Study Guide for Nervous and Endocrine Systems Topics NOT covered by Quick Quizzes ONLY - Anything on a Quick Quiz could be on the test! What is homeostasis? You should be able to answer this question: How do the nervous and endocrine systems maintain homeostasis? Comparison of Nervous and Endocrine Systems: NERVOUS SYSTEM Models used in class: tube/paper Text/tweet Specificity of signal Speed of signal Duration of signal NERVOUS SYSTEM Organization of the Nervous System Nervous System ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Functional Areas of the Brain – what functions are associated with these structural areas? Frontal Lobe Motor Cortex Parietal Lobe Sensory Cortex Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Limbic System (hippocampus, amygdala, olfactory bulbs, and other structures) Cerebellum Corpus Callosum Pituitary Gland Brain Injury What structures protect the brain? What is a concussion? Brain Development/Adolescent Brain What part of the brain matures last? How does this affect the behavior of teens? What does use it or lose it mean? Use neurons to describe how we learn something new. Reflexes and Reactions – what is the difference? Reflex Arc – Spinal Reflex 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM What do we call the signals used by the endocrine system? How do they travel? In what type of tissue do these signals originate? What is the difference between a positive feedback loop and a negative one? Example of positive feedback loops: Examples of negative feedback loops: You need to know the source, target, and action of at least two hormones. Explain this feedback loop: Classify each as endocrine or nervous or both Muscular movement Puberty Thinking Remembering Learning Emotions Giving birth Growth Digesting food