
Health Fifth Grade
Amy Mojica
Summary: Introduction of class content, expectations, and assessments.
Establish rules of the classroom. Discuss general healthy influences on
three areas, personal, community, and environmental health. Discuss
the interactions between them.
Grade: Fifth Grade
Time Frame: 45-minute class period
Subjects: Health
Topics: Health, Classroom rules, Class expectations, Healthy influences
on Personal, Community and Environmental Health
Standards: NYS Learning Standards for Health and PE 1, 2, 3
Essential Questions:
Identify one rule that should apply to our classroom?
Identify three healthy choices that would positively affect ones personal
health? Community health? Environmental health?
Knowledge and Skills:
Understand content and course expectations. Acknowledge the myriad
of healthy choices and factors that influence health, brainstorm
classroom rules, acquire homework worksheet and parent packet.
Performance Task: 1. Do Now 2. Create classroom rules
Performance Prompt: Complete the Do Now worksheet thinking about
our course content and classroom environment
Assessment/ Rubrics: 1. Complete the Do Now worksheet. 2. Thinking
about the course content, what are rules you would like to implement in
our classroom to create a positive and supportive learning
Sequence of Activities:
1. Do Now One
2. Introduction of teacher and course content
3. Introduce class expectations and assessments
4. Discuss classroom rules-use Do Now for answers
5. Scattagories game for Personal, Community, and Environmental
health issues- use Do Now for answers
6. Scattagories for Personal Community and Environmental- healthy
7. Hand out Parent Packet and Interview Assignment
Differentiated Instruction:
Seating chart for best classroom performance, activities include writing,
kinesthetic smart board usage, conversation, group activity, and
intrapersonal reflection
Do Now One, Smart Board, Parent Packet, Interview assignment, paper
and markers