.00 One Absence 60 minutes $3.00 TEACHER MAKE-UP Teachers who desire to do so may allow students the opportunity to make up absences by attending special make-up sessions in their own classes. Teacher initiated make-up hours are allowed only for the class of the teacher providing make-up; hours are not transferable to another teacher. The assigned work must be academic in nature (no service work). Teachers who desire to arrange a service project for attendance school credit should get prior approval from one of the assistant principals. The student purchases and brings the Attendance School ticket to the teacher. The teacher turns in the record of completion to the Attendance Office. Teachers setting up their own make-up sessions are not paid for the time spent supervising the tutoring. *Make-up hours required for absences and tardies in these individual teacher sessions are the same as outlined for make-up in Attendance School. ABSENCE REVIEW PROCESS Students and their parents/guardians may appeal to the Absence Review Committee to waive or reduce the make-up requirement for absences in excess of the three allowed per class per quarter. Reviews are reserved for uncontrollable attendance issues, i.e., physician-verifiable illness, bereavement, court appearances, verified emergencies, etc. The waiving of a student’s attendance obligations through the absence review process is infrequent. In the case of chronic, pre-existing, or extended unforeseen health conditions, an assistant principal can waive the review process and Updated June 2012 excuse absences. This requires that the student or parent/guardian be in regular contact with their assistant principal. To be considered, reviewed absences must meet the following criteria: Absences must have been parent/guardian-excused (indicating parent/guardian knowledge of the absences and appropriate school notification) within five (5) school days of the student’s return to school. Verification by a physician may be required for absences due to illness, where absences are excessive. The excuse must be date specific. An explanation of why the absences are being appealed must be verified by a parent. Absence review submission deadline schedules and absence review forms will be available in the attendance office. The review forms must be signed by a parent. The Absence Review Committee will not rule favorably on the following: verified truancies, leaving school without checking out properly; unverified illness where absence is excessive; educational leave taken without prior approval; chronic tardiness; or absences not excused by a parent/guardian at the time of the absence or within five (5) school days of the student’s return to school. Check In/Check Out Once a student has been to school and needs to leave for any reason, it is imperative that the student checks out through the attendance office. All checkouts must be confirmed directly with parent/guardian contact by telephone or in person at the time of checkout or prior to checkout. A parent/guardian should contact the attendance office early in the day to arrange a student’s checkout. Computer generated check out slips will be available for students to pick up in the attendance office between his/her first hour class break. Students are required to pick up the checkout slips from the attendance office during a class break. Students leaving school without following proper checkout procedure will be considered truant. First and fifth period students arriving within the first 10 minutes of class must go directly to their class. The first hour teachers record the attendance. If students enter campus after first hour classes or more than 10 minutes late, they must check-in through the attendance office. They will be given a check-in slip with the date, time, and reason for the check-in to be given to the current teacher. The codes of O (check out) and I (check in) will count as half an absence. These codes will be made up in attendance school. It will be the same penalty as a T (tardy), 30 minutes and $2.00 each when over the limit. ATTENDANCE DEFINITIONS A student is considered absent from school or from a class any time he/she is not present. School activities and assemblies that are scheduled during school time between 7:30 a.m. and 2:25 p.m. are considered part of the regular school day. Students are required to be at the Updated June 2012 activity or in a school supervised alternate area during that time. If a student needs to leave school for any reason during the school day, he/she is required to check out through the attendance office using proper check out procedure. (See Check In/Check Out) Unexcused absence: Student is absent and (1) the school receives no information explaining the absence or (2) the reason given for the absence is one that is not accepted by the school, truancy court, or state law as a valid excuse for missing school, i.e. going out to lunch, skiing, sleeping in, babysitting, shopping, etc. Students who come to class after the (10) minute tardy period are marked way late Excused absence: The absence is excused when the parent/guardian has notified the school of an illness. Physician or dental appointment, bereavement, court appearance, or, in rare cases a family emergency or special religious observance. In cases where absences become excessive, the administration may require a physician note to verify illness. Tardy: The student comes to class late up to ten (10) minutes after the bell rings. A student is tardy when he/she is not sitting at the desk ready to work when the bell rings, as determined by the teacher. Make-up absence or tardy: The student attended Attendance School for the prescribed amount of time to help make up for time and instruction lost due to an absence or tardy. Truancy: Either parents/guardians or the school are not aware of the student’s absence or the student did not follow proper checkout procedure. Parents/guardians, police, or school personnel verified the student’s absence as truancy. Excessive Absences: Twenty (20) or more class absences per quarter (cumulative across all classes) or five (5) or more absences in any one class. The state indicates that excessive absences are one or more missed classes per week for traditional school, with each class being held everyday. Activity Absences: Students participating in activities that do not involve the entire student body will be excused by an administratively approved Activity Release form. Students are not penalized for the absence, but must make-up assigned work per teacher’s disclosure statement. If a student begins to accumulate excessive activity absences, the teacher should submit a referral to the appropriate assistant principal. Suspensions: The suspended student is counted present on attendance records and cannot be penalized for nonattendance on days of suspension. Make-up work must be provided for suspended students. Work must be completed within the time requirements of the individual teacher. Updated June 2012 Attendance Code Definitions Code Explanation Definition A Absent The student was absent and the school was not notified by parent/guardian. B Absence Made-up The student attended make-up school for the absence. C Check In/Out The student checked-in and out during the same period with a valid excuse from parent/guardian. D In school suspension Student is placed in a detention at the school and is in attendance. E Verified Excused Absence The student was absent and considered excused because of doctor or F Absence Waived Attendance record changed/Approved by appeals committee G Guardian Knowledge Parent/Guardian notifies the attendance office of absence by phone or in person. H Home & Hospital Sick 10 days or more with appropriate paperwork completed. I Check In Student checks in to school. J Testing/Counselor Student is in a school sponsored testing situation. K Detention/Crisis Center Student is in a court detention setting. L Tardy made-up Student attended make-up class to make up tardy. N School Activity The student is out of class due to a school sponsored activity. O Check Out Parent/guardian checked out, through the attendance office, court note. prior to the student leaving campus. R Truancy Made-Up The student attended make-up school for the truancy. S Suspension The student has been removed from school setting for disciplinary reasons. T Tardy Up to 10 minutes late to class. U Unexcused Check In The student checks in without parental knowledge or verification. V Vacation/Education leave The student is absent due to a prearranged vacation or educational leave. W Way Late More than 10 minutes late to class. X Counselor Conference The student has been meeting with their counselor. Y Administrative Conference The student has been meeting with their administrator. Z Truant Verified Truancy. Updated June 2012 (10 days max per year) RIVERTON HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY SUMMARY Students with an unexcused absences, four (4) or more excused absences per class per quarter, or three (3) or more tardies per class per quarter will not receive credit for that class unless attendance school make-up time is completed. Approved School Activity absences and Educational/Vacation Release (10 days max per year) are not counted toward the absences allowed per quarter. However the student must make up any assigned work missed in those classes. For admittance into attendance school, students must have a ticket for the correct day and session, picture I.D. and schoolwork in their possession. No food, drink, electronic device or any other disruptive items will be permitted in the attendance session area. A student that is disruptive, as determined by the teacher, during attendance school will be removed from that session of attendance school and will forfeit the money and time for that session. Students arriving late will lose the opportunity to attend the session. Riverton High School rules including the dress code will be enforced in each session. Tickets admitting a student to a make-up session are purchased only in the main office and are presented when entering the make-up session. All absences or tardies that occur during the first half of the quarter must be made up before mid-term. AU absences and tardies that occur after mid-term must be made up by the end of the quarter. To avoid any problems it is strongly suggested that the student make up the time within two (2) weeks of the occurrence. Absences occurring during the last week of the quarter must be made up during the first week of the following quarter. An absence review committee is provided for extenuating circumstances. Updated June 2012 JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of . . . POLICY Number: AA432 Effective: 9/27/77 Revision: 9/8/09 SUBJECT: Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements I. Board Policy The Board of Education recognizes that regular student attendance at school facilitates academic achievement by maximizing the interaction between students and teachers. The Board also recognizes that regular student attendance at school is mandated by Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53A-11-101 which requires students between the ages of six and 18 to attend school and is critical if schools are to meet the accountability standards set by federal and state legislation. The Board, therefore, delegates to the local school administration the responsibility to develop school guidelines and procedures that promote regular student attendance. The school’s responsibility is to encourage and help students develop positive attendance habits that will enhance opportunities for future success. II. Administration Policy Frequent absences of students from the day-to-day classroom experiences disrupt the instructional process. The benefits of instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained. The process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study. Therefore, the local school will make every effort within the following guidelines, to encourage regular attendance for all students and to assist parents in their responsibility to have their children attend school regularly. Guidelines Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for regular student attendance at school. School staff and students also share in that responsibility. Updated June 2012 Students are expected to be in attendance every school day in order to receive maximum benefit from their education experiences. If a student is legitimately absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the teacher regarding makeup work. If a student is tardy for class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the school office, teacher, or utilize any other established school procedure so that an unexcused absence is not assessed. It is also a student’s responsibility to obtain a checkout slip from the office when he/she must leave during the school day. Parents/guardians are expected to ensure that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify school officials of legitimate absences. The parent/guardian must telephone the office to confirm a checkout prior to the student’s leaving during the school day. Classroom teachers are required to record and verify daily student attendance. The individual school/teacher will, where appropriate, develop grading and credit guidelines that promote attendance, class participation, and academic achievement. Administrators shall work cooperatively with students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school guidance personnel to improve student attendance. Administrators shall use earnest and persistent effort, including parent notification, to deter excessive and unexcused student absences. Each school, in cooperation with the community, shall develop a schoolwide attendance plan that complies with state and District policies. Development of a schoolwide attendance plan shall include use of research findings, faculty and staff consensus, community input, and involve the respective Area Assistant Superintendent. The schoolwide attendance plan shall guide the development of disclosure statements (in secondary schools) and include: A rationale for the importance of attendance, Responsibilities for students, parents, classroom teachers, and school administrators, Procedures for managing attendance issues, i.e., illness, check in/out, school activity absences, etc., An acceptable range of school and teacher consequences for unexcused absences and tardies, Guidelines for making up work, Other pertinent information that addresses local school attendance needs. School principals shall submit the school wide attendance plan annually to their respective Area Administrator of Schools for review and approval. Updated June 2012 Secondary school teachers shall develop a disclosure statement for each course in compliance with District and school guidelines. All disclosure statements must receive administrative approval prior to distribution to students and parents. Disclosure statements shall include, but are not limited to, grading expectations for three basic components: (a) assessments, (b) assignments, and (c) classroom attendance and participation. Procedures and timelines shall be established for making up work and earning points/credit missed due to a legitimate absence. Legitimate absences are defined as: verified illness, medical appointments, bereavement, court appearances, emergencies, pre-approved educational leave, and special family or religious events Students shall be allowed to make up work and earn points/credit missed due to administratively approved school activity absences. Students shall also be allowed to make up work and earn points/credit missed for legitimate absences as listed in C3. All students shall receive disclosure statements for all classes on or before the fifth day of enrollment in the course. Parents and students shall be encouraged to return signed disclosure statements in a timely manner, typically two to four days. Teachers are encouraged to award points/credit for the return of signed disclosure statements within the established time frame. These policies have been developed and approved by the Jordan School District Board of Education for exclusive use within Jordan School District. Any use by a person or organization outside of Jordan School District is not authorized by the school district. Jordan School District bears no responsibility for such unauthorized use or adaptation of the policies of Jordan School District. Any party copying or revising these policies for its own use does so at its own risk and responsibility as to applicability and legal sufficiency. Updated June 2012 Attendance Office First of the Year Teacher Instructions Student Count/Enrollment: We are required to turn in an enrollment or student count to the Jordan School District office on the first and fifth days of school. This count needs to be turned in to the Attendance office. Please be accurate! If a student is on your roll but not in class, please ask the students if they know where that student is attending for the year, and notify the Attendance office on the back of your student count. The Attendance office needs to account for every student. Positions at Riverton High School depend on the accuracy of this count. - • Taking Roll: Teachers should take roll every period. The State Auditors are concerned that some teachers are not taking roll. They are able to observe if a teacher is taking roll on a daily basis. • Students Not on Your Roll: Do not allow students to attend class if they are not on Skyward rolls. You will not be able to give them a grade or take attendance until the correction is made. Please send them to their counselor to correct their schedule. • Excessive Absence/No Show: If a student is on the rolls but not attending class, or has excessive absences, please notify the Attendance office as soon as possible. We need to notify parents. • Emergency Button: There is an emergency button in every classroom. This button is for emergency use only. Do not use this button for routine messages. The office procedure is to assist the emergency caller immediately. Forms The following forms are located in the Attendance office under the north end of the front counter. • Activity Excuse List • Activity Release “Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgement” • Field Trip Planning Guide, Field Trip Forms (green & blue) • Attendance Correction Request • Building Access • Penalty Notification (Confirmed truant) • Transportation Services Buses • School Maps • Student Referrals — • Moving Class to a Different Location: If teachers take their class to a different location, always leave a note on the door indicating the location where the class can be found. It is difficult for the offices to locate teachers or their students when they are not in their regular classroom. Updated June 2012 Riverton High School Attendance Procedures for Teachers Teacher Codes Attendance is to be marked every period. There are three attendance codes that teachers can use. A - absent T - tardy (within 10 minutes late) W - Past 10 minute tardy Note: The District has not provided a code for the teachers to record truancy. If you are aware that a student is cutting class mark them with the code of “A” on your computer. For it to be recorded as truancy, you will need to notify the Attendance office with a truancy note so the absence can be changed to the truancy code of ‘Z’. Attendance Corrections: Teachers can make their own attendance corrections from absent to tardy, or present to absent. Check-in/Checkouts Students late to school are to go directly to their classes’ 1st or 5th periods. If they come to school after 7:35 they will be required to check in at the Attendance office. The student will receive a computer-generated check-in note with time and date. Parents/guardians must contact the office personnel to check out their student. The office will complete the computer generated check out form to be picked up by the student during break and prior to the check out time. The student will then present the check out slip to the appropriate teacher and be allowed to promptly leave the school. Suspended We are required to provide homework for suspended students. Vacation Release Students are allowed up to ten days a year for vacation release. A student planning to be on vacation must complete and return a Vacation Release form to the Attendance office before going on vacation. Students must turn in completed homework upon their return to school. Updated June 2012 Sick Students Please send students who are ill to the Attendance office with a note. We will allow them to call a parent and check out. We do not encourage students to remain in the sickroom for long periods of time. Our goal is to send them home or have parents get the students to professional healthcare providers. Parent Request for Homework There are times when parents request homework for ill children. A student should be absent three or more days before the Attendance office will request homework for students. It may be helpful if teachers give the student a few days to make up missed work. The Attendance office will print a note from Skyward requesting homework. A parent can also request their student’s homework through e-mail. The Attendance office will continue to encourage the parents to use Skyward, Home and Hospital Students are allowed to be on Home and Hospital if they are going to be absent from school for 10 or more days for medical reasons. Teachers are required by the District to prepare assignments for students who are unable to attend regular school. Activity Excused List When a teacher needs to excuse a group of students for an activity, they must fill out an activity form listing the students. The teacher will give the form to an administrator for a signature. The administrator will approve and sign the form. Two days prior to the activity the teacher will give a copy of the excused list of students to the Attendance office. The supervising teacher will also make a copy for each of the students to give to their other teachers allowing the student time to get assignments so they do not fall behind in other classes. If you are taking your students on a fieldtrip you also need to fill out the, “Field Experience Planning Guide.” Updated June 2012 Activity Release Form Participation Disclosure and Acknowledgment Jordan School District does not provide or sponsor bus transportation in connection with certain or multiple activities. As a result, participation in the sport(s), competition(s), or program(s) is conditioned on arrangements being made for transportation both to and from the event. • Important: Have the students PRINT THEIR NAME AND GRADE along with YOUR NAME at the top of the form. • Fill in the “Activity/Date” lines at the bottom section of the form. Procedure for Activity Lists Sponsoring Teacher Instructions Activity Lists: Hard Copy to Attendance A. Coaches or advisors will fill out an activity list and have it signed by an administrator at least 48 hours in advance. (Blank forms are under the counter in the front Attendance Office). B. Give one copy to the Attendance office at least 2 days in advance. The Attendance Office will put the activity list on Power School. C. Give one copy to every student involved in the activity two days before the activity. Students are expected to show the activity list to their other teacher(s) 24 hours in advance so they can get their assignments. The activity list should be with the student the day of the activity and is their “pass” out of class. The names of all Riverton High School students involved in the activity should be on the list. However, if there are 9th grade students included in the activity, their names should NOT be mixed in with the Riverton High students. Teachers may make note at the bottom regarding 9th grade students who are involved in the activity. D. If further clarification is needed, please see any of the administrators, DO NOT PLACE ACTIVITY LISTS IN EVERY TEACHER’S BOX! Classroom Teacher Instructions • A student is considered school excused when they have a completed Activity form. • Students should be allowed to complete missed work when they are at a schoolsponsored activity. Updated June 2012 Parent Field Trip Notification Teacher: __________________________________ Class: _____________________ Period:__________________ Field trip date: __________________________________________________________ Destination: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned parent/guardian, understand my student has the opportunity to participate in an upcoming field trip. My student will be required to use school approved transportation in order to attend this field trip. All participating students must have this form signed and returned to the field trip teacher at least two school days prior to the field trip date. Transportation fees: ____________________________________________________________________________ Additional fees: ____________________________ Departure Time: ________________ am pm (circle one) Return Time: _____________________________________________ _ am pm (circle one) Class periods missed while on field trip: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (circle appropriate number) Please sign ONLY if you want your student to participate in this activity: Parent Guardian signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________ _ Teacher Field Trip Approval Form I am requesting administrative approval for the following field trip: Teacher:______________________________________ Field trip date:__________________________ Class:_______________________________________ Destination: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Departure Time: _______________ am pm (circle one) Return Time: _____________ am pm (circle one) Transportation fee per student: Additional student fees: Class periods missed while on field trip: - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (circle appropriate number) Teacher supervising non-attending field trip students: ________________________________________ Teacher signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Administration signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________ If you are gone for more than one class period and your conference period, you will need to arrange for a substitute teacher to cover your other classes. You do not need a substitute if you are taking all of your classes on the field trip. This completed form is due four weeks prior to the field trip. All ATE transportation requests for field trips must go through Gayle Whitefield. An Activity Excuse List must be given to Sandra Hash two school days prior to the field trip. For all students not attending your field trip, please arrange for their supervision. Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Section 9 Calendar Information Riverton High Calendar can be found by using the link on our home page rivertonhigh.com@jordandistrict.org or here: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=rivertonhigh@jordandistrict. org&ctz=America/Denver&gsessionid=OK 2012-2013 Riverton High Dance Schedule (B) Boy’s Choice Dance (G) Girl’s Choice Dance Sat. Sept. 29 Homecoming Dance 7-10 pm Gym Date (B) semi formal Sat. Oct. 27 Girls Pref 7-10 pm Gym Date (G) casual Sat. Dec. 15 Silver Rush stomp 7-10 pm Gym Stag casual Sat. Jan. 12 Boys Pref 7-10 pm Gym Date (B) casual Sat. Feb. 16 Sweethearts Dance 7-10 pm Gym Date (G) semi formal Sat. Apr. 6 Junior Prom 7:30-10:30pm Capitol Date (B) formal Fri. Apr. 12 Election Stomp 7-10 pm Gym Stag casual Sat. May 4 MORP 7-10 pm Gym Date (G) casual Sat. May 18 Senior Dinner Dance 6-10pm Fri. May 31 Yearbook Stomp 7-10 pm Updated June 2012 Little America-Seniors only, Gym Stag Stag Semi-Formal casual Updated June 2012 Section 10 Finances Guidelines for Handling Finances for Riverton High School To insure the proper handling of school funds by all school personnel and to satisfy requisite auditing processes, all Riverton High School organizations (clubs, classes, teams, etc.) are required to follow ALL of the following guidelines: 1. All students with money to deposit into any school organization are to give that money directly to the main office, indicating to the secretary receiving the money which account the money is to be credited to and exactly what it is for. Students depositing money will be given a receipt showing the amount of the deposit and the organization being credited. Students can then show this receipt to their organization’s advisor to verify the deposit made. 2. Faculty members are NOT to collect money from students for any reason. 3. Absolutely NO money is to be kept in the classroom or anywhere else in the school except the designated secure location in the main office. 4. All money collected by the main office is deposited in a bank on the same day the money is collected. Money collected after regular school hours will be locked in the school vault in the main office and deposited on the next school day. 5. Riverton High School will accept personal checks for the exact amount only. No change will be given. All checks need to be made out to Riverton High School and have the student’s name and grade written in the lower left-hand corner of the check. 6. All fundraisers MUST be approved by both the school and district administrator BEFORE the fundraising plans are implemented and a school purchase order filled out for approval. 7. Students who participate in fundraisers and submit checks should write their name and grade in the lower left-hand corner on the check. Students participating in fund raising activities are responsible for the cost of items or materials given to them. 8. All returned checks are automatically sent to Associated Financial Systems. This organization charge the account owner the amount of the check plus a returned check charge of $20.00 Updated June 2012 9. Organizations are expected to practice sound financial management, making sure that all expenses are paid promptly and that necessary resources are available to cover, not only these expenses, but also expenses that arise from students who qualify for fee waivers. All Riverton High School organizations are expected to operate within their designated budgets. Advisors are expected to be aware of current account balances. 10. A student who does NOT qualify for a fee waiver and who has not paid for an activity BEFORE the activity, should not be allowed to participate. (DO NOT AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION BASED UPON AN AGREEMENT THAT THE ACTIVITY WILL BE PAID BY THE STUDENT AFTER THE ACTIVITY). 11. A student who has applied for a fee waiver should be allowed to participate in an activity without paying ONLY IF and ONLY AFTER the administration has verified that the student does qualify for the waiver. 12. Organizations should use a school purchase order to purchase needed items. The advisor is NOT to sign blank purchase orders. If the amount of the purchase(s) is unknown, the advisor should write on the purchase order “Not to exceed $_____“so the principal knows an approximate amount he is approving. Purchase orders that are NOT filled out completely and properly will NOT be signed and approved. All invoices and/or receipts from vendors who accept school purchase orders are to be given to the financial secretary no later than the next working day. 13. Cash purchases should only be made if the vendor will not accept a purchase order. If a business will not accept a Riverton High School purchase order and an item must be purchased from that business, the individual must still get prior approval on a school purchase order. This approval, plus a valid business receipt, is required for reimbursement. All receipts are to be signed and notation of activity or account should be made on the receipts. 14. NO reimbursement will be made for sales taxes paid. A tax-exempt form should be secured in the main office before making purchases. 15. District policy does not allow the school to cash checks. Please do not ask main office personnel to make exceptions to this policy. 16. All class participation fees (i.e. art, music, etc...) should be paid by mid-term of the first quarter of the class, if participation fees have not been paid by the end of the first quarter of the class, a fine sheet should be generated and sent to the main office. 17. Any sport participation fee (drill, athletics, cheer, etc.) must be paid BEFORE the athlete can participate. Updated June 2012 Jordan District High School Fee Schedule High School Fee Schedule 2012-13 Required Fees (for fully or partially enrolled students) Registration Fee $105.00 Instructional Technology Support 10th Grade $10.00 Language Arts Elective Fees and Other Charges Entry Level Elective Class Fees $20.00 max. Advanced Level ElectiveClass Fees(Limitation $30.00 max. not applicable to elective CTE projects.) Instructional Technology Support Fee per $10.00 Class Class Changes (Non-essential, student- $5.00 requested) Make-up Classes (local school — per quarter $35.00 credit) Non- District Test Proctoring $35.00 Valley High Summer School Make-up $45.00 Classes–Registration Fee Valley High Summer School Make-up $35.00 Classes–Fee Per Class/.25 credit Summer Participation Skils and Techniques $120.00 (PST) Competency Class Enrichment Labs (After school AP program) $35.00 Driver Education Class $95.00 Summer Driver Education Class $140.00 Fitness for Life Competency Test $35.00 Fitness for Life Make-up Test $35.00 Content Area Competency Test $85.00* Algebra I, American Government and Citizenship, Biology, Computer Literacy, Earth Systems, General Financial Literacy, World Language Arts 12, World Geography, World Languages Jordan Symphony Orchestra $100.00 Music Instrument Rental (per instrument) $80.00 Yearbooks (includes tax) $42.75 Parking Permit $20.00 Updated June 2012 *USOE required fee for state tests administered at Granite School District Testing Center Extracurricular Participation Fees 2012-13 Baseball $175.00 Basketball $150.00 Cheerleaders $75.00 Uniform (Student Purchase) up to $300.00 Color Guard/Winter Guard $100.00 Cross Country $100.00 Uniform (Student Purchase) up to $150.00 Dance Company $125.00 Debate $100.00 Drama $100.00 Drill Team $175.00 Football $175.00 Golf $150.00 Uniform (Student Purchase) up to $150.00 Marching Band $150.00 Music (Performing Groups) – Instrumental $50.00 Uniform (Student Purchase) Music (Performing Groups) – Vocal Uniform (Student Purchase) up to $150.00 $50.00 up to $150.00 Soccer $125.00 Softball $175.00 Swimming $75.00 Uniform (Student Purchase) Tennis Uniform (Student Purchase) up to $150.00 $75.00 up to $150.00 Track & Field $100.00 Volleyball $125.00 Wrestling $125.00 Optional Spirit Pack Limits (per student 2012-13 maximum cost) Baseball $250.00 Basketball $250.00 Cheerleaders $250.00 Updated June 2012 Color/Winter Guard $250.00 Cross Country $250.00 Dance Company $250.00 Debate $250.00 Drama $250.00 Drill Team $250.00 Football $250.00 Golf $250.00 Marching Band $250.00 Music $250.00 Softball $250.00 Soccer $250.00 Swimming $250.00 Tennis $250.00 Track & Field $250.00 Volleyball $250.00 Wrestling $250.00 JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of . . . POLICY Number: AA408 Effective 7/8/86 : Revision 4/12/88 : SUBJECT: Fees I. Board Policy Pursuant to action taken by the 1986 State Legislature and subsequent rulings on that action by the State Board of Education, Jordan School District created (1) an official fee policy, and (2) a fee waiver guideline. The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of administering this policy. II. Administration Policy The following definitions and standards shall serve as guidelines for local principals as they assess and collect fees at the local school level. Updated June 2012 Guidelines A. Definitions Fee: Any charge, deposit, rental, or other mandatory payment, however designated, whether in the form of money or goods. For purposes of this policy, charges related to the National School Lunch Program are not fees. Provisions in Lieu of Fee Waiver: An alternative to fee payment and waiver of fee payment. Student Supplies: Items which are the personal property of a student which, although used in the instructional process, are also commonly purchased and used by persons not enrolled in the class or activity in question and have a high probability of regular use in other than school-sponsored activities. The term includes pencils, papers, notebooks, crayons, scissors, basic clothing for healthy lifestyle classes, undergarments for athletics, and similar personal or consumable items over which a student retains ownership. Optional Project: A project chosen and retained by a student in a vocational class or other class where projects are part of the curriculum, in lieu of a meaningful and productive project otherwise available to the student which would require only school-supplied materials. Elementary Schools: Schools which contain grades K through 6. Secondary Schools: Schools which contain grades 7 through 12. Textbook: Book, workbook, and materials similar in function which are required for participation in any instructional course. Waiver: Release from the requirement of payment of a fee and from any provision in lieu of fee payment. Students who have been granted waivers or provisions in lieu of fee waivers shall not be treated differently from other students or identified to persons who do not need such information. B. Standards 1. Classes and Activities During the Regular School Day a. No fee may be charged for any class or activity in kindergarten through sixth grade, including assemblies and field trips. (Elementary Schools) b. Textbook, lab, and other course-related fees may only be charged in grades seven through twelve. (Secondary Schools) c. Students must be able to enroll and participate in any class, and have the opportunity to acquire all skills and knowledge required for full credit and highest grades. They may do this without paying a fee or participating in a fund raising activity with the following exceptions: (1) Students of all grade levels may be required to provide materials for their optional projects. (2) Student supplies must be provided for elementary students. A student may, however, be required to replace supplies provided by the school which are lost, Updated June 2012 wasted, or damaged by the student due to careless or irresponsible behavior. (3) Secondary students may be required to provide their own student supplies. 2. School Activities Outside of the Regular School Day a. Fees may be charged in connection with any school-sponsored activity, regardless of the age or grade level of the student, if participation is voluntary and does not affect a student's grade or ability to participate fully in any course taught during the day. b. Fees related to extracurricular activities sponsored by the Utah High School Activities Association may not exceed limits established by the Association. Activity fees for secondary schools are required and established annually. Student fees at the home school are discounted with activity pass. Family discount passes are available at the home school. 3. General Provisions a. No fee may be charged or assessed in connection with any class or school sponsored or supported activity, including extracurricular activities, unless the fee has been set and approved by the local board of education in accordance with this policy. b. Fee schedules and policies for the entire district shall be adopted at least once each year by the local board of education in a regularly scheduled public meeting of the board. Provision shall be made for broad public notice and participation in the development of fee schedules and waiver policies. c. The District shall adopt procedures to reasonably ensure that the parent or guardian of each student receives written notice of fee schedules and fee waiver policies before the fees are due. Procedures for fee waivers shall be written in language that is easily understood and included with student registration materials. d. No present or former student may be denied receipt of transcripts or a diploma for failure to pay school fees other than a reasonable charge made to cover the cost of duplicating or mailing. No charge may be made for duplicating or mailing copies of school records to an elementary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled or intends to enroll. e. A Board of Education shall provide, as part of any fee policy or schedule, for adequate waivers or other provisions to ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to participate in a class or school sponsored or supported activity because of an inability to pay a fee. The waiver policy shall include procedures to ensure that: (1) A person is designated in each school to administer the policy and grant waivers (school principal); (2) The process for obtaining waivers or pursuing alternatives is administered fairly, objectively, and without students and parents; (3) Fee waivers or other provisions in lieu of fee waivers are available to all students who are in state custody or receiving public assistance in the form of aid to dependent children, general relief, supplemental security income, or foster care, and others whose parents or guardians are financially unable to pay; (4) Textbook fees are waived for all eligible students in accordance with §53-13a-4 of the Utah Code; (5) Parents are given the opportunity to review proposed alternatives to fee waivers; (6) An appeal process is available, including the opportunity to appeal to the board or its designee; and Updated June 2012 (7) The Board provides for balancing of financial inequities among district schools, if the granting of waivers and alternatives to waivers produces significant inequities through unequal impact on individual schools. f. To preserve equal opportunity for all students and to limit diversion of money and school and staff resources from the basic school program, each district's fee policies shall be designed to limit student expenditures for school sponsored activities, including expenditures for activities, uniforms, clubs, clinics, travel, and subject area and vocational leadership organizations whether local, state or national. g. Expenditures for uniforms, costumes, clothing, and accessories, if other than typical student dress, which are required for participants in choirs, pep clubs, drill teams, athletic teams, bands, orchestras, and other student groups, are fees requiring approval of the local Board of Education. h. The requirements of fee waiver and availability of other provisions in lieu of fee waiver do not apply to charges assessed pursuant to a student's damaging or losing school property. Schools may pursue reasonable methods for obtaining payment for such charges, but may not exclude students from school or withhold transcripts or diplomas to obtain payment of those charges. i. Charges for class rings, letter jackets, and similar articles not required for participation in a class or activity are not fees and are not subject to the waiver requirements of this policy. JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Statement of . . . POLICY Number: AA417 Effective: 7/11/74 Revision: 9/8/09 SUBJECT: Fund Raising I. Board Policy The Board recognizes that there are times when it may be beneficial to raise funds for specific projects and school activities. The Board also recognizes its responsibility to protect students, parents and community members of the District from undue pressures applied through these fund-raising efforts. The guidelines outlined in this policy are intended to provide schools with the ability to raise funds without unduly pressuring students, patrons, and/or community members to support or participate in fund-raising activities. The Board provides funds for specific educational functions on an equitable basis; therefore, no school partnership or fund-raising effort will be approved that would generate funds for the following categories: 1. Textbooks and supplies (the purchase of) Updated June 2012 2. Transportation of students between school and home on a regular basis 3. The purchase or construction of an additional classroom(s) 4. The hiring of licensed, classified, or paraprofessional staff The Board delegates to the District Administration the responsibility of administering this policy. II. Administration Policy All schools may participate annually in the following fund-raisers: • One fund-raiser sponsored by the school and/or PTA • One fund-raiser sponsored by the School Community Council • Two charitable fund-raisers (such as activities sponsored by nonprofit [501C-3] organizations or Sub-for-Santa) The Administration shall approve fund-raisers that meet the guidelines listed below: Guidelines A. A needs assessment must be conducted before a fund-raiser can be approved, in order to determine the amount of funds required and the methods used to raise the funds. B. All local school fund-raisers must be submitted in writing to the Area Administrator of Schools for review and prior approval. C. Students must not be compelled to sell or purchase products or services and must be free to voluntarily participate without peer or group pressure. Care must be taken in awarding bonuses or prizes to individuals or groups so that students do not feel pressured into competitive selling. D. Students are not to miss class to participate in fund-raisers. E. Charitable fund raising will not be endorsed or sponsored on a Districtwide basis. The local school, with the endorsement of the School Community Council and approval of the Area Administrator of Schools, may participate in no more than two charitable fund-raisers per year. Materials that advertise other charitable fund-raising activities may be placed in the school office, or other locations to be determined by the school administration. Level Guidelines The guidelines for elementary school and middle school vary from guidelines for high school. Funds raised in elementary and middle schools are primarily used to support school activities, enhance instruction, and for general operational assistance for school/community organizations. Elementary and middle school students are restricted by policy from participating in overnight travel. High school students frequently raise funds for travel expenses, specialized equipment, and uniforms. Due to the unique demands for activity program funding at the high school level, high schools are allowed more opportunities to raise Updated June 2012 funds. Elementary and Middle School A. Based on the needs assessment, one annual major fund-raiser that involves students in the sale of a product/service will be allowed. This activity must: 1. Be consistent with the generally accepted moral and ethical standards and practices of the Jordan District community. 2. Be reviewed by the School Community Council. 3. Be approved by the Area Administrator of Schools. 4. Not involve door-to-door sales. B. A schoolwide campaign to raise funds through parent and student donations, not involving the sale of a product/service, is considered a fund-raiser and must meet all of the applicable guidelines of this policy. C. In addition to the one major fund-raiser, the School Community Council is allowed one fund-raiser each year. This fund-raiser must be selected from the list of Jordan Education Foundation partnership organizations provided to each school (see Jordan Education Foundation Guidelines A1). D. Parent donations to support a specific activity (e. g. fieldtrips) in the school will be accepted and will not be considered a fund-raiser if the following stipulations are met: 1. Donations may be solicited but are entirely elective with regards to parent participation. 2. Donations must not be a factor in determining if a student participates in the activity for which the donations are solicited. 3. Donations must be solicited in writing and approved by the school administration . 4. Donations must be accounted for and recorded through the school office. High School A. Based on the needs assessments, fund-raisers that involve students in the sale of a product/service or the solicitation of a donation will be allowed. The fund-raiser must: 1. Be consistent with the generally accepted moral and ethical standards and practices of the Jordan District community. 2. Be reviewed by the School Community Council. 3. Be approved by the Area Administrator of Schools. 4. Not involve door-to-door sales. Business Partnerships Guidelines A. School-based business partnerships that generate revenue, products, or services for the school, based on voluntary participation of students, parents, and community members that do not involve students or the school in the sale of a product/service, are exempt from the level guidelines of this policy. B. All requests to form school-based business partnerships must be reviewed and approved by the School Community Council on an annual basis. C. Any approved school-based business partnership may request and receive the same promotional access to students and parents afforded to any other school-approved partnership. Jordan Education Foundation Guidelines A. Fund-raiser Partnerships (Foundation-Initiated) 1. The Jordan Education Foundation develops partnerships with organizations for the Updated June 2012 purpose of raising funds for the schools and the Foundation. A list of these organizations is disseminated to the schools on a regular basis. School personnel are encouraged to consider these partnership organizations, among others, in determining the methods used to raise funds for the school or school organizations. As noted earlier in this policy, all School Community Council fund-raisers must be selected from the Jordan Education Foundation list of partnership fund-raisers. 2. The Jordan Education Foundation Director shall consult with the Superintendent of Schools or a designee prior to disseminating fund-raising information to the schools in the district. 3. All Jordan Education Foundation partnership fund-raisers are subject to the level guidelines of this policy. B. Advertising Partnerships (commercial and nonprofit) 1. The Jordan Education Foundation and the Jordan School District may not distribute advertisements to students unless there is a direct financial benefit to the district from the sale of the advertised product/service. All requests to distribute advertising to students must be reviewed and approved by the Jordan Education Foundation Director. The Foundation Director will approve no more than two requests per month, using criteria that evaluate the reputation of the advertising entity and the potential for revenue to support Foundation activities, among others. The local school administration is responsible to insure that any advertising to be distributed to students has been approved by the Jordan Education Foundation Director. 2. Advertisements from all other commercial enterprises may be placed in the school office for interested students and parents with the approval of the school administration. Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012 Updated June 2012