Class -10-State and Power

Hartanto, SIP, MA
Program Studi Hubungan Internasional
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ekonomi
Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
 State
is central in IR Studies
 Fundamental Condition should be met
• Teritorial Base, geographically defined
• Stable population within boundary
• Government
• Recognize diplomatically by other state
is a legal geopolitical entity that has a
permanent population, defined territory, and a
legitimate government. Entitas yang berdiri
akibat munculnya perjanjian westphalian 1648
yang memisahkan negara dan agama.
 NATION refers much more specifically to a
group of people who feel themselves bound
together by strong cultural, historical, religious,
or linguistic ties.
 NATION STATE a nation with a political
construct, i.e. territorially defined boundaries,
legal government, and foreign recognition.
 Normative
order, a symbol for the
particular society
 The beliefs that bind the people living
within its border
 The entity that has a monopoly on the
legitimate use of violence within a
 Functional unit that takes on a number of
important responsibilities, centralizing
and unifying them
 State
enjoys sovereignty but is not an
autonomous actor
 A process, involving contending interests
 A reflection both governmental and
societal interest
 The repository of multiple and changing
national interests
 The possessor of fungible source of
 Generally
hold a statist, or state centric
 The State is an autonomous actor
 Constrained only by the structural
anarchy of the international system
 Sovereign
 Guided by a national interest that is
defined in terms of power
 Power is very important
Executing agent of the
Bourgeoisie react to direct
societal pressure from the
capitalist class
State as operating within
the structure of the
capitalist system
Within the system the state
is driven to expand not
because of direct pressure
but because of imperative
of the capitalis system
 The
executing agent of the bourgeoisie
 Influenced by pressure from the capitalist
 Constrained by the structure of the
international capitalist system
 Influence
and control the outcome
 States have power vis a vis each other
and with respect within the state
 Power is a multidimensional relationship
 Geographic
size and position
 Natural resources
 Population
 Industrial
 Class differencies
 National
 Public Suport
 Leadership
Express to the target state, either publicly or privately,
unhappiness with its policy choice
Suggest that a better relationship would follow if the
target state’s action change in a specific way
Threaten that negative consequences will follow if the
target state continues to move in specific direction
Turn to an international body to seek multilateral
legitimization for its position thus enlisting the support of
other states on its behalf
Give the target state what it wants (Diplomatic
recognition, foreign aid) in return for desired action
Remove what the target state wants (reduce foreign aid,
withdraw diplomat, sever diplomatic ties) when it takes
undesirable action
 Positive
sanction, “offer carot” for moving
in desirable action
 Negative sanction, punish the state target
for moving in undesirable action
 Depends on its power potential
 Used by great power ex. USA
 Weak states can use this if controlling on
great natural resources ex. OPEC
sanction to USA during Arab-Israle War
 Get
a target state to do something
 Get a target state to undo something that
has done (deterrence)
 Keep an adversary from doing something
 Deterrence
adalah suatu tindakan
ancaman militer terhadap pihak lain
dengan maksud untuk mencegah agar
pihak lain tersebut tidak melakukan
tindakan agresif atau serangan militer.
 Jadi deterrence merupakan suatu
tindakan pencegahan terhadap suatu
aksi yang tidak dikehendaki sebelum hal
tersebut terjadi (war prevention). Bersifat
Adalah suatu usaha untuk mencegah peperangan
dengan cara men-discourage potensial agresor agar
tidak menyerang.
Caranya dengan mengancam pihak potensial agresor
bahwa setiap serangan akan dibalas dengan kekuatan
yang hebat sehingga kerugian yang akan diterima jauh
melebihi keuntungan yang diperkirakannya akan
diperoleh dari penyerangan tersebut.
 Defense
adalah usaha untuk mengurangi
kemampuan pihak musuh untuk menghancurkan atau
menguasai sesuatu dari pihak defender. Tujuannya
adalah untuk melawan pihak penyerang guna
meminimalkan kerugian setelah deterrence gagal
 Compellence
adalah suatu tindakan
penggunaan kekuatan secara aktif
dengan maksud untuk memaksa lawan
agar melakukan suatu (misal mundur)
atau menghentikan suatu tindakan yang
sudah sedang dijalankan (misal
menghentikan perang). Jadi
Compellence ini adalah suatu tidakan
yang dilakukan jika atau manakala
deterrence sudah gagal.
 Contoh
compellence yang sukses adalah
apa yang dilakukan oleh Presiden
Kennedy terhadap Pemimpin Uni Soviet,
N. Khrushchev dalam kasus Teluk Babi,
Cuba tahun 1962