Eastman Scholar Mathletes’ Lesson Plan Expectations Every participant must submit a lesson plan using the template provided. Lesson plans must be completed individually. Participants must submit one hard copy to the professor and one electronic copy submitted to their professor per their instructions for publication on the wikispace. All lesson plans must be original and any resources used cited appropriately. Each lesson plan should include a one page cover sheet containing the following, in this format: Title of Lesson Teacher Name School District Grade Level/Class All subsequent pages will contain the actual lesson plan. There should be NO IDENTIFYING factors within the body of the lesson plan (i.e. school information, Title I status, system information, etc.) Hard Copy Due Date: Tuesday morning, July 19th, 9:00 AM Electronic Copy Due Date: Friday morning, July 22nd,9:00 AM One iPad2 per class will be awarded on Friday, July 22nd.