HPA 1224 (section 1) Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

HPA 1224 (section 1)
Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Instructor: Carma Repcheck, Ph D, M Ed
Office: 104 Trees Hall
Phone: 412-648-3186
Email: crs24@pitt.edu
Class Meetings:Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30-9:25am, lab 9:30-10:25am**
Class Location:Lecture-129 Trees Hall Lab- Human Energy Lab Trees Hall
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for careers in
the health/fitness and wellness setting, such as corporate wellness or a personal training facility.
Specifically, students will obtain the skills needed to evaluate medical history questionnaires, administer
preliminary health screening, administer fitness assessments, assess, design, and implement exercise
programs for apparently healthy individuals and special populations, as well as skills needed to instruct
various cardiorespiratory, resistance, and flexibility exercises. This course also prepares students for the
American College of Sports Medicine Health Fitness Instructor Certification. This certification is
considered the “gold standard” of all health-fitness instructor certifications and is required by many
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will have:
-Ability to assess health status of individuals and conduct preliminary health screenings
-Ability to administer, evaluate, and interpret fitness assessments for body composition,
cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility in a laboratory and field setting
-Ability to prescribe an appropriate exercise program for apparently healthy individuals and special
population, including seniors and children and adolescents.
-Abilities to design and implement various cardiorespiratory, resistance, and flexibility exercises for
apparently healthy individuals, special populations, and individuals with physical limitations.
Required Materials:
-ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th Edition, ACSM’s Health Related Physical
Fitness Assessment Manual Fourth Edition
Suggested Texts:
-Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training (Mark Vella)
-ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescriptions, 7th Edition
Methods and Evaluation:
Attendance is Mandatory. Practical skills required for exams, certifications, as well as future careers will
be taught each week. There are no lab make-ups.
Attendance Policy:
1 absence = no penalty
2 absences = 1 letter grade
3 absences = fail
Laboratory and Class Assignments-20%
Laboratories will be conducted over the course of the semester and will include assessing HR and BP,
body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility. Laboratory assignments
will require the student to analyze and interpret results, as well as answer questions pertaining to the
specific lab. All laboratory assignments must be typed and completed on time and to the satisfaction of
the instructor. Assignments not typed, and not submitted on time will not be accepted. A “zero” grade
will result.
Mid-Term-30% and Practical Exam 10%
Final Exam 30% and Practical Exam-10%
Throughout the course of the semester, practical exams will be administered. These exams will require
each student to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to administer, evaluate, and interpret
fitness assessments. This course is a prerequisite for Teaching Experience I and Clinical Internship in
which the student is required to perform skills learned in class in a work environment. If the student
does not pass the practical exams then the student will not be permitted to advance to the Teaching
Experience Assignments or the Clinical Internship.
Grading Scale:
Points earned will be expressed as a percentage of the total number of points possible and converted to
a letter grade as follows:
97% and above A+, 93-96.9 A, 90-92.9 A-,87-89.9 B+, 83-86.9 B, 80-82.9 B-, 77-79.9 C+, 73-76.9 C, 7072.9 C-, 67-69.9 D+, 63-66.9 D, 60-62.9 D-, 59.9%-and below F
Ethical Considerations:
Any student found cheating on an exam, practical exam, or lab will result in failure of this course.
Professional Courtesy:
Cell phones, or other communication devices must be turned off during class time. No texting.
Special Needs:
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged
to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 216 William Pitt Union, (412) 6487890, (412) 383-7355 (TTY) . Please do this as early as possible. DRS will verify your disability and
determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
Tentative Course ScheduleInstructor may alter the schedule based on the needs of the students and/ or the instructor.
Lecture 1/6/2014-Introduction, Review of course syllabus
Lecture 1/8/2014-Introduction to PA/Fitness –Chapter 1 ACSM Guidelines*(lab 1)
Lecture 1/13/2014-Health Screening/Risk Stratification*(lab 1)
Lecture 1/15/2014- Health Screening/Risk Stratification-Case Study*(lab 2)
NO CLASS 1/20/2014
Lecture 1/22/2014-Case studies, Pre-exercise Evaluations-Chapters 2 &3 ACSM Guidelines*
(lab 2)
Lecture 1/27/2014 -Blood pressure and HR, chapter 3 & 4 ACSM Guidelines * (lab 3)
Lecture 1/29/2014-Blood pressure and HR* (lab 3)
Lecture 2/3/2014-Body composition, chapter 4 ASCM Guidelines* (lab 4)
Lecture 2/5/2014-Body composition (lab 4)
Exam 2/10/2014
Lecture 2/17/2014-Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Chapter 4 and 5 ACSM Guidelines* (lab 5)
Lecture 2/19/2014- Case Studies * (lab 5)
Practicals-2/24, 2/26, 2/28/2014
Lecture 3/3/2014- Cardiorespiratory Fitness* (lab 6)
Lecture 3/5/2014 –Cardiorespiratory Fitness*(lab 6)
3/9-16/2014 Spring Break
Lectures 3/17 & 3/19/2014–Muscle strength chapters 4 and 7* (lab 7)
Lectures 3/24 & 3/26/2014- Flexibility chapters 4 and 7* (lab 8)
Lectures 3/31 & 4/2/2014- Special Pops and chapters 8, 9, 10
Practicals-4/7, 4/9, 4/11/2014
Lecture 4/14/2014 Review
Final Exam TBA
*Labs occur on these days
** These occur outside of the Monday/Wednesday schedule. Every effort will be
made to accommodate the students ‘ schedule.