Resonance Production in RHIC collisions Christina Markert Kent State University • • • • Christina Markert for the STAR Collaboration Motivation Resonance in hadronic phase RAA, elliptic flow v2 Chiral symmetry restoration (Future plans) Summary 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 1 Number of events 10 8 6 Why Resonances ? Resonances are: K*-(892) • Excited state of a ground state hadron. • With higher mass but same quark content. • Decay strongly short life time (~10-23 seconds = few fm/c ), width = reflects lifetime = h/t • Can be formed in collisions between the hadrons into which they decay. 2 4 Luis Walter Alvarez 1968 Nobel Prize for “ resonance particles ” discovered 1960 0 minv 640 680 720 E1 E2 2 p1 p 2 2 760 800 840 880 920 Invariant mass (K0+p) [MeV/c2] STAR K* from K-+p collision system K p K* p K0 p Bubble chamber, Berkeley M. Alston (L.W. Alvarez) et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 6 (1961) 300. Christina Markert Why Resonances?: • Short lifetime decay in medium • Surrounding nuclear medium may change resonance properties • Chiral symmetry restoration: Dropping mass -> width, branching ratio RHIC: No strong indication of medium modification (mass, width) But: Indication of extended lifetime of hadronic medium. 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 2 Thermal Models Describe Hadronic Yields hadron-chemistry: particle ratios chemical freeze-out properties T Tchemical chemical Thermalized system of hadrons can be described by statistical model (mass dependence) Average multiplicity of hadron j (Boltzmann) STAR white paper Nucl Phys A757 (05) 102 ~75% pions ~15% kaons ~10% baryons Christina Markert nj • • 2 J j 1 2p 3 3 d p exp p 2 m 2j / T ) Tch ≈ TC ≈ 165 ± 10 MeV Chemical freeze-out ≈ hadronization. s ~ u, d Strangeness is chemically equilibrated. 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 3 p p L* re-scattering p L* K kinetic freeze-out chemical freeze-out Hadronic Re-scattering and Regeneration K K signal measured late decay K signal lost p K signal measured regeneration time UrQMD: Signal loss in invariant mass reconstruction L(1520) SPS (17 GeV) [1] 50% 26% RHIC (200GeV) [2] 30% 23% Depends on: • hadronic phase density • hadronic phase lifetime Regeneration: statistical hadronic recombination [1] Soff et al., J.Phys G27 (2001) 449 [2] M.Bleicher et al. J.Phys G30 (2004) 111 Christina Markert Life-time [fm/c] : L(1520) = 13 (1020) = 45 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 4 L(1520) Results in p+p and Pb+Pb at SPS L(1520)/L in p+p and Pb+Pb NA49 Experiment preliminary C. Markert for the NA49 collaboration, QM2001 UrQMD: rescattering of decay particle signal loss in invariant mass reconstruction L(1520) = 50% , = 26% Hadronic phase after chemical freeze-out Christina Markert Fit to NA49 data [Becattini et al.: hep-ph/0310049] Thermal model does not described L(1520)/L ratio 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 5 Resonance Signals in p+p and Au+Au collisions from STAR p+p p+p Au+Au (1385) K(892) Au+Au K(892) K+ p D(1232) (1020) L(1520) (1385) p+p p+ p K+K p +K L+p D (1020) L(1520) p+p Au+Au Christina Markert p+p 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 Au+Au 6 Interactions of Resonance in Hadronic Nuclear Medium Life-time [fm/c] : K892 ~ 4.0 1385 ~ 5.7 L1520 ~ 13 1020 ~ 44 Dt Preliminary UrQMD Dt =10±3 fm/c [1] P. Braun-Munzinger,PLB 518(2001) 41, priv. communication [2] Marcus Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 81. M. Bleicher and Horst Stöcker J. Phys.G30 (2004) 111. Christina Markert K* and L* show rescattering * shows regeneration Regeneration/Rescattering cross section: sKp) < s Kp < s Lp ? L* K* * 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 7 Temperature and “Life-time” from K* and L* (STAR) Life time: K(892) = 4 fm/c L(1520) = 13 fm/c G. Torrieri and J. Rafelski, Phys. Lett. B509 (2001) 239 Model includes: • Temperature at chemical freeze-out • “Life-time” between chemical and thermal freeze-out • By comparing two particle ratios (no regeneration) Lambda1520 T= 160 MeV Dt > 4 fm/c K(892) T = 160 MeV Dt > 1.5 fm/c L(1520)/L = 0.039 0.015 at 10% most central Au+Au K*/K- = 0.23 0.05 at 0-10% most central Au+Au Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 8 Lifetime of Nuclear Medium Tchemical Tchemical Dt > 4 fm/c resonances Lifetime from: Balance function ? t ~ 10 fm/c (HBT) Partonic phase Dt < 6 fm/c C. Markert, G. Torrieri, J. Rafelski, hep-ph/0206260 + STAR delta lifetime > 4fm/c Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 9 Signal Loss in Low pT Region K(892) Preliminary Au+Au p+p D pT UrQMD K892 140 MeV 1385 90 MeV L1520 35 MeV flow pT Inverse slope increase from p+p to Au+Au collisions. UrQMD predicts signal loss at low pT due to rescattering of decay daughters. Inverse slopes T and mean pT are higher. Flow would increase pT of higher masse particles stronger. Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 10 RAA of Resonances (with rescattering) K(892) more suppressed in AA than Ks0 Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 K(892) are lower than Ks0 (and pt < 2.0 GeV factor of 2 11 Nuclear Modification Factor RdAu 1. K* is lower than Kaons in low pt d+Au no medium no rescattering why K* suppression in d+Au ? 2. * follows h+- and lower than protons . Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 12 Mean pT ≠ early freeze-out ? Resonance are regenerating close to kinetic feeze-out we measure late produced (1385) How is elliptic flow v2 effected ? Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 13 Elliptic flow v2 Resonances v2 and NCQ Scaling Test C. Nonaka, et al., Phys.Rev.C69: 031902,2004 pT (GeV) Fluid dynamics calculations (zero viscosity) describe data pT < 2 GeV Do Resonances show same mass splitting ? Number of Constituent Quark (NCQ) scaling at intermediate pT (2= mesons, 3= baryons) indication of partonic degrees of freedom Regenerated resonances–final state interactions NCQ = 5 (* = L +p =3+2) Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 14 elliptic flow v2 in minbias Au+Au 200 GeV dN 1 2v2 cos[ 2( R )] d pT = 1.0-1.5 GeV dN/d(-) v2=12±2% Elliptic flow Reaction plane signal 2(-) dN/d(-) v2=16±0.04% Inv mass (K+ K-) Bg of invmass 2( -) Kaon p < 0.6 GeV Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 Inv mass (K+ K-) 15 v2 of phi resonance in Au+Au 200GeV STAR Preliminary has long lifetime 45fm/c less rescattering or regeneration Elliptic flow of Φ-meson is close to Ks Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 Delta resonance ? 16 Resonance Response to Medium Temperature partons Shuryak QM04 (e.g. Glueballs) Shuryak hep-ph/0405066 Quark Gluon Plasma ( perfect liquid) Survival of mesonic heavy quark resonances Rapp et al., hep-ph/0505080 Initial deconfinement conditions: Determine T initial through J/ and state (+resonance states) dissociation Tc T Freeze hadrons Resonances below and above Tc: Gluonic bound states Chiral symmetry restoration Mass and width of resonances ( e.g. leptonic vs hadronic decay, chiral partners r and a1) Hadron Gas Hadronic time evolution Baryochemical potential (Pressure) Christina Markert From hadronization (chemical freeze-out) to kinetic freeze-out. 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 17 Chiral Symmetry Restoration Vacuum TOF cut |1/b-1| < 0.03 At Tc: Chiral Restoration STAR Experiment Data: ALEPH Collaboration STAR: R. Barate et al. Eur. Phys. J. C4 409 with (1998) electron hadron separation Time of Flight upgrade Hendrik van Hees (talk) Measure chiral partners Near critical temperature Tc (e.g. r and a1) a1 p + g Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 Ralf Rapp (Texas A&M) J.Phys. G31 (2005) S217-S230 18 Resonances from Jets to Probe Chirality T=170 MeV, bT=0 L* jets ? near Leading hadrons away Medium Bourquin and Gaillard Nucl. Phys. B114 (1976) Christina Markert L* • In p+p collisions resonances are predominantly formed as “leading particles” in jets. • Comparison of mass, width and yield of resonances from jets (no medium) with resonances from bulk (medium) 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 19 Summary • Hadronic resonances help to separate hadronic from partonic lifetime • Ranking of rescattering over regeneration cross section in medium. •Low pt RAA behavior confirms rescattering hypothesis. (RdAu puzzle?) • v2 of long lived resonances seems to follow stable particle trends (confirmation of NCQ scaling) • Exciting future program: resonance in jets. Christina Markert 22nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 20