Vietnam - University of Chicago

Lessons and Legacies of War
Joshua Labove
University of Chicago
What, where, who is Vietnam?
• Population: 85 million, the 13th largest
country in the world
• Capital: Hanoi
• Largest city: Ho Chi Minh City
• Government system: Socialist Republic
• Resources: Mostly rice (in both Northern and
Southern Deltas)
• Motto: Independence, liberty, happiness
Flag of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City
History of Vietnam
History of Vietnam
• From 207 B.C. to the 10th Century, under the rule of
the Chinese dynasties
• From the 10th Century to the 19th Century, Vietnam
experienced a period of independence.
• In the mid-19th Century, France colonised in Vietnam
• This continued until World War II--when Japan
occupied Vietnam as a base for attacks against India.
• After World War II, Vietnam was split in to two
separate countries, North Vietnam and South
Vietnam, separated by a demilitarised zone, or an area
where weapons and armed forces were not permitted.
North Versus South Vietnam
• The North was supported
by Communist China and
Soviet Union.
• Ho Chi Minh had hoped
his ideals of liberty and
freedom would bring US
support, but his
Communist politics pushed
US support to the South.
• The South was
supported by the
United States.
• The United States saw
the emergence of
Communism under Ho
Chi Minh in the North
as a threat.
Ho Chi Minh
• Uncle Ho as he is called by
Vietnamese, is both a
national hero and much
loved and admired citizen
and scholar.
• His grave in Hanoi is an
important monument for
the Vietnamese, and
millions travel across the
country to pay their
respects to their leader.
People on mopeds and bikes in Hanoi pass by a sign
(with Ho Chi Minh’s picture) celebrating 60 years of
the modern independent Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh
• Born 1890
• In 1911, jumped on board a ship to France.
– While Uncle Ho spent some time studying in
Westminster, England, he eventually made his way back
to France.
– During this time, he embraced Communism and joined
the political groups rallying for human rights and equality
in French Indochina--which was the area in South Asia
that France occupied, including Vietnam.
The Death of Ho Chi Minh
• While Uncle Ho wished to
be creamated--with his
ashes scattered over the
North, Central, and
Southern mountain valleys,
the Vietnamese erected a
granite castle, or
mausoleum to house his
Vietnamese Culture
and Daily Life
Vietnamese Money
• Vietnam’s money is called the dong.
• $1 is worth about 15,000 dong.
• Even though Vietnam has its own currency,
the US Dollar is still the most common form
of money in the country--mostly because the
dong cannot be exchanged, transferred, or
used outside of Vietnam: it is embargoed
Coat of arms, or
official seal of
Ho Chi Minh
A 500,000 Vietnamese Dong bill--the largest note in Vietnam.
It’s worth about $30.
Vietnamese Food
• Vietnam’s food is a mixture of its occupiers
and neighbours--France, China, Thailand.
• A traditional Vietnamese breakfast is a
steaming hot bowl of pho, a thin noodle soup
with chicken and mix of vegetables and
• Food in the North tends to sweeter, while
food in the South tends to be spicier.
Vietnamese City Life
• City dwellers in Vietnam commute on mopeds or
bikes more commonly than by car.
• Streets are usually one way, but have no traffic
lights--which can make crossing the street a nervous
• In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, announcements
over speakerphones wake up the citizens and call
them to work and to have a successful day.
• Despite its rapid growth,Vietnam does not have a
McDonalds. Ho Chi Minh City opened a KFC a few
years ago, however.
Religion in Vietnam
• Even though the government reports that
most of the country, 80% or more, is not
religious, this is not entirely the case.
• Today, Buddhism enjoys a large following in
Vietnam, as well as several other tribal belief
systems that have many similarities with other
Arts and Crafts in Vietnam
• Crafts, especially pottery, lacquer ware, and
fabrics are very popular throughout the
• It is common to see street side vendors
selling tea sets, plates, puppets, blankets, and